Lesson #7 - Grace

Posted By: Daryl

Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/09/09 04:10 AM

Here is the link to the study and discussion material for this particular lesson:

Posted By: Daryl

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/10/09 10:00 PM

What is the opposite of sin?
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/11/09 12:02 AM

To answer my own question, somebody said in our Sabbath School class is that the opposite of sin is grace.

This would fit with the Memory Text which says:

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8, NIV).
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/11/09 01:19 AM

I found the Sabbath Afternoon section interesting when I read the grace is unique to Christianity in that no other religion has grace in their religions.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/11/09 02:08 AM

that is interesting!
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/11/09 07:05 PM

Yes, grace is unique because agape is selfless self initiation toward others. Thus the opposite of sin is agape, a characteristic of what is grace.

Only the living God reaches out to fallen man, while other "religions" have the opposite, or no separate deity at all.

Not to go into any detail on big words, but the uniqueness of grace is hidden in the Biblical propitiation, compared to heathen expiation: basically, propitiation means God comes to us and atones for us by the sacrifice of his only begotten Son for our sins; expiation, as the alternative (there's differing views on which word has which meaning, but the words differ as I'm submitting here), is man attempting to atone for himself with his deity by offering sacrifices of appeasement for his sins.

Grace propitiates, no other religion does.
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/11/09 10:44 PM

And that is also very interesting!
Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/12/09 02:55 AM

Grace may be a healing balm for sin, but it is not the opposite of it. The opposite of transgression of the law is obedience to the law.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/12/09 03:10 AM

Now you're moving on to practicalities, Green!

There are two sides to sin: the 'traditional' transgression of the law, and the principle of lawlessness. There are two sides to its opposite: agape, expressed in the law of the character of Christ our Lord and Saviour, and obedience to God whose law draws us to the Saviour from its curse.

Principle, thought, action...: all are true, and each has its place.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/12/09 04:37 AM

I think agape would be the opposite of sin.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/12/09 06:39 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
I think agape would be the opposite of sin.

Ditto. Same for Colin's.

Sin is the opposite of love. Disobedience and obedience are merely the outward manifestations of what's going on inside.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 07:05 AM

The opposite of sin is righteousness.

It is by GRACE that we leave sin behind and find righteousness.

Romans 6:18 Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

Romans 5:21 That as sin reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

1 Cor. 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not;

2 Cor. 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Prov. 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 07:19 AM

Love can never stand alone --
It must be guided by RIGHTEOUSNESS.

In our lesson last week a member pointed out a thought provoking point about love.
Man's first sin was committed on the rational of love.
Adam sinned out of love. He knew it was wrong to take that fruit, he knew it was going against God's express command, but he loved Eve so much he couldn't bear the thought of being separated from her -- so he ate.

Love can be deceptive -- why?
Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful....
It MUST be based upon righteousness.

Adam's love was a lack of trust and reliance upon God.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 08:02 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Love can never stand alone --
It must be guided by RIGHTEOUSNESS.

In our lesson last week a member pointed out a thought provoking point about love.
Man's first sin was committed on the rational of love.
Adam sinned out of love. He knew it was wrong to take that fruit, he knew it was going against God's express command, but he loved Eve so much he couldn't bear the thought of being separated from her -- so he ate.

Love can be deceptive -- why?
Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful....
It MUST be based upon righteousness.

not to take away from the legitimate points you are making:

Rom 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Mat 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
1Jn 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1Jn 4:16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

from my study the bible-and sop- is quite clear on what this love looks like.

Adam's love was a lack of trust and reliance upon God.
i dont think this is accurate if you think about it. adam wasnt wrong in loving eve and not wanting to lose her, he was wrong in not trusting God to work out the situation, otherwise the statement makes adam look wrong for loving.

but, yes, we need to study the bible, old and new, to understand, or get a glimpse of what Gods love is like and practice that with our fellowman.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 08:13 AM

these also are important. then we have 1 corinthians 13.....and so many more. righteousness is Godlike love towards God and our fellowman.

Mat 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Joh 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Joh 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

not meaning to get into overkill. smile
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 08:26 AM

So what takes precedence, that is the question --
LOVE or God's Commands?

If we place love first -- we place our own emotional feelings above God's law.

If we place God's commands first we will love, for His law is based on love, but it is NOT based on our own feelings.

Adam let his love for Eve come first.
Thus yes, at that point it was wrong.
And by doing this he plunged the whole world into darkness.

The general feedback on the verse
"Love is the fulfilling of the law"
seems to be that if we only follow love, we automatically fulfil the law thus we don't have to worry about the law itself.

But what the text is really saying --
that love is the fulfilling of the law, that is love is doing or obeying God's law.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 08:30 AM

So I'll stick to the Biblical answer --

The opposite of SIN is RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Righteousness includes love (and patience, gentleness, godliness, faith, obedience to God's commands and every other godly attribute)
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 10:25 AM


The error you do that leads to your contrasting love and the law is that you confuse love with sentimentalism. Read the sermon on the mount and you will see that what the bible calls love is far different. It must be extended to your enemies and those who persecute you. It is something you should be able to give the man who sets fire to the pile of wood you are being burned upon. It is something Jesus gave to the men who had whipped his back into shreads and then nailed him to a cross. There is no feeling that would allow for that. The divine law that makes perfection shares the food you have equally between family and the stranger who is in need. It picks up the man beaten half to death and carries him to safety, who if he had been healthy would cross the street to avoid meeting you on the same pavement, or if that could not be avoided would spit you in the face.

Righteousness, as Jesus disciples are likely to have understood the word, means being acquitted before God.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 06:43 PM

i agree, thomas.

righteousness =right doing
right doing=obeying the law
the law =a transcript of Gods character
Gods character =love
love=righteousness = obeying the law as summarized in deuteronomy and again by Jesus

adam did not love God supremely, that was His, and our, mistake.
when we study God, His humility and love towards us, then we can also learn to love rightly.

some people may claim all we have to do is love without understanding that means self-sacrificing.

Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 08:31 PM

It would take a very humble man to selflessly offer help to someone who openly dispises him.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 10:17 PM

When love takes precedence over God's commands, then it is based on nothing more than sentimentalism.

You point to the sermon on the mount --
here you admit that love MUST be based on God's Word, not upon the mere concept of "love".

Human beings have no true understanding of "love" unless it is subjected to God's commands.

Only then, by following God's commands can there be true love.

God is love; and infinite love will devise infinite laws based upon love. But when we push aside those laws, and try to define love by our own finite standards, we will miss the mark, just as Adam followed his own concept of love and plunged the world into darkness.

The human mind can easily turn Adam's choice into an ultruistic act of selfless love, giving up his own position of being right with God, to be with his wife.
But it was SIN. WRONG and caused death to become the lot of all his descendants.

Basically what I see in the replies, since you come right out and say "i'm mistaken" is that you believe love takes precedence over and above the commands of God.

No-- love can never take precedence over and above the commands of God. We will never understand love unless we subject it to God's Word.

Righteousness is far greater than simply an outward compliance to God's commandments.
Righteousness is state of being. It includes agape love, obedience to God's righteous law, gentleness, goodness, caring about the needs of others, and all the other atributes of godliness.

Righteousness is the opposite of sin.

Love can be righteous and it can be sinful.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/13/09 10:38 PM

Righteousness as it is presented in the Bible is not really the same as world commonly understands the term. The failure to comprehend its meaning is perhaps the most responsible regarding some people's concept that "righteousness" is legalistic. This misunderstanding destroys one of the most important concepts of the Bible.

The Hebrew word for righteousness is tseh'-dek [Strong:6663]upright, just, straight, innocent, true, sincere.

It is best understood as the product of a relationship with God and reveals itself in our relationship with others and how we relate to life in general. Thus a righteous person is morally true and pure, dependant totally upon God not only for his righteousness, but also for guidance for direction in life, walking with God in humble obedience and faith, (Thy will be done not mine own will) and this is revealed in thoughts and actions, which of course includes agape love for others.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 12:17 AM

Originally Posted By: västergötland
It would take a very humble man to selflessly offer help to someone who openly dispises him.

i agree very much!! a very humble and Christlike person. i know its a struggle for me. cant wait till i feel for others as Christ has felt for us.

Adam's love was a lack of trust and reliance upon God.
i think what bothers me most about this statement and the conclusions it can come to is that if adam was wrong for loving eve and not wanting to be separated from her then that makes God also very wrong for loving us and not wanting to be separated from us.

i think where we all agree is that adam should have trusted God, that is where he failed. but he didnt fail because he loved eve and didnt want to be separated from her. that kind of reasoning would make God a "sinner" as i see it.

there is only one kind of love. anything else is a counterfeit, or selfishness, as arnold puts it. there is only the true and the counterfeit of the true.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 12:34 AM

dedication: Basically what I see in the replies, since you come right out and say "i'm mistaken" is that you believe love takes precedence over and above the commands of God.

Originally Posted By: västergötland
The error you do that leads to your contrasting love and the law is that you confuse love with sentimentalism. Read the sermon on the mount and you will see that what the bible calls love is far different. It must be extended to your enemies and those who persecute you. It is something you should be able to give the man who sets fire to the pile of wood you are being burned upon. It is something Jesus gave to the men who had whipped his back into shreads and then nailed him to a cross. There is no feeling that would allow for that. The divine law that makes perfection shares the food you have equally between family and the stranger who is in need. It picks up the man beaten half to death and carries him to safety, who if he had been healthy would cross the street to avoid meeting you on the same pavement, or if that could not be avoided would spit you in the face.

Righteousness, as Jesus disciples are likely to have understood the word, means being acquitted before God.

i dont see anything like that in this post. i see him pointing out the difference between claiming to "love" and actually loving as God did/does and told us to.

"love your enemies" is just as much a command as "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". they are both love. i see no difference between love as God would have us practice it and the law.

they both say, "stop hurting your fellowman and do good to him".
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 12:40 AM

I see no difference between love as God would have us practice it and the law.

Me neither.

They both say, "Stop hurting your fellowman and do good to him".

Or, to put it another way, "Be like God." I agree with characterizing things this way, which is a reason I have difficulty with the ideas some have in regards to what God has done in the past or will do in the future.

Acts, in describing Jesus, says He went around "doing good." That's what God is like. He just does good. The problems come when good is eschewed for evil.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 12:45 AM

The difficulty is this --

My question wasn't about "contrasting law and love"
That was a strawman erected by Vastergotland.

I have never contrasted love and law.

My question was what takes precedence- what comes FIRST, obedience to God's will or what appears to be the loving way.

Is love to be subjected to God's will and law, or does love supercede God's will and law.

By arguing against me you are both indicating that you have problems with my belief and statements that love must be in subjection to God's will and law in order to be righteous love, it's on this premise I've addressed the posts.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 12:55 AM

Love is NOT the opposite of sin.
Righteousness, which includes righteous love, is the opposite of sin.

That is part of the lesson.

Romans 5:21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Grace takes us from sin to righteousness.

Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

Romans 6:18 Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

Romans 8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness.

1 Cor. 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not;

2 Cor. 5:21 For he hath made him (Jesus) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 01:04 AM

The concept that love can operate on its own as the ultimate standard is the trump card of New Age beliefs!

That's why I can't understand why people are taking opposition to my statements that love must be in subjection to God's will and law in order for it to be righteous love. Love on it's own is NOT the ultimate standard.

To say love is the opposite of sin, is removing the standard that defines sin and placing that which IF UNDER THE DIRECTION of God's law is one of the highest attributes of righteousness, on it's own, as if it is the standard in its own right.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 01:29 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq

Adam's love was a lack of trust and reliance upon God.
i think what bothers me most about this statement and the conclusions it can come to is that if adam was wrong for loving eve and not wanting to be separated from her then that makes God also very wrong for loving us and not wanting to be separated from us.

i think where we all agree is that adam should have trusted God, that is where he failed. but he didnt fail because he loved eve and didnt want to be separated from her. that kind of reasoning would make God a "sinner" as i see it.

there is only one kind of love. anything else is a counterfeit, or selfishness, as arnold puts it. there is only the true and the counterfeit of the true.

If you go back and read the whole concept it stated that AT the point where Adam let his love for Eve go against God's command, it became sin. His love at that point showed that he loved Eve more than he loved God.

The difference between Christ and Adam is huge.
There in the garden of Gethesemanie Christ prayer:
"If possible let this cup pass from Me, but NOT MY WILL BUT THINE BE DONE.

Do you see the difference?

Also there are other texts in the Bible like --
Luke 14:26 "If any come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

That is a "hard saying" of Jesus. What does He mean here? Are we to hate our family members? Of course not -- at least not in the sense we understand the word "hate". What it means is that we are not to let our love for anyone come between us and our God. We are to obey God rather than people.

I suppose a story best illustrates --

A young man was convicted to follow Christ all the way in baptism. His mother wept and begged him not to become one of those cultic Sabbath Keepers, it would "kill" her, to think her son had taken up this belief system. If he were to be baptized it would ruin there relationship with each other, she said.

The young man didn't know what to do. He loved his mother very much and didn't want to hurt her. The situation dragged on for some time, the young man feeling the Holy Spirit draw him into making a commitment, yet his mother pleading with him to drop this religious stuff.

Then one night he read Luke 14:26.
It was clear to him what he must do.
Follow Christ! He must not allow his love for his mother to stop him from following Christ. He was baptised.

Cruel? Some thought so.
But by following Christ he found the road to salvation, and as the years passed, his mother too came to the truth.

Adam let his love for Eve come between him and God.
That's what was wrong with his love.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 01:48 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
By arguing against me you are both indicating that you have problems with my belief and statements that love must be in subjection to God's will and law in order to be righteous love, it's on this premise I've addressed the posts.

somehow we seem to be talking past each other.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 02:32 AM

Possibly we are talking past each other.

That's the problem when one starts with concepts addressed by former posters. Then someone else posts. Then another person writes something that misrepresents what I meant -- like

"The error you do that leads to your contrasting love and the law is that you confuse love with sentimentalism."
But then, of course, love that is not in subjection to God's law is sentimentalism no matter how noble it may appear to others.

I guess the way I see it at this point is --

There is still the ambiguty as to which comes first -- which has the highest priority, this does NOT mean the other is pushed aside.

1. The broad generalizations of what it means to love
"Love your neighbor and even your enemies, do good to them that hate you" etc.
2. Our love for God and obedience to all His commandments.

Most of the time it may seem the two are one and the same. After all, Christ commanded us to love our enemies, do good to them that hate you etc. etc. So what's the problem?

But when I read what satan has planned for this world I'm convinced that it isn't always one and the same.

The "love principle" or "love ray" of the New Age movement demands that people give up their individualism, their so called "selfish" holding onto individual convictions and unite in love, for the common good of the whole community. This means giving up fundamentalistic beliefs. Those refusing to do so will be accused of NOT loving, and being the cause of this world's strife.

It will be made to appear that God's followers are selfishly clinging to divisive beliefs, thinking only of themselves, and if they only had the love of God in their hearts they would have the "common good" of the community at heart.

But now we are getting of this thread's subject which is the Sabbath School lesson on grace!
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 03:05 AM

i guess im not seeing where anyone was "arguing against you" nor putting forth anything but the biblical love Jesus came to exemplify.

i get the impression most here participating know the difference between any "new age" and the biblical concept without having to spell it out each time.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 03:50 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
The concept that love can operate on its own as the ultimate standard is the trump card of New Age beliefs!

God is love. So, yes, He is the ultimate standard.

Of course, there are things such as sentimentalism and lust that are called love, but are not love. But let's not let their misunderstanding define our beliefs.

God is love.
Posted By: Elle

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 03:55 AM

Hi Dedication, you brought some nice points and thanks for posting the New Age perspective of love to compare with God's way.

That's interesting, that they only can achieve "love" by losing their identity and fundamental belief for the sake of the community. We Christian, need to almost do the same thing. In regard to fundamental belief, we need to seek for God's beliefs and lay aside our erronous belief. And for our selfish identity, we need to lay that aside and surrender to God's will and become a new person. However, God brings our true noble identity to the surface throught Christ. And His grace is supreme with His patience and the tender trials He gives us, to bring us to an ultimate trusting relationship with Him and not in ourself.

Concerning Love, the Bible says very clearly that God is Love. Love is not something we individual have. Love is a person and by having that person dwelling in us, that's the only way we can reflect God's loving character.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 04:39 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq

i get the impression most here participating know the difference between any "new age" and the biblical concept without having to spell it out each time.

I hope you are right --
Though I have found a large number of Christians who don't see the difference, because the "new age" has invaded the churches and clothed itself in scripture and learned to speak with the same religious phrases Christians are accustomed to hear. It isn't all that obvious on the surface. The main identifying mark is this -- both the true and the false place love on a high plane of personal attributes to exhibit, but one places love above God's law, the other bases love upon God's law.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 04:45 AM

Originally Posted By: Elle
That's interesting, that they only can achieve "love" by losing their identity and fundamental belief for the sake of the community. We Christian, need to almost do the same thing.

i hadnt thought of it in that light before, elle, but you are right. i like how you contrasted the true with the counterfeit. we are to "lose" ourselves for the good of others (the community), the difference will be would we be willing to kill those who disagree with us, or view things differently. or are we willing to be killed because we love God, His truth and others. that would seem to be the ultimate test of whether we do have Godly love or the counterfeit.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 04:58 AM

Are you sure that is the ultimate test?

I have a feeling a lot of people will be lost who would never dream of killing anyone, even if they disagree vigoriously with them. It's not their hate of others, but the fact they don't love the truth that they will be swept away by the deception. (See 2 thess. 2)
Now though I questioned the first half, the other half of your statement I can agree with -- God's faithful people would rather die then dishonor the God Who loves them and whom they love, they'd rather die than give up His truth, and His mission of reaching out in love to others.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 05:08 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: teresaq

i get the impression most here participating know the difference between any "new age" and the biblical concept without having to spell it out each time.

I hope you are right --
Though I have found a large number of Christians who don't see the difference, because the "new age" has invaded the churches and clothed itself in scripture and learned to speak with the same religious phrases Christians are accustomed to hear. It isn't all that obvious on the surface. The main identifying mark is this -- both the true and the false place love on a high plane of personal attributes to exhibit, but one places love above God's law, the other bases love upon God's law.

i can understand your concern.

that seems to be where hanging out with people and getting to know them and where theyre coming from helps. i dont know where any two of us completely agree on everything. i also wouldnt doubt that each of us thinks others are in "heresy" on some point. that may not have been the best way to say the last sentence.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 05:10 AM

i was thinking of the sunday law, tho many times i have to wonder how far someone would go, even now.

a person had to be banned just recently from another forum because he made it clear he believed he didnt have to treat anyone he considered in "heresy" with any kind of respect. you have to wonder where someone like that would stop. and yet im sure he believes he "loves".

others break the commandments regularly to defend their particular beliefs. (we both have experienced the "wrath" of rb, for instance-and he believes hes acting in "love")
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 05:37 AM

Originally Posted By: asygo
Originally Posted By: dedication
The concept that love can operate on its own as the ultimate standard is the trump card of New Age beliefs!

