How far will truth take us .

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

How far will truth take us . - 01/19/01 05:05 PM

How far will truth take us ? How far does Hebrews 7:25 propose ?

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: adventbeliever

Re: How far will truth take us . - 02/16/01 01:45 AM

to the uttermost! The truth sits us with Christ in heavenly places at the right hand of the Majesty on High!
Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: How far will truth take us . - 02/16/01 03:23 AM

Hi AB,

How about some specifics starting at a persons first encounter with the Truths of the Bible and step by step going all the way to the uttermost - The Great White Throne.
I have a feeling you have been perparing to teach & share with others for a while, so how about passing it on step by step. That way lerkers& posters can "peruse" it 7/24 .

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: adventbeliever

Re: How far will truth take us . - 04/20/01 07:14 AM

Sorry Ed! I momentarily forgot you had quoted Heb.7:25! This is a beautiful Scripture by the way. That Scripture alone shows that by pleading the merits of His blood He is claiming the gift of the Spirit that He may pour it upon us as we exercise the only true faith which is also the gift of God.

The faith that pleases Him comes by hearing His Words and Commands. Rom.10:17. "All Your commandments are faithful." Ps.119:86. "This is the Word of faith which we preach." Rom.10:8. The Lord says, "Repent and be converted." We understand that we cannot repent of ourselves or be converted except as we depend upon the Word to accomplish what that Word says.

The creative energy that called the worlds into existence is in the Word of God. Every command is a promise. Accepted by the will, received into the heart, that word imparts power, it begets life. It brings with it the life of the Infinite One. "His power, His very life, dwells in His Word. Receive the Word in faith and it will give you power to obey." M.B.150. His command is: "Repent and be converted." If believed, the Word effectually works repentance in us and conversion! When He says, "Thy sins be forgiven thee," they are forgiven. And to forgive is to give for. He gives us His righteousness in place of our sins.

And then He says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." Eph.6:10. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." Phil.2:5. It is so if we do not quench the Spirit! John 6:63.

"His commandment is life everlasting." John 12:50. In the beginning He said, "Let there be light! And there was light." This is the Word which by the Gospel is preached unto us. 1 Peter 1:23. The word of the Gospel is: "Let the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ shine in the darkened void of your heart." 2 Cor.4:6. And it is so if we do not interpose a perverse will or an evil heart of unbelief. Heb.3:12. And the life thus received is in like manner sustained, by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Matt.4:4.

Oh how I love the law of His mouth!

P/S When Peter was in the boat and he asked Jesus to make him walk on the water, Jesus said, "Come." In that word "Come," was the power to come and walk on the water and Peter did believe and walked on the water until he took his eyes off the Word.

In the Word "Repent" is the power to cause us to repent, according to the will of God. 1 Thess.2:13. In the Word, "Be converted," is the power to convert the soul. "The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The commandment of the Lord--"Be converted"--is perfect, converting the soul." Ps.19:7,8. It is so if we do not interpose an evil heart of unbelief! Heb.3:12. Praise His Word!

"Your commandments are my delights." "I love them exceedingly." "They are the rejoicing of my heart." Ps.119:143;167;111.

"I hope in your Word." Ps.119:114.

[This message has been edited by adventbeliever (edited April 21, 2001).]

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: How far will truth take us . - 04/20/01 12:13 PM

Thank You.

Edward F Sutton

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