Healthy Glowing Skin

Posted By: Suzanne

Healthy Glowing Skin - 05/04/10 09:06 PM

Healthy Skin

Healthy, nice skin is something we all want. And we would like to postpone the appearance of wrinkles as long as possible. Well, we have good news for you. Yes you can do something about this without resorting to the expensive process of a facelift or pricey lotions and creams.

Researchers at Tufts University have found that lycopene, a relative of beta-carotene is a primary skin protector. Lycopene, you will remember is the red pigment in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit and guavas. Its concentration in the blood and skin is equal to or even greater that that of beta-carotene, and it has twice the power of beta-carotene and 10 times the power of vitamin E to neutralize free radical molecules.

Free radicals are generated in the skin and body during periods of stress; when a high-fat diet is consumed; from exposure to radiation and environmental pollutants, such as tobacco smoke and auto exhaust, etc. and are involved in the aging process. Lycopene appears to be the primary antioxidant that knocks out free radicals in the skin.

The major source of these antioxidants of course is veggies and fruit. A diet rich in fruits and veggies--especially the deeply colored ones--contain a wide variety of carotenoids and other antioxidants which play a leading role in helping to keep free radicals under control thus producing a smooth, lovely skin, etc. --adapted from The Journal of Nutrition.

Eat your tomatoes, etc.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 05/04/10 09:17 PM

Dry Skin, Chapped Lips

At this time of year many have problems with dry skin and chapped lips. Here are some natural remedies:

First and foremost this may be a sign of dehydration--try drinking those 8 glasses of water daily. Also some have found that using a humidifier in the home or office helps. And foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids (walnuts and avodcados) are quite helpful, as well as using vitamin E oil.

For chapped lips, dab a bit of olive oil on your lips. Also use Vitamin E oil as well as vitamin A and D ointment--available at the drug store. Sometimes this problem may signal a vitamin B deficiency. B-vitamins are plentiful in whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, etc. And don't forget to drink enough water.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 05/04/10 09:28 PM

More Info on Dry Skin


Amy Newburger, MD, writing in Prevention, November 2001, points out that "coffee, cola, and other caffeinated beverages draw moisture from the skin. So does alcohol. Drink water instead."

Note: Dr. Newburger is an associate in clinical dermatology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 05/04/10 09:43 PM

Stop Sagging with Fiber

A study of twins shows that it doesn't matter what genes you inherited, you can keep your skin healthy and youthful! The twins with the firmest skin consumed about 15 grams of fiber daily. And researchers note that's a key point. Keeping the blood sugar steady prevents collagen damage, the top cause of skin sagging, and fiber is one of the best sugar-stabilizers around, explains dermatologist Fredric Brandt, MD., author of 10 Minutes/10 Years.

A smart option: enjoy a cup of 100% bran cereal or legumes daily, or take an inexpensive fiber supplement.

Get a Glow by Walking

Women who exercise regularly look younger than their couch potato twins--but no need to hike to the gym every day. Researchers point out that taking 3 one-mile walks weekly will erase 8 years from your skin's appearance by revving levels of skin-healing growth hormones, plus lowerinkg levels of the complexion-damaging hormone cortisol. Pilates and weight training also deliver the same anti-aging benefits.

Smooth Lines with Greens

Adding one cup of leafy greens--such as spinach, collard greens, kale, romaine lettuce and Broccoli--to your daily diet can reduce skin dryness and plump fine lines in as little as 2 months, Australian studies suggest. Credit goes to lutein and zeaxanthin, phytonutrients that repair and strengthen the skin's cells, reducing moisture loss by as much as 60%.

Radient Skin the Gentler Way

Facial peels and masks with protein-dissolving enzymes found in pumpkins, pineapples and papayas can repair damaged skin as well as alpha-hydroxy acids--reducing fine lines and wrinkles by up to 30%--yet they are far less likely to cause irritation. --Woman's World, April 26, 2010.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 11/04/10 09:37 PM

Natural Fruits, Foods and Remedies Give Smoother, Younger Skin

by Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Roll back father time and keep your skin younger, smoother and healthier with these foods, remedies and other tips:

Healthy Fruits for the Skin:

* The pomegranate's power comes from ellagic acid, a polyphenol antioxidant found in red wine and green tea. Ellagic acid has been shown in some studies to neutralize free radicals more effectively than polyphenols found in green tea and red wine.