God is love. So, yes, He is the ultimate standard.

Of course, there are things such as sentimentalism and lust that are called love, but are not love. But let's not let their misunderstanding define our beliefs.

God is love.

Yes, God is the personification of LOVE, He isn't just love however, He is an INDIVIDUAL,a SUPREME BEING, not just a concept.

God is many things --

" God is a consuming fire," Duet. 4:24, Heb. 12:29
"God is a merciful God" Duet. 4:31
"God is a jealous God" Duet 6:15
"God is gracious and merciful, 2 Chr. 30:9
" God is terrible majesty. Job 30:32
" God is my salvation.Ps. 62:7
"God is the strength of my heart, Ps. 73:26
"God is the judge: Ps. 75:7
"Our God is holy. Ps. 99:9
"The LORD [is] righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. Ps. 145:17
"God is righteous Dan. 9:14
" God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5
"God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. 1 John 3:20

"God is true. John 3:33
" God is faithful, 1 Cor. 1:9

These are just a few of the many attributes of God.
And yes, God is love--

But that doesn't make "love" the supreme standard.
God is the supreme standard of what love (and all the other righteous attributes) are.

Yes, He demonstrated what real love is all about.
The love demonstrated at Calvary is a love beyond the greatest capacity of human thought. God's love is wider, higher, deeper broader than anything we can fathom.
He will also demonstrate what real justice is all about as well.

Eph. 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
3:18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what [is] the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
4:22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
4:25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.
4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
4:27 Neither give place to the devil.
4:28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with [his] hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Romans 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Ps. 98:9 he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.
Rev. 15 Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 05:40 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
a person had to be banned just recently from another forum because he made it clear he believed he didnt have to treat anyone he considered in "heresy" with any kind of respect. you have to wonder where someone like that would stop. and yet im sure he believes he "loves".

others break the commandments regularly to defend their particular beliefs. (we both have experienced the "wrath" of rb, for instance-and he believes hes acting in "love")

Very true -- the Bible does say that people will kill thinking they are doing God's will.

I guess I was thinking more of the cultural "please everyone" be nice, don't step on any toes, but not really living with Christ type of person, who will be swept away in the final deceptions.
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 12:06 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication

Basically what I see in the replies, since you come right out and say "i'm mistaken" is that you believe love takes precedence over and above the commands of God.
Paul speaks of the christian living led by the Spirit, with listing the fruits of the Spirit. These can be summed up in the great commandment, Love God and love everyone else, and those who live this way break not Gods laws.

No-- love can never take precedence over and above the commands of God. We will never understand love unless we subject it to God's Word.

Righteousness is far greater than simply an outward compliance to God's commandments.
Righteousness is state of being. It includes agape love, obedience to God's righteous law, gentleness, goodness, caring about the needs of others, and all the other atributes of godliness.

Righteousness is the opposite of sin.

Love can be righteous and it can be sinful.
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 12:14 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
The difficulty is this --

My question wasn't about "contrasting law and love"
That was a strawman erected by Vastergotland.
More specifically, you wrote: "So what takes precedence, that is the question --
LOVE or God's Commands?

If we place love first -- we place our own emotional feelings above God's law.

If we place God's commands first we will love, for His law is based on love, but it is NOT based on our own feelings."

If you consider that God's commands are summed up in the great command on Love of God and all other men, asking on precedence is itself a straw man.

I have never contrasted love and law.

My question was what takes precedence- what comes FIRST, obedience to God's will or what appears to be the loving way.

Is love to be subjected to God's will and law, or does love supercede God's will and law.

By arguing against me you are both indicating that you have problems with my belief and statements that love must be in subjection to God's will and law in order to be righteous love, it's on this premise I've addressed the posts.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 05:03 PM

Love is NOT the opposite of sin.

I think it can be rather easily shown that love (agape) is the opposite of sin. Just from general principles, agape is self-sacrificing love. The essence of sin, otoh, is selfishness. So here we see the contrast. On the one hand, you have the giving of self for the good of others, while on the other you have taking from others for the good of self.

From Scripture, the writings of John, in particular, bring out this concept. For example, from 1 John 3:

14We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

15Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

16Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

This is just a small portion, but if one reads the whole chapter (or, better yet, the whole letter), it is clear that John contrasts love (agape) with sin the whole way through.

Righteousness, which includes righteous love, is the opposite of sin.

What does righteousness include besides righteous love? Isn't righteous love simply another way of saying agape? If righteousness consists of righteous love, and righteousness is the opposite of sin, then righteous love is the opposite of sin, which is simply another way of saying that agape is the opposite of sin.

Another way of seeing this is the case is simply from the fact that love is the fulfilling of the law. What's the opposite of fulfilling the law? It's sin.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 05:09 PM


I have a feeling a lot of people will be lost who would never dream of killing anyone, even if they disagree vigoriously with them.

This is an interesting thought. As I've thought about this, I doubt this is true. John contrasts the one who hates his brother with the one who walks in the light. Walking in the light is put together with loving one's brother, and having eternal life. (See 1 John 2). On the other hand, one who hates his brother does not have eternal life, and walks in darkness. So it seems that loving one's brother/hating one's brother is a valid dividing line between those who are lost and those who aren't.

Jesus made clear in the Sermon on the Mount the relationship between hating and murder. It seems to me that unless one is born again, it is inevitable that one will hate one's brother. This happens when one's brother crosses self. By nature, we can't stand anything that gets in the way of the desires of self, and so we hate anyone who does that. It takes the love of God in the heart, in short, being born again, to change this. We cannot love (agape) without being born again. If we don't love our brother, we will hate him, which is tantamount to murder.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 10:15 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: teresaq
a person had to be banned just recently from another forum because he made it clear he believed he didnt have to treat anyone he considered in "heresy" with any kind of respect. you have to wonder where someone like that would stop. and yet im sure he believes he "loves".

others break the commandments regularly to defend their particular beliefs. (we both have experienced the "wrath" of rb, for instance-and he believes hes acting in "love")

Very true -- the Bible does say that people will kill thinking they are doing God's will.

using him as an example since we both know him, but at the same time not telling you anything you dont already know, smile he is the perfect example of "killing". we dont have to literally, physically kill someone to "kill" them. its interesting that there is the term, "assassinating ones character". coming up with any and every kind of accusation to beat down ones opponent, or "kill" their influence.

but he isnt the only one, maybe he and those like him are the most obvious, but we all do it. it is a real struggle to stay in prayer and try to make sure we are dealing with what is actually said/meant. to not try to cut the other person down when we seem to be losing the "war".

what i have seen on these forums just amazes me and by a people who would defend the "law" and the IJ to the death. but that by no means implies that i am faultless myself. many times i have had to apologize, had to go back and make amends myself.

I guess I was thinking more of the cultural "please everyone" be nice, don't step on any toes, but not really living with Christ type of person, who will be swept away in the final deceptions.

yes, and if i may gently point out, if you go back and read the posts the love we were stressing was the "hard" one. the one that has to humble down and admit when it is wrong, that has to make amends, the one that has to constantly search its self in surrender to God to see how one is behaving, how they are treating their fellowman.

someone else could probably do a better job with what i am trying to say. smile
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 10:55 PM

It looks like our paradigms are pretty different, as I'll try to show below.

Originally Posted By: dedication
Yes, God is the personification of LOVE, He isn't just love however, He is an INDIVIDUAL,a SUPREME BEING, not just a concept.

I don't view "love" as just a concept. Your view of "love" seems to be the wishy-washy emotion that is often sung about on the radio. You reject that "love" and rightly so, but that is not the "love" we find in the Bible. 1Cor 13 gives us a peek at true love. 1Jn, especially chapter 4, spells is out pretty clearly.

Originally Posted By: dedication
These are just a few of the many attributes of God.
And yes, God is love--

Here's another difference. You see "love" as one of the many attributes of God. I see "love" as the defining characteristic of God, and those attributes you listed are the different facets and manifestations of love. Love is not just one of the list, it is the aggregate of the list.

John didn't say God HAS love; he said God IS love. That does not downgrade God; it uplifts love.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 11:10 PM

Originally Posted By: västergötland
These can be summed up in the great commandment, Love God and love everyone else, and those who live this way break not Gods laws.

On these hang the law and the prophets. Against such there is no law.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 11:15 PM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
using him as an example since we both know him, but at the same time not telling you anything you dont already know, smile he is the perfect example of "killing".

Be careful. You might pop up in a vision or dream one of these days. wink
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 11:22 PM

Originally Posted By: asygo
Originally Posted By: teresaq
using him as an example since we both know him, but at the same time not telling you anything you dont already know, smile he is the perfect example of "killing".

Be careful. You might pop up in a vision or dream one of these days. wink

smile im addressed somewhere on his site with my "errors", does that count? i understand it bears little resemblance to what i actually said, tho. but then im in good company. once he gets done with the bible/sop they also bear little resemblance to what theyve said.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/14/09 11:30 PM

Originally Posted By: asygo
I see "love" as the defining characteristic of God, and those attributes you listed are the different facets and manifestations of love. Love is not just one of the list, it is the aggregate of the list.

John didn't say God HAS love; he said God IS love. That does not downgrade God; it uplifts love.

i only mentioned one tiny part of that love. as somone else mentioned, sharing ones meal with another when one barely has enough is another aspect of that love. i think it would take a lifetime, and library, to point how far-reaching and deep that love goes.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 12:56 AM

Here's another difference. You see "love" as one of the many attributes of God. I see "love" as the defining characteristic of God, and those attributes you listed are the different facets and manifestations of love. Love is not just one of the list, it is the aggregate of the list.

I see things this way as well.
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 03:44 AM

As this week's study is on grace, how do love and grace relate to each other?
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 05:23 AM

Originally Posted By: västergötland
The difficulty is this --
If you consider that God's commands are summed up in the great command on Love of God and all other men, asking on precedence is itself a straw man.
Originally Posted By: dedication

I have never contrasted love and law.

My question was what takes precedence- what comes FIRST, obedience to God's will or what appears to be the loving way.

Is love to be subjected to God's will and law, or does love supercede God's will and law.

You reasoning is faulty -- at least that's what they taught us in school.

It goes like this --

All cats have four legs
That creature over there has four legs, therefore it must be a cat.
BUT no -- it's not.

What you are saying:
All God's commandments are summed up in love
That person is loving, therefore he is keeping God's commandments.
BUT no -- they may be, but yet they may not be.

Love must be governed by more than what one thinks is the "loving, selfless thing to do". God's commandments must take precedence.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 06:43 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
You reasoning is faulty -- at least that's what they taught us in school.

It goes like this --

All cats have four legs
That creature over there has four legs, therefore it must be a cat.
BUT no -- it's not.

What you are saying:
All God's commandments are summed up in love
That person is loving, therefore he is keeping God's commandments.
BUT no -- they may be, but yet they may not be.

You've jumped too far in the educational system. The logic is based on propositional logic, not the syllogisms of deductive logic. Here's how it goes:

Love is the fulfillment of the law.
Therefore, if a person is loving, he fulfills the law.

The key to the logic is the simple proposition that love fulfills the law.

What you seem to be proposing is that love does not always fulfill the law. Is that right?

Originally Posted By: dedication
Love must be governed by more than what one thinks is the "loving, selfless thing to do". God's commandments must take precedence.

I think the problem is not one of governance, but definition. Love is NOT "what one thinks is the 'loving, selfless thing to do'." If that's what you think love is, then you certainly should reject it as the guiding principle of godliness because it has human ideas as its foundation.

But once we escape the tangles of human ideas, we will find that love, as God defines it, is not something that is subject to the law, but is something that determines what the law must be. Check this out:
But notice here that obedience is not a mere outward compliance, but the service of love. The law of God is an expression of His very nature; it is an embodiment of the great principle of love, and hence is the foundation of His government in heaven and earth. If our hearts are renewed in the likeness of God, if the divine love is implanted in the soul, will not the law of God be carried out in the life? When the principle of love is implanted in the heart, when man is renewed after the image of Him that created him, the new-covenant promise is fulfilled, "I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them." Hebrews 10:16. And if the law is written in the heart, will it not shape the life? Obedience--the service and allegiance of love--is the true sign of discipleship. Thus the Scripture says, "This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments." "He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." 1 John 5:3; 2:4. Instead of releasing man from obedience, it is faith, and faith only, that makes us partakers of the grace of Christ, which enables us to render obedience. {SC 60.2}

I was going to cut that shorter, but it was too good to abridge.

So there we have Paul's one-liner, and the SOP expounding on it. Underneath God's law, acting as its foundation and guide, is divine love. In short, love is what GOD thinks is the "loving, selfless thing to do" and His law is simply an enumeration of how to go about doing that. And if one is loving, as God defines loving, how could he sin? (Now would be a good time to segue into 1 John 3.)
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 06:44 AM

Originally Posted By: Daryl Fawcett
As this week's study is on grace, how do love and grace relate to each other?

Check out the SC 60.2 quote above. Grace is what enables us to love. Without it, all we can do is to be selfish.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 06:49 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
Love is NOT the opposite of sin.

I think it can be rather easily shown that love (agape) is the opposite of sin. Just from general principles, agape is self-sacrificing love. The essence of sin, otoh, is selfishness.....
What does righteousness include besides righteous love? Isn't righteous love simply another way of saying agape? If righteousness consists of righteous love, and righteousness is the opposite of sin, then righteous love is the opposite of sin, which is simply another way of saying that agape is the opposite of sin.

Another way of seeing this is the case is simply from the fact that love is the fulfilling of the law. What's the opposite of fulfilling the law? It's sin.

So you reason --

Since sin is the opposite of righteousness
And selfless love is one of the highest attributes of righteousness,
Therefore selfless love is the opposite of sin.

Which is true if you are working from the general principle to the specifics, but faulty reasoning if you then throw out the premise and replace it with a specific.

Righeousness is still the starting premise.

Faith and trust in God are also the opposite of sin.
Romans 14:23 whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
So is temperance the opposite of sin.

1 John 3:3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
Purity is the opposite of sin.
So are all the attributes of righteousness, the opposite of sin.
Gal. 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law

Thus righteousness is still the opposite of sin.
Love must be part of that righteousness, to be included as the opposite of sin.

So was Adam's self sacrificing love for Eve sin or righteous, when he chose to die with her rather than to obey God?
Adam, through his love for Eve, disobeyed the command of God, and fell with her.

"This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments."1 John 5:3 "He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination." Proverbs 28:9.

Love is fulfilling God's law. It doesn't take the place of God's law.

Yes, love for God and others in perfect accord with God's will is the goal.
Yet, God's Word, must always take precedence, it must be placed higher than our best concepts of love, or we will never be in accord with God, but making "love" our god.

God is a God of truth. Justice and mercy are the attributes of His throne. Holiness and purity radiate from His person. Power and majesty are His. Yet, He is a God of love, of pity and tender compassion. Thus He is represented in His Son, our Saviour. He is a God of patience and long-suffering, not wanting people to perish but to come to repentance and turn from their evil ways to His saving grace. If such is the being whom we adore and to whose character we are seeking to assimilate, we are worshiping the true God.

Yes, we need to dwell upon the matchless love of God revealed through Christ our Savior, yet if we concentrate solely on one attribute to the neglect of the others, we may end up with a different god.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 07:44 AM

Originally Posted By: asygo
Originally Posted By: dedication
Love is the fulfillment of the law.
Therefore, if a person is loving, he fulfills the law.

The key to the logic is the simple proposition that love fulfills the law.

What you seem to be proposing is that love does not always fulfill the law. Is that right?

It appears you are coming at this from an idealistic viewpoint, not from real world.
We are humans not robots.
We make choices as to what to do and not to do.
That's how God made us -- to be thinking people.

You seem to be saying we are infused with "divine love" and automatically fulfil the law, and any "loving act" is therefore fulfilling God's law.

BUT THE REALITY of life is --
What we choose to do IS HUMAN choice, we are NOT divine.
People will THINK and feel they are doing the loving thing, when in actuality their "loving act" could be against God's commandments.
They think that since they are now Christians and have accepted Christ -- their "loving" impulses are now automatically fulfilling God's law.

Love is the fulfilment of the law --
We can't separate love from obedience, or it isn't obedience at all. However, LOVE WILL SEEK TO FULFIL THE LAW.

The quote you gave CLEARLY SAYS LOVE LOOKS TO THE LAW for its direction. It seeks and wants to obey God's law. It makes God and His Word the precedent, not the "love".

Originally Posted By: dedication
Love must be governed by more than what one thinks is the "loving, selfless thing to do". God's commandments must take precedence.

I think the problem is not one of governance, but definition. Love is NOT "what one thinks is the 'loving, selfless thing to do'." If that's what you think love is, then you certainly should reject it as the guiding principle of godliness because it has human ideas as its foundation.

Of course love is the human response.
You aren't saying that we have become gods and now love like God? We will never love like God. We can only love as human beings. And that love MUST BE SUBJECTED TO GOD'S WORD! We must seek out God's will, and conform ourselves to His will, that is love, not the other way around.

That love response in us grows as we contemplate the cross, and what Christ has done for us. And then, yes, we want to do what God says. We love to do what He says, because we love HIM. We love others because we see His love for them. But it will always be our love from our human hearts and minds. Influenced and renewed by the Holy Spirit, yes, but still our human love.


But once we escape the tangles of human ideas, we will find that love, as God defines it, is not something that is subject to the law, but is something that determines what the law must be.

What can I say, without appearing as "unloving". But how in the world does one "escape human ideas" without going to God's word and law?

What you wrote there is the very essense of "new theology" -- to think our love is no longer our human love but divine love within, and so we can determine what the law must be?

Brother --
We are human beings,
don't get into the mystic idea that we will ever have so much "divine love" that we can determine what the law is to be.
We are subject to God's law.

When EGW says divine love is implanted in our soul,she's refering to the change in our motives, she does NOT mean we become divine and can now determine what God's law should be.

The quote you gave, does not match the statement --
It clearly states that God's law becomes imprinted in our hearts and minds, and our love response to God is to fulfil His law. We NEVER DEFINE the law.

But notice here that obedience is not a mere outward compliance, but the service of love. The law of God is an expression of His very nature; it is an embodiment of the great principle of love, and hence is the foundation of His government in heaven and earth. If our hearts are renewed in the likeness of God, if the divine love is implanted in the soul, will not the law of God be carried out in the life? When the principle of love is implanted in the heart, when man is renewed after the image of Him that created him, the new-covenant promise is fulfilled, "I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them." Hebrews 10:16. And if the law is written in the heart, will it not shape the life? Obedience--the service and allegiance of love--is the true sign of discipleship. Thus the Scripture says, "This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments." "He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." 1 John 5:3; 2:4. Instead of releasing man from obedience, it is faith, and faith only, that makes us partakers of the grace of Christ, which enables us to render obedience. {SC 60.2}
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 09:37 AM

Was Jesus as you describe - bound by the shackles of human love?

Jesus asked Peter, "Do you agape Me?" Peter could only respond, "I phileo You."

