
Posted By: Linda Sutton

Homeopathy - 08/28/01 06:33 AM

Homeopathy has become one of the widely practiced forms of alternative medicine. Here is some information on homeopathy gathered from those who are favorable to and or practice it. I have also quoted from the writings of Ellen White (SOP) with only a couple of comments of my own. All emphasis is my own.

{1} Definition and history of homeopathy (from homeopathic websites and practicioners):

Although it was first described by Hippocrates 2,500 years ago, Homoeopathy as it is practised today evolved 200 years ago. The word comes from the Greek and means similar suffering. This refers to the central philosophy that a substance that can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure those symptoms in a sick person. For example a person suffering from hayfever, might be given a remedy prepared from an onion, because a healthy person chopping an onion usually experiences watering eyes and irritation. Similarly, someone suffering from insomnia might be given a homoeopathic dose of coffee.


Homeopathic remedies are chosen based upon the "Law of Similars." This says that a medicine which produces a set of symptoms in a healthy person will cure the same set of symptoms. Each homeopathic remedy has been carefully tested on large numbers of healthy people and we have discovered what symptoms produced in these people and thus we also know what symptoms it is capable of curing in you. We are not matching single symptoms but the whole pattern of symptoms, the gestalt. Homeopathic remedies are all natural medicines. Some are herbs, some minerals or other natural substances. They are prepared by a special process of step by step dilution and succussion (shaking) which makes them capable of effecting your health in a much deeper way than the remedy could without this process.

What the SOP says:

In their practice, the physicians should seek more and more to lessen the use of drugs instead of increasing it. When Dr. A came to the Health Retreat, she laid aside her knowledge and practice of hygiene, and administered the little homeopathic doses for almost every ailment. This was against the light God had given. Thus our people, who had been taught to avoid drugs in almost every form, were receiving a different education. I was obliged to tell her that this practice of depending upon medicine, whether in large or small doses, was not in accordance with the principles of health reform.The Lord had in His providence given light in regard to the establishment of sanitariums where the sick should be treated upon hygienic principles. The people must be taught to depend on the Lord's remedies, pure air, pure water, simple, healthful foods. 13MR 177


Jesus is the joy of living


[This message has been edited by Linda Sutton (edited August 28, 2001).]

Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: Homeopathy - 08/28/01 06:40 AM

{2} How does it work?
Although there is a great deal of empirical evidence that homoeopathy does work, nobody yet knows how. Those who are skeptical point out that homoeopathic remedies are often so dilute that not even a molecule of the original substance remains and so conclude that any beneficial response is probably due to the placebo effect. This explanation seems unlikely as experiments have shown homoeoapthic medicines to be equally effective in the treatment of animals.

The answer to this mystery is likely to be found by those studying so-called "new Physics" and electro-magnetism. The production of homoeopathic medicines involves two processes; namely dilution and succussion (shaking and bashing!). It is thought likely that these combined processes leave an imprint of the original substance's energy pattern in the dilutant. This energy imprint, given in homoeopathic medicine, somehow stimulates the body's own healing energy to start working.

What the SOP says:

From time to time I have received letters from both ministers and lay-members of the church, inquiring if I think it wrong to consult spiritualist and clairvoyant physicians. So numerous are these agents of Satan becoming, and so general is the practice of seeking council from them, that it seems needful to utter words of warning. . . .

Not a few in this Christian age and Christian nation resort to evil spirits, rather than trust to the power of the living God. The mother, watching by the sick-bed of her child, exclaims, "I can do no more. Is there no physician who has power to restore my child?" She is told of the wonderful cures performed by some clairvoyant or magnetic healer, and she trusts her dear one to his charge, placing it as verily in the hands of Satan as if he were standing by her side. In many instances the future life of the child is controlled by a satanic power which it seems impossible to break. CTBH 111

An agent of the great deceiver will say and do anything to gain his object. It matters little whether he calls himself a spiritualist, an "electric physician," or a "magnetic healer." By specious pretenses he wins the confidence of the unwary. He pretends to read the life history and to understand all the difficulties and afflictions of those who resort to him. {2MCP 700.3}

The apostles of nearly all forms of spiritism claim to have power to heal. They attribute this power to electricity, magnetism, the so-called sympathetic remedies, or to latent forces within the mind of man. And there are not a few, even in this Christian age, who go to these healers instead of trusting in the power of the living God and the skill of well-qualified physicians. {2MCP 701.1}

Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: Homeopathy - 08/28/01 06:44 AM

{3} Preparation of homeopathic medicine (remedies):
The medicines used in homeopathic treatment come from vegetable, mineral and animal sources. Some are poisons and others are inert substances in their crude form. When properly prepared, these substances lose any inherent harmful nature and develop a power to treat disease. The preparation involves serial dilutions and shaking of the product between dilutions. After several dilutions, the initial substance is essentially washed out and cannot be detected chemically in the final product. Confused? That's very reasonable as it makes no sense whatsoever in light of present day science. But regardless of what our sciences tell us is impossible, in practice, the higher the dilution the stronger and longer lasting the effect.

After experimenting for years, Hahnemann finally arrived at the method of preparation used today. The effectiveness of this method cannot be accounted for by present day science, and this is the major stumbling block to widespread acceptance of homeopathy. However, once you are willing to set this apparent inconsistency aside, you see dramatic results.

Preparing homeopathic remedies involves serial dilutions and shaking of the product between dilutions. After several dilutions, the initial substance is essentially washed out and cannot be chemically detected in the final product. For instance, one of the lower potencies, 30c, is a serial dilution of 1 to 100 made thirty times, which yields a final product diluted 1060 times from the initial substance (that's 10 with 60 zeros after it!). Of course, this is far beyond Avogadro's number of 6.0 x 1023. Therefore, the chance of finding a single molecule of the initial substance in the final product is zero for all practical purposes. These preparations are referred to as submolecular.

30c is a low potency and homeopaths commonly use dilutions such as 1M (102,000), 10M (1020,000), or 50M (10100,000). While it makes no sense whatsoever in light of present day science, in practice, the higher the dilution, the stronger and longer lasting the effect.

Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: Homeopathy - 08/28/01 06:45 AM

{4} What substances are used?:
Here are some examples of homeopathic remedies:
Mineral Source:
Arsenicum Album (white oxide of arsenic)
Silica (sand)
Graphites (lead from ‘fine English pencil')
Sulphur (elemental sulphur)
Aurum (gold)
Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate)
Petroleum (petroleum)
Hydrogen (hydrogen gas)
Mercurius vivus (mercury)

Plant Source:
Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy)
Conium maculatum (poison hemlock)
Chamomilla (daisy)
Thuja occidentalis (arbor vitae)
Carbo vegetabilis (vegetable charcoal)
Phytolacca decandra (poke-root)
Urtica urens (stinging nettle)
Lilium tigrinum (tiger lily)

Animal Source:
Crotalus horridus (venom of rattle snake)
Pyrogenium (rotten meat)
Lac caninum (dog's milk)
Lyssin (saliva of rabid dog)
Tarentula Hispanica (tarantula, tincture of the living spider)
Apis mellifica (honey-bee, tincture of the whole bee)

And then there are other things I don't care to mention (eye of newt, maybe? LS) as an unaware reader might have an inclination to vomit. Of course, all of these things are natural and therefore good for you, right? Right!, but only if well prescribed and given in the appropriate homeopathic form, and not because they are natural.

An extreme example of an unlikely substance becoming a powerful homeopathic medicine is Pyrogenium. This substance is derived from raw meat that is left in the sun until it rots. If a healthy person ate this meat, he or she would develop severe symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, fevers with foul smelling sweat, restlessness, body aches. In short, he or she would feel, well, rotten.

What the SOP says:

Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge. MH 127

The use of natural remedies requires an amount of care and effort that many are not willing to give. Nature's process of healing and upbuilding is gradual, and to the impatient is seems slow. The surrender of hurtful indulgences requires sacrifice. But in the end it will be found that nature, untrammeled, does her work wisely and well. Those who persevere in obedience to her laws will reap the reward in health of body and health of mind. CG 366

Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: Homeopathy - 08/28/01 06:46 AM

{5} What about the use of natural remedies?:
Q. Is homeopathy the same as herbal medicine? Is it a combination of herbs, diets, vitamins and counseling?
A. No, though this can be confusing, as some practitioners do get involved in both homeopathy and nutritional counseling. My personal philosophy is that as you improve in your health, your body will desire healthy food. When my patients request assistance with their diets, I refer them to a nutritionist who is properly trained in that specialty.

