Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request!

Posted By: liane

Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/10/06 03:46 AM

Wednesday morning my Pastor and his wife got a call from Doug Batchelor for a request of prayer:

Dear Friends.

Some of you no doubt may have already been informed on this recent development. Others might have already e-mailed you regarding that Doug Batchelor has requested special prayer - for him and the Central SDA Church this very next weekend, February 11, 2006.

It seems that Amazing Facts / Central SDA Church Staff received a call from none other than the National Geographic Society (not sure if it was the Magazine division or the media division). Doug thought it was a hoax at first. Then, they verified that the request really was from the Society. They (the Society) are requesting an interview and permission to send a film crew to film a worship service. Seems they have approached or are in the planning stages of interviewing the Vatican, Oral Roberts, Jerry Fallwell and Doug for a story, a theme that deals with "Prophecy". The Society will be at the Central SDA Church for just that, February 11, 2006.

As you do doubt know the ramifications of a detailed rendering of such a topic can become very significant. Pray that the information imparted will have an impact for Gods cause. For further information, contact Doug Batchelor through the Amazing Facts Web site, or the Central SDA Church Web site. Both sites should be able to provide you with ongoing, and forth coming information.

Liane, the Zoo Mama
Posted By: Avalee

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/11/06 01:36 PM

I was in the foyer as a greeter when this was announced so I missed all of Pastor Batchelors talk about it. This is soppose to happen this Sabbath. Very interesting. I just looked at the web site and the sermon title is "The Purpose of Prophecy"?
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/12/06 01:42 AM

I watched it live over the Internet.

I saw and heard the message.

I also heard them mention the presence of the National Geographic people in reference to the presence of extra cameras.
Posted By: liane

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/12/06 03:07 PM

If what I understand is correct this is going to be a side by side either by book or video on TV of prophecy with other faiths presented right next to each other for all the world to see.

What an opportunity this will be for us in God's church to present turth against the darkness of the other denominations when it comes to prophecy.

Liane, the Zoo Mama
Posted By: Avalee

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/15/06 12:37 AM

Well it quite interesting to have them there filming. Of course we are used to it because it is done every Sabbath. But these people were all over the Sanctuary filming and filming the people also. Below is an email that was sent to me about the interview:


News Release - Amazing Facts February 13, 2006

On February 11, a film crew from the National Geographic Media Department arrived at Sacramento Central Church to record Sabbath services and to interview Pastor Doug Batchelor, Senior Pastor, regarding the book of Revelation. Their purpose is to discover why a book written so long ago is still considered relevant today.

Pastor Batchelor was brought to the crew’s attention by the high level of internet traffic directing them to the Amazing Facts website regarding the prophecies of Revelation. The Associate Director said that Batchelor, who has been teaching on Revelation for more than 25 years, was selected because of his “wide appeal and hopeful way of communicating,” as well as his “reassuring and inspiring manner of speaking.”

The interviewer had done his homework, as he asked hard-hitting, in-depth questions on the rapture, the tribulation, the antichrist, the lake of fire, the battle of Armageddon, and what the various apocalyptic symbols throughout Revelation mean.

Pastor Batchelor says that he “truly sensed the prayers of God’s people” as he answered the broad spectrum of questions, all without his Bible because they did not want him reading his answers! After the interview, the director confided that the answers given made more sense to him than anything else he had heard so far!

The title for the 60-minute documentary is The Riddle of Revelation, though that may change by the time it is broadcast on the international National Geographic channel. An exact broadcast date is not yet known; however, it is expected to air in approximately 10 weeks.

The producers also plan to get the conclusions of other religious dignitaries from around the world representing Oral Roberts University, the School of Prophecy at Liberty University, and the Vatican.

Pastor Batchelor adds, “Please continue to pray that as the editing process takes place, the final product will bring glory to God and help people recognize the truth.”

Bonnie Ensminger
Secretary to Doug Batchelor

Posted By: Daryl

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/15/06 05:24 AM

[Thank You & Welcome] Thank you, Avalee, for posting this most interesting information. [Thank You & Welcome]

As Liane said, it truly is a real witnessing opportunity to the truth of, and from, God's Word.
Posted By: Avalee

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/16/06 09:48 AM

The following link was just sent to me. It says just about the same thing with a few extra things I think..on way to work so do not have time to read it all the way through. Working the midnight shift to 8am....

National Geographic interviewed Pastor Doug
Posted By: liane

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/16/06 03:03 PM

Since I do the bulletin for our church I am keeping this special prayer request at the top of the list to remind us of this great and wonderful opportunity to witness to the world of the truth of God.

We have been asked to keep this program in our prayers as they edit and that the truth as we have been given by God will be glorified before the world.

I also am impressed that it will be a solo one hour program instead of clips of all faiths in one program and more than that it is the first.

This gives us an advantage to instill into the minds of those that either known nothing or can open to them wisdom from the Holy Spirit of truth.

Liane, the Zoo Mama
Posted By: Windsor

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/18/06 05:22 AM

"I also am impressed that it will be a solo one hour program instead of clips of all faiths in one program and more than that it is the first."

The way I understood the post, it will be a one hour program for all faiths combined so Adventists may only get 5 minutes or so.
Posted By: Windsor

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/18/06 09:51 PM

For those who would like to see the archived sermon, what was its name? The amazing facts website does not supply dates.
Posted By: liane

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/18/06 10:46 PM

Hi Brother Windsor:

You are correct, my apology, it is only going to be a one hour program with all faiths. It still will be intereting to see though, I pray.

The title of the sermon was "The Purpose of Prophecy"?

Liane, the Zoo Mama
Posted By: Avalee

Re: Doug Batchelor Special Prayer Request! - 02/20/06 09:51 AM

It might not be uploaded yet. I just checked and it was not. I believe they have to edit it first before they upload it.
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