Who is our example, Jesus or Peter?

The "love" you speak of is generated by human effort, trying hard to keep the law of God as a set of rules. The "love" I speak of seeks to bless others, for the benefit of others, and thereby fulfills the law as a result.

You see keeping the law as resulting in love; I see love as resulting in keeping the law. It's a question of which is the cause and which is the effect. "If you keep My commandments, you will love Me."

Have you ever seen the EGW quote that says that in obeying God's commands, Christians are merely following their own impulses? That's conversion. He has been changed from the inside, making the outside Christlike also. Something like the cup.

In contrast, the one who looks at the law as a set of requirements is trying to clean the outside of the cup. Life is one big chore for such a one.

Plus, it's time to use your syllogisms now. You have erred in concluding that I said anything like "we can determine what the law is to be."
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 11:24 AM

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

15 We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles, 16 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.
17 “But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a minister of sin? Certainly not! 18 For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. 19 For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. 20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. 21 I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.”
1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? 2 This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
5 Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?—
9 So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. 10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.” 11 But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for “the just shall live by faith.”
19 What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator. 20 Now a mediator does not mediate for one only, but God is one. 21 Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law. 22 But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. 23 But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed. 24 Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.
8 But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. 9 But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11 I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain.
21 Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise, 24 which things are symbolic. For these are the two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar— 25 for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children— 26 but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all.
4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. 5 For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love. 13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

This is the source of my reasoning.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 12:04 PM

Of course now you throw the common rag that every person who tries to get away from God's law does -- saying I'm just "cleaning the outside" and don't believe in inner renewal, and the Holy Spirit imprinting His law in mind and heart, because I don't trust my own feelings and determine to base what is right or wrong upon God's Word. Because I believe God's commands take precedence over even the best understanding we have of love.

That somehow I'm trying to "generate love" by obeying a set of rules.
I guess you didn't read my posts --

I wrote:
"That love response in us grows as we contemplate the cross, and what Christ has done for us. And then, yes, we want to do what God says. We love to do what He says, because we love HIM. We love others because we see His love for them. But it will always be our love from our human hearts and minds. Influenced and renewed (and I must add, purified) by the Holy Spirit, yes, but still our human love."


But once we escape the tangles of human ideas, we will find that love, as God defines it, is not something that is subject to the law, but is something that determines what the law must be.

Here you clearly say that love as God defines it is not subject to God's law, but determines what the law must be.

Doesn't quite make sense does it --
Since God's law and God's love are never in conflict.

Yet, with that logic, people say, "now that I know something about God's love, I'll let that determine what God's law must be.
That, whether you agree or not, is the logical conclusion of what you said.

A person will never escape HUMAN thought, for that is the center of their being -- a human being that thinks. You will never think exactly the same as anyone else.
Your definition of "how God defines love" will never be exactly the same in actual situations, as anothers.

And God's thoughts are far above our thoughts.

God's definition of love is FAR ABOVE our concept of that love.
Our BEST attempts fall short.

-- A person will never even know how God defines love unless they study His Word and His commands.
He will never know how God's commands define love unless they study His Word and His commands.

We can NEVER depend on self thinking we've arrived at some level of perfect love within that we no longer need to follow God's commandments.

In contrast, the one who looks at the law as a set of requirements is trying to clean the outside of the cup.Life is one big chore for such a one.

So are you saying God's law is not binding? It's not required of a Christian to "keep God's commandments"?
Is it a burden to you?
Actually, I think the one who thinks it's a big chore to obey God's commandments is the one who is only cleaning the outside.
If you really had God's "love" there would be no resistance to His commandments.
It would be plain that God's law is like a hedge keeping us on the right path as we follow Jesus with gratitude and joy.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 06:48 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Of course now you throw the common rag that every person who tries to get away from God's law does -- saying I'm just "cleaning the outside" and don't believe in inner renewal

Use your syllogisms, friend. You are jumping to erroneous conclusions.

Did I say you were "just" cleaning the outside? Quote me.

What I was trying to get across was that you were cleaning the outside of the cup, and from there working toward cleaning the inside. "If you keep My commandments, you will love Me."

Though you believe in inner renewal, you are teaching that it comes from outward compliance. Your cart precedes the horse.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 06:55 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
So are you saying God's law is not binding? It's not required of a Christian to "keep God's commandments"?
Is it a burden to you?

1) The law is binding, not because it is written on stone, but because it is written on the heart. That's the only way for the law to be truly binding.

2) Keeping the commandments is required, like breathing is required.

3) Why would it be a burden, if it is simply carrying out my impulses? Now, if I was trying to keep the law, but my heart really wanted to do something else, that would be a burden. The only way for the law to be not a burden is for my heart and mind to be renewed. Anything short is "grit your teeth and bear it" legalism.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 07:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Daryl Fawcett
As this week's study is on grace, how do love and grace relate to each other?

because God is love He is able to extend grace to us, who have failed in loving Him supremely and others as ourself. if He were not love He would have just wiped us out and went on His merry way without a second thought.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 08:45 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Yes, we need to dwell upon the matchless love of God revealed through Christ our Savior, yet if we concentrate solely on one attribute to the neglect of the others, we may end up with a different god.

the messenger of the Lord seems to have thought differently:

Let the mind dwell upon His love, upon the beauty, the perfection, of His character. Christ in His self-denial, Christ in His humiliation, Christ in His purity and holiness, Christ in His matchless love --this is the subject for the soul's contemplation. It is by loving Him, copying Him, depending wholly upon Him, that you are to be transformed into His likeness. {SC 70.2}

It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit. If we would be saved at last, we must learn the lesson of penitence and humiliation at the foot of the cross. {DA 83.4}
As we associate together, we may be a blessing to one another. If we are Christ's, our sweetest thoughts will be of Him. We shall love to talk of Him; and as we speak to one another of His love, our hearts will be softened by divine influences. Beholding the beauty of His character, we shall be "changed into the same image from glory to glory." 2 Corinthians 3:18. {DA 83.5}

His ministry was nearly completed; He had only a few more lessons to impart. And that they might never forget the humility of the pure and spotless Lamb of God, the great and efficacious Sacrifice for man humbled Himself to wash the feet of His disciples. It will do you good, and our ministers generally, to frequently review the closing scenes in the life of our Redeemer. Here, beset with temptations as He was, we may all learn lessons of the utmost importance to us. It would be well to spend a thoughtful hour each day reviewing the life of Christ from the manger to Calvary. We should take it point by point and let the imagination vividly grasp each scene, especially the closing ones of His earthly life. By thus contemplating His teachings and sufferings, and the infinite sacrifice made by Him for the redemption of the race, we may strengthen our faith, quicken our love, and become more deeply imbued with the spirit which sustained our Saviour. If we would be saved at last we must all learn the lesson of penitence and faith at the foot of the cross. Christ suffered humiliation to save us from everlasting disgrace. He consented to have scorn, mockery, and abuse fall upon Him in order to shield us. It was our transgression that gathered the veil of darkness about His divine soul and extorted the cry from Him, as of one smitten and forsaken of God. He bore our sorrows; He was put to grief for our sins. He made Himself an offering for sin, that we might be justified before God through Him. Everything noble and generous in man will respond to the contemplation of Christ upon the cross. {4T 374.1}
I long to see our ministers dwell more upon the cross of Christ, their own hearts, meanwhile, softened and subdued by the Saviour's matchless love, which prompted that infinite sacrifice. If, in connection with the theory of the truth, our ministers would dwell more upon practical godliness, speaking from a heart imbued with the spirit of truth, we should see many more souls flocking to the standard of truth; their hearts would be touched by the pleadings of the cross of Christ, the infinite generosity and pity of Jesus in suffering for man. These vital subjects, in connection with the doctrinal points of our faith, would effect much good among the people. But the heart of the teacher must be filled with the experimental knowledge of the love of Christ. {4T 374.2}
The mighty argument of the cross will convict of sin. The divine love of God for sinners, expressed in the gift of His Son to suffer shame and death that they might be ennobled and endowed with everlasting life, is the study of a lifetime. I ask you to study anew the cross of Christ. If all the proud and vainglorious, whose hearts are panting for the applause of men and for distinction above their fellows, could rightly estimate the value of the highest earthly glory in contrast with the value of the Son of God, rejected, despised, spit upon, by the very ones whom He came to redeem, how insignificant would appear all the honor that finite man can bestow. {4T 375.1}
.... The less you meditate upon Christ and His matchless love and the less you are assimilated to His image, the better will you appear in your own eyes, and the more self-confidence and self-complacency will you possess. A correct knowledge of Christ, a constant looking unto the Author and Finisher of our faith, will give you such a view of the character of a true Christian that you cannot fail to make a right estimate of your own life and character in contrast with those of the great Exemplar. You will then see your own weakness, your ignorance, your love of ease, and your unwillingness to deny self. {4T 375.2}

there is only one way into heaven, studying Christ, His love for us, how He treated all.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/15/09 11:11 PM

Did I say you were "just" cleaning the outside? Quote me.

Way to go Arnold! Ask for quotes!
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 01:47 AM

I truly regret missing this week's posts as they happened; may have helped sooner. Shall touch here on salient bits from the whole week's discussion.

I'll come to grace in a moment...; it deserves a strong mention! lol

Love and law. The law of God expresses his love so we can understand how far from it we sinful humans are: they are synonymous, God's agape and the Commandments both as written and as demonstrated in the life and death of Christ. Human love, whether family, friendly or romantic, isn't the same as Christian love, our experience of God's agape, since they're varieties of human expression, but..., when backed by Christian love any human expression of love virtually becomes Christian love itself...

Righteous: what's it mean in and for us? Acquittal can't be the main point as then it'd be a misnomer, for much, much more than pardon is involved! Righteous means, as pointed out earlier, right doing: therefore, Rom 5:19 is not the same as Rom 5:18. Being made righteous is what justification by faith is, with the renewal of the mind of Rom 12:2. Acquittal is the legal basis of this spiritual experience, but that acquittal isn't an experience, it's a legal event, and that's a matter of grace alone, is it not, for Jesus is "the Saviour of the world".

Moreover, righteous also means both just & straight(ened): that means correction of the bent (the meaning of "iniquity", isn't it?) of sinfulness in human nature to the justified, righteous, straightened mind of Christ, which he was born with (whatever you wish to call his mind other than justified...! Justified without needing conversion, perhaps?) and we receive at conversion.

Righteous love is Christian love, and that starts as the attitude we have when we use the "mind of Christ": righteousness is attitude first, then thought, word and deed, and that attitude is the mindset submitted to Christ's Lordship by his Spirit dwelling in our mind - hence we have "the mind of Christ", just as he learned obedience by the things he suffered. The things he suffered is best interpreted as deprivation of sinful satisfaction, which his adopted, sinful flesh craved, but he learned obedience as he followed his Father by grace through faith.

Determining the law of God and its viability/meaning in human life by human measures is indeed "the new theology", since it quite likely interprets Christ's suffering in learning by obedience as something other than the suffering of his sinful, human flesh which he felt: he didn't conquer sin in the flesh to be our Saviour (...says the new theology; also, he's our Example after qualifying as Saviour as in the paragraph above!), so we can't either - whatever sort of logic you want to call that, that's the end result of the "new theology".

Agape is who God is, but what God is, the essence of the Godhead or divine nature, is holiness. Holiness calls for justice and mercy, that is wrath against sin and redemption from sin (& the wrath due it), and agape supplies both.

The fruits of the Spirit conclude with what??? "Against such there is no law." Holiness of God and righteousness of Christ, imputed as our renewed minds and imparted in to our changing and ultimately changed characters - reflecting Christ, are in harmony with the written expression of God's love. The law was given to expose what was contrary to God's will, thus it expressed God's agape, rather than any expression of human wisdom or claims of love. Once we come to Christ, having been driven by the law to seek his salvation from our sins and sinfulness, the law lain in the ark in heaven remains merely a memorial of God's grace in Christ moving out of glory to save this lost world: the written law shall have no more relevance since it is written on our hearts by and in the person of the Holy Spirit (who shall never depart from us, for all eternity; he is our participation in the divine nature...). The Holy Spirit is Christ and the Father's joint, personal omnipresence (thus, not the same type of person as them): he materialises Christ's characteristic righteousness in our minds and lives. Love is equal to the law, and the law is equal to love, but the written law has played its part as Christ's love, agape, remains in our hearts, forever more from this life of faith, for Jesus then to return and fetch us home to be with him where he is.

Now for a bit on grace....
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 02:07 AM

Grace and love...: yes, by grace love is expressed to us in Christ. They speak for each other, though, don't they? They're synonymous, aren't they: love is graceous and grace is loving..., speaking of agape here, of course.

Grace itself is misstated, imho, as that which we don't deserve: undeserved favour. Is that all??! Isn't grace another book bigger than "favour" of whichever sort it is here rightly said to be?!! It was Ps Ian Hartley, originally of South Africa, but possibly now still in Canada somewhere, who related to us young adults at the camp meeting sessions reserved for us who were older than senior youth - 26-35, that grace is God's actions, his plans, his creation, and then also his intervention in our creation after we turned from him.

God's grace is his lifestyle. Think a little wider than "words": what does God do with himself, has he also done and shall always do, after sin in over and gone??? He provides all that his creation could ever want or think to need and want, and that includes basing our justification, sanctification and glorification in Jesus' graceous, incarnated life, which we receive by accepting his spiritual history as ours, believing he graceously made his move so we find out afterwards that it's all sorted out for us, should we wish his option.

Grace doesn't just encompass salvation mercy, etc. It is God's whole story of catering to fallen and unfallen creatures, and more than that, since we don't know the end of his plans, into eternity to come, beyond relocating to the new earth....
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 02:47 AM

that is an interesting thought. no one "deserves" life. or anything else the Lord has provided for the fallen and unfallen.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 03:51 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
Did I say you were "just" cleaning the outside? Quote me.

Way to go Arnold! Ask for quotes!

Good thing my quotes are confined to a limited area.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 03:53 AM

Originally Posted By: Colin
Grace itself is misstated, imho, as that which we don't deserve: undeserved favour. Is that all??! Isn't grace another book bigger than "favour" of whichever sort it is here rightly said to be?!!

Yes, much bigger. I have heard it defined as God's attitude toward us.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 04:00 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
Originally Posted By: dedication
Yes, we need to dwell upon the matchless love of God revealed through Christ our Savior, yet if we concentrate solely on one attribute to the neglect of the others, we may end up with a different god.

the messenger of the Lord seems to have thought differently:

I would have to agree with the messenger this time. wink

Dwelling on God's matchless love cannot neglect His other attributes, because it is composed of all His attributes. It's like saying that if we are too focused on eating a BLT sandwich, we might neglect eating the bacon (fake SDA bacon, of course), lettuce, and tomato! Take all of God's attributes, roll them up together, and you'll get love.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 04:26 AM

Originally Posted By: asygo

Did I say you were "just" cleaning the outside? Quote me.
The "love" you speak of is generated by human effort, trying hard to keep the law of God as a set of rules. .... the one who looks at the law as a set of requirements is trying to clean the outside of the cup. Life is one big chore for such a one.

What I was trying to get across was that you were cleaning the outside of the cup, and from there working toward cleaning the inside. "If you keep My commandments, you will love Me."

No, I've never said, "if you keep my commandments, you will love Me."
First we come to Christ as we are. We accept Him as our Lord and Savior. We are baptised into His death, thus signifying that our old life is dead, and rise with Him into newness of life.
Love fulfils God's law. Love never throws out God's commands as a burden or yoke.

The Bible also says:
1 John 3:3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

Yes, there are things we must CLEAN out of our lives. The Holy Spirit will help you do that.

Though you believe in inner renewal, you are teaching that it comes from outward compliance. Your cart precedes the horse.

Obviously you guys all totally and completely miss the point.

Where in the world did I say all the things you are now putting in my mouth.

No --

My premise is this --
We must place the Word of God and His law as the standard or we will NEVER know what love, righteousness, etc. is all about.

If God's Word and His law isn't placed first, we are left with nothing more than "what we think is the loving thing to do."

Just like Adam --
Didn't he do the "loving thing" by eating the fruit?

God has not left us with just our feelings of "what the loving thing to do is" He gave us a map, His Word and His commandments.

That has nothing to do with gaining God's favor by our works etc. etc. etc. You are launching off into a totally different subject.

But when "love" is placed above God's commandments as having the power to determine what those commands should be -- a person is headed for big trouble.

When people THINK that all their "impulses" and "desires" are in perfect accord with God's commands and thus they don't need God's Word or commands anymore they are deceiving themselves.

True, a person in close fellowship with Christ, will delight to do His will, that is the only way keep God's commands. But love is still a principle, and God's Word sets the standard for that principle, not our inner reasoning.

All I'm saying is that God's Word and His commands MUST BE THE PRINCIPLE governing what love, righteousness etc is.

For example --

In real life:
A person has accepted Christ, yes, His heart and mind have been moved by the Holy Spirit and He wants to follow Christ. Then he is convicted he should keep the Sabbath. But to keep the Sabbath means losing his job.

Now he listens to the modern "love fulfils the law" therefore being loving is all that is needed.
He starts to think, God wants me to love my family. I love them by providing for them. It would not be the loving thing to do something that would cause me to lose my job. We'd lose our house, and ..... I know God is love, and He wants me to love, so I'll keep the Sabbath in the hours I'm not working, and I'm sure God will understand, that I have to provide for my family. He knows my heart. He knows I love Him! He knows I love my family....

Or he listens to a person who tells him, that God's commands are the guide. He is encouraged to "trust and obey" for that is the true way of love and happiness. In spite of his families protests he stops work on the Sabbath, loses his job, and endures some pretty tough times for a couple months. Tough financially and tough because of the condemnation heaped upon him by people who think he's too fanatical. But finally God rewards his faith, he finds work and happiness in the Lord.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 04:41 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
Originally Posted By: dedication
Yes, we need to dwell upon the matchless love of God revealed through Christ our Savior, yet if we concentrate solely on one attribute to the neglect of the others, we may end up with a different god.

the messenger of the Lord seems to have thought differently:

Let the mind dwell upon His love, upon the beauty, the perfection, of His character. Christ in His self-denial, Christ in His humiliation, Christ in His purity and holiness, Christ in His matchless love --this is the subject for the soul's contemplation. It is by loving Him, copying Him, depending wholly upon Him, that you are to be transformed into His likeness. {SC 70.2}

Seems the "messenger" is speaking of all His attributes, not just one....
1, "His love,
2. the beauty, the perfection, of His character.
3. Christ in His self-denial,
4. Christ in His humiliation,
5. Christ in His purity
6. and holiness,
7. Christ in His matchless love

GC 415 "The ark that enshrines the tables of the law is covered with the mercy-seat, before which Christ pleads his blood in the sinner's behalf. Thus is represented the union of justice and mercy in the plan of human redemption. This union infinite wisdom alone could devise, and infinite power accomplish; it is a union that fills all Heaven with wonder and adoration."