* The top vitamins for the skin are vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and E. Blackberries have all six, including abundant A, C, and E.

* Dark skinned grapes contain resveratrol, an important compound for anti-aging as well as plenty of vitamin C and other good vitamins and nutrients. For maximum benefits, choose seeded grapes and eat or juice seeds and all.

* Though terribly over-hyped with some online products and MLM weight-loss schemes, acai is indeed a super healthy juice loaded with anti-oxidants and nutrients that have many benefits, including benefits for the skin.

* Blueberries are considered to be among the top three healthiest juices, along with pomegranate and acai.

* Raspberry, dark cherry, apple and strawberry are all very healthy juices loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients for the skin and overall health.

* Though not a fruit, carrots and carrot juice are loaded with vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient in maintaining healthy skin.

Some Other Skin Care Suggestions:

* Shiitake mushrooms contain antioxidants that block proteins known to cause cell breakdown. They provide chemical exfoliation and they also contain kojic acid, which has a lightening effect on age spots and discoloration, making skin appear brighter over time.

* Pumpkins contain ample carotenoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc and have been used as a natural remedy for acne. Studies show that zinc has an effect similar to that of the common antibiotic tetracycline.

* Vitamin B7 (Biotin) is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids.

Skin Care Remedies:

* For softer, suppler and less dry skin, try a brown sugar/olive oil/ginger body scrub. Mix two cups of brown sugar with one cup of olive oil and add a small amount of ground ginger. Mix well into a paste. Using circular motions, rub your entire body, paying special attention to elbows, heels, and knees. Rinse with a body wash and wet washcloth and towel dry.

* Use milk and honey to have softer, smoother feet without harsh exfoliation. Pour two cups of milk per one cup of honey into a basin large enough to hold both feet. Soak for 15 minutes, lightly massaging the mixture into skin. You can also use the milk/honey combo to soak elbows or hands, or pat gently onto the face and massage in. Rinse with tepid water.

* If you have normal to oily skin, you can tighten pores and achieve a brighter complexion with an egg white and orange juice masque. Mix two raw egg whites with 1/4 cup of fresh orange juice. Apply to skin and let rest for 15 minutes until dry. Rinse well with warm water.

* For a radiant, moisturized glow, try an oatmeal face masque (especially good for sensitive skin). Mix oatmeal with boiling water according to package instructions. Let cool, then apply to skin and let rest for 15 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.

* Use one or more of these oils to minimize wrinkles and fine lines and keep your skin healthy and glowing: grape seed, coconut, olive, avocado (drier skin) and jojoba (breakout prone skin).

Sources included:


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 02/07/12 09:21 PM

How diet influences beauty

by Cindy Jones-Shoeman

(NaturalNews) The saying "Beauty is only skin deep" isn't entirely true. This idea has perpetuated society's ideas to the point that people believe that what they put on their skin on the outside is the only way they can influence their looks. However, one's diet influences beauty even more than what's applied to the skin. That is, a cream that promises to make a woman look younger and more radiant is less effective (and costs much more) than what she has been eating and drinking.

How diet helps beautify one's skin

There are so many reasons to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and maintaining natural beauty is just one of those reasons. Water keeps skin hydrated, so it looks fresh and radiant; it also keeps skin soft and smooth. Drinking plenty of water can help with dry, itchy skin, and according to Natural-Home Remedies, it can "delay" wrinkle formation and prevent skin blemishes.

There is also a reason why people talk constantly about antioxidants. There are numerous antioxidants that have been identified, and they include substances like lycopene and lutein, as well as vitamins, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin E. Antioxidants protect skin against the harmful effects of earth's environment. Fortunately, people who consume a diet loaded with fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods take in a variety of antioxidants every day. Usually abiding by the mantra to "eat the colors of the rainbow" will supply a person with a rich and varied source of antioxidants consistently.

