Book Recommendation

Posted By: debbie

Book Recommendation - 07/23/05 07:06 PM

The book "Babylon Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow is an excellent history book on how many things in Protestant, Catholic and even our church may have pegan origins!

It speaks of: Mary worship/idols and where they come from/obelisks/the Christian cross symbol/Christmas and much more.

This book is one of the best books I've read and exposes the history of where many things have crept into our churches and are accepted as religious in nature but really are relics in paganism.
Posted By: Avalee

Re: Book Recommendation - 07/24/05 06:49 AM

Phil I am so thankful that you let me know this. I do not want to put out anything that is like that. Again thanks so very much my friend. I normally check out stuff more carefully. I did not do that on this. [Thank You] [Heart] [Thank You]

[ July 24, 2005, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: Avalee ]
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Book Recommendation - 07/24/05 07:31 AM

Caution! Please be aware that the site-link given in innocence by Sister Avalee is an anti-SDA site:

(deleted by Phil; why look into dark pits like this one?)

It was done in pure innocence, I'm sure. This goes to show that there are Sabbath-keepers in form that have no clue as to the Truth of God for this time.

[ July 25, 2005, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: Phil N. D'blanc ]
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Book Recommendation - 07/25/05 08:26 AM

This is a good example of how a touch of Truth (the book Debbie recommended) is offered as a lure to great blackness.

The shoddy research into EGW's writings that that site displayed would be laughable, if it were not a matter of life and death.
It's a fine example, though, of the type of witch-hunting spirit that will soon wash over North America.

Are you ready to "give a reason for your faith", without anger, bitterness or impatience??
Posted By: John H.

Re: Book Recommendation - 07/25/05 11:17 PM

And it won't be just North America either, though it will start here:
As America, the land of religious liberty, shall unite with the papacy in forcing the conscience and compelling men to honor the false sabbath, the people of every country on the globe will be led to follow her example. Our people are not half awake to do all in their power, with the facilities within their reach, to extend the message of warning.
{6T 18.2}

Even those living in the remotest areas will be brought to the test. Only thus can God hold every soul accountable; when every person has the light of truth, and then has the opportunity to receive or reject it.
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Book Recommendation - 07/26/05 04:30 AM

So right, there, John H.
Of course it will after a time cover the whole world! God saw it would.
That's a Scriptual Given Fact: "You are only acountable when you have access to Truth. Therefore I will speak to the earth through the Loud Cry. Then all are accountable by doctrine as well as examples of My righteoussnes."

It is also no less true that you are sitting in the middle of the earth's center stage there in North America. You are in the crucible where all the End Time events (humanly generated in particular)will begin to happen with furiousness. You are where the Image to the Beast will speak and move...the rest of the world will be powerfully effected, naturally, but with the same acuteness and intensity.... instantly?

That is the one reason the Lord sent the SOP to the USA and not the Congo: there is where Satan will man his fort and attack the saints must viciously.

God wants you folks to be the best spiritually armored...because you'll need it!
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