"Those who will empty their hearts of vanity and rubbish, through the grace of God may purify the chambers of the mind, and make it a storehouse of knowledge, purity, and truth. And it will be continually reaching beyond the narrow boundaries of worldly thought, into the vastness of the Infinite. The justice and mercy of God will be unfolded to the moral perceptions. The grievous character of sin, with its results, will be discerned. The character of God, His love manifested in giving His Son to die for the world, and the beauty of holiness, are exalted themes for contemplation. These will strengthen the intellect, and bring man into close communion with the Infinite One.--Review and Herald, June 21, 1877. {FE 49.2}

What are we to contemplate:
His love, yes,
Also the beauty of His holiness
His mercy
His justice
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 04:47 AM

Originally Posted By: asygo

Dwelling on God's matchless love cannot neglect His other attributes, because it is composed of all His attributes.

Then why are there so many denominations, all teaching that God is love, but coming to so many different conclusions as to what is truth?

Again, you speak of God, Who is perfect, His love is perfect, and everything He does is based in His love. That is true enough.
I'm not worried about God's love, it's NOT His love that is in question.

It's the thought that OUR love somehow supercedes God's commands.

It's people who only focus on God' love, and not His justice and holiness who lose their way and find a different god.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 05:14 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: teresaq
Originally Posted By: dedication
Yes, we need to dwell upon the matchless love of God revealed through Christ our Savior, yet if we concentrate solely on one attribute to the neglect of the others, we may end up with a different god.

the messenger of the Lord seems to have thought differently:

Let the mind dwell upon His love, upon the beauty, the perfection, of His character. Christ in His self-denial, Christ in His humiliation, Christ in His purity and holiness, Christ in His matchless love --this is the subject for the soul's contemplation. It is by loving Him, copying Him, depending wholly upon Him, that you are to be transformed into His likeness. {SC 70.2}

Seems the "messenger" is speaking of all His attributes, not just one....
1, "His love,
2. the beauty, the perfection, of His character.
3. Christ in His self-denial,
4. Christ in His humiliation,
5. Christ in His purity
6. and holiness,
7. Christ in His matchless love

GC 415 "The ark that enshrines the tables of the law is covered with the mercy-seat, before which Christ pleads his blood in the sinner's behalf. Thus is represented the union of justice and mercy in the plan of human redemption. This union infinite wisdom alone could devise, and infinite power accomplish; it is a union that fills all Heaven with wonder and adoration."

"Those who will empty their hearts of vanity and rubbish, through the grace of God may purify the chambers of the mind, and make it a storehouse of knowledge, purity, and truth. And it will be continually reaching beyond the narrow boundaries of worldly thought, into the vastness of the Infinite. The justice and mercy of God will be unfolded to the moral perceptions. The grievous character of sin, with its results, will be discerned. The character of God, His love manifested in giving His Son to die for the world, and the beauty of holiness, are exalted themes for contemplation. These will strengthen the intellect, and bring man into close communion with the Infinite One.--Review and Herald, June 21, 1877. {FE 49.2}

What are we to contemplate:
His love, yes,
Also the beauty of His holiness
His mercy
His justice

having read through these posts several times now i get the distinct impression that what we are "arguing" about is your preconceived notions of what is believed by some of us.

it seems that if anyone says "love" you hear self-centered, worldly love, new-age, new theology. i cant help how the enemy has counterfeited and led many astray. i cant let that stop me from studying Christ and "by beholding we become".

how can there possibly be any kind of discussion if one is not hearing, nor responding to what is said, but to what is going on in their mind?

i am at a complete loss as to how you have not picked up that we do not have limited sickly view of Godly love, which is under discussion, and our goal. nor do i understand where you have gotten the idea that any of us believe we have it. we are to study the life of Christ and as far as ive seen that pretty well covers every aspect you have mentioned.

and lest i be misunderstood yet again, i am in no way saying the rest of the bible should be neglected.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 05:33 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: asygo

Dwelling on God's matchless love cannot neglect His other attributes, because it is composed of all His attributes.

Then why are there so many denominations, all teaching that God is love, but coming to so many different conclusions as to what is truth?

there is much more to it than that. for one thing most churches teach an eternally burning hell for the lost. but we know why there are so many denominations. it is because each would only grow so far then stopped. then persecuted those who discovered more truth.

Again, you speak of God, Who is perfect, His love is perfect, and everything He does is based in His love. That is true enough.
I'm not worried about God's love, it's NOT His love that is in question.

It's the thought that OUR love somehow supercedes God's commands.

who on earth ever said that, or even hinted at it?

It's people who only focus on God' love, and not His justice and holiness who lose their way and find a different god.

that would depend on what anyones definitions of "justice", "love" and we are talking of Gods love, and "holiness" are as to whether they are being neglected or not, or how they are even separate and not parts of each other.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 05:51 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
It's the thought that OUR love somehow supercedes God's commands.

I think tq is on the money in post #113145 - what we are "arguing" about is your preconceived notions of what is believed by some of us.

You say, "It's the thought that OUR love somehow supercedes God's commands." I've been discussing, and sometimes disagreeing, with the people on this thread for a while, and I can guarantee that you are the only one with that thought.

Colin said, "Thus the opposite of sin is agape." Tom echoed, "I think agape would be the opposite of sin." If I know these guys at all, they weren't talking about "OUR love" as superseding God's commands. Rather, they were talking about GOD'S love being the opposite of sin.

You said, "Love can never stand alone." You must be talking about human-defined love. True, that can never stand alone. But then, that cannot rightly be called love. Many might think it is love, but it is not.

When we speak of love, we are talking of God's love - God is love. That human abomination that contradicts God's commands is not what WE have in mind. It seems, however, that that's what you have in mind when you think of "love." It might be called love, but it is not.

Time is short. It is time we straighten out what love really means. It is time for us to leave behind our erroneous concepts of what love is, and really get to know Him who is love.

No God, no love.
Know God, know love.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 06:45 AM

Dwelling on God's matchless love cannot neglect His other attributes, because it is composed of all His attributes.

Then why are there so many denominations, all teaching that God is love, but coming to so many different conclusions as to what is truth?

Because they don't know God.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 06:57 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
Dwelling on God's matchless love cannot neglect His other attributes, because it is composed of all His attributes.

Then why are there so many denominations, all teaching that God is love, but coming to so many different conclusions as to what is truth?

Because they don't know God.

I'm not so sure we can say that --
Some of those people are more "in love" with Christ then you'll hear and see in most Adventist Churches. It can put one to shame how easily they talk about God's goodness and bring it into their daily conversation in a radiant real life way. Yet, they their beliefs often diverge into areas I don't see as Biblical.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 07:46 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
having read through these posts several times now i get the distinct impression that what we are "arguing" about is your preconceived notions of what is believed by some of us.

it seems that if anyone says "love" you hear self-centered, worldly love, new-age, new theology.

No, I'm not judging the spiritual condition of anyone. After all I don't know any of you personally.
Nor, have I ever said that this love is "self-centered, worldly love".
I did say that even our BEST concept of love falls far short of God's love and is not a reliable guide, we still need a reliable "measuring rod" (as in God's Word and commandments) to check that we are on the path of righteousness.

i cant help how the enemy has counterfeited and led many astray. i cant let that stop me from studying Christ and "by beholding we become".

No one is trying to stop you from studying Christ and by beholding become changed.

That's my point -- we must never let "love", even when we're convinced it's the right kind of love, be the standard, we must always study Christ, His Word, His law, if we want to be changed into His image.

Yet, when people tell me God's Word and commands are not above our love, what am I supposed to think? And I have been told that.


how can there possibly be any kind of discussion if one is not hearing, nor responding to what is said, but to what is going on in their mind?

So everyone is responding to what is going on their mind.

i am at a complete loss as to how you have not picked up that we do not have limited sickly view of Godly love, which is under discussion,

See -- you are responding to what's in your mind, not to what I said. No where have I said you have a "sickly view of Godly love".
My point was that people can never have the right view of Godly love unless they subject their ideas of that love to God's Word and law.

That was my point from the start -- OUR love, must be subjected to God's Word and commands, or it will lead astray.

Then I was told (not by you) that love is not bound by law, but love, as defined by God, determines what the law is to be.

I'm sorry but that statement troubles me.
I don't care how noble (not sickly but NOBLE) our love is, it can never, never place itself as the definer of God's law.

nor do i understand where you have gotten the idea that any of us believe we have it.

No, we don't have godly love, we fall far far far short, and that's why we NEED to place our love under the searching light of God's Word and law. Why are people (not you) telling me that I'm "putting the cart before the horse" and "preaching another gospel" by saying we can't make our love the standard, but that we must compare it TO GOD'S WORD and law? That God's commands and Word must take precedence or be placed above our love.

we are to study the life of Christ and as far as ive seen that pretty well covers every aspect you have mentioned.

I fully agree we need to study the life and teachings of Christ.

and lest i be misunderstood yet again, i am in no way saying the rest of the bible should be neglected.

Indeed it shouldn't be neglected, that includes giving serious thought and study to the prophecies, and to Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctury, as well as many other portions.

The books of Daniel and Revelation, we are told, are to receive serious study -- they deal with Great Controversy issues, Christ's heavenly ministry, and with God's judgments and final acts of putting an end to sin forever, and establishing a new heaven and earth.

We must always place our love under the scrutiny of God's Word, and let the Holy Spirit guide us THROUGH God's Word and commandments to change.

Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 08:40 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: teresaq
having read through these posts several times now i get the distinct impression that what we are "arguing" about is your preconceived notions of what is believed by some of us.

it seems that if anyone says "love" you hear self-centered, worldly love, new-age, new theology.

No, I'm not judging the spiritual condition of anyone. After all I don't know any of you personally.
Nor, have I ever said that this love is "self-centered, worldly love".

noone said you were judging the spiritual condition of anyone and so is not valid in this discussion. my point for your next sentence was that something else was going on in your mind that had nothing to do with what was said.

I did say that even our BEST concept of love falls far short of God's love and is not a reliable guide, we still need a reliable "measuring rod" (as in God's Word and commandments) to check that we are on the path of righteousness.

noone said our best concept of love was any kind of guide for anything-again that is what you are hearing for some reason. we need to study the life of Christ who the messenger of the Lord said was a blend of the law and the gospel.

i cant help how the enemy has counterfeited and led many astray. i cant let that stop me from studying Christ and "by beholding we become".

No one is trying to stop you from studying Christ and by beholding become changed.

again noone said anyone was trying to stop me from anything. i was making a point, again, that you completely missed, it seems.

Yet, when people tell me God's Word and commands are not above our love, what am I supposed to think? And I have been told that.

it wasnt in this thread unless you misread someones point.

much of this is just saying the same thing over and over with some ungodly acts.

Then I was told (not by you) that love is not bound by law, but love, as defined by God, determines what the law is to be.

Christs life determines what the law means. as we humans do not have the right view of love, we also do not have the right view of the law. we are no more capable of judging love by the law than we are of being able to judge the law by love. and we are not even capable of rightly understanding Christs life, the bible or anything else without second-by-second surrender to God and the Holy Spirit.

Why are people (not you) telling me that I'm "putting the cart before the horse" and "preaching another gospel" by saying we can't make our love the standard, but that we must compare it TO GOD'S WORD and law? That God's commands and Word must take precedence or be placed above our love.

noone did. you saw "our love" but noone said it.

and lest i be misunderstood yet again, i am in no way saying the rest of the bible should be neglected.

Indeed it shouldn't be neglected, that includes giving serious thought and study to the prophecies, and to Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctury, as well as many other portions.

The books of Daniel and Revelation, we are told, are to receive serious study -- they deal with Great Controversy issues, Christ's heavenly ministry, and with God's judgments and final acts of putting an end to sin forever, and establishing a new heaven and earth.

We must always place our love under the scrutiny of God's Word, and let the Holy Spirit guide us THROUGH God's Word and commandments to change.

do you deep down feel inferior to others?

or do you just think you know, others dont, so you have to tell them?

do you know how to enter into a discussion and share ideas, or even disagree, without making the other person less than you?
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 10:20 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
That's my point -- we must never let "love", even when we're convinced it's the right kind of love, be the standard, we must always study Christ, His Word, His law, if we want to be changed into His image.

Yet, when people tell me God's Word and commands are not above our love, what am I supposed to think? And I have been told that.

But you have not been told that here. "Our love" has not been the focus here, except by you. You are the only who keeps bringing it up.

Look at what you said above. You were talking about Christ's word and Christ's law in order to be changed into Christ's image. Then you switch to "our" love. How about sticking with the motif and focusing on Christ's love? Then we will all be talking about the same thing.

Originally Posted By: dedication
Then I was told (not by you) that love is not bound by law, but love, as defined by God, determines what the law is to be.

I'm sorry but that statement troubles me.
I don't care how noble (not sickly but NOBLE) our love is, it can never, never place itself as the definer of God's law.

Here you pull to old switcheroo again. Based on some of your earlier posts, I thought you were an experienced logician. But here you fall for one of the biggest fallacies - switching definitions.

We were talking about God's love determining what the law should be. God's love, God's law. Jesus said that the law hangs on the principle of love. It's pretty basic.

But then you switch over to "our" love again. You say that should not define God's law. Welcome to the club; we all believe that.

Unless you believe that "God's love" and "our love" are equivalent, you have fallen for a fallacy. And it is that fallacy that has driven the opposition against what you have been saying.

Because we're talking about different things, your rejection of my statements regarding the relationship between God's love and God's law is unfounded. It may turn out in the end that we have significant disagreements, but as it stands, you are fighting against a sentiment that nobody here holds.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 05:19 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: Tom
Dwelling on God's matchless love cannot neglect His other attributes, because it is composed of all His attributes.

Then why are there so many denominations, all teaching that God is love, but coming to so many different conclusions as to what is truth?

Because they don't know God.

I'm not so sure we can say that --
Some of those people are more "in love" with Christ then you'll hear and see in most Adventist Churches.

It can put one to shame how easily they talk about God's goodness and bring it into their daily conversation in a radiant real life way. Yet, they their beliefs often diverge into areas I don't see as Biblical.

This is irrelevant to your question. You asked why there are so many denominations, if people are dwelling on God's love. First of all, it wasn't asserted that people *were* dwelling on God's love, but we'll let that go. Your question is why, then, are there so many denominations. The answer is because they (the people that form the denominations) don't know God (don't know the truth about Him). If they did, they'd all join the same denomination, of course.

This doesn't mean there aren't true followers of God who belong to different denominations, are Catholic, or, for that matter, Buddhists or even Atheists. That's not the point.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 05:25 PM

I did say that even our BEST concept of love falls far short of God's love and is not a reliable guide, we still need a reliable "measuring rod" (as in God's Word and commandments) to check that we are on the path of righteousness.

We have such a reliable "measuring rod" in Jesus Christ, to check that we are on the path of righteousness.

4He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

5But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

6He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

This mentions both the law and Jesus Christ. The Pharisees used the law as a "measuring rod," but got it all wrong. There's nothing wrong with the law, but without Christ, it will just make us into Pharisees. The true goal is to walk as He walked. Now, since Christ walked in perfect harmony to the law, in Christ we have the true picture of the "measuring rod."

Another way of seeing the importance of Christ is to remember that love is the fulfilling of the law. In Christ, we see the love of God poured out. By receiving Christ, that love can be shed about in our hearts, and by beholding Him, we can be transformed into the same image.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 05:27 PM

Here you pull to old switcheroo again. Based on some of your earlier posts, I thought you were an experienced logician. But here you fall for one of the biggest fallacies - switching definitions.

Welcome to my world.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/16/09 07:48 PM

you make the point in the pages following this post that "our love" cannot be the basis for what is right or wrong. i believe everyone here agrees with that.

can we also agree that noone was referring to "our love" but the concept of love presented in the bible?

Originally Posted By: dedication
Love can never stand alone --
It must be guided by RIGHTEOUSNESS.

In our lesson last week a member pointed out a thought provoking point about love.
Man's first sin was committed on the rational of love.
Adam sinned out of love. He knew it was wrong to take that fruit, he knew it was going against God's express command, but he loved Eve so much he couldn't bear the thought of being separated from her -- so he ate.

Love can be deceptive -- why?
Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful....
It MUST be based upon righteousness.

i cant see anyone disagreeing with this. but by the same token ones idea of "righteousness" can be severely warped. far too many times it is just a word without any true conception of what it means by the user. or, as you stated, "Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful...."

Adam's love was a lack of trust and reliance upon God.

i have to disagree with this because it leads to scary conclusions for me. it is basically saying that "love" is wrong. adams love was not a lack of trust and reliance upon God. adam could have, in spite of his love for eve and not wanting to be separated from her, still trusted and obeyed God.

as stated above the statement makes love wrong. and i cant believe that at that point in time adams love was "sinful" or wrong. it would have made him a sinner before he disobeyed God and ate the apple. we are not told that is so anywhere.

but since the fall "our love" is certainly sinful. nevertheless whatever real love we do possess is not wrong, only which way we choose to go because of that love.

the ultimate conclusion one would come to from that statement is that we should not love because it makes us do wrong. there is the possibility we will do wrong because we love, but doing wrong is not the ultimate result of love.

the lesson from adams mistake that we all need to learn is to trust God no matter how badly it may hurt, as with abraham and isaac. we should also probably put ourselves in adams shoes and have a little sympathy for his situation. playing the "blame game" does not in any way change the results of their actions. but acknowledging that we might have reacted the same exact way were we in his situation might go a long ways towards our own healing and restoration into Gods image.

what we need to overcome is not loving because it many times hurts very badly. if God didnt love because it can hurt so bad where would we be?
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 01:15 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq

do you deep down feel inferior to others?
NO -- do you?
Originally Posted By: teresaq

or do you just think you know, others dont, so you have to tell them?
NO - do you?
Originally Posted By: teresaq

do you know how to enter into a discussion and share ideas, or even disagree, without making the other person less than you?
Yes, people seem to enjoy my Sabbath School Lessons because we have lively and thought provoking discussions.

Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 01:34 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
We have such a reliable "measuring rod" in Jesus Christ, to check that we are on the path of righteousness.

Amen! (including the rest of the post)
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 01:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
Here you pull to old switcheroo again. Based on some of your earlier posts, I thought you were an experienced logician. But here you fall for one of the biggest fallacies - switching definitions.

Welcome to my world.

ROFL That's MY world. You're just a squirrel trying to get a nut. wink
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 01:47 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
I did say that even our BEST concept of love falls far short of God's love and is not a reliable guide, we still need a reliable "measuring rod" (as in God's Word and commandments) to check that we are on the path of righteousness.

We have such a reliable "measuring rod" in Jesus Christ, to check that we are on the path of righteousness.

4He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

5But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

6He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

This mentions both the law and Jesus Christ. The Pharisees used the law as a "measuring rod," but got it all wrong. There's nothing wrong with the law, but without Christ, it will just make us into Pharisees. The true goal is to walk as He walked. Now, since Christ walked in perfect harmony to the law, in Christ we have the true picture of the "measuring rod."