How diet can harm one's skin

Because diet is so important to one's skin, there are things that should also be avoided. For example, alcohol is best avoided because it is dehydrating and can also lead to erupted capillaries when consumed in excess. Caffeine should be avoided as well for the same reasons, and caffeine can also contribute to dark circles under the eyes.

Dairy products are also bad for one's skin. Aside from the hormones milk cows produce (which can lead to acne), drinking milk might also lead to "atopic dermatitis" (eczema) and "urticaria" (hives), according to information complied by Robert Cohen.

One's diet can be equated to skin beauty much like the old computer phrase, "Garbage in, garbage out." If a person eats a lot of "garbage," it will likely show on her face, but if she eats healthy foods, her face will also look healthy.



Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 09/13/12 03:31 AM

Are your body care products safe enough to "eat"?

by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

(NaturalNews) You are what you eat... either through your mouth or your skin. The average person is exposed to over 126 toxic chemicals per day through their body care products alone. There are over 10,000 chemicals used in the personal care products and only 13 percent of these have been tested for safety.

The skin is the largest "organ" of the body. It serves several functions:

1. It cushions and protects the deeper tissues
2. It is a sensory organ to detect pain, pressure and temperature
3. It helps regulate our internal core temperature
4. It is the largest organ of elimination

Any substance that is applied to the skin inevitably ends up in the bloodstream.

If you apply it to your skin, you are then "eating" through your skin. Many skin care products are also ingested through the lips and through inhalation of powders and perfumes. Some people have the notion that since these products are used in such small amounts, then they could not possibly cause any harm. But consider how the day-to-day application of a body lotion adds up.

Applying one tablespoon of lotion to your skin every day for five years equals over seven gallons of toxins in your body.

If that lotion contained silicone derived ingredients, petroleum byproducts, chemical fragrances and artificial dyes, then you are subjecting your body to gallons of toxins that accumulate in your liver, colon and fatty cells.

There are thousands of chemicals in the personal care products industry. Here are just a few samples of the effect these have on your health:

1. Phenoxyethanol:

Reproductive toxin
Preservative and fragrance in lotions

2. Parabens:

Reproductive toxin
Found in breast cancer tissue
Preservative in lotions and shampoos

3. Propylene glycol:

Toxic to the immune system
Used as a humectant and fragrance ingredient

4. Sodium Lauryl sulfate:

Toxic to the nervous system, skin, eyes and lungs
Used as a foaming agent

5. Formaldehyde:

Powerful carcinogenic and damages DNA
Used as a preservative

Being proactive with prevention involves taking responsibility for what we put IN our body and ON our body. Start by simply replacing one toxic product and introducing an organic and non-toxic product. Before you know it, you will have one fewer source of toxicity in your life. Be diligent about reading your labels to ensure that your body care products are safe enough to "eat."



Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 10/09/12 03:11 AM

Olive oil helps prevent visible facial skin aging

by Katie Brind''Amour

(NaturalNews) A recent study on over 1,900 French men and women analyzed diet, sun exposure, physical activity, age, and geographic location. The study followed participants for over two and a half years and found that those with the lowest levels of monounsaturated fatty acids in their diets displayed the greatest likelihood of photoaging and being classified among the group with the worst skin condition.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are found in high amounts in nuts and oils, such as olive oil and vegetable oil. They can also be found in meat and dairy products. Although monounsaturated fats are present in a wide variety of foods, olive oil is perhaps the most acclaimed source of these beneficial fats.

Monounsaturated fatty acids have been linked to improved heart health, lower bad cholesterol levels, and better blood sugar control. The recent study by scientists from a variety of research institutes across France has now made the connection between higher olive oil consumption and the healthier appearance and aging of skin.

Although this study did not seem to account for sunscreen use, it did attempt to adjust for sun exposure and other important influences on skin health (such as menopause). The connection between higher monounsaturated fat intake in the diet and healthier skin was only found among individuals getting the bulk of their monounsaturated fats from olive oil - not from animal products.

The study does not demonstrate a causal connection between consumption and complexion, but olive oil is frequently used as a topical treatment for skin disorders and can safely be used as a rich moisturizer. The benefits keep mounting in favor of olive oil as a "wonder drug," and the number of body systems helped by regular olive oil consumption appears to be growing as well.

