How to memorize huge sections of the Bible

Posted By: Andrew Marttinen

How to memorize huge sections of the Bible - 05/16/01 11:17 PM

Here's what I do to memorize scripture:

First, the most important rule to remember is that everyone has the same kind of memory--you hardly need to use it, in fact. You just have to have a good method of filing information. Recall is the least of your problems. For instance, if I hid a book in the James White Library at Andrews University, it would take years (or incredible luck) to find it. If I had the call number and it was placed on the shelf properly, I'd find it in seconds.

The filing technique I use is called "locus." It tags familiar things together with other familiar things (or sometimes new things). I go mentally through my own home (my locus), placing a verse of scripture in each room--tying it in my mind to an object. When I recite a chapter or a book of the bible, I simply make a mental tour of my house. You can use your church, your own body parts, or even your neighborhood as your "locus."

Since anyone who spends time with their bibles is familiar with short phrases (for instance the sayings of Paul or the preaching of Jesus), all that needs to be done is to place those already familiar phrases into a sequence that can be easily memorized. The method of using your own house means that you're using the right side of your brain (visual) along with your left side (verbal).

The principle is something like what we do when we sing already familiar Christmas Carols. Most of us don't need to look at a hymnal when singing the first verses of "Silent Night" or "O Come All Ye Faithful." When you know the titles, you know the song. Each place in your locus (room in your house) contains a "tag" or title that can remind you of the entire verse. For instance, everyone is familiar with the beatitudes. The only problem people have is stringing them up in the right order. Placing "tags" in your house will give you the right sequence.

When I want to memorize something new, I take it 7 verses at a time. I then take a break for a few hours and then "tag" another seven verses. If I do it another time during the day, I will have 21 verses I can recite from memory--almost a whole chapter of the Bible. Usually I keep my preaching to 25 minutes, so I'll easily have 2 or 3 Chapters done for a Sabbath.

If this method sounds familiar to you, it's basically the same thing that God used to teach Israel spiritual lessons by using the Sanctuary service. The Sanctuary was a "locus" that helped Israel to never forget the plan of Salvation. The book Revelation is basically structured according to the sanctuary (Read Maxwell's book God Cares, Volume 2).

I can give further details later. You may have heard of other memory techniques, but this is the one that works for me.

Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful. Rom. 12:12 NLT

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