Things we can do to help God's cause on Earth

Posted By: Restin

Things we can do to help God's cause on Earth - 06/01/04 06:02 AM

Everyone can have some part in taking our message to the world, but not everyone can do it in the same way. I used to assume the only way I could help was the usual SDA ways such as home visits, Bible studies with neighbors, or passing out literature on street corners. I always dreaded those as I'm not a people person. I've always felt guilty because, after many years, I can't seem to change me from an introvert into an extravert. But one way i've found to help, which some others can do, is make my own PC home page or website. Some home pages with whatever ISP you have are free. Freeservers is a good webhost that has free sites, and ad -free sites for about $8 per month. I can't have a large site with the main search engines, but I have a nice page with animations that forwards people to another well-established SDA site such as this one. Or you could direct people who visit your site to any larger SDA site that you believe in. This is a good idea for creative Adventists that have limited PC knowledge, as is easy to build a website with the webhost templates. Just an idea. If someone wants to help the Lord, there are ways to fit any personality or life style. Just throwing out a suggestion here for those who like to do the computer thing.
Posted By: John H.

Re: Things we can do to help God's cause on Earth - 05/31/04 08:19 PM

That is a good idea. Another way to help out using the internet is to direct people to online Bible studies such as those at Amazing Facts ( ), or Bible Universe ( ). We can print out flyers with tear-off tabs that have the web address printed on them and hang them up at supermarkets, driver's license bureaus, etc. There are all kinds of ways to pitch in.

There are advertising resources for Bible Universe here.
Posted By: Will

Re: Things we can do to help God's cause on Earth - 05/31/04 09:03 PM

This is what I use to do (will start when I buy some tracts for myself soon). In everyone of my bills I would send out my payment, but also include a tract [Smile] You never know where it ends up.
AAHh.. I just noticed that the discussion was pertaining to computer related stuff [Big Grin] hehehe

I have been lagging on getting my site up to introduce people to Christ, and all I need to do is upload a CMS (Content Management System) add some articles, get the look and feel worked out, add some audio sermons, and downloadable goodies.. I like stuff to download [Smile]
I spoke to my pastor and found out that we record all the sermons so I can transfer from tape to computer, compress using ogg, mp3, and or wma upload, create the link and go live. This way everyone can have a listen. What I would like to find are some images that is Christian. Any help would be great!

God Bless,
Posted By: Restin

Re: Things we can do to help God's cause on Earth - 06/01/04 03:41 AM

I think it's a great idea to include tracts in your mail, Will. Regarding pictures for your website, you pick ones off the free graphics sites. If you type in "free religious gifs" or "free Christian graphics", you can access numerous websites that offer many selections. I like animated ones, also, that are tasteful.
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Things we can do to help God's cause on Earth - 06/01/04 04:25 AM

I moved this topic into the Tools & Technology forum for continued discussion there. [Smile]
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