Lesson Study # 13 - Patterns of DISCIPLESHIP

Posted By: Daryl

Lesson Study # 13 - Patterns of DISCIPLESHIP - 03/26/08 11:51 PM

I failed to do the last two lessons here, however, I am now adding this week's final study for the 1st Quarter of 2008:

Here is the link to the lesson material:

Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson Study # 13 - Patterns of DISCIPLESHIP - 03/27/08 07:39 AM

I read this in today's EGW comments, and it got my blood boiling. We have failed miserably in discipling our members.

The work of God must be carried forward in the earth, and that which he has determined must be accomplished. But the Lord is just, merciful, and good; he requires nothing of his servants which they cannot do,--nothing but that it is for their interest to do. Sometimes ministers do too much; they seek to embrace the whole work in their arms. It absorbs and dwarfs them; yet they continue to grasp it all. They seem to think that they alone are to work in the cause of God, while the members of the church stand idle. This is not God's order at all. Jesus inquires of these unemployed ones, "Why stand ye here all the day idle?" And his word of command to them is, "Go ye also into the vineyard." {RH, November 18, 1884 par. 4}

Christ is our living head, and we are the members of his body, mutually dependent. It is not his plan that a single member shall become weak for want of exercise. If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it. If one member is honored or enlightened, all the members rejoice with it. Every member receives life from Christ, the living head, "from whom the whole body, fitly framed and knit together through that which every joint supplieth, according to the working in due measure of each several part, maketh the increase of the body unto the building up of itself in love." "The eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee," for "unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ; till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." {RH, November 18, 1884 par. 5}

Thus it is plainly stated that each member is to be active, and to use his ability to the utmost for the upbuilding of Christ's kingdom in the earth. We each have an individuality in our work, but not separate and distinct from our brethren. A living link unites the people of God, and makes them one in spirit, one in knowledge, and one in love to God and their fellow-men. They are branches of the Living Vine, and are partakers of its sap and nourishment. Every branch in the Vine is expected to be fruit-bearing. Said Jesus, "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples." {RH, November 18, 1884 par. 6}

Here's a few more quotes to drive the point home.

Neither Conference officer nor minister has a call from God to indulge distrust of God's power to use every individual who is considered a worthy member of the church. This cautiousness, so-called, is retarding almost every line of the Lord's work. God can and will use those who have not had a thorough education in the schools of men. A doubt of his power to do this is manifest unbelief; it is limiting the Omnipotent power of the One with whom nothing is impossible. O for less of this unsanctified, distrustful caution! It leaves so many forces of the church unused; it closes up the way so that the Holy Spirit cannot use men; it keeps in idleness those who are willing and anxious to labor in Christ's lines; it discourages many from entering the work who would become efficient laborers together with God if they were given a fair chance. Those who would be laborers, who see the great necessity for consecrated workers in the church and in the world, should seek strength in the secret places of prayer. They should go forth to labor, and God will bless them, and make them a blessing to others. Such members would give strength and stability to the church. It is the lack of spiritual exercise that makes church-members so weak and inefficient; but again I would ask, Who is to blame for the state of things that now exists? {RH, July 9, 1895 par. 6}

There has been a failure to call into exercise talent which should be employed, but which needs development and cultivation. We have had but few ministers and but few men to bear responsibilities, because we have had so few educators. We have lost much because we have not had those who were apt to teach, and who could conduct a training-school for the inexperienced, and press them into service. {RH, June 27, 1912 par. 1}

The real workers in this cause are few, yet the work covers much ground; and it is often impossible for the laborers to look after the interest awakened. They fail to discern that they must enlist the lay members of the church, and teach them to work, that they may hold all that has been gained, and continue to advance. The plan of labor has been such as to lead the people to feel that they could do very little themselves, and if anything was to be accomplished they must have a minister. {RH, June 27, 1912 par. 2}
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Lesson Study # 13 - Patterns of DISCIPLESHIP - 04/05/08 03:47 AM

I agree that the church has to a great degree failed in this area, as way too many pastors do not know how to make disciples re training and equipping their members to do ministry.
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