Another way of seeing the importance of Christ is to remember that love is the fulfilling of the law. In Christ, we see the love of God poured out. By receiving Christ, that love can be shed about in our hearts, and by beholding Him, we can be transformed into the same image.

O.K. then you do agree that love cannot stand alone! That it does need a "measuring rod".

I agree that the law must be based in love. God's law and God's love must be united for His law is based in His love.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 02:43 AM

O.K. since everyone says I'm only making things up -- let's follow the thread here.

My first post:
The opposite of sin is righteousness.
It is by GRACE that we leave sin behind and find righteousness. (followed by texts)
Second post:

Love can never stand alone --
It must be guided by RIGHTEOUSNESS.....
Love can be deceptive -- why?
Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful....
It MUST be based upon righteousness.

So what takes precedence, that is the question --
LOVE or God's Commands?

If we place love first -- we place our own emotional feelings above God's law.

If we place God's commands first we will love, for His law is based on love, but it is NOT based on our own feelings.

So it seems to me, it was obvious that I wasn't talking about God's love, but our love.
In all this discussion I was talking ABOUT OUR LOVE.

After all it's we who SIN,
so it's OUR SIN,
The opposite of OUR SIN, therefore can't be OUR LOVE.

I then point to the general understanding we meet all the time concerning a certain verse that was quoted. I guess some here took it personally that I was refering to them, but I was refering to THE GENERAL way that text is used against us who uphold God's commandments as binding.
I wrote: The general feedback on the verse
"Love is the fulfilling of the law"
seems to be that if we only follow love, we automatically fulfil the law thus we don't have to worry about the law itself.

But what the text is really saying --
that love is the fulfilling of the law, that is love is doing or obeying God's law.

There were some reponses --
But the main one that caused me to agitate the issue was:

The error you do that leads to your contrasting love and the law is that you confuse love with sentimentalism.

I wasn't contrasted love and law, I was combining them.

Basically Vastergotlund assumed I was making the law stand alone without love -- putting it in opposition to love -- yet was I?
No, I was not.

True he then outlines loving in spite of being mistreated, but WHAT WAS MY ERROR?
If my above statements were in ERROR the only conclusion was that it must be error to combine law with love -- and I could not agree with that.

So what was my error?

When someone says you are in error -- it means they are disagreeing with you.

Yet, it seemed several agreed with Vastergutland --

Thus I continued to point out that love must be combined with God's law and His Word.

It's true that the statement was made that "I see no difference between love as God would have it and the law."

I could agree with that --
But still the concept that my former posts were considered "error" led to the impression that "seeing no difference between love and the law" meant one no longer needed the law.

So I wrote:
I have never contrasted love and law.
My question was what takes precedence- what comes FIRST, obedience to God's will or what appears to be the loving way.
Is love to be subjected to God's will and law, or does love supercede God's will and law.

That should have been an easy question to answer.
It's very plain that I was refering to OUR LOVE. (and not "sickly love" either -- but OUR love)

But the question really wasn't answered.
Instead things went into a whole SWITCH of terms.
God is LOVE, LOVE is a person. Therefore LOVE is the standard.

Talk about a switcheroo....

God's love wasn't what I was addressing
It wasn't me that made the switcheroo...

I was talking about our love the whole time.

Vastergutland then weighs in, which to me was the typical answer I get on forums that want to get away from God's commandments.
Paul speaks of the christian living led by the Spirit, with listing the fruits of the Spirit. These can be summed up in the great commandment, Love God and love everyone else, and those who live this way break not Gods laws.
....If you consider that God's commands are summed up in the great command on Love of God and all other men, asking on precedence is itself a straw man.

I've heard that type of reasoning so many times from people who believe love and the spirit take the place of God's ten commandments, that I could do nothing but see what I saw in the reply.

I was asked:
What you seem to be proposing is that love does not always fulfill the law. Is that right?

My answer was somewhat incredulous that anyone would even think that our love was always fulfilling God's law.

I wrote:
What we choose to do IS HUMAN choice, we are NOT divine.
People will THINK and feel they are doing the loving thing, when in actuality their "loving act" could be against God's commandments.
They think that since they are now Christians and have accepted Christ -- their "loving" impulses are now automatically fulfilling God's law.

From there things only got worse --
So i won't go there.

But it wasn't me that pulled a switcheroo --

I was talking about our love the whole time.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 02:57 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
O.K. since everyone says I'm only making things up --

this post would be a good example of what we are talking about: 113171.

but if you dont see it, you dont see it.

there have been things about myself that were as plain as the sun in the sky to others but i couldnt for the life of me see it. it all comes as we grow in grace.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 03:12 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
you make the point in the pages following this post that "our love" cannot be the basis for what is right or wrong. i believe everyone here agrees with that.

can we also agree that no one was referring to "our love" but the concept of love presented in the bible?

Yet, that's what I was talking about the whole time.


Sin --
OUR SIN (not God's sin)
What's the opposite of sin.
It can't be OUR love no matter how noble.

To me the Word "agape" isn't automatically related only to God. It also means the more noble love in mankind. Christian love that puts self aside for the good of others.

I mentioned that it isn't God's love that's in question, it's our love.
Nor was I talking about "sickly love" I was talking about HUMAN LOVE even at it's best.

Originally Posted By: dedication

Adam's love was a lack of trust and reliance upon God.

I have to disagree with this because it leads to scary conclusions for me. it is basically saying that "love" is wrong. adams love was not a lack of trust and reliance upon God. adam could have, in spite of his love for eve and not wanting to be separated from her, still trusted and obeyed God.

I tried to explain that earlier.
True, loving Eve was not wrong,
Not wanting to lose her, was not wrong.
BUT once that love caused him to choose her above God,
His love for her become IDOLATRY.

That's what IDOLATRY is -- loving something or someone more than God.
So yes, as soon as his mind was made up and he determined to disobey God in order to keep Eve, he sinned.
His love was good and righteous till then, it was NOT sin until that point was reached where he made up his mind to disobey God in order to keep Eve.
When he determined to place his love for Eve above his love for God, he broke the first commandment.

the ultimate conclusion one would come to from that statement is that we should not love because it makes us do wrong.

No, the ultimate conclusion is that we must LOVE GOD supremely and follow Him in obedience and trust, and subject all our love to his will.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 04:51 AM

I have no problem agreeing that God's love is perfect and the very opposite of sin -- but never OUR LOVE.

If you agree that OUR LOVE must always be in subjection to God's commands and word, then I have no problem.

And yes, love and God's law must be combined, one cannot stand without the other.
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 11:27 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication

From there things only got worse --
So i won't go there.

But it wasn't me that pulled a switcheroo --

I was talking about our love the whole time.
From there we went on to for instance quote the bulk of Pauls letter to the Galatians. Though I am not suprised that you, wishing to promote the primacy of the law, would not go there.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 02:21 PM

I have no problem agreeing that God's love is perfect and the very opposite of sin -- but never OUR LOVE.

In looking back over this thread, I notice that Colin said that agape was the opposite of sin, and I said the same thing (independently, not having read what Colin wrote) using the same word "agape." Arnold agreed with what Colin and I wrote.

Now I don't see how you could possible confuse "agape" with "our love." Don't you realize "agape" refers to God's love?

If you agree that OUR LOVE must always be in subjection to God's commands and word, then I have no problem.

Nobody was speaking of "our love," were they? Do you honestly think that anyone here would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

And yes, love and God's law must be combined, one cannot stand without the other.

To say something like this means you conceive of God's law and His love as two separate and distinct things. Yet His word tells us that "love is the fulfilling of the law." Given that love is the fulfilling of the law, I'm not seeing the sense of your statement. Obviously one cannot stand without the other, since they are intertwined, so it's not that part I find confusing, but the first part which says, "love and God's law must be combined." The problem is that this implies it's possible that they not be. But this is an impossibility, unless by "love" you mean something which isn't love, because "love is the fulfilling of the law," which means that wherever is found, there you find the fulfilling of the law.
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 03:40 PM

We've all been assuming what everyone means by "love", and that makes an ass of each of us.

Yes, Christian love is indeed agape in our hands...: I said that in my first post. "Love" is the most confusable Bible teaching that there is, at least in general conversation! Agape starts with God, and our use of it goes by his written Word and law, and his incarnated Son.

I follow your sequence, Dedication, and you're right. Maybe put in a bit more detail, from now on, to clarify between our natural love, Christian agape and agape from God, when referring to them...?
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 08:22 PM

Originally Posted By: Tom

And yes, love and God's law must be combined, one cannot stand without the other.

To say something like this means you conceive of God's law and His love as two separate and distinct things. Yet His word tells us that "love is the fulfilling of the law." Given that love is the fulfilling of the law, I'm not seeing the sense of your statement. Obviously one cannot stand without the other, since they are intertwined, so it's not that part I find confusing, but the first part which says, "love and God's law must be combined." The problem is that this implies it's possible that they not be. But this is an impossibility, unless by "love" you mean something which isn't love, because "love is the fulfilling of the law," which means that wherever is found, there you find the fulfilling of the law.

can we say they are "intertwined"? do we see them as different if the bible writers understood them to be one and the same? love is the law, the law is love. isnt there where the problem is? seeing them as different?

im probably just agreeing with you, but in different words.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 08:32 PM

The Scriptures say "love is the fulfilling of the law" so "intertwined" looks like a good word to me. We could say the law is a written expression of love.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 11:05 PM

Originally Posted By: Tom
The Scriptures say "love is the fulfilling of the law" so "intertwined" looks like a good word to me. We could say the law is a written expression of love.

like two branches from the same root? i understand the way the scripture states it makes it look like two different concepts (?) but is it? how about love is "living" the law? isnt that how Jesus fulfilled the law? He lived it by doing nothing but acts of love, or said better, lived for God and His fellowman?

"thou shalt not steal" is a part of the law but isnt that really saying "thou shalt love your fellowman by not stealing from him"?

Mat 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
Mat 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Jas 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
Jas 2:9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
Jas 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. Jas 2:11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

if the law is loving God and our fellowman and we break one point of that law, then we have failed in loving.

yes, no, maybe?

Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/17/09 11:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Colin

Righteous: what's it mean in and for us? Acquittal can't be the main point as then it'd be a misnomer, for much, much more than pardon is involved! Righteous means, as pointed out earlier, right doing: therefore, Rom 5:19 is not the same as Rom 5:18. Being made righteous is what justification by faith is, with the renewal of the mind of Rom 12:2. Acquittal is the legal basis of this spiritual experience, but that acquittal isn't an experience, it's a legal event, and that's a matter of grace alone, is it not, for Jesus is "the Saviour of the world".

Moreover, righteous also means both just & straight(ened): that means correction of the bent (the meaning of "iniquity", isn't it?) of sinfulness in human nature to the justified, righteous, straightened mind of Christ, which he was born with (whatever you wish to call his mind other than justified...! Justified without needing conversion, perhaps?) and we receive at conversion.

Righteous love is Christian love, and that starts as the attitude we have when we use the "mind of Christ": righteousness is attitude first, then thought, word and deed, and that attitude is the mindset submitted to Christ's Lordship by his Spirit dwelling in our mind - hence we have "the mind of Christ", just as he learned obedience by the things he suffered. The things he suffered is best interpreted as deprivation of sinful satisfaction, which his adopted, sinful flesh craved, but he learned obedience as he followed his Father by grace through faith.
Since it is possible that you are replying to my given definitions on righteousness with this part of your reply, I would just add that what I said is to the best of my understanding what anyone living 2000 years ago in the eastern parts of the roman empire (including the area around Jerusalem) would have understood when they heard the word.
What you give above is of course a valid definition, albeit one that carries 2000 years of theological thought in it. No wrong in that in my view, both definitions have their proper use. Mine more when trying to understand what the authors of the bible meant and yours more when talking about the subject today.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 01:13 AM

Like two branches from the same root? I understand the way the scripture states it makes it look like two different concepts (?) but is it? How about love is "living" the law?

This sounds like "love is the fulfilling of the law."

Isn't that how Jesus fulfilled the law? He lived it by doing nothing but acts of love, or said better, lived for God and His fellowman?

Of course. This is the point.

"Thou shalt not steal" is a part of the law but isn't that really saying "Thou shalt love your fellowman by not stealing from him"?

That's a nice way of putting it. It could also be put in terms of respecting the property of another.

Mat 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
Mat 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Jas 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
Jas 2:9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
Jas 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. Jas 2:11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

If the law is loving God and our fellowman and we break one point of that law, then we have failed in loving.

Yes, no, maybe?

Yes! One could put things in terms of God's character as well. If we break one point of the law, we are guilty of acting contrary to God's character. Since God is love, this ties into what's been said previously about love.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 03:40 AM

Originally Posted By: Colin
We've all been assuming what everyone means by "love", and that makes an ass of each of us.

Yes, Christian love is indeed agape in our hands...: I said that in my first post. "Love" is the most confusable Bible teaching that there is, at least in general conversation! Agape starts with God, and our use of it goes by his written Word and law, and his incarnated Son.

I follow your sequence, Dedication, and you're right. Maybe put in a bit more detail, from now on, to clarify between our natural love, Christian agape and agape from God, when referring to them...?

Thanks Colin.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 04:17 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
I have no problem agreeing that God's love is perfect and the very opposite of sin -- but never OUR LOVE.

In looking back over this thread, I notice that Colin said that agape was the opposite of sin, and I said the same thing (independently, not having read what Colin wrote) using the same word "agape." Arnold agreed with what Colin and I wrote.

But, as I pointed out in a previous post -- agape love can also mean the "higher" Christian's love. Thus still OUR love, not God's LOVE as in the perfect, holy, righteous God.
Though it be the work of the Holy Spirit transforming the life.

If you agree that OUR LOVE must always be in subjection to God's commands and word, then I have no problem.

Nobody was speaking of "our love," were they?

Yes, I was. I was consistantly speaking of our love.

From the start I was looking at this as OUR view of love.

Do you honestly think that anyone here would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

How would I know?
Though I've been a member for about four years, I hadn't read or posted for A LONG TIME.

There's still one poster that I'm not sure about -- the one that wrote "From there we went on to for instance quote the bulk of Pauls letter to the Galatians. Though I am not suprised that you, wishing to promote the primacy of the law, would not go there."

That appears as a pretty sarcastic reply to the thought that we must subject OUR love to God's word and law. The impression it gives me, is that he is against having God's word and law as a measuring rod of our love. Against OUR LOVE being in subjection to God's Word and Law.

And yes, love and God's law must be combined, one cannot stand without the other.

To say something like this means you conceive of God's law and His love as two separate and distinct things.

It's not seperate IN GOD.
But it DEFINITELY has been separated by humans.

Yet His word tells us that "love is the fulfilling of the law." Given that love is the fulfilling of the law, I'm not seeing the sense of your statement. Obviously one cannot stand without the other, since they are intertwined, so it's not that part I find confusing, but the first part which says, "love and God's law must be combined."

I'm sure you must be well aware that the Christian world to a large measure has separated the two.

In fact it is rather rare to find them combined, especially when the subject of the Sabbath comes up.

On the one hand there multitudes who would nail God's commandments to the cross and just follow "their understanding of love".

And there's also the other side, that while upholding law people have lost the concept of love and turned God's commandments into something alien to love,
as you, yourself pointed out in a post previously,

The problem is that this implies it's possible that they not be (combined). But this is an impossibility, unless by "love" you mean something which isn't love, because "love is the fulfilling of the law," which means that wherever is found, there you find the fulfilling of the law.

Now you go into the idealistic form.

Of course in the idealistic form love and law are perfectly combined.

But you see, I'm still looking at this FROM THE HUMAN ANGLE -- from people's imperfect love, their imperfect understanding of love, and their imperfect concepts of the law.

You seem to have the idealistic sense that it's either "perfect love" or "not love". However, in human love there are countless shades of grey.

And I'm afraid that none of us are perfect in this area.

And like Colin pointed out, "Love" is the most confusable Bible teaching that there is, at least in general conversation! "

Yes, our aim is to look to Christ and have that righteous, holy, love based on God's law of love -- His moral law of love which is the foundation of His government.

But here on earth both the concepts of the role of love and the role of God's commands have been badly mangled and misinterpreted and misused, and I'm not that confident that everyone automatically understands where the mangling ends and the true starts. I don't trust myself to know that. Thus yes, I will promote that OUR LOVE must always be in subjection to God's commands and word.

And yes, love and God's law must be combined, one cannot stand without the other.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 06:15 AM

But, as I pointed out in a previous post -- agape love can also mean the "higher" Christian's love. Thus still OUR love, not God's LOVE as in the perfect, holy, righteous God.
Though it be the work of the Holy Spirit transforming the life.

Form Wiki:

The term 'agape' is rarely used in ancient manuscripts, but was used by the early Christians to refer to the self-sacrificing love of God for humanity, which they were committed to reciprocating and practicing towards God and among one another (also see kenosis).

I've not seen "agape" used by Christians differently than as pointed out here.

Yes, I was. I was consistantly speaking of our love.

From the start I was looking at this as OUR view of love.

But nobody else was, which should have been clear. Even if you didn't understand this by the word "agape," this was immediately pointed out to you, by several people.

T:Do you honestly think that anyone here would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

d:How would I know?

With a little thought, this should be clear it seems to me.

Though I've been a member for about four years, I hadn't read or posted for A LONG TIME.

I don't see why that would matter. Do you know anybody at all (i.e. any Christians) who would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

There's still one poster that I'm not sure about -- the one that wrote "From there we went on to for instance quote the bulk of Pauls letter to the Galatians. Though I am not suprised that you, wishing to promote the primacy of the law, would not go there."

That appears as a pretty sarcastic reply to the thought that we must subject OUR love to God's word and law. The impression it gives me, is that he is against having God's word and law as a measuring rod of our love. Against OUR LOVE being in subjection to God's Word and Law.

That sounds like Colin. He's just enigmatic (as opposed to sarcastic).

Regarding the rest of the post, this has been covered before. It's been pointed out repeatedly that God's love is what's being talked about, not human love.

Assuming that God's love is understood, am I correct in assuming that you're in agreement with the points I made?
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 06:44 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
how about love is "living" the law? isnt that how Jesus fulfilled the law? He lived it by doing nothing but acts of love, or said better, lived for God and His fellowman?

Yes, when "living the law" is done "living in godly love" --. when the two merge the Holy Spirit is leading.

Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 08:31 AM

You are not really addressing my points only insisting that I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN YOUR MIND.

No, it was NOT AT ALL CLEAR that EVERYONE was just talking about God and His love, and not humanity and their love.
For example -- "love is the fulfilling of the law"
Are you saying that has nothing to do with our love?
I doubt that's what you meant.

-- actually there was a great mixing of the two. Which is good in it's own sense, when one understands both sides.

But to insist that "love is fulfilling the law" was "obviously all about God's love" and not about the person's love just isn't factual.

There is absolutely no question whatsoever that God's love is perfect, pure, noble, righteous, just, merciful, gracious, absolutely perfect, and every other word that is in our vocabulary that defines ultimate goodness and perfection.

There is absolutely no question what-so-ever concerning that truth.

