UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications

Posted By: Charity

UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/07/19 03:30 PM

I'm sure many of you noted this from last week's news. Maybe you yawned and went on to the next 'real' news item. But have another look. This step, while it has no immediate effect is more important than most people realize because it sets the UK and London on the path of the beast. Before you dismiss that statement out of hand please take a couple minutes and consider the following:

This national declaration, the first of its kind is a virtual denial that the Lord is in control of the elements and extreme weather and that natural disasters are corrective judgments. Human activity in what we see going on in the environment is a factor but according to scripture it is minor. The primary cause of these things is that the Lord is removing His protective hand because of the wickedness of men.

London and the UK are foremost in the western world in leading the world to perdition by criminalizing remonstrances against sexual perversion. They have the distinction of being leaders in persecution of those who hold to bibilical values, but Canada and the US are not far behind. A year or two ago I had a dream that the UK would become like this and since London is the financial capital of the world along with New York, this will have a profound global influence.

Rome understands this and is waiting in the wings to reassert itself there where the Anglican state church has already embraced her and healed the wound of 1534 inflicted by Henry VIII. It's only an incremental step now for Parliament and/or the royal family to become "Defenders of the Faith" of Rome, a title conferred on Henry VIII by the Pope as a reward for warring with his pen and person on the Protestant Reformation shortly before he ostensibly joined it and created the Anglican faith.
Posted By: Charity

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/07/19 03:39 PM

As an aside, the historian tells us that when King Henry received this new title from the Pope, Defender of the Faith, he asked his courtier, a friend, what he thought of it. The courtier replied, "I'll defend you, and you me, but the faith Harry - it can defend itself!"

One more related thought. One of the results of centers of influence such as London and New York reverting to the doctrines of the dark ages and making vice virtue and virtue vice is that like in the dark ages the Bible will not be tolerated. It will be classed as hate and extremist propaganda. It may seem incredible but now is the time to get our paper copies of the Word and store it safely in our homes and hearts.
Posted By: Nadi

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/07/19 05:35 PM

Galatians 5:1 "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

I'm thankful I am not enslaved by the paranoia that seems to grip you.
Posted By: Charity

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/08/19 03:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Nadi
I'm thankful I am not enslaved by the paranoia that seems to grip you.
Nadi, friend, your signature quote applies to both of us:
"Our vision is often more obstructed by what we think we know than by our lack of knowledge." K. Stendahl
Posted By: kland

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/08/19 07:12 PM

Originally Posted By: Charity
This national declaration, the first of its kind is a virtual denial that the Lord is in control of the elements and extreme weather and that natural disasters are corrective judgments.
I'm confused as to what that statement means. It sounds contradictory.

The Lord is not in control of the elements but is correcting by using the elements.
Posted By: Charity

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/10/19 05:27 PM

Originally Posted By: kland
The Lord is not in control of the elements but is correcting by using the elements.

OK, let's go with that.
Posted By: dedication

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/10/19 08:38 PM

Originally Posted By: Charity
UK declares EnviroCrises...sets the UK and London on the path of the beast.....a virtual denial that the Lord is in control of the elements and extreme weather.....

London and the UK are foremost in the western world in leading the world to perdition by criminalizing remonstrances against sexual perversion.

I see a lot of "dots" here, but how do you connect them?

There really are "climate" problems that result from people's misuse of the environment -- like cutting down the rain forests in the Amazon region thus compromising the "lungs" of the earth, or cutting down trees and plowing huge tracks of land so the wind carries away the soil and drought results. The death to coral reefs in our oceans is largely due to garbage dumped.
So yes, God is allowing mankind to reap what they have sown over the centuries and millenniums of earth's history. He will remove His protective hand.

However, I agree your point is correct in this --
The way governments are using environment, is NOT to aid nature, but to bring in laws to reduce freedom.
I fully agree that this is happening.

We see this in many aspects--
As minor crises are blown to huge proportions in order to pass laws restricting private freedoms.

Like the big out cry that the USA is facing a MEASLES epidemic and if they don't start instituting heavy fines against everyone that doesn't get vaccinated the country will be in a big health crises. Which is nonsense!!! We all had the measles when we were kids -- it meant a week or so of no school and staying in a darkened room, and then back to life as usual. Now they are agitating for laws allowing officials to check private medical records and track down non-immunized individuals and bring them into compliance. It seems as long as there seems to be some kind of public health emergency, doctors, health systems, governments can violate our basic right to privacy in the name of “the greater good.”

One thing I don't really understand is how you see the big push to destroy families and launch the world into all kinds of sexual perversions fits in --
Now I do see the secular people labeling the Bible as "hate" literature, but --

How would that link to the Catholic church wanting to label the Bible as hate literature, while also using the Bible to uplift what the Bible says about the Sabbath (of course transferring it all to Sunday) as if that was the day God blessed and sanctified. Pope John Paul's II Sunday keeping letter, used scripture extensively as well as the Sabbath commandment to place Sunday at the center of Christian living.

I've always seen many things that are happening as counter plays, pushing things to opposite extremes in order to launch an extreme -- to push the world into moral chaos and using it to bring in those freedom destroying laws, and
when natural and moral chaos is at an all time high, and people are frightened, demoralized, and confused --
the religious conservative world (USA religious powers as a major player and Europe as well) with the papacy at it's head calls the world back to serve "God" and keep Sunday in order to stop all the destructive chaos.
Remember -- the last crises is religious tyranny

We've been told it will be like a trap -- that is suddenly sprung, with overwhelming surprise.
Posted By: kland

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/11/19 12:34 AM

Originally Posted By: Charity
Originally Posted By: kland
The Lord is not in control of the elements but is correcting by using the elements.

OK, let's go with that.
Ok, let's go with the contradiction?
Posted By: kland

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/11/19 12:49 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Like the big out cry that the USA is facing a MEASLES epidemic and if they don't start instituting heavy fines against everyone that doesn't get vaccinated the country will be in a big health crises. Which is nonsense!!! We all had the measles when we were kids -- it meant a week or so of no school and staying in a darkened room, and then back to life as usual. Now they are agitating for laws allowing officials to check private medical records and track down non-immunized individuals and bring them into compliance. It seems as long as there seems to be some kind of public health emergency, doctors, health systems, governments can violate our basic right to privacy in the name of “the greater good.”
What I don't understand is how being non-vaccinated harms anyone else other than those who choose to be non-vaccinated. And that is only, and only if, they catch measles. And as far as the supposed individuals who cannot be vaccinated for whatever reason, being at risk from the unvaccinated people, would they not catch the disease from the same source as the unvaccinated people? Being unvaccinated does not automatically mean you are infected.

The CDC admits that vaccination does not prevent disease. Only lessens the symptoms (as if that could actually be measured). They also say it is only X% effective. Meaning certain vaccinated individuals can catch the disease and spread it to others. So which is more risky? Someone who is feeling ill and knowing they were not vaccinated, or someone who is feeling ill and knowing they have been vaccinated for the disease? The unvaccinated person may choose not to risk exposing others. But the vaccinated will go about at will with no thought of it.

Kind of reminds you of polio doctors. They classified someone having polio as whether they had been vaccinated or not (besides redefining polio in general AFTER the vaccination introduction). Not a double blind study, for sure.

But logic doesn't enter into desire to manipulate people. Especially when they define an "epidemic" with 2 people catching a disease. Further search shows epidemic is when more than expected get the disease. So if you expect no one to get measles, 1 person would be an "epidemic", the sky is falling!
Posted By: kland

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/11/19 12:52 AM

I've always seen many things that are happening as counter plays, pushing things to opposite extremes in order to launch an extreme -- to push the world into moral chaos and using it to bring in those freedom destroying laws,
I think Veith had a video about the pendulum swings. It doesn't matter whether democrats or republicans win, they're all on the same team behind the scenes.
Posted By: Charity

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/13/19 03:38 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: Charity
UK declares EnviroCrises...sets the UK and London on the path of the beast.....a virtual denial that the Lord is in control of the elements and extreme weather.....

London and the UK are foremost in the western world in leading the world to perdition by criminalizing remonstrances against sexual perversion.

I see a lot of "dots" here, but how do you connect them?

One thing I don't really understand is how you see the big push to destroy families and launch the world into all kinds of sexual perversions fits in --

Now I do see the secular people labeling the Bible as "hate" literature, but --

How would that link to the Catholic church wanting to label the Bible as hate literature, while also using the Bible to uplift what the Bible says about the Sabbath (of course transferring it all to Sunday) as if that was the day God blessed and sanctified. Pope John Paul's II Sunday keeping letter, used scripture extensively as well as the Sabbath commandment to place Sunday at the center of Christian living. . .