What the SOP says:

Every effort made for the physical and moral health of the people should be based on moral principles. The advocates of reform who are laboring with the glory of God in view will plant their feet firmly upon the principles of hygiene; they will adopt a correct practice. The people need true knowledge. By their wrong habits of life, men and women of this generation are bringing upon themselves untold suffering. Physicians have a work to do to bring about reform by educating the people, that they may understand the laws which govern their physical life. They should know how to eat properly, to work intelligently, to dress healthfully, and should be taught to bring all their habits into harmony with the laws of life and health, and to discard drugs. There is a great work to be done. If the principles of health reform are carried out, the work will indeed be as closely allied to that of the third angel's message as the hand is to the body. 13MR 177

But to deny self, to restrict the appetite, to eat only wholesome food and exercise temperance in eating the wholesome food, abstaining almost wholly from the flesh of dead animals that creates nine-tenths of [the] disease in our world, is too severe a process for a large part of our world and of professed Christians to enter into; so they eat and drink without reference to health, and the result is a depraved condition of the system; then they resort to the [use of] drugs, because that is easiest, and there continues to be wicked disregard of the laws of life and of health in taking care to preserve good health. 20MR 374

Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: Homeopathy - 08/28/01 06:48 AM

{6} How does it work? What is the philosophy?:
Disease is a disturbance in the Vital Force that interferes with its ability to deal adequately with stress. Tension builds, and the Vital Force is unable to discharge it effectively. This tension causes disease symptoms. The goal of treatment is to trigger a reaction in the Vital Force so that it recognizes its problem and acts to diffuse the tension. Since tension may have been building for some time, other symptoms might appear as it gets diffused. These are usually symptoms we've had before. Hering's Law of Cure, which establishes the criteria for evaluating a healthy response, states that symptoms should appear and then disappear in the following order:

>>from more to less important organs
>>from center to periphery
>>from top to bottom
>>in the reverse order of their appearance in life

The main idea is that a disordered Vital Force spreads inner tension to the wrong places in the body. As the remedy brings more order, the pressure moves from more important organs to less important ones, and eventually leaves the body.

The Vital Force must not be interfered with when it is attempting to bring the disease out to the periphery; otherwise, the progress of the treatment is halted, and any gains made may disappear.(May the force be with you???LS)


Next, when numerous potentized drugs are used at one time, the Vital Force gets confused. Keep in mind that each remedy has a certain disease state associated with it. If one presents the Vital Force with several disease states all at the same time, the Vital Force gets mixed messages. If used for any length of time, these combination remedies may confuse the Vital Force to the point of no return.

What the SOP says:

God has endowed us with a certain amount of vital force. He has also formed us with organs suited to maintain the various functions of life, and He designs that these organs shall work together in harmony. If we carefully preserve the life force, and keep the delicate mechanism of the body in order, the result is health; but if the vital force is too rapidly exhausted, the nervous system borrows power for present use from its resources of strength, and when one organ is injured, all are affected. Nature bears much abuse without apparent resistance; she then arouses and makes a determined effort to remove the effects of the ill-treatment she has suffered. Her effort to correct these conditions is often manifest in fever and various other forms of sickness. {MH 234.3}

Intemperance in eating and drinking, intemperance in labor, intemperance in almost everything, exists on every hand. Those who make great exertions to accomplish just so much work in a given time, and continue to labor when their judgment tells them they should rest, are never gainers. They are living on borrowed capital. They are expending the vital force which they will need at a future time. And when the energy they have so recklessly used is demanded, they fail for want of it. The physical strength is gone, the mental powers fail. They realize that they have met with a loss, but do not know what it is. Their time of need has come, but their physical resources are exhausted. Every one who violates the laws of health must some time be a sufferer to a greater or less degree. God has provided us with constitutional force, which will be needed at different periods of our lives. If we recklessly exhaust this force by continual overtaxation, we shall sometime be losers. Our usefulness will be lessened, if not our life itself destroyed. {CE 166.2}


My note: the homeopathic practicioner, who in this case is also an MD, capitalized Vital Force, indicating a proper name, thereby implying that it is an entity of some kind. On the other hand, the vital force spoken of in the SOP is something man was endowed with at creation, which is also called the life force. It came from God and is not some kind of entity living within a person.

[This message has been edited by Linda Sutton (edited August 28, 2001).]

Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: Homeopathy - 08/28/01 06:50 AM

{7} Allopathic vs. homeopathic
In homeopathy, drugs are chosen according to the principle of similarity (like cures like). In conventional or allopathic medicine, drugs are chosen on the principle of opposite (a drug must have action opposite to that of the disease). For example, a narcotic lessens a patient's sensitivity to pain, so it can be used if a person is experiencing pain. An expectorant makes one's respiratory tract secrete more mucus, so it can be used when cough is too dry. These effects can be achieved by either natural drugs, like herbs, or synthetic drugs, like most conventional medications. Conceptually, there is little difference between the two approaches.

What the SOP says:

I told them what the Lord had been pleased to show me nearly thirty years ago in regard to the old-school practice of drug medication upon the miserable wrecks of humanity, made so by the use of drugs. I told him of the two systems; the old-schools system had killed thousands and its tens of thousands, while the eclectic, or, as he called it, homeopathy, had done no such deadly work. 20MR 364

When the great question of health reform was opened before me, the methods of treating the sick were plainly revealed to me. The old-school cruel practice and the sure results, where one claimed to be benefited, thousands were made lifelong invalids who, had they never seen a physician, would have recovered of themselves without implanting in their system diseases of a most distressing character. Eclectic was less dangerous. The homeopathy, which creates so deadly opposition from the regular practice, was attended with far less evil consequences than the old-school practice, but did much harm because it could be resorted to so easily and used so readily with so little expense. Many practice upon themselves and fall back upon this without real knowledge of their ailments, and do great harm to themselves. Proper regulation of their diet, abstinence from tea, coffee, and all spices and flesh meats, gaining an intelligent knowledge of temperance, would be medicine above all drugs. 20MR 373

But notwithstanding all I could say, he would go over the same ground again, presenting the infallibility of the allopathy above the homeopathy. I was sure all that I had said of the light which the Lord had been pleased to give me was in his mind as thistledown before the mind. He has asserted that he used less drugs than Dr. Gibbs, while Dr. Gibbs declares it is otherwise. 20MR 375


The 3 quotes above concerning homeopathy are all found in one manuscript dealing with 2 doctors, a husband and wife at an Adventist sanitarium who refused to practice what they termed homeopathic medicine. They used drugs (allopathy) in the treatment of patients and did not believe in the use of natural remedies, calling them homeopathy. This seems to be how Sister White is using the term: as natural remedies versus drug medication remedies. There is nothing in her writings that indicate that she endorsed what is today called homeopathy. Indeed, she made mentions of the use of the little homeopathic doses in the negative. Over and over again she makes reference to the use of the eight natural remedies, the use of water treatments and herbs to heal the sick and of educating them about their bodies and how to live healthy. She spoke out against the use of anything of a spiritualist nature in healing.

I am instructed to say that in the future great watchfulness will be needed. There is to be among God's people no spiritual stupidity. Evil spirits are actively engaged in seeking to control the minds of human beings. Men are binding up in bundles, ready to be consumed by the fires of the last days. Those who discard Christ and His righteousness will accept the sophistry that is flooding the world. Christians are to be sober and vigilant, steadfastly resisting their adversary the devil, who is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Men under the influence of evil spirits will work miracles. They will make people sick by casting their spell upon them, and will then remove the spell, leading others to say that those who were sick have been miraculously healed. This Satan has done again and again.--Letter 259, 1903.

We need not be deceived. Wonderful scenes, with which Satan will be closely connected, will soon take place. God's Word declares that Satan will work miracles. He will make people sick, and then will suddenly remove from them his satanic power. They will then be regarded as healed. These works of apparent healing will bring Seventh-day Adventists to the test. Many who have had great light will fail to walk in the light, because they have not become one with Christ.--Letter 57, 1904. —2SM 53

All emphasis is mine

[This message has been edited by Linda Sutton (edited August 28, 2001).]

Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: Homeopathy - 04/04/02 10:49 PM

The following article is from a UK online newspaper, The Independent.

Alternative therapy is 'magic, not medicine'
By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor
01 March 2002

Homoeopathy, the practice of treating ailments with highly dilute solutions of agents, is not medicine but magic, a review of research studies has found. People who consult homoeopaths and swallow their remedies are wasting their money and their time, according to the National Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at York University.

An estimated 470,000 people use homoeopathic remedies in England every year, and their popularity is rapidly rising. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society estimated that over-the-counter sales of homoeopathic remedies reached £23m in 1998.