For those who do not enjoy the taste of olive oil, vegetable oils seemed to confer the same benefits in the French study. Severe facial photoaging, caused by damage to the skin from UV radiation, was associated with lower olive and vegetable oil intake. Those individuals with higher olive oil intake had fewer wrinkles, less skin discoloration, and less skin slackening or sagging.

The researchers hypothesize that this association is due to the protective effect vegetable sources of monounsaturated fatty acids may have on cells' ability to resist damage from UV light. Readers should be aware that individuals in the study with high olive oil intake also tended to have healthier diets in general; olive oil consumption may be a marker for a healthier lifestyle, which could explain some of the association between consumption and skin health.

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Johann

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 10/11/12 12:36 PM

Interesting comparison with:

When properly prepared, olives, like nuts, supply the place of butter and flesh meats. The oil, as eaten in the olive, is far preferable to animal oil or fat. It serves as a laxative. Its use will be found beneficial to consumptives, and it is healing to an inflamed, irritated stomach. {MH 298.2}

I will tell you a little about my experience with charcoal as a remedy. For some forms of indigestion, it is more efficacious than drugs. A little olive oil into which some of this powder has been stirred tends to cleanse and heal. I find it is excellent. Pulverized charcoal from eucalyptus wood we have used freely in cases of inflammation.... {2SM 298.5}
Always study and teach the use of the simplest remedies, and the special blessing of the Lord may be expected to follow the use of these means which are within the reach of the common people.—Letter 100, 1903. {2SM 298.6}

Was she ahead of her time?
Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 01/16/14 04:20 AM

Three keys to an amazing, glowing complexion

by Zach C. Miller

(NaturalNews) For years, cosmetic products companies have been telling us that healthy skin can be attained by applying products on the outside of the body. Once a person has educated oneself about the source of true health, they find that these commercially driven claims aren't entirely accurate. The true key to vibrant, glowing skin can only be found on the inside of the body, more specifically, within certain organs and the cells. Vibrant, healthy skin can be yours by following these three key steps:

Key One: Cleanse the liver

Next to the skin, the liver is the largest organ in the body. Its main function is detoxifying the blood and keeping toxic sludge from building up in the tissues and bloodstream. Our livers are overtaxed today due to our polluted and toxic environment, GMO foods, fluoride in drinking water, prescription meds, industrial chemicals and vaccines, to name a few toxin sources. Although the liver has an enormous capacity for processing toxic materials, it can still be overloaded; therefore, it is important to clean it out. Detoxifying the liver with natural remedies will result in renewed energy levels, sharper mental focus, improved digestion and clearer skin. Here are a few of nature's most effective remedies for liver detoxing: borututu bark, milk thistle, dandelion root, turmeric, chicory root and chanca piedra.

Key Two: Cleanse the colon

Cleansing the colon is one of the most critical things you can do to experience vibrant health and glowing skin. The bottom line is that, due to dietary issues, eating too fast and modern food combinations, almost everyone has extra gunk lodged in the walls of the colon. This fecal matter must be removed if one is to experience vibrant health. There are different colon cleanses available today to help a person cleanse their colon safely and comfortably. Here are a few:

Fiber cleanses

Fiber cleansers use plant-based fiber to naturally cleanse the colon. Fiber cleansers can be found in both soluble and insoluble forms. They work by bulking up as they travel through the digestive tract, sweeping the intestinal walls along the way. Some fiber types also feed the friendly bacteria that reside in the intestinal tract, thereby promoting overall digestive wellness.


Colonics are basically a deep enema. It is done by inserting a plastic tube into the rectum which is used to flush gently with pure, warm water. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of this, but it is a very effective method of cleaning the walls of the colon. (Think: Vibrant skin! Vibrant skin!)

Clay cleanses

Bentonite clay is typically used to cleanse the colon in a clay cleanse. It is a natural clay that, when ingested, helps escort toxins out of the body. Bentonite clay is effective for colon cleansing but can have strong laxative effects.