Originally Posted By: Tom
But, as I pointed out in a previous post -- agape love can also mean the "higher" Christian's love. Thus still OUR love, not God's LOVE as in the perfect, holy, righteous God.
Though it be the work of the Holy Spirit transforming the life.

Form Wiki:

The term 'agape' is rarely used in ancient manuscripts, but was used by the early Christians to refer to the self-sacrificing love of God for humanity, which they were committed to reciprocating and practicing towards God and among one another (also see kenosis).

I didn't study Wiki--

But even Wiki, says agape love was love the Christians were to practice towards God and one another.
So it too, shows it's human counterpart.
It really isn't much different from my explanation.

The sources I've read don't limit "agape" to God.
They also speak of the "agape" love of the Christians.

Using the Bible as the source:


Matt 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love (AGAPE) of many shall wax cold.

John 13:35 "By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love (AGAPE) one to another.

Romans 12:9 "Let love (AGAPE) be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

The above text is interesting -- it shows that people's (AGAPE) needed some upgrading and guidance, it was far from God's AGAPE love.

1 Cor.13:10 Love (AGAPE) works no ill to his neighbour: therefore love (AGAPE)is the fulfilling of the law.
This was an oft quoted text -- this text is definitely speaking OF OUR LOVE for our neighbor.
Love works no ill to his neighbor (no stealing, cheating, hating, lying, killing, coveting, adultery) it keeps the law.

Of course if it keeps the law, it isn't sinning.

1 Cor. 13 The word "charity" is AGAPE, and the whole chapter is defining how we are to AGAPE love. It's a whole list concerning how WE SHOULD LOVE.

1 Cor. 16:14 Let all your things be done with charity. (AGAPE)

1 Cor. 16:24 (Paul writes) My love(AGAPE) be with you all in Christ Jesus.

2 Cor. 2:5 "I wrote unto you with many tears; not that ye should be grieved, but that ye might know the love (AGAPE) which I have more abundantly unto you.

2 Cor. 2:7-8 So rather you should forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.
Wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love (AGAPE) toward him.

So again --
From the start I was looking at this as OUR view of love. It must always be fed from the law and the Word, and even then our concept of the totality of God's righteous love is far beyond our conception, even at it's best.

So my point was that we must always subject our love to God's word and God's law. Which I believe you agree with.

But nobody else was, which should have been clear. Even if you didn't understand this by the word "agape," this was immediately pointed out to you, by several people.

So nobody else was talking about the human element?
Are you sure?
And if not
Why not?

Do you know anybody at all (i.e. any Christians) who would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

The question surprises me!
But yes, I've met quite a few who feel that love is above the law. That God's commandments are to "rein in the sinners", who don't have the Holy Spirit, but once one is a Christian they no longer need the law, they are led by the Spirit and the promptings of love. I've even had people tell me they no longer really need the Bible, once they've found Jesus, and received the Holy Spirit.

I should start a thread on that -- and where that all comes from, maybe talking about it on this thread confuses things.

There's still one poster that I'm not sure about
That sounds like Colin. He's just enigmatic (as opposed to sarcastic).

No, it's not Colin, not at all.

Regarding the rest of the post, this has been covered before. It's been pointed out repeatedly that God's love is what's being talked about, not human love.

I guess you don't want to talk about the human side of it then?

I guess I'm just wasting my time?

Assuming that God's love is understood, am I correct in assuming that you're in agreement with the points I made?

You made many points,
If its that God's love is perfectly sinless, of course, there's never been a question on that point.

If it's our growth in agape love, no that is not sinless.

Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 11:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
But, as I pointed out in a previous post -- agape love can also mean the "higher" Christian's love. Thus still OUR love, not God's LOVE as in the perfect, holy, righteous God.
Though it be the work of the Holy Spirit transforming the life.

Form Wiki:

The term 'agape' is rarely used in ancient manuscripts, but was used by the early Christians to refer to the self-sacrificing love of God for humanity, which they were committed to reciprocating and practicing towards God and among one another (also see kenosis).

I've not seen "agape" used by Christians differently than as pointed out here.

Until you meet an exception, and there are accurate, true exceptions, like this thread; surprise!
Yes, I was. I was consistantly speaking of our love.

From the start I was looking at this as OUR view of love.

But nobody else was, which should have been clear. Even if you didn't understand this by the word "agape," this was immediately pointed out to you, by several people.

No, don't dig your indignant hole any deeper, Tom! As I said yesterday, we've all assumed meanings here, for shorter or longer individual times, so some of us have made more of an ass of ourselves than others by assuming what's going on rather than stopping and asking. IMHO, the majority is more at fault, as Dedication was clearly going against the flow, and saying so, but no-one stopped to ask why: that's bordering on presumption, btw smirk . The exception, proving the agreed rule, arose, of additional, true applications for "agape" other than used by God...
T:Do you honestly think that anyone here would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

d:How would I know?

With a little thought, this should be clear it seems to me.

Well, help yourself, but even you were wrong in your analysis of whatever everyone was saying, as most of us here were wrong - assuming agape could only involve God, so...ask rather than think you know what Dedication is thinking - since this is no place for telepathy grin .
Though I've been a member for about four years, I hadn't read or posted for A LONG TIME.

I don't see why that would matter. Do you know anybody at all (i.e. any Christians) who would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

Missing the point again, Tom: you can't think outside of logic, so you really need to ask questions!...She's unacquainted with what people here think, of course.
There's still one poster that I'm not sure about -- the one that wrote "From there we went on to for instance quote the bulk of Pauls letter to the Galatians. Though I am not suprised that you, wishing to promote the primacy of the law, would not go there."

That appears as a pretty sarcastic reply to the thought that we must subject OUR love to God's word and law. The impression it gives me, is that he is against having God's word and law as a measuring rod of our love. Against OUR LOVE being in subjection to God's Word and Law.

That sounds like Colin. He's just enigmatic (as opposed to sarcastic).

Nope, not me: that was either Arnold or Thomas, and me thinks it was Arnold. It was also sarcastic, imho, as we know the history of law and grace in Galatians in our church..., and what comes from missing that gospel combination!
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 12:00 PM

Stepping in at the top here, as only want to say, Amen.

Thanks, too, for filling in for me, at the end there; didn't read it all earlier.
Yes, growing in agape isn't wholly righteous, though the end product of Jesus' mediation with you and me, etc, is wholly righteous - characters of our own, from him, keeping in mind his Spirit..., so it gets better!...

Also, your point of discussing how we use agape is invaluable. It doesn't get discussed much at all, and such discussions rarely stay on topic! smile

Originally Posted By: dedication
You are not really addressing my points only insisting that I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN YOUR MIND.

No, it was NOT AT ALL CLEAR that EVERYONE was just talking about God and His love, and not humanity and their love.
For example -- "love is the fulfilling of the law"
Are you saying that has nothing to do with our love?
I doubt that's what you meant.

-- actually there was a great mixing of the two. Which is good in it's own sense, when one understands both sides.

But to insist that "love is fulfilling the law" was "obviously all about God's love" and not about the person's love just isn't factual.

There is absolutely no question whatsoever that God's love is perfect, pure, noble, righteous, just, merciful, gracious, absolutely perfect, and every other word that is in our vocabulary that defines ultimate goodness and perfection.

There is absolutely no question what-so-ever concerning that truth.

Originally Posted By: Tom
But, as I pointed out in a previous post -- agape love can also mean the "higher" Christian's love. Thus still OUR love, not God's LOVE as in the perfect, holy, righteous God.
Though it be the work of the Holy Spirit transforming the life.

Form Wiki:

The term 'agape' is rarely used in ancient manuscripts, but was used by the early Christians to refer to the self-sacrificing love of God for humanity, which they were committed to reciprocating and practicing towards God and among one another (also see kenosis).

I didn't study Wiki--

But even Wiki, says agape love was love the Christians were to practice towards God and one another.
So it too, shows it's human counterpart.
It really isn't much different from my explanation.

The sources I've read don't limit "agape" to God.
They also speak of the "agape" love of the Christians.

Using the Bible as the source:


Matt 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love (AGAPE) of many shall wax cold.

John 13:35 "By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love (AGAPE) one to another.

Romans 12:9 "Let love (AGAPE) be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

The above text is interesting -- it shows that people's (AGAPE) needed some upgrading and guidance, it was far from God's AGAPE love.

1 Cor.13:10 Love (AGAPE) works no ill to his neighbour: therefore love (AGAPE)is the fulfilling of the law.
This was an oft quoted text -- this text is definitely speaking OF OUR LOVE for our neighbor.
Love works no ill to his neighbor (no stealing, cheating, hating, lying, killing, coveting, adultery) it keeps the law.

Of course if it keeps the law, it isn't sinning.

1 Cor. 13 The word "charity" is AGAPE, and the whole chapter is defining how we are to AGAPE love. It's a whole list concerning how WE SHOULD LOVE.

1 Cor. 16:14 Let all your things be done with charity. (AGAPE)

1 Cor. 16:24 (Paul writes) My love(AGAPE) be with you all in Christ Jesus.

2 Cor. 2:5 "I wrote unto you with many tears; not that ye should be grieved, but that ye might know the love (AGAPE) which I have more abundantly unto you.

2 Cor. 2:7-8 So rather you should forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.
Wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love (AGAPE) toward him.

So again --
From the start I was looking at this as OUR view of love. It must always be fed from the law and the Word, and even then our concept of the totality of God's righteous love is far beyond our conception, even at it's best.

So my point was that we must always subject our love to God's word and God's law. Which I believe you agree with.

But nobody else was, which should have been clear. Even if you didn't understand this by the word "agape," this was immediately pointed out to you, by several people.

So nobody else was talking about the human element?
Are you sure?
And if not
Why not?

Do you know anybody at all (i.e. any Christians) who would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

The question surprises me!
But yes, I've met quite a few who feel that love is above the law. That God's commandments are to "rein in the sinners", who don't have the Holy Spirit, but once one is a Christian they no longer need the law, they are led by the Spirit and the promptings of love. I've even had people tell me they no longer really need the Bible, once they've found Jesus, and received the Holy Spirit.

I should start a thread on that -- and where that all comes from, maybe talking about it on this thread confuses things.

There's still one poster that I'm not sure about
That sounds like Colin. He's just enigmatic (as opposed to sarcastic).

No, it's not Colin, not at all.

Regarding the rest of the post, this has been covered before. It's been pointed out repeatedly that God's love is what's being talked about, not human love.

I guess you don't want to talk about the human side of it then?

I guess I'm just wasting my time?

Assuming that God's love is understood, am I correct in assuming that you're in agreement with the points I made?

You made many points,
If its that God's love is perfectly sinless, of course, there's never been a question on that point.

If it's our growth in agape love, no that is not sinless.

Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 08:03 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Do you know anybody at all (i.e. any Christians) who would assert that our love doesn't need to be in subjection to God's commands and word?

The question surprises me!
But yes, I've met quite a few who feel that love is above the law. That God's commandments are to "rein in the sinners", who don't have the Holy Spirit, but once one is a Christian they no longer need the law, they are led by the Spirit and the promptings of love. I've even had people tell me they no longer really need the Bible, once they've found Jesus, and received the Holy Spirit.

I should start a thread on that -- and where that all comes from, maybe talking about it on this thread confuses things.

yes!! if you had thought to explain your issues it would have helped immensely to know where you were coming from, but unfortunately none of us are perfect.

but it really does not explain why you continued when so many posts were dedicated to show the poster was attempting to come from the biblical meaning of love.
For example -- "love is the fulfilling of the law"
Are you saying that has nothing to do with our love?
I doubt that's what you meant.

-- actually there was a great mixing of the two. Which is good in it's own sense, when one understands both sides.

But to insist that "love is fulfilling the law" was "obviously all about God's love" and not about the person's love just isn't factual.

"love fulfils the law" is what the bible says. i can only assume that it means exactly what it says. i would think that studying it rather than arguing over whose "love" is involved would be much more constructive.

Originally Posted By: Tom
But, as I pointed out in a previous post -- agape love can also mean the "higher" Christian's love. Thus still OUR love, not God's LOVE as in the perfect, holy, righteous God.
Though it be the work of the Holy Spirit transforming the life.

Form Wiki:

The term 'agape' is rarely used in ancient manuscripts, but was used by the early Christians to refer to the self-sacrificing love of God for humanity, which they were committed to reciprocating and practicing towards God and among one another (also see kenosis).

I didn't study Wiki--

But even Wiki, says agape love was love the Christians were to practice towards God and one another.
So it too, shows it's human counterpart.
It really isn't much different from my explanation.

The sources I've read don't limit "agape" to God.
They also speak of the "agape" love of the Christians.

Using the Bible as the source:


Matt 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love (AGAPE) of many shall wax cold.

John 13:35 "By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love (AGAPE) one to another.

Romans 12:9 "Let love (AGAPE) be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

The above text is interesting -- it shows that people's (AGAPE) needed some upgrading and guidance, it was far from God's AGAPE love.

1 Cor.13:10 Love (AGAPE) works no ill to his neighbour: therefore love (AGAPE)is the fulfilling of the law.
This was an oft quoted text -- this text is definitely speaking OF OUR LOVE for our neighbor.
Love works no ill to his neighbor (no stealing, cheating, hating, lying, killing, coveting, adultery) it keeps the law.

Of course if it keeps the law, it isn't sinning.

1 Cor. 13 The word "charity" is AGAPE, and the whole chapter is defining how we are to AGAPE love. It's a whole list concerning how WE SHOULD LOVE.

1 Cor. 16:14 Let all your things be done with charity. (AGAPE)

1 Cor. 16:24 (Paul writes) My love(AGAPE) be with you all in Christ Jesus.

2 Cor. 2:5 "I wrote unto you with many tears; not that ye should be grieved, but that ye might know the love (AGAPE) which I have more abundantly unto you.

2 Cor. 2:7-8 So rather you should forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.
Wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love (AGAPE) toward him.

So again --
From the start I was looking at this as OUR view of love. It must always be fed from the law and the Word, and even then our concept of the totality of God's righteous love is far beyond our conception, even at it's best.

So my point was that we must always subject our love to God's word and God's law. Which I believe you agree with.

these verses are urging us to learn and practice Gods love and i think that should be the point. otherwise this verse is quite applicable:
Eze 34:18 Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet?

studying what the bible means by "love" is more constructive, in my experience. your approach, and i hope you will consider the possibility, tends toward the legalistic. what i mean is the way you are stating it,
So my point was that we must always subject our love to God's word and God's law.

it is still faulty man determining what Gods word and Gods law look like. our understanding of Gods love, word, and law is faulty, no matter how you look at it. whereas studying Gods love, word and law and letting the Holy Spirit explain it will bring the change in us we need.

But nobody else was, which should have been clear. Even if you didn't understand this by the word "agape," this was immediately pointed out to you, by several people.

So nobody else was talking about the human element?
Are you sure?
And if not
Why not?

you joined the discussion "arguing against" what you thought the brothers might have meant. then claimed that you were being "argued against".
Originally Posted By: dedication
By arguing against me you are both indicating that you have problems with my belief and statements that love must be in subjection to God's will and law in order to be righteous love, it's on this premise I've addressed the posts.

several posts were dedicated to showing what the poster meant which makes the above statement "not right" to put it mildly.

the brothers saw love as the opposite of sin. you see righteousness as the opposite of sin. its just two different perspectives.

tom: Regarding the rest of the post, this has been covered before. It's been pointed out repeatedly that God's love is what's being talked about, not human love.

dedication: I guess you don't want to talk about the human side of it then?

there should not be any human side, any human "love" in this consideration at all. our attention should be solely on what Gods love looks like. by beholding we become. concentrating on the misunderstanding and misuse of the biblical concept will only lead us to come to wrong conclusions to counter those thoughts.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 08:14 PM

My understanding, regarding agape, is that it is a love which we do not have the ability to exercise or practice of ourselves. Only by receiving it from God is it possible for us to have, after which point we can exercise or practice it.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 08:30 PM

that has come to be both my understanding and experience.

when i try to "love" according to my understanding im a flop. but when i ask God what i should do ideas come to me that i would never have thought of. my way has earned me resentment from others. Gods way has earned me life-long gratitude!

amazing isnt it?!
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 08:38 PM

...That we get to use agape means that WE have to follow the Spirit's leading in studying the Bible to find its shape, etc.

Building character is the human side of agape, and, yes, no human love is part of that, but sanctified living by faith involves humanised agape, experiencing Christ's righteousness in our lives, not just in our justified minds.

That's where the German lesson on grace ended: living out grace...
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/18/09 08:40 PM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
that has come to be both my understanding and experience.

when i try to "love" according to my understanding im a flop. but when i ask God what i should do ideas come to me that i would never have thought of. my way has earned me resentment from others. Gods way has earned me life-long gratitude!

amazing isnt it?!

Following the Spirit is implementing the Bible truths Dedication has always appealed to, on this thread, and God's leading by his Spirit does just what you said, Teresa.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 01:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Colin
Following the Spirit is implementing the Bible truths ...

and yet there will be "heathen" who've never heard of a bible who will be in heaven for responding to the Spirit.

Rom 2:14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
Rom 2:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts,...

.... The love of Christ binds together the members of His family, and wherever that love is made manifest there the divine relationship is revealed. "Everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God." 1 John 4:7. {DA 638.1}
Those whom Christ commends in the judgment may have known little of theology, but they have cherished His principles. Through the influence of the divine Spirit they have been a blessing to those about them. Even among the heathen are those who have cherished the spirit of kindness; before the words of life had fallen upon their ears, they have befriended the missionaries, even ministering to them at the peril of their own lives. Among the heathen are those who worship God ignorantly, those to whom the light is never brought by human instrumentality, yet they will not perish. Though ignorant of the written law of God, they have heard His voice speaking to them in nature, and have done the things that the law required. Their works are evidence that the Holy Spirit has touched their hearts, and they are recognized as the children of God. {DA 638.2}
How surprised and gladdened will be the lowly among the nations, and among the heathen, to hear from the lips of the Saviour, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me"! How glad will be the heart of Infinite Love as His followers look up with surprise and joy at His words of approval! {DA 638.3}
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 05:02 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
My understanding, regarding agape, is that it is a love which we do not have the ability to exercise or practice of ourselves. Only by receiving it from God is it possible for us to have, after which point we can exercise or practice it.

O.K. there is the NEW CREATURE experience.
Allowing God to change us from the inside out.

But can you explain to me how you understand this to take place?

Is it something that happens at conversion?

How would you counsel this person --

CASE STUDY (could be anyone's story)

"The morning started well enough, Sally breathed in the fresh morning morning air, thanking God for life and all His blessings. She took her Bible and read the sixth chapter of Romans, ending with prayer thanking God that her "old self" had been crucified with Christ, and that she could now "reckon herself dead to sin but alive in Christ".

Hardly had she arrived in her office when the shrill telephone shattered her peaceful world. On the other end was an impossible individual, impatient, demanding, shouting rebukes when Sally told him the company did not offer the service he was demanding.

