Please Pray for my Daughter, Lorrie

Posted By: Anonymous

Please Pray for my Daughter, Lorrie - 12/04/00 11:32 PM

Please pray for my daughter. She is about to make a big mistake in her life. God know the circumstances of what is going on. There is just one more day for her to change her mind before she makes this mistake. I have given her all the posiblities of what can come of this but she does not see it. She is in the Hands of God and there is no better hands.

In The Blessed Hope


Posted By: Daryl

Re: Please Pray for my Daughter, Lorrie - 12/04/00 11:58 PM

Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray for Avalee's daughter who is about to make a decision that You and Avalee are most aware of.

Since You alone truly know the complete circumstances and the resulting decision she is about to make, I pray that You will speak to her heart, in one way or another and according to Your complete Wisdom, so she will make the right decision and not the wrong one that she is purposing to make.

We also pray that You will bring about new circumstances that will help her not to make the wrong decision.

We know that You love her and also died for her, therefore, we know and trust that You will do Your part in Your own wise way.

Thank You for hearing our prayer and for also being concerned even more than Avalee is concerned about what her daughter is about to decide.

We also know and believe that You are more than able to speak to her heart so we now leave it in Your hands.

In Christ's Name we pray,


"For God so loved Daryl Fawcett that He gave His only
Begotten Son that....."


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