Key Three: Exercise

Okay, so we all know that exercise is great for our cardiovascular health, but as it turns out, it's also an important key to a healthy complexion. Anything that promotes healthy circulation in turn keeps your skin healthy and vibrant. Exercise increases blood flow, which helps nourish skin cells and keep them vitalized. Contrary to popular belief, exercise doesn't detoxify the skin; that job belongs to the liver. But by increasing blood flow, it helps to carry waste products, such as free radicals, away from working cells and flushes cellular debris out of your system, cleaning your skin from the inside out.

Sources for this article include:


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 08/29/14 09:43 PM

Three Superfoods That Nourish And Rejuvenate The Skin

by Michael Ravensthorpe

(NaturalNews) Many health researchers now understand that our skin is a reflection of our internal health. A body that is fed nutritious whole foods, for instance, is more likely to enjoy clear and radiant skin, while a body that is fed processed foods is more likely to suffer from greasy and affliction-prone skin. Therefore, a change in diet should always be the priority among people seeking to improve their skin's long-term health.

That said, nature has provided us with a number of foods which, if applied topically, can improve the general appearance of our skin in a natural and gentle manner. This article contains three of the best of these foods, complete with information on how to apply them for best results.

There are several reasons why honey is found in so many facial masks, moisturizing creams and other cosmetic products. Firstly, it contains significant antibacterial properties, meaning it can help treat a large number of skin conditions ranging from eczema to acne. Secondly, it is rich in antioxidants, which lend it impressive anti-aging benefits. Lastly, its natural soothing and moisturizing qualities can greatly improve our complexion.

The easiest way to use honey for skin-boosting purposes is to simply make a mask out of it. To do so, apply a thin layer of honey (raw, unprocessed honey is best) to slightly damp skin using circular motions. Allow the honey to sit for at least 15 minutes (this will give its many nutrients time to nourish and rejuvenate the pores), then rinse it off with warm water. Try mixing the honey with a little dash of lemon juice -- a natural astringent rich in collagen-stimulating vitamin C -- for even better results.

Coconut oil
Due to its large concentrations of medium-chain triglycerides (fatty acids that penetrate and unclog the pores of the skin), as well as its proven antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties, coconut oil is another great choice for improving skin health. It is even a time-honored home remedy for treating stretch marks, which are one of the most stubborn skin conditions to remove.

To create a mask out of coconut oil (raw coconut oil made from organic, cold-pressed and extra virgin coconuts is best), simply add a layer of it onto the skin using circular motions. Like honey, coconut oil should ideally remain on the skin for at least 15 minutes. This will allows its main skin-boosting compounds, such as the bacteria-fighting lauric acid, to absorb into the pores and do their work. After 15 minutes, remove the oil with warm water. If you're feeling adventurous, consider adding some turmeric powder to the coconut oil. Aside from being a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, turmeric can also lighten dull skin and even out discolorations.

Though it might not be as pleasant to apply topically as honey or coconut oil, oatmeal really can do wonders for the skin. After all, it is a natural cleanser, exfoliator and moisturizer, and its skin-soothing abilities (attributed to its large concentrations of beta-glucans) were known as early as 2000 BC. Some people even bathe in colloidal oatmeal -- a finely-ground oatmeal suspended in water -- on a regular basis to ensure their skin remains soft and radiant.

To make a mask out of oatmeal (organic, steel-cut oats are best), cook it and apply it to the skin once it is lukewarm. Allow it to stand for at least 15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Oatmeal mixes well with both honey and coconut oil, so don't be afraid to experiment until you find a skin mask that is best-suited to your needs.

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 11/05/14 04:01 AM

Improve hair, skin and nails naturally
by Raw Michelle

(NaturalNews) Enjoying a healthy diet on a regular basis not only helps the body function internally but can help it be at its best outwardly. For example, dry skin or brittle nails not only end up acting as a source of embarrassment for some but also may be indicators that underlying health issues are at hand.

However, it's possible to correct such issues simply by eating foods that can help turn these conditions around.

For example, according to the Mayo Clinic, nails with a yellow tinge may mean that chronic bronchitis is affecting an individual. If there are indentations running horizontally on the nail, the issue can range from a zinc deficiency to pneumonia.(1)

It's likely that the solution to help improve nails exists right in people's own homes; foods known to boost overall nail health include pumpkin seeds, garbanzo beans and flax seed oil.(1) Of course, they're good for the immune system too, helping the body function better.