Sally's inner peace was ripped to shreds and replaced with a volatile, steaming emotional storm. Total revoltion against this person filled her heart. Slowly the emotions subsided, but the anger turned to utter discouragement. It was still early in the morning, and already she had failed God completely. All those nice sounding promises of God's love filling her and changing her sounded like fairy tales.


How would you counsel this person?
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 05:29 AM

Yes, it's something that happens at conversion. Regarding counsel, I think daily spending a thoughtful hour meditating on the life of Christ, especially the latter scenes, is good counsel.
Posted By: asygo

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 06:07 AM

Originally Posted By: Colin
There's still one poster that I'm not sure about -- the one that wrote "From there we went on to for instance quote the bulk of Pauls letter to the Galatians. Though I am not suprised that you, wishing to promote the primacy of the law, would not go there."

That appears as a pretty sarcastic reply to the thought that we must subject OUR love to God's word and law. The impression it gives me, is that he is against having God's word and law as a measuring rod of our love. Against OUR LOVE being in subjection to God's Word and Law.

That sounds like Colin. He's just enigmatic (as opposed to sarcastic).

Nope, not me: that was either Arnold or Thomas, and me thinks it was Arnold. It was also sarcastic, imho, as we know the history of law and grace in Galatians in our church..., and what comes from missing that gospel combination!

Not me. Sentence structure and style is different. That was Vaster. You guys need to bone up on your textual criticism skills. wink

I don't think that was sarcastic. Sarcasm would require more subtlety than that. He seemed pretty straightforward in the assertion that Dedication is promoting the "primacy of the law." But the accuracy of that assertion is fodder for another thread.

In any case, love is the fulfillment of the law. If one loves as Paul had in mind, he will be keeping the law that Paul had in mind.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 07:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
Yes, it's something that happens at conversion. Regarding counsel, I think daily spending a thoughtful hour meditating on the life of Christ, especially the latter scenes, is good counsel.

But in that case study, she had just spent an hour studying Romans six, which includes Christ's death and "taking the old man" or our sinfulness upon Himself and dying. She had spent time with the Lord in prayer and contemplation.

She KNEW how she should have reacted, but all it did was make her feel very guilty that she didn't measure up.

I remember another mother confiding in me, how guilty she felt because she just couldn't seem to stop yelling at her son. He just kept getting under her skin. This woman was very serious about spending time studying, and praying and learning to love. She was a pusher in church in getting Prayer groups and seasons of prayer etc. going. She knew about the love of God, and that she didn't measure up.

Would you have told her to spend more time in study and prayer?
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 08:11 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: Tom
My understanding, regarding agape, is that it is a love which we do not have the ability to exercise or practice of ourselves. Only by receiving it from God is it possible for us to have, after which point we can exercise or practice it.

O.K. there is the NEW CREATURE experience.
Allowing God to change us from the inside out.

But can you explain to me how you understand this to take place?

Is it something that happens at conversion?

How would you counsel this person --

CASE STUDY (could be anyone's story)

"The morning started well enough, Sally breathed in the fresh morning morning air, thanking God for life and all His blessings. She took her Bible and read the sixth chapter of Romans, ending with prayer thanking God that her "old self" had been crucified with Christ, and that she could now "reckon herself dead to sin but alive in Christ".

Hardly had she arrived in her office when the shrill telephone shattered her peaceful world. On the other end was an impossible individual, impatient, demanding, shouting rebukes when Sally told him the company did not offer the service he was demanding.

Sally's inner peace was ripped to shreds and replaced with a volatile, steaming emotional storm. Total revoltion against this person filled her heart. Slowly the emotions subsided, but the anger turned to utter discouragement. It was still early in the morning, and already she had failed God completely. All those nice sounding promises of God's love filling her and changing her sounded like fairy tales.


How would you counsel this person?

im completely lost as to how toms statement and your "case study" relate to each other, or if they do at all. could you please show the relevance?
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 10:54 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
Originally Posted By: dedication
Originally Posted By: Tom
My understanding, regarding agape, is that it is a love which we do not have the ability to exercise or practice of ourselves. Only by receiving it from God is it possible for us to have, after which point we can exercise or practice it.

O.K. there is the NEW CREATURE experience.
Allowing God to change us from the inside out.

But can you explain to me how you understand this to take place?

Is it something that happens at conversion?

How would you counsel this person --

CASE STUDY (could be anyone's story)

"The morning started well enough, Sally breathed in the fresh morning morning air, thanking God for life and all His blessings. She took her Bible and read the sixth chapter of Romans, ending with prayer thanking God that her "old self" had been crucified with Christ, and that she could now "reckon herself dead to sin but alive in Christ".

Hardly had she arrived in her office when the shrill telephone shattered her peaceful world. On the other end was an impossible individual, impatient, demanding, shouting rebukes when Sally told him the company did not offer the service he was demanding.

Sally's inner peace was ripped to shreds and replaced with a volatile, steaming emotional storm. Total revoltion against this person filled her heart. Slowly the emotions subsided, but the anger turned to utter discouragement. It was still early in the morning, and already she had failed God completely. All those nice sounding promises of God's love filling her and changing her sounded like fairy tales.


How would you counsel this person?

im completely lost as to how toms statement and your "case study" relate to each other, or if they do at all. could you please show the relevance?

Teresa, Tom's saying that agape is of and from God, not anything human, but God gives it to us to have and use. This has been the cooperative effort Dedication has been talking of all thread long, insisting we study the Bible for all its angles on understanding God's agape in principle and action.

Dedication then asks here how one goes about using agape, since it's been given us. Her case study involves a believer, who is a new creation of God and knows it, but struggles to live it, not so? Therefore, how does one do it??!...
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 12:23 PM

Dedications example could be another way to write Romans 7:14-25. Romans 8 would then go on to explain about a mature christian life. Dedications example tells about the situation I think all of us can relate to, the christian struggle and fall. But it ends to soon. It ougth to have left time for the return to the cross and a renewal there. Many of us likely need to visit there often, sometimes several times a day.
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 12:26 PM

Originally Posted By: asygo

Not me. Sentence structure and style is different. That was Vaster. You guys need to bone up on your textual criticism skills. wink

I don't think that was sarcastic. Sarcasm would require more subtlety than that. He seemed pretty straightforward in the assertion that Dedication is promoting the "primacy of the law." But the accuracy of that assertion is fodder for another thread.

In any case, love is the fulfillment of the law. If one loves as Paul had in mind, he will be keeping the law that Paul had in mind.
Im suprised noone thought of looking it up. As for the other thread, have fun with it...
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 03:06 PM

T:Yes, it's something that happens at conversion. Regarding counsel, I think daily spending a thoughtful hour meditating on the life of Christ, especially the latter scenes, is good counsel.

D:But in that case study, she had just spent an hour studying Romans six, which includes Christ's death and "taking the old man" or our sinfulness upon Himself and dying. She had spent time with the Lord in prayer and contemplation.

She KNEW how she should have reacted, but all it did was make her feel very guilty that she didn't measure up.

I remember another mother confiding in me, how guilty she felt because she just couldn't seem to stop yelling at her son. He just kept getting under her skin. This woman was very serious about spending time studying, and praying and learning to love. She was a pusher in church in getting Prayer groups and seasons of prayer etc. going. She knew about the love of God, and that she didn't measure up.

Would you have told her to spend more time in study and prayer?

Our problem is not in what we do but how we think, primarily in how we think about God. That is, God is different than what we think. Satan has been very successful in misrepresenting Him. Few have any inkling of just how different God is from their perceptions of Him. This is why I suggested a thoughtful hour daily meditating upon the life of Christ (actually, the suggestion is not mine, but I think it's an excellent one).

Notice the suggestion is a thoughtful hour daily. This means for many days. Learning what God is really like is a process; it doesn't happen in a moment or a day.

Ty Gibson wrote something which resonates with me. He said that our understanding of God's character and our likeness to Him dovetail into one process. When we behave contrary to God's character, I believe the root cause is what we believe about Him. As we study and learn the truth about Him, and believe that truth, we will be transformed into the same image, and thus reflect His character.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 08:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Colin
Teresa, Tom's saying that agape is of and from God, not anything human, but God gives it to us to have and use. This has been the cooperative effort Dedication has been talking of all thread long, insisting we study the Bible for all its angles on understanding God's agape in principle and action.

Dedication then asks here how one goes about using agape, since it's been given us. Her case study involves a believer, who is a new creation of God and knows it, but struggles to live it, not so? Therefore, how does one do it??!...

as ive said i have the hardest time understanding what you are saying or the point you are making. sorry. smile
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/19/09 11:50 PM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
Originally Posted By: Colin
Teresa, Tom's saying that agape is of and from God, not anything human, but God gives it to us to have and use. This has been the cooperative effort Dedication has been talking of all thread long, insisting we study the Bible for all its angles on understanding God's agape in principle and action.

Dedication then asks here how one goes about using agape, since it's been given us. Her case study involves a believer, who is a new creation of God and knows it, but struggles to live it, not so? Therefore, how does one do it??!...

as ive said i have the hardest time understanding what you are saying or the point you are making. sorry. smile

Ah yes: let's see... cool

Remember the difference on this thread between God's love and our love...? Then the realisation that Dedication was speaking of Christians using God's love, and not just God himself?

Tom was saying this is of course an important truth, since we believers are lead by the Spirit to be more like Christ's example of living God's love. Dedication then posed a scenario where following the Spirit's lead didn't work, due the pressures mentioned, and Dedication asked how that can be avoided, like what plans and ways we can have to hold on to the Spirit's leading.

Thus, the bringing together of human and divine minds, as we seek to be true to God's love in our Christian work, is seen to be difficult. Is that clearer, Teresa, and if so, do you have a suggestion to solve that difficulty?
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 12:09 AM

Originally Posted By: Colin

Ah yes: let's see... cool

Remember the difference on this thread between God's love and our love...? Then the realisation that Dedication was speaking of Christians using God's love, and not just God himself?

Tom was saying this is of course an important truth, since we believers are lead by the Spirit to be more like Christ's example of living God's love. Dedication then posed a scenario where following the Spirit's lead didn't work, due the pressures mentioned, and Dedication asked how that can be avoided, like what plans and ways we can have to hold on to the Spirit's leading.
Is this really the essence of Dedications example?

Thus, the bringing together of human and divine minds, as we seek to be true to God's love in our Christian work, is seen to be difficult. Is that clearer, Teresa, and if so, do you have a suggestion to solve that difficulty?
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 03:51 AM

Originally Posted By: Colin
.... Is that clearer, Teresa, and if so, do you have a suggestion to solve that difficulty?

Originally Posted By: Tom
...Colin. He's just enigmatic (as opposed to sarcastic).

that works for me! smile
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 04:54 AM

Thanks Colin!
You've explained it better than I could have.

Tom was saying this is of course an important truth, since we believers are lead by the Spirit to be more like Christ's example of living God's love. Dedication then posed a scenario where following the Spirit's lead didn't work, due the pressures mentioned, and Dedication asked how that can be avoided, like what plans and ways we can have to hold on to the Spirit's leading.

People are bombarded by pressures, a corrupt social environment, a host of voices saying "this way, that way" some even sounding very good, yet still pointing in the wrong direction, and even other spirits attempting to lead astray, so how does one hold on to the Spirit's leading? How does one practice this righteous agape love that is principle of God's law?
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 05:18 AM

Originally Posted By: västergötland
Dedications example tells about the situation I think all of us can relate to, the christian struggle and fall. But it ends to soon. It ougth to have left time for the return to the cross and a renewal there. Many of us likely need to visit there often, sometimes several times a day.

I purposely didn't end the story -- I asked what kind of counsel would "you" (open to anyone here) give -- in other words what should a person experiencing this do?

Yes, you've made a good point --
We need to visit the cross not just when we first accept Christ, and not just for an object lesson on love in extreme hostile conditions, but in deep recognition of our need for forgiveness and Christ's righteousness. And yes,-- OFTEN!
When we get too sure of ourselves and think we KNOW how to live the Christian life....
we are deceiving ourselves.

It's also as we recognize our own desperate need for mercy, and experence deep gratitude for Christ's forgiveness and cleansing power, that we start to look at other people differently.

If God can be merciful to me, shouldn't I be merciful to others? After all Christ loved them and died to save them, too -- they are that precious to Him.

But it's still not the "end of the story"

We still need to go back out there into the real world....

Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 08:17 AM

Somehow visiting the cross must become part of the real world with the Christian.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 09:20 AM

People are bombarded by pressures, a corrupt social environment, a host of voices saying "this way, that way" some even sounding very good, yet still pointing in the wrong direction, and even other spirits attempting to lead astray, so how does one hold on to the Spirit's leading? How does one practice this righteous agape love that is principle of God's law?

Principles, as well as instruction are given in God's Word, but at the same time, in its detailed application to the
specific acts and circumstances, much has been
left to the individual conscience and judgment. It is here that our responsibility begins. Here we must seek to know the will of
God and to cherish the spirit of obedience.

Sin includes a whole range of things, but basically it is REBELLION. It's not just being "unloving" it is REBELLION.

We will never have the right understanding of sin until we see it as against God. All sin is against God -- primarily against His law and authority.

Sin does not want to surrender to God.

And risking the chance of being misunderstood, I'll insert that I'm speaking in general terms, not about anyone here.
For me, having people say "love is the opposite of sin" is, on one hand, just too simplistic phrasing. Of course God's love is the opposite of sin and we are to reflect His love.
But the human part of "agape love" can be deceptive TO THE PERSON himself. I don't know if you can understand that, but I believe it is on that very basis that Christians will be deceived into the false worship system in the last day, it will be based on lofty sounding principles of love, but there will be a subtle twist. For me it's not just a matter of "arguing with the brethren" but a very important understanding, that even though God's love is perfect, human understanding of that love, and how to live according to that love, is not perfect.

We need to surrender self to Christ, and to walk with Him in humble, loving obedience according to His Word and law.

Sin is REBELLION, the opposite of that is surrender.
Sin is rebelling against God's authority and law.
The opposite is to surrender oneself to God's authority and law.

What I'll say next will probably bring protests, but read the whole before addressing it.

--When we focus on "victory" over sin, we are focused on the wrong thing.
The mother desperately wanted victory over the way she treated her son. She wanted to be free from the impulse to yell at him, and never have to deal with that emotion again.

But instead of focusing on victory what we should do is focus on walking step by step, hour by hour, in obedience to God. This isn't saying that God doesn't want us to experience victory, He does, and we WILL have victory IF we walk in obedience, BUT OUR FOCUS isn't on the victory, it's in walking in obedience RIGHT NOW with Christ.

For some reason God doesn't remove our emotional reactors and ingrained habits from us when we are baptized.
He could just wipe them out of our system, and sometimes we hear that it does happen, but usually it does not.
Those obnoxious habits, if we are serious about our walk with Christ, drive us to cling to Him for strength and direction. We will be constantly seeking to fill our minds with His Word and will, and asking for His Spirit.
Our battle with daily sins teach us NOT to depend upon self.

The difference between focusing on "victory" instead of "daily obedience" is this --
In the first, we are focused on self, on "I will get the victory"

In the other we are focused on Christ, and surrendering self to Him and to His standard of obedience on a daily, hourly, minute by minute basis. Looking to Him each moment for the strength to respond to situations according to His will.

In the first, we will be frustrated as "victory" illudes us. Or if by shear will power we do manage to get victory over one or two sins, it may lead to spiritual pride, and downfall.

In the second, we will find the sins that so easily tripped us up will lose their power over us, (we will find true victory in Christ) but we continue to cling to Christ and walk with Him in humble obedience submitting to His will, not trusting in self.
And He will open our minds to greater understanding of His truths from His Word, and we will grow in grace.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 09:31 AM

Originally Posted By: västergötland
Somehow visiting the cross must become part of the real world with the Christian.

I agreed with you on that point.
By "real world" I meant the rough and tumble of the work a day world where we deal with people -- where our "Christianity" is tested. How do we cope there?
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 03:33 PM

Originally Posted By: västergötland
Originally Posted By: Colin

Ah yes: let's see... cool

Remember the difference on this thread between God's love and our love...? Then the realisation that Dedication was speaking of Christians using God's love, and not just God himself?

Tom was saying this is of course an important truth, since we believers are lead by the Spirit to be more like Christ's example of living God's love. Dedication then posed a scenario where following the Spirit's lead didn't work, due the pressures mentioned, and Dedication asked how that can be avoided, like what plans and ways we can have to hold on to the Spirit's leading.
Is this really the essence of Dedications example?

Thus, the bringing together of human and divine minds, as we seek to be true to God's love in our Christian work, is seen to be difficult. Is that clearer, Teresa, and if so, do you have a suggestion to solve that difficulty?

Ok, that was late in the evening, so it didn't quite work right, and I went off line early in the night, at 11 smile : Dedication's scenario involved not tapping in to the Spirit's leading due to pressures in life and being mentally distracted...; I wasn't suggesting that should we tap in to the Spirit's leading that we'll fail to follow it, should we stay connected.

Thank you Dedication, for your complement, too - I just hadn't seen the negative implication of my comments. grin
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/20/09 05:20 PM

I think it would be good to spend a thoughtful hour each day upon the life of Christ, especially the latter scenes.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 03:51 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
I think it would be good to spend a thoughtful hour each day upon the life of Christ, especially the latter scenes.

the "case study" did not give enough details to be able to give any kind of "diagnosis" and "prescription", such as the persons history, for example.

a person would have to be converted to begin with. they would have to want to be living for the Lord. and victory does come, as you and thomas point out, in having our attention on Christ.

Forgetful of self, they faltered not when weary, hungry, and cold. They had in view but one object--the salvation of those who had wandered far from the fold. {AA 169.2}

the bible and sop are full of "prescriptions" such as the above for success.

what our eyes are on and what our goal is seems to determine success or failure.

Jesus risked eternal separation from the Father so that we might have a place in heaven.

moses was willing to have his name blotted out of the book of life if that would save his fellow israelites. paul also was willing to give up his place in heaven.

so yes, for me, studying Christ and falling at the cross often during the day seems to be my only assurance of learning to love as Christ loved.

Mat 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
Mat 25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
Mat 25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 05:38 AM

A person would have to be converted to begin with.

Excellent point.

They would have to want to be living for the Lord. and victory does come, as you and thomas point out, in having our attention on Christ.

I don't want to be understood in my point. It's easy to make any "prescription," as you put it, into a works program. I'm not suggesting "doing" something as a key to success, but trying to get at what I perceive to be the root of the problem. It seems to me the root of the human problem is that Satan has misrepresented God's character, and mankind has bought into that lie. In order to "fix" man, Christ came to demonstrate the truth about God.

What better way to learn the truth about God than to study the life of Christ? That's why I'm suggesting (not me originally, of course) studying the life of Christ. As Ty Gibson points out, our understanding of God's character and likeness to Him dovetail as one process.

Jesus risked eternal separation from the Father so that we might have a place in heaven.

This is amazing, isn't it? I find that many lose the blessing of this concept by not believing that there was an actual risk here (False ideas regarding God's omniscience get in the way here.)

