Find a new home

Posted By: Angie S

Find a new home - 10/05/00 10:44 PM

Well, here I am again. My husband and I have been trying to find a different place to live. With the baby coming, we can't sqeeze another person into this one bedroom house. As it is, we share a room with our (almost) three-year-old. Please pray for us. We have been turned down by two different places so far. One turned us down because of our credit(understandable, bankruptcy). The other one turned us down because of landlord references. We are good tenants, and we pay our rent on time. We are responsible for all of our own utilities and we pay them all on time. I can't understand why, all of a sudden, we are getting bad references. Thanks, in advance, for all of your prayers.

God bless!


Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Find a new home - 10/11/00 01:11 AM

Dear Father, You know that life gets hard down here. Angie and her family need a new, larger home. I pray that you will open doors for them and provide them with financing and references to get into the home You have waiting for them. We pray that You will lead them to a financial institution willing to take a chance on them despite their bad credit history, and that You will clear all other obstacles in their way. We know that ALL things are in Your power and I praise You for the home you have given them.

In Jesus' name, Amen

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Angie S

Re: Find a new home - 07/08/01 12:24 AM

Well, that didn't work out for us, and now we know why. Less than a year later, we are moving to Berrien Springs so that my husband can go to Andrews University. Well, we move in 24 days and we still don't have a place to live. We are moving on faith, but we're getting antsy. Please pray for us, we know that God wants us to go to Andrews, but we don't know where we are going to live when we get there. I know that God works things out in His own time, but I guess we're just getting impatient. Keep us in your prayers. Thanks SO much! God bless you all!

Blessed is he... whose hope is in the
Lord his God. Psalms 146:5


Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Find a new home - 07/08/01 02:56 AM

Hi Angie

A friend of mine was in just that situation about two years ago. They looked for almost a year before they went. It was a real test of their faith. They found a place about a week before they were to leave. God takes such good care of us. You are in my prayers.

God bless,

Posted By: Angie S

Re: Find a new home - 07/09/01 10:50 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if that happened to us, when we moved here to Muskegon 3 years ago, we didn't have a place to live, but we had already given our notice. We found a place about two or three weeks before we moved. It was a real test of faith, but we moved on it. Thanks for your prayers!

Blessed is he... whose hope is in the
Lord his God. Psalms 146:5


Posted By: Angie S

Re: Find a new home - 07/11/01 04:19 AM

Praise the Lord!!! We have found a place to live! My husband decided to take the day off today and we went to Berrien Springs and we talked to a friend about a house he was renting and he said he will rent to us, so we can move in any time now! GOD IS SO GREAT! Thank you all for your continued prayers. God bless you all!

Blessed is he... whose hope is in the
Lord his God. Psalms 146:5


Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Find a new home - 07/11/01 04:29 AM

Oh Praise the Lord Angie!!!

Okay now...if you meet two wonderful people by the names of Wally and Marie Lyder...just run up to them and give them huge hugs for me! Tell them I miss them to pieces and they'd better write me.

oh here's my email address too

Congratulations again!!!

God bless,

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Find a new home - 07/12/01 06:14 AM

I'm happy for you too Angie. God always provides our needs, He just uses His own timing.

If you do see Wally, say Hi for me too! I don't have the good fortune to know his wife, but I went to school with Wally when he was at CaUC and I was at PAA (high school). He has a wonderful youth ministry going and is a blessing to many.

May God bless your move. We'll see you around here still, right?

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

[This message has been edited by Mrs Sarah Moss (edited July 11, 2001).]

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Find a new home - 07/11/01 08:31 PM

That is so cool Sarah! I forgot that Wally and Marie were both from Canada! Wally is so neat. Very charismatic. He had a youth ministry when you knew him eh? I met him in his last year at Walla Walla College and he was instrumental in my husband Howard's commitment to the Lord and subsequent baptism. They moved to Andrew's for Wally's seminary training about the same time we moved to Western Washington from Walla Walla. Small world isn't it?

God bless,

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Find a new home - 07/12/01 09:28 PM

Actually, when I met Wally he was a theology student. Now he has a wonderful Youth Ministry. I ran into him at Giraffe University this past spring. He was one of the leaders and I was one of the attendees. It was great to see him again - even after 11 years, he remembered me! Of course, we used to hang out with the same friends, so I guess that is not that surprising!

It is a small world - especially among siblings!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Angie S

Re: Find a new home - 09/04/01 05:30 PM

We are all moved in now. It's nice to be all unpacked and settled. I didn't think it would be this fast that we were moved in and all. It's nice to be able to call this house home. Thanks for your prayers!


Blessed is he... whose hope is in the
Lord his God. Psalms 146:5


Just removed the extra posts.
Your submit button must have been on automatic fire.

[This message has been edited by Gerry Buck (edited September 04, 2001).]

Posted By: Angie S

Re: Find a new home - 09/05/01 03:56 PM

Well, we are all moved into our new home. I love it here. Our neighbors are really nice and we get along with them really well. I still can't believe it sometimes that we're here at Andrews University. It seems like we've been planning so much to come here that now that we're here, it's unreal, like a dream. Well, I thank you all so much for praying for us to find a home and we have. God is SO GREAT!!!

God bless!


Blessed is he... whose hope is in the
Lord his God. Psalms 146:5


Posted By: Daryl

Re: Find a new home - 09/05/01 11:06 PM

Amen, Angie!

He has promised to meet our every need.

In His Love,Mercy & Grace


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