Underground Church

Posted By: Ikan

Underground Church - 05/01/04 10:02 AM

Friends and Family: Please pray for Sister C and Brother C (a couple) here in Borneo who are having great difficulties in getting Brother C's boss to pay him his wages. It has been months now, and Brother C continues to work and sees no pay. There are no "worker's rights" boards hre, no recourse no chance of relief without your specific petitions to the Lord of Plenty. Please remember the Underground Church's great faith and struggles here!
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Underground Church - 05/05/04 06:15 AM

Anyone read this???
Posted By: John H.

Re: Underground Church - 05/05/04 06:40 AM

Posted By: Daryl

Re: Underground Church - 05/05/04 06:59 AM

I also previously read it and wondered whether or not a secure paying-type job could be found for this person?
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Underground Church - 05/04/04 07:00 PM

Thanks, John; they'll be glad to hear that.
Posted By: Midge Weir

Re: Underground Church - 05/09/04 12:43 AM

What an opportunity for brother and sister C to appeal to their Heavenly Father in their time of need.
Maybe you could pass this inspired statement on to them.
" The knowledge of what the Scripture means when urging upon us the necessity of cultivating faith, is more essential than ANY OTHER KNOWLEDGE THAT CAN BE ACQUIRED." Review, Oct. 18, 1898

Time is soooo short. I believe with all my heart that Our Heavenly Father is soooo anxious for each of us. That we do not allow ANYTHING to stand in our way of being ready for His soon return. He will get us ready if we insist on having willing hearts - what-ever the cost.
Like Daryl said, I wonder if there is wisdom in searching for a job where the pay is more dependable.
In one of the forums that I have visited today, someone was stressing the concept of REALLY knowing His voice, when he speaks to us and guides us. There must be "NOTHING BETWEEN" the soul and the Saviour.
I will surely remember Brother and Sister C in my prayers.
Thank You, Ikan, for caring enough to bring this to our attention for counsel and prayer.
Posted By: Midge Weir

Re: Underground Church - 05/29/04 09:01 PM


I am wondering about brother and sister C?
Their job situation?
I am sure that God has a plan.
Maybe a better job! [Wink]

Sister Midge
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Underground Church - 05/30/04 01:02 AM

Brother C has bought basic hand-tools (He fixes A/Cs) and appears to be less dependent on his boss for an income. I have had him fix my A/Cs to encourage him, but I do not yet know the final outcome of his job as yet, as I just returned from an extended out of country Mission trip.
Keep praying for them, and ask for details from the Almighty, please.

Friday Vespers we had 4 new faces, searching for Bible answers! Our secret room was packed!! Please pray for His wisdom and love will continue to shine through His Little Underground Church and gather more hungry souls to Jesus and His Last Message!
Posted By: danielw

Re: Underground Church - 05/30/04 07:50 AM

4 new foreign faces? Nationals?

I had one new face at our home-church service yesterday where we talked about Jesus and how he is 100% human and 100% God. This man has some disability, but i took some time after to explain to him one-on-one, so i hope the devil doesn't snatch the good seed away [Smile]
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Underground Church - 05/30/04 08:19 AM

No, they were foreign workers. It is not time yet for the locals, as they are much too programmed and "fat and sassy" to put their lives on the line for Jesus.

The new faces are RC, who would only dare coming to us while out of the reach of the clerics of the RC Church.
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Underground Church - 12/16/04 02:34 PM

Please, everyone lift up Bro. Fruto here in Borneo who has been forced to leave his home due to an infestaion of bats! Yep...bats...
It is a home provided by his employer (that's normal here) but they are dragging their feet in finding him another. He has had to stow his stuff at our mission home, but will not stay here, even though we have invited him. He is temporsarily staying with work friends, so as to be close to his job.

Please pray that the Problem-solver will supply him with a decent house soon!
Posted By: Ikan

Re: Underground Church - 12/16/04 02:37 PM

Also pray for Francy. My wife's blind eye to be healed...It is very bloodshot, because she was sniffing some spices, as she cannot read the labels, and got some in her bad eye. We are using eye wash, but we need Him to heal her.
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