Moses was willing to have his name blotted out of the book of life if that would save his fellow Israelites. Paul also was willing to give up his place in heaven.

This is the spirit of Christ! Not our salvation, but the salvation of others.

So yes, for me, studying Christ and falling at the cross often during the day seems to be my only assurance of learning to love as Christ loved.

Yes, Christ is the key.
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 06:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
I think it would be good to spend a thoughtful hour each day upon the life of Christ, especially the latter scenes.

Has its place, of course. Equally, how many understand how we link to the life of Christ? How many understand what justification by faith is - what the grace behind that justification is, for that is our link to Christ?

Unless we understand and experience that link study is ultimately a dead end.
Posted By: Colin

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 06:53 AM

Originally Posted By: teresaq
Jesus risked eternal separation from the Father so that we might have a place in heaven.

This is amazing, isn't it? I find that many lose the blessing of this concept by not believing that there was an actual risk here (False ideas regarding God's omniscience get in the way here.)

...God's omniscience??...What prevents that enormous risk being understood is misunderstanding God's nature!
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 07:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Colin
Originally Posted By: Tom
I think it would be good to spend a thoughtful hour each day upon the life of Christ, especially the latter scenes.

Has its place, of course. Equally, how many understand how we link to the life of Christ? How many understand what justification by faith is - what the grace behind that justification is, for that is our link to Christ?

Unless we understand and experience that link study is ultimately a dead end.

says the messenger of the Lord:
If Joseph and Mary had stayed their minds upon God by meditation and prayer, they would have realized the sacredness of their trust, and would not have lost sight of Jesus. By one day's neglect they lost the Saviour; but it cost them three days of anxious search to find Him. So with us; by idle talk, evilspeaking, or neglect of prayer, we may in one day lose the Saviour's presence, and it may take many days of sorrowful search to find Him, and regain the peace that we have lost. {DA 83.1}
In our association with one another, we should take heed lest we forget Jesus, and pass along unmindful that He is not with us. When we become absorbed in worldly things so that we have no thought for Him in whom our hope of eternal life is centered, we separate ourselves from Jesus and from the heavenly angels. These holy beings cannot remain where the Saviour's presence is not desired, and His absence is not marked. This is why discouragement so often exists among the professed followers of Christ. {DA 83.2}
Many attend religious services, and are refreshed and comforted by the word of God; but through neglect of meditation, watchfulness, and prayer, they lose the blessing, and find themselves more destitute than before they received it. Often they feel that God has dealt hardly with them. They do not see that the fault is their own. By separating themselves from Jesus, they have shut away the light of His presence. {DA 83.3}
It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit. If we would be saved at last, we must learn the lesson of penitence and humiliation at the foot of the cross. {DA 83.4}
As we associate together, we may be a blessing to one another. If we are Christ's, our sweetest thoughts will be of Him. We shall love to talk of Him; and as we speak to one another of His love, our hearts will be softened by divine influences. Beholding the beauty of His character, we shall be "changed into the same image from glory to glory." 2 Corinthians 3:18. {DA 83.5}
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 07:21 AM

Originally Posted By: Colin
Originally Posted By: teresaq
Jesus risked eternal separation from the Father so that we might have a place in heaven.

This is amazing, isn't it? I find that many lose the blessing of this concept by not believing that there was an actual risk here (False ideas regarding God's omniscience get in the way here.)

...God's omniscience??...What prevents that enormous risk being understood is misunderstanding God's nature!

In my experience, it's been more a misunderstanding of God's omniscience than anything else that has caused this truth to be misunderstood. Many people think that God's knowledge of the future is fixed, that God sees one specific thing that will happen, and that this one thing will come to pass. Obviously, if one has this idea, a risk being undertaken makes no sense.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 07:23 AM

Has its place, of course. Equally, how many understand how we link to the life of Christ? How many understand what justification by faith is - what the grace behind that justification is, for that is our link to Christ?

Unless we understand and experience that link study is ultimately a dead end.

I agree that understanding the link is very important, but surely one can profit from studying Christ's life even without understanding this. Some of the gain will be lost, from the standpoint of applying Christ's experience to ours, but there's an even more important reason to studying Christ's life, which is to understand God's character.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 08:59 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
Has its place, of course. Equally, how many understand how we link to the life of Christ? How many understand what justification by faith is - what the grace behind that justification is, for that is our link to Christ?

Unless we understand and experience that link study is ultimately a dead end.

I agree that understanding the link is very important, but surely one can profit from studying Christ's life even without understanding this. Some of the gain will be lost, from the standpoint of applying Christ's experience to ours, but there's an even more important reason to studying Christ's life, which is to understand God's character.

I agree we need to "know God and His Son Jesus Christ".
John 17:3 tells us to know God is life eternal.

But care must be taken
the finite mind can never fully understand the infinite.
We see through a glass darkly.

Also, there appears to be a lot of focusing on a few passages and setting them up as the TOTAL and exclusive true view, and forcing all other passages to say something they aren't really saying in order to present the few passages as the TOTALLY AND ONLY right view of God. That can lead to a wrong understanding.

I agree with Colin, that we must understand the salvation issues of justification and sanctification and the relationship between God and man, as an important link.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 09:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom

In my experience, it's been more a misunderstanding of God's omniscience than anything else that has caused this truth to be misunderstood. Many people think that God's knowledge of the future is fixed, that God sees one specific thing that will happen, and that this one thing will come to pass. Obviously, if one has this idea, a risk being undertaken makes no sense.

Don't you believe that God's omniscience sees the future as if it were the present?
How else could He give prophets visions in which they see, hear, experience events in the future?

God's for-knowledge knows exactly WHAT will happen. But that doesn't FIX or determine how created beings will act, they still make their own choices, and God does not allow His forknowledge to stop Him offering His gift of love and salvation to each one. No one in that judgment day will be able to say -- God wasn't fair to me, all will say "God's ways are righteous and just."

It's true that God offers and provides better alternatives, and knows IF the people would only choose His better way, what conditions would be like for them if they did. God urges people to follow the better way, and reveals to them what could if they did. But that doesn't mean He didn't KNOW what their choice will be.

We must be careful not to put human rational upon God.
Human thoughts tend to be rather narrow. If we know something won't work, we don't try it. If we know something will work, we tend to get careless.
But God's thoughts are not like ours -- even though HE KNOWS exactly what everyone will do, His justice and love offers His creatures better alternatives and calls them and encourages them, to choose the better way. They will have no reason to accuse God of NOT providing the way of salvation for them.

Did God know Christ would be victorious?
I believe He did.
For 4000 years He offered people salvation based on Christ's atoning sacrifice prior to the cross.
Enoch, Elijah, Moses were in heaven, not because they earned their way there, but because God knew Christ's blood "the lamb slain from the foundation of the earth" atones for their sins.

Was it a risk?
God's forknowledge didn't lessen the ordeal that had to be lived through. It didn't lessen the temptations and the struggles.

Why question His omniscience? Are we trying to fit Him into our concept of what He should be like?
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 06:32 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication

Also, there appears to be a lot of focusing on a few passages and setting them up as the TOTAL and exclusive true view, and forcing all other passages to say something they aren't really saying in order to present the few passages as the TOTALLY AND ONLY right view of God. That can lead to a wrong understanding.

what is that based on? what passages of what are being forced to say "something they aren't really saying in order to present the few passages as the TOTALLY AND ONLY right view of God."
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 07:19 PM

Dedication, I'll just comment briefly. If you'd like to start a thread on this, I'd be happy to participate, and comment in much more detail.

God sees the future as it really is, which is not fixed, like the past, but open. When the SOP said that Christ came at the risk of failure and eternal loss, that means it was possible that this could happen, and this is one of the possibilities God foresaw. We should be careful not to have a view of God's omniscience which makes it logically impossible for there to be more than one possible outcome.

Here's an example of the conflicting logic I was mentioning:

Did God know Christ would be victorious?
I believe He did...

Was it a risk?

If you know the outcome of an event, then there is no risk. This is why there are laws against insider trading, for example.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 07:38 PM

I agree with Colin, that we must understand the salvation issues of justification and sanctification and the relationship between God and man, as an important link.

I think that what Colin has in mind as the link is the link between Christ's taking our fallen nature and making it possible for us to overcome.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 07:40 PM

Also, there appears to be a lot of focusing on a few passages and setting them up as the TOTAL and exclusive true view, and forcing all other passages to say something they aren't really saying in order to present the few passages as the TOTALLY AND ONLY right view of God. That can lead to a wrong understanding.

Perhaps what one thinks the "other passages" is saying is not what they are really saying. A view that presents a consistent view of God is laudable.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 09:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Tom
dedication: Also, there appears to be a lot of focusing on a few passages and setting them up as the TOTAL and exclusive true view, and forcing all other passages to say something they aren't really saying in order to present the few passages as the TOTALLY AND ONLY right view of God. That can lead to a wrong understanding.

Perhaps what one thinks the "other passages" is saying is not what they are really saying. A view that presents a consistent view of God is laudable.

yes, but what passages? how were they forced to say other than what they say?

one shouldnt throw out accusations without taking the exact texts and showing how they were forced into a wrong direction. otherwise they are just accusations that could be falsely accusing the brethern, in other words breaking the very law one claims to uphold. that seems to me something we should be very careful to avoid.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 09:41 PM

In Numbers it says that God sent fiery snakes upon the Israelites. If someone explained this passage to mean that God removed His protection, and the snakes were always there the whole time, someone else might object that this would be making the passage to say something it isn't really saying.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/21/09 10:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Tom
In Numbers it says that God sent fiery snakes upon the Israelites. If someone explained this passage to mean that God removed His protection, and the snakes were always there the whole time, someone else might object that this would be making the passage to say something it isn't really saying.

yes, and rightly so without biblical proof that is what happened.

we would have to lead off with the texts of Gods protection as well as the examples of when He leaves us to the consequences of our actions if we insist on removing ourselves from His protection.

but what texts in this thread have been "forced" to say other than exactly what they say?
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/22/09 12:10 AM

Originally Posted By: Tom
They would have to want to be living for the Lord. and victory does come, as you and thomas point out, in having our attention on Christ.

I don't want to be understood in my point. It's easy to make any "prescription," as you put it, into a works program.

it seems that is where the "new heart" comes in.

Eze 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
Jer 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

so that
The workers need to study the life of Christ until they give themselves unreservedly to him. "It is the spirit that quickeneth," Christ declared, "the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." Those who practise the words of Christ become one with him. Their lives represent the pure principles of the Word in simplicity and meekness. ... {RH, September 2, 1909 par. 10}

we then get
Mat 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
Mat 25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
Mat 25:36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Mat 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

but the righteous are unconscious of having done anything for the Lord
Mat 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
Mat 25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
Mat 25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

tom: I'm not suggesting "doing" something as a key to success, but trying to get at what I perceive to be the root of the problem. It seems to me the root of the human problem is that Satan has misrepresented God's character, and mankind has bought into that lie. In order to "fix" man, Christ came to demonstrate the truth about God.

not knowing and studying Gods true character could lead us to

“Christ will come back with a sword on his side. And, he will come back as the ultimate judge of the world. We’re going to be behind him with, I believe, swords in our hands and we’re going to be his army. And, this battle…the blood from this battle will be as high as a horse’s bridle. It’s just something mankind has never witnessed before.” Laura Bagg

all in the name of God.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/22/09 12:48 AM

But what texts in this thread have been "forced" to say other than exactly what they say?

I think Dedication's comment was a general one; it wasn't targeting any specific application of a text on this thread, I don't think.

Regarding your next post, I agree. The deception at the end involves, above all else, not knowing God's true character.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/22/09 05:35 PM

Originally Posted By: Tom

God sees the future as it really is, which is not fixed, like the past, but open. When the SOP said that Christ came at the risk of failure and eternal loss, that means it was possible that this could happen, and this is one of the possibilities God foresaw. We should be careful not to have a view of God's omniscience which makes it logically impossible for there to be more than one possible outcome.

Here's an example of the conflicting logic I was mentioning:

Did God know Christ would be victorious?
I believe He did...

Was it a risk?

If you know the outcome of an event, then there is no risk. This is why there are laws against insider trading, for example.

Knowing the outcome does not preprogram it, nor lessen the conflicting battles leading up to it.

It just KNOWS what it will be.

If God's omniscience doesn't KNOW the outcome, but knows only the probabilities, then can we be sure God will win in the final battle against sin at the end of the 1000 years, or is satan's idea that he, with the countless millions of lost can dethrone God and take over the city a possibility?

Do we lessen God's omniscience to reduce it to our logic?

Basically, as I see it, what you said above is that God can't REALLY SEE the future, (as in not being locked in time but actually SEE the future) but that He only knows the probabilities of what the outcome will be.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/22/09 11:57 PM

Knowing the outcome does not preprogram it, nor lessen the conflicting battles leading up to it.

It just KNOWS what it will be.

Which means there's no risk involved. Again, consider insider trading laws. Why is it illegal to buy/sell stocks if you have inside information? Because, in this case, your level of risk is not the same as others. Why? Because you have knoweldge of the outcome that others have. More knowledge means less risk. Perfect knowledge would mean zero risk, assuming the fixed future scenario (i.e. God sees only one future result, that which will happen).

If God's omniscience doesn't KNOW the outcome, but knows only the probabilities, then can we be sure God will win in the final battle against sin at the end of the 1000 years, or is satan's idea that he, with the countless millions of lost can dethrone God and take over the city a possibility?

Sure we can be sure! Think of a chessmaster who has a winning position. He may not know what the specific moves will be that will lead up to his checkmating the opposition, but he can be 100% sure that with perfect play, the game is won. God, of course, doesn't make mistakes, so He can be 100% the "game is won," even though the details haven't yet been determined.

Do we lessen God's omniscience to reduce it to our logic?

This question doesn't seem to make sense. Would you rephrase it?

Basically, as I see it, what you said above is that God can't REALLY SEE the future, (as in not being locked in time but actually SEE the future) but that He only knows the probabilities of what the outcome will be.

No, this isn't the issue. God can see the future perfectly, but the future is not fixed. It is yet to be determined, which is just what God sees, a non-determined future.

If you'd like to discuss this future, please start a new thread. Or, if you'd prefer that I do, I will, just let me know.

Posted By: Mountain Man

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 05/25/09 05:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Green Cochoa
Grace may be a healing balm for sin, but it is not the opposite of it. The opposite of transgression of the law is obedience to the law.

If sin and righteousness are opposites, what, then, did Jesus mean in His unprofitable servant parables?

Also, if not sinning constitutes righteousness, how do we define righteousness? How do we define what Jesus revealed and demonstrated while He was here?
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 08/07/09 08:49 PM

Originally Posted By: dedication
The opposite of sin is righteousness.

It is by GRACE that we leave sin behind and find righteousness.

Romans 6:18 Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

Romans 5:21 That as sin reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

1 Cor. 15:34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not;

2 Cor. 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Prov. 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
i came across this last night:

Righteousness is holiness, likeness to God, and "God is love." 1 John 4:16. It is conformity to the law of God, for "all Thy commandments are righteousness" (Psalm 119:172), and "love is the fulfilling of the law" (Romans 13:10). Righteousness is love, and love is the light and the life of God. The righteousness of God is embodied in Christ. We receive righteousness by receiving Him. {MB 18.1}

and that makes sense if we understand what sin is

The church is made up of persons of different temperaments and of various dispositions; they have come from different denominations; for the Cleaver of truth has separated one here and one there from the great quarry of the world, and in the church of Christ all these various members must be cemented together by the Spirit of God. If the love of Christ is in the hearts of the members of the church, through the abundant grace of Christ, there will be oneness, unity, among brethren. We must close the door of the heart to every suggestion that shall have the least tendency toward keeping us from this state of harmony. We must not hamper the soul and cripple its powers by the indulgence of selfishness. Selfishness is sin, and it grieves away the Spirit of Christ. When we cherish unkind thoughts, and harbor suspicions against our brethren, we are cutting ourselves off from the channel of God's light and love. Jealousy is as cruel as the grave, and should never be cherished in the heart, much less expressed in the actions. How cruel it is to cherish evil surmising against those who are members of Christ's body! Accusation, condemnation, and revenge are all of Satanic origin, and evil thoughts of others should be at once rejected from the mind, for these things repulse, and separate the hearts of brethren. Satan rejoices when he can create division in the church of God; for weakness follows, and the things that remain are ready to die. {ST, April 13, 1891 par. 3}

Many things are registered as sins in the book of heaven which men do not call sin. Selfishness and covetousness are at the foundation of all sins, and yet many are not convicted of the sin of selfishness, because it is a part of their nature, and they do not listen to the reprovings of the Holy Spirit. They judge their brethren, thinking to remove a mote from their brother's eye, when they have a beam in their own eye which must be removed before they can see clearly to extract the mote from their brother's eye. The work of correcting our fellow men, and especially of correcting our brethren in the faith, is a work that requires wisdom from God. It requires a growing experience in spiritual things in order that spiritual things may be called by their right name. The Lord has not placed any man on the judgment seat to judge his brother and to define the character of his sin. {13MR 270.3}
Posted By: Mountain Man

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 08/09/09 05:39 PM

Teresaq, I agree that selfishness and unselfishness are opposites, however, I disagree that the absence of one is the presence of the other. We are not being like Jesus simply because we are not being like Satan. Just because big brother doesn't punch little brother in the nose it doesn't mean he is being Christlike. The opposite of love is indifference not hate. To be like Jesus requires the death of self and a rebirth in the likeness of sweet Jesus. Two different dynamics must play out - 1) Self must die, and 2) rebirth must happen. These two things are not opposites; instead, they are two totally different things that must happen to be like Jesus.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 08/09/09 07:46 PM

Teresaq, I agree that selfishness and unselfishness are opposites, however, I disagree that the absence of one is the presence of the other. We are not being like Jesus simply because we are not being like Satan.

The absence of one *is* the presence of the other. It has to be. All there is in the world is good and evil. To the extent one is not one, one is the other.

To the extent that we are not like Christ, we are like Satan. That's rather depressing, perhaps, but that's the way it is.

Recognizing this should lead us to cry out, like Ellen White mentioned she did, "Nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee."

Just because big brother doesn't punch little brother in the nose it doesn't mean he is being Christlike.

Right, which also means it doesn't necessarily mean he's being unlike Satan.
Posted By: teresaq

Re: Lesson #7 - Grace - 08/09/09 08:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Mountain Man
Teresaq, I agree that selfishness and unselfishness are opposites, however, I disagree that the absence of one is the presence of the other. We are not being like Jesus simply because we are not being like Satan. Just because big brother doesn't punch little brother in the nose it doesn't mean he is being Christlike. The opposite of love is indifference not hate. To be like Jesus requires the death of self and a rebirth in the likeness of sweet Jesus. Two different dynamics must play out - 1) Self must die, and 2) rebirth must happen. These two things are not opposites; instead, they are two totally different things that must happen to be like Jesus.
well, ok. but it seems to me your issue is with ellen white.

if youll notice there is only one sentence from me in all that.
"and that makes sense if we know what sin is" in green.
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