Please pray....

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Please pray.... - 04/26/01 01:38 AM

The husband of my niece was fishing with his dad today, and around 2:00 p.m. est, they fell into the river and are missing.
A witness saw it happen, and called the police rescue unit.
She did not see them get out of the water.
As of 6:30 my time they still haven't found the bodies.

Please pray for my niece (Lynn)and their son, that they will be able to get through this in good order.
Pray also that they will draw closer to Christ and our Father through this.
Thank you.

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my reins and my heart. Ps.26:2
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.Ps.118:8

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Please pray.... - 04/26/01 01:46 AM

Oh Gerry! I am praying. How tragic.


Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Please pray.... - 04/26/01 04:16 AM

Dear Father, You know how it feels when someone you love is missing. I pray that You will guide the rescue team to the missing men. I pray that Your loving hand be over them, protecting them and keeping them safe in Your arms. I pray that you will be with their families, their wives and their children (should they have any). Give them Your peace among the storm. Lord, I pray that You will sit with them and hold them. I ask that You will allow them to feel Your Presence, that they will know that You are the One holding them up.

Give Gerry the strength and the wisdom he needs to support his family

Thank you Father, for hearing and answering my prayer. I know that You love these people far more than anyone else.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Please pray.... - 04/26/01 05:19 AM

My nephew has still not been found.
His father has been found, they got his heart going, but, they say he was under the water too long and will never recover.

Brian [my nephew] leaves a son [4] and a daughter[2].
Lynn is really upset, understandable, but is resigned to the fact she has lost her husband.

Ed's wife [Brians stepmom] is refusing to go to the hospital, she seems to think she isn't wanted or needed I think.
She was with them when the boat tipped. May be some guilt over surviving there.

Thank you for your prayers.

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Please pray.... - 04/26/01 08:13 PM

Lord, I continue to pray for this family. May Your Hand be upon them, collect them together under Your wing.

I lift Gerry up to You, Lord. As you give him strength I also ask that You give him a safe place to grieve also. Keep him close to Your heart Lord.

Please be with the young children who now may not be able to get to know their earthly father better. May you give them the Fatherly love that surpasses any earthly love.

Please also be with the one they have found. I ask that You will ease his pain and the pain of his family. Lord, nothing is impossible for You, if it be Your Will, I ask that you heal this man to full completeness again.

Thank you Jesus, Amen.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Please pray.... - 04/27/01 02:42 AM

Ed's 2 remaining sons must make a difficult decision.

One I don't envy them, I had to do it for my mother.

His brain waas oxygen starved for too long in the cold water, he is on life support.

Brian was found today around 2:00 this afternoon (est) and his funeral will be this Sabbath.

It still hasn't sunk in. It seems strange that someone so young will never drop by my house again for a visit.

Thank you for all of your prayers.
God Bless all.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Please pray.... - 04/27/01 03:29 AM

I'm so sorry Gerry. I don't even know what to say. It breaks my heart. All of you remain in my prayers.

God bless,

Posted By: Angie S

Re: Please pray.... - 04/27/01 07:00 PM

I also can't believe that he will never again visit your house, dad. It doesn't seem real, maybe because I'm way down here and am not in the middle of it all. I thank God that Lynn and the kids weren't out on that boat. I also thank God that Lynn has her mom and dad and Brian's mom to help her out and keep her sane. It must be very hard for her. Give her a big hug for me, dad, and tell her that I'm thinking of her. Thanks!

Blessed is he... whose hope is in the
Lord his God. Psalms 146:5


Posted By: Daryl

Re: Please pray.... - 04/27/01 07:10 PM

This is truly a tragic situation that Gerry and I talked about in the Yahoo IM version of the Maritime SDA OnLine Chat room last evening.

Let us all continue to pray for everyone in the various families affected during this tragic period in each of their lives.

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


Posted By: FrogSLG

Re: Please pray.... - 04/27/01 08:43 PM

Dear Gerry,

Im so sorry to hear the trouble your family is going through. It saddens my heart to think that someone that young could be lost so early on in life.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please be with Gerry and his whole family wrap your loving arms, support them in this time of need.


Posted By: zyph

Re: Please pray.... - 04/28/01 04:11 AM

Gerry, I haven't looked at this forum for several days. My deepest sympathy and condolences to everyone involved in this awful tragedy.
Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Please pray.... - 04/28/01 02:47 PM

You know, it's funny, but about a week ago I received a message about what you say when you leave the presence of a loved one.
How you should be careful of your words and such.
Lynn had an argument with Brian just before he went out on the lake, he had Nathaniel (their son) with him.
Lynn took Nathaniel out of the boat and told Brian to do something I'm not going to repeat.
She then stormed home with her son.

If she had not argued with Brian, her 4 year old son would have been on the boat as well.

I guess we need to be a little more in control.
Tells me I need to work on my temper a lot as well.
The last words you say to a loved one, may very well be the last words you say to a loved one.

God bless, thank you all and Happy Sabbath

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my reins and my heart. Ps.26:2
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.Ps.118:8

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Please pray.... - 04/29/01 04:00 AM

Brians dad passed away yesterday at 3:30 pm est.

His memorial service will be next Mon.
At Brians funeral today, the preacher tried his best, but, it just didn't have any hope in the message.
Guess I'm to used to the preaching of the Pastors around here.
They all talk of the hope of the ressurection and the 'obtaining of the final reward'.

This one was so, so tired and lifeless and hopeless.
Weird, really.

Posted By: Andrew Marttinen

Re: Please pray.... - 05/02/01 11:11 PM

Gerry, when a mother from our church lost her daughter before Christmas (on her birthday, to boot), she said the "high" point of the service was when I read your prayer out loud.

Hundreds of mostly Roman Catholics (a good many in the news media) heard your prayer and my "Adventist" message of hope.

I just wanted to remind you of this during this difficult time.

As for me, I've learned to pray with the Scriptures--you can't improve on that. The last part of Romans 8 gives me quite a bit of comfort.

Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful. Rom. 12:12 NLT

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Please pray.... - 05/03/01 04:50 AM

Thank you, I needed that.
We have buried 4 people so far this year.
A real goods friend of mine, a man of 56 years, the mother of his widow, our nephew and his dad.

This year is not yet over.
My wifes aunt has been given less than a week, and an uncle [not the aunts husband] we have been told probably had a stroke and will never recover.

It is good to know that something we have said may have brought comfort to someone going through a difficult time.

Life goes on, and His return gets nearer and nearer.
God Bless.

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my reins and my heart. Ps.26:2
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.Ps.118:8

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Please pray.... - 05/03/01 06:41 AM

Praise the Lord Gerry! I have a feeling that more and more of us will lose loved ones in the days to come. The Lord will allow those who are not strong enough to bear what is to come, to be laid to rest in mercy. Even though it is hard to say goodbye to these loved ones, it is also cause for rejoicing as we know that the next face they see will be Jesus Christ in all His glory. Thank you Jesus that this evil world will not be allowed to continue much longer.

God bless,

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