Remember -- the last crises is religious tyranny.

We've been told it will be like a trap -- that is suddenly sprung, with overwhelming surprise.

I highlighted in red/burgundy where you were asking Dedication how it is that repudiation of the seventh commandment fits in to the mark of the beast. To give an example, there is a professional rugby player in Australia whose 4 million dollar contract was cancelled recently because he tweeted a call to repentance from a number of sins. He didn't mention Sabbath breaking but he included most of the last six. He wasn't targeting homosexuals or transgenders but that's the likely reason his tweet offended his employer.

According to Revelation 11, the Two Witnesses of scripture are slain in the streets of Sodom and Egypt. The UK is well down the road of slaying these witnesses by criminalizing the moral remonstrances of its loyal citizens who only have the good of the nation at heart. While the final test will be the Sabbath, the beast is ultimately successful because he is able to overthrow the seventh commandment and silence the word of God which enjoins moral sexual purity. Mark this well friends: Sodom will indeed succeed - temporarily. The word of God says it will. When it does, the citizens of Sodom will be so elated that they send gifts to each other - and light up their buildings in rainbow colors. That detail regarding the gay rainbow is not in scripture but fits in well with modern celebrations which are displays of music, applause, light, sound, banners, fireworks, theater, games and so on.

The Two Witnesses are also slain in the streets of Egypt - atheistic humanism that denies the Creator, the creation account and therefore the Sabbath. Christians will unwittingly aid and will ultimately join the ranks of Egypt by believing and drinking the wine of Babylon. Satan himself is converted after a manner to the faith.

So to gain a better understanding of end time issues Revelation 11 is a good starting point.

But regarding your point in purple about John Paul II's use of scripture, it's always been Papal policy to supersede and suppress scripture. This has been it's overt practice since the Council of Trent when it came out of the closet in the 16th century boldly asserting that the traditions and doctrines of the church always trump scripture. See Daniel 7 and 8 regarding the boastful words of the Little Horn. The logical conclusion of the Trent doctrine will be to lock the scriptures away again as she did in the dark ages and she will do that again. By the doctrine of Trent she is openly in league with Sodom and Egypt to slay the Two Witnesses.

Anyone questioning the last point needs to only look at the consistent condemnations issued by the current pope against fundamentalist Christians, the very ones who are loyal to scripture and to the God of scripture and His Son, the Word. The Vatican's war against fundamental Christianity is a war against the Word of God. But we are on the winning side because that Word is about to mount His white horse with the armies of heaven in His train and ride on to victory!

Posted By: Charity

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/13/19 04:23 PM

The Truth is a Person. And praise God that Person, revealed in the Word, is One that you and I can know intimately. Christ prayed for us: "This is eternal life that they might know Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent".
Posted By: Charity

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/19/19 02:56 PM

Update. Ireland recently followed the lead of the UK declaring a climate emergency pronouncing it to be the greatest single threat to humanity and New Zealand is planning to do the same.
Posted By: kland

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/21/19 07:51 PM

Here's an interesting but scary link, regarding the attitude, hitting on the topics of global warming, vaccination, evolution, religion in general, and the flat earthers of which some feast keepers believe in. One could only wish the author would consider applying his suggestions to his belief in global warming.
Posted By: Rick H

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/22/19 01:33 AM

Originally Posted By: Charity
As an aside, the historian tells us that when King Henry received this new title from the Pope, Defender of the Faith, he asked his courtier, a friend, what he thought of it. The courtier replied, "I'll defend you, and you me, but the faith Harry - it can defend itself!"

One more related thought. One of the results of centers of influence such as London and New York reverting to the doctrines of the dark ages and making vice virtue and virtue vice is that like in the dark ages the Bible will not be tolerated. It will be classed as hate and extremist propaganda. It may seem incredible but now is the time to get our paper copies of the Word and store it safely in our homes and hearts.
As it has for centuries, and better to study and put in our memory where it can be recalled.
Posted By: kland

Re: UK Declares EnviroCrises - The Prophetic Implications - 05/22/19 08:30 PM

Sorry, here's the link
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