Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe

Posted By: Ikan

Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/19/05 02:09 PM

Please ladies, do not click this link if you are squeemish.

Gents: This is where religionists that justify violence in "God's Name" can lead:

"I don't understand why journalists are making such a fuss about this .."
Posted By: debbie

Re: Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/19/05 04:17 PM

Someday in the USA we will be persecuted by fellow SDA's and neighbors and friends and even family for keeping the Sabbath day Holy.

Since I do not like to see or hear about violence, especially against babies/children/animals, I did not look at the site you posted. Thanks for the warning! That was very kind of you.
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/19/05 07:48 PM

well, ehm, what could one say to comment something like this... God save their souls

Posted By: Ikan

Re: Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/20/05 08:09 AM

Your more than welcome Debbie. I see our bunch has taken the horrors of death and sin much too academically and objectively lately here on line for my tastes, and yet I thought this gory news clip might show how "religious" use of force can be carried to satanic extremes. The seed of this sprouts from a bloody concept of the Father, detached from the perfect example of the Son.

True, Thomas; what could a brainwashed mind say when caught??

Will! I corrected the bolded part by using "from", not "by"...Is that more helpful?

[ June 20, 2005, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: Phil N. D'blanc ]
Posted By: Will

Re: Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/20/05 08:18 AM

I dont understand the concept part you mention Ikan, but the whole situation was almost typical witch hunt style like in Salem. They thought she was possessed, so they tied her up, starved her, and put her up on a cross?! [Eek!]
God Bless,
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/20/05 02:27 PM

Well, Will you set me up good to answer you when you brought up the Salem Colony of Puritans and their witch trials. (I love the way you do that!)

Roger Williams (see The Great Controversy, Chapter 16) was not merely the founder "separation of church and state", but more importantly of freedom of conscience as opposed to use of force. He refused to be forced to worship, write, act or not act according to a ecclesiastical dictatorship. The Pilgrim leadership hated him for this as well as his stand on giving the Gospel to the "heathen" Indians as well as befriending "those sinners", refusing to baptise babies, refusing to hate Quakers, refusing to brand with a hot iron adulterers, or imprison Sunday breakers. Praise God our organization resists these pontifical tendencies that have infested so many movements before it!

Although this murdering of a nun appears to be an extreme case (there are hints now that the girl was "schizophrenic", but who knows?) careful reading will find that this is the normal operations in the Romanian Orthodox Church, and more than likely all pagan based religions disguised as Christianity. It is certainly true in many Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and animist religionist communities (not all). It will be true very soon in "Christian Civilization" through the world.

Closed religious communities, whether a remote Romanian monastary or a fledgling colony in the woods of Massachusetts Bay, have one thing in common if they worship a God of force: that is force itself. Sooner or later anyone that does not conform to that group's norms, adherants feel free to brand, torture, banish or kill, as they see God as "ordering" that because "He once did for ancient Israel". This excuse has been the basis of all Papal or Protestant justifications for destroying heretics, non-conformists, offshoots and troublemakers.

We manifest the attitudes God as we picture Him: a blood hungry, destructive and vengeful God as we commonly define those attributes will create, sooner or later...when the chips are down...when all easy living props are shattered...a cruel and murderous Bible quoting "religionist".

Far-fetched? Can't happen in modern times?
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/21/05 04:33 AM

Further proof that religionists who see God as being "coercive," will use violence to defend this view:

Battling Nuns defend murdering Priest...(see last paragraph)
Posted By: Will

Re: Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/21/05 07:19 AM

I am going to read chapter 16 tonight. I skipped some parts in GC because I wanted to get to the meat of things, but it seems that in order to get an understanding of how the roman church and its daughters came into being church history needs to be studied. Thanks for mentioning this Ikan. I am going to look into this [Smile]
God Bless,
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Murdering for "Jesus" in Eastern Europe - 06/26/05 04:35 AM

Any insights ther from Chapter 16, Will?

Here's a more detailed account of the murder, which, sadly has prompted calls for more murder.

Forgive them Father, for they know not...
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