When it comes to hair, many people often complain of it lacking luster, seeking more vibrance and "life." Rather than turn to pricey shampoos likely laden with harmful chemicals, or trying the too-good-to-be-true infomercial products, there are other, more natural methods that can help.

Tara Sowlaty, a natural foods chef and registered health coach, says that eating more walnuts, lentils, spinach and sweet potatoes are great ways to keep scalp oils circulating and renewing hair growth cells, resulting in stronger, healthier-looking locks.(2) Just like foods that help improve nail health, these foods too are healthy choices regardless of hair condition; regular consumption of them keeps the body functioning optimally.

Castor oil is another way to bolster hair health. It's been drawing a great deal of attention lately, with many people noting that massaging it on the scalp and leaving it in the hair for just a few times a month amounts to not only increased hair growth but noticeably shiner strands as well.(3)

As for dry skin, many times, a vitamin deficiency is behind the reason for itching, cracking, flaking and resulting redness. Foods such as tomatoes and cantaloupe help skin retain moisture; broccoli and oranges help restore skin's elasticity, and bananas and avocado improve cracking, especially around the corners of the mouth.(4)







Posted By: Johann

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 11/05/14 02:49 PM

I wish I could read this helpful information but the letters are too light for my eyes.
Posted By: Johann

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 11/05/14 02:52 PM

[Suzanne] Improve hair, skin and nails naturally
by Raw Michelle

(NaturalNews) Enjoying a healthy diet on a regular basis not only helps the body function internally but can help it be at its best outwardly. For example, dry skin or brittle nails not only end up acting as a source of embarrassment for some but also may be indicators that underlying health issues are at hand.

However, it's possible to correct such issues simply by eating foods that can help turn these conditions around.

For example, according to the Mayo Clinic, nails with a yellow tinge may mean that chronic bronchitis is affecting an individual. If there are indentations running horizontally on the nail, the issue can range from a zinc deficiency to pneumonia.(1)

It's likely that the solution to help improve nails exists right in people's own homes; foods known to boost overall nail health include pumpkin seeds, garbanzo beans and flax seed oil.(1) Of course, they're good for the immune system too, helping the body function better.

When it comes to hair, many people often complain of it lacking luster, seeking more vibrance and "life." Rather than turn to pricey shampoos likely laden with harmful chemicals, or trying the too-good-to-be-true infomercial products, there are other, more natural methods that can help.

Tara Sowlaty, a natural foods chef and registered health coach, says that eating more walnuts, lentils, spinach and sweet potatoes are great ways to keep scalp oils circulating and renewing hair growth cells, resulting in stronger, healthier-looking locks.(2) Just like foods that help improve nail health, these foods too are healthy choices regardless of hair condition; regular consumption of them keeps the body functioning optimally.

Castor oil is another way to bolster hair health. It's been drawing a great deal of attention lately, with many people noting that massaging it on the scalp and leaving it in the hair for just a few times a month amounts to not only increased hair growth but noticeably shiner strands as well.(3)

As for dry skin, many times, a vitamin deficiency is behind the reason for itching, cracking, flaking and resulting redness. Foods such as tomatoes and cantaloupe help skin retain moisture; broccoli and oranges help restore skin's elasticity, and bananas and avocado improve cracking, especially around the corners of the mouth.(4)







By deleting the color in this copy it is readable.
Posted By: Johann

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 11/05/14 06:00 PM

This article helped to notice that because I had not been using the items listed for skin care for some time the skin on my ancles was getting too dry. So I added some raw broccoli and the skin seems to improve, even though I am told that there is nothing I can do at my age.
Posted By: kland

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 11/05/14 08:28 PM

Thank you for making that readable Johann. Thought I needed more carrots or something in my diet.

I think you are supposed to eat the broccoli. It wasn't clear if you were rubbing it on your ankles instead. But it all comes down to eating a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts prepared in as a simple manner as possible....
Posted By: Johann

Re: Healthy Glowing Skin - 11/05/14 08:48 PM

Now I get the fruit and vegtables frozen and grind them in an NUTRiBULLET. Often with nuts or other seeds or oats. That way the seed get digested wihout going straight through
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