The government-funded centre at York University, which examines the evidence for treatments and issues advice to the NHS, reached its damning conclusion about the centuries-old treatment after examining 46 systematic reviews of research published in the past decade, encompassing 200 randomised controlled trials.

It concluded: "There is currently insufficient evidence of effectiveness either to recommend homoeopathy as a treatment for any specific condition, or to warrant significant changes in the current provision of homoeopathy."

The finding will add to the confusion and uncertainty surrounding complementary medicine. Although hugely popular with patients, many doctors remain sceptical. However, an increasing number have shown themselves prepared to suspend their scientific disbelief in favour of a pragmatic decision to provide patients with what they want.

A 1995 survey revealed that four out of ten general practices had links with complementary practitioners, and 6 per cent employed their own therapist. Surveys carried out since then suggest those figures are likely to be substantially higher today.

A separate study of homoeopathy in the treatment of 242 patients with asthma caused by house dust mite allergy, published in the British Medical Journal today, found it was no better than placebo in improving either breathing or quality of life. Previous smaller studies had suggested there was a benefit.

The study, led by Dr George Lewith, a noted supporter of complementary medicine and a senior research fellow at the Royal South Hants Hospital, Southampton, concluded: "In this double blind, randomised, controlled trial ... we have failed to confirm that this treatment is therapeutically efficacious."

The findings of the York centre review and the BMJ study were dismissed by homoeopathic organisations. Wendy Miller, executive director of the British Holistic Medical Association, said: "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Maybe they haven't done enough studies of the right kind. Homoeopathy treats patients as individuals whereas in randomised controlled trials patients are lumped together in groups. So the randomised trials won't show up the effect of individual treatment."

The growth of complementary medicine has been one of the most powerful social trends of the past two decades, fuelled by increasing disillusion with conventional medicine, which has proved ineffective against many of the chronic illnesses of modern times.

It was backed by the influential BMJ, which in 1999 launched a guide to complementary medicine for doctors, with advice on what worked and what didn't. Use of the therapies was so widespread, it said, they could not be ignored.

However, the equally influential New England Journal of Medicine condemned complementary medicine and its practitioners for peddling untested, unregulated remedies that could pose risks to patients.

An investigation by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee in 2000 concluded that the public needed protection from untested alternative remedies and rogue practitioners. It said homoeopathy was an "acceptable" therapy which should move towards statutory regulation.

'We don't treat diseases, we treat sick people'

I have been a practising homoeopath for 25 years and in scientific terms I believe the current is running strongly in our favour.

These two reports [from the York centre and the British Medical Journal] are a couple of setbacks but if you look carefully at them there is still some evidence of positive effect.

I am a medical doctor as well as a homoeopath and a specialist in rheumatology. I could do conventional rheumatology, and I do occasionally, but I would feel my right arm was cut off if I couldn't practise homoeopathy.

The finding of the BMJ study by George Lewith is disappointing but there were four previous studies all of which were positive. This is the biggest but I am inclined to say that it is four to one in favour of homoeopathy.

The key areas where there is a positive effect of homoeopathy are allergies, flu-like illnesses, arthritis and ileus (paralysis of the bowel after surgery).

The problem with all these studies is that they employ a simplified model of homoeopathy.

[In the BMJ study], all they did was determine which patients were allergic [to house dust mites] and treat them with the same homoeopathic remedy ­ what we call isopathy, like for like treatment.

What any homoeopath would do in a real consultation is talk to the patient and treat them constitutionally rather than just treat the allergy. We don't treat diseases, we treat sick people. The principle of homoeopathy is to treat the ailment with an agent that produces similar symptoms. So for a patient with hay fever, you might use a remedy based on onion. You look for something that causes a similar effect ­ the running eyes and streaming nose associated with hay fever which you also get when you chop onions.

What you are doing is giving the body information, stimulating and directing the body's own defences.

I believe the evidence in favour of homoeopathy as a whole is positive ­ but the research is scattered and there is not all that much of it.

Two comprehensive reviews both said the evidence was positive overall but in any one condition it was insufficient. More research has to be done."

Dr Peter Fisher, 51, is clinical director of the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital and homoeopathic physician to the Queen (appointed November 2001).

© 2001 Independent Digital (UK) Ltd

Posted By: Lorelei Grecian

Re: Homeopathy - 02/17/03 11:32 PM

Hi, Linda!

I appreciate your overview of homeopathy. I know your search was done a while ago, but I was trying to investigate the subject myself wondering and find information very scant. In your search did you come across any indications of the source for the remedy ingredients?

Posted By: Daryl

Re: Homeopathy - 02/18/03 01:55 AM

Hi Lorelei! [Smile]

Linda did an excellent job researching this topic. I hope that she, and possibly others here, will be able to help you in your own research.


On a personal note:

I am sorry we missed you and Dedreic last Sabbath. [Frown]

We decided to visit the Zealand church and discovered several other Fredericton church members there too. [Smile]
Posted By: Zita

Re: Homeopathy - 03/18/03 10:27 AM

May I respectfully suggest that you get hold of the book The Mainstreaming of New Age by Manuel Vasouez, published by Pacific Press and read chapter 9. The Lure of New Age Holistic Health/Medicine.
Posted By: Lorelei Grecian

Re: Homeopathy - 03/20/03 09:51 PM

Thanks, Zita!

I will see if I can track down that book.
Posted By: Pete P Pete

Re: Homeopathy - 03/22/03 04:22 PM

Here is an excerpt from the book Mainstreaming of the New Age: ". The dilutions are so astronomical that not even one molecule of the original medicine left.

So if not even one molecule of the original medicine is left, what is it that cures the patients? According to the founder, it is the "spirit- like essence. Hahnemann himself believed that there is virtually no chance that even one molecule of original substance would remain after extreme dilutions. But he said that the vigorous shaking or pulverizing with each step of dilution leaves behind a spirit-like essence which cures by reviving the body's "vita! force" (italics added) Astronomical dilutions that are said to contain not even one molecule of the original substance have to be the most incredible placebo to cure illnesses in modern times. Use of them is comparable to treating one's malaria by emptying an eight-ounce bottle of quinine into the Pacific Ocean off the shores of Japan while a typhoon is raging and then taking a spoonful from the ocean off the Malibu coast of Southern California and believing that it contains the essence of the spirit of the original quinine. Some people think that homeopathic medicine is based on the same principle as vaccinations. With vaccines, a very small quantity of a virus is injected into an individual to force the immune system to produce antibodies against it. But homeopathy works on a different principle. Vaccines are given to build antibodies to protect healthy people from getting a disease, whereas homeopathy treats a sick patient with the essence or spirit of a substance that produces the same symptoms as his or her disease in a healthy person. Homeopathic treatments have nothing to do with the immune system and everything to do with restoring "vital force" or "dynamis" as Hahnemann called it. Hahnemann believed that True disease was not a physical entity. Rather, illness began at the spiritual level as an aberration or imbalance of the spirit-like power, or the vital principle that animates the human body. Only later does this aberration manifest as physical illness or disease. . . ."
Posted By: Zita

Re: Homeopathy - 05/07/03 12:43 PM

The Lure of New Age Holistic Health/Medicine - quoting from page 126 from the book The Mainstreaming of New Age.

Former New Age priest and author Will Baron's own testimony of how he came into the New 'Age movement speaks volumes:
Even though I had been brought up in a Christian family that attended church each week, I was still deceived by the New Agee movement's promises of health, happiness and fulfillment. I was completely led astray, eventually becoming totally immersed in the world of the occult.

For example, my own active involvement with the New Age movement began when I joined a London-based international net-working organization called "Health for the New Age". Not even knowing what the term "New Age" meant, I wasn't looking for spirit guides or occult practices. I was simply interested in finding information about alternative healing techniques for a condition that I had.
The book that changed Will Baron from a Seventh-day Adventist to a New Age occultist was Stress Disease by psychotherapist Peter Blythe. In Will's own words, "The power of a book can be phenomenal.
Baron was looking only for "healing, meaning, and harmony" in his life. Blythe's book introduced him to the New Age "holistic" concept - the idea that mind, body, and spirit are intergral components of an individual and that in order to have health, all must be in harmony, a concept shared by Christians as well. However, when New Agers speak of 'spirit', they are referring to an immortal, mystical "spirit", or "soul" associated with out-of-body experiences and reincarnation. Baron continues:
The idea of "holistic health" sounded appealing. The concept of a necessary balance beetween body, mind, and spirit made sense. I thought, maybe I can pick up osome good advice and pass it on to my friends. The last few chapters presented information on "alternative therapy" techniques for common diseases. Being familiar only with surgery and medication, I was fasinated to read of therapies such as acupunture, homeopathy, psychic surgery, chakra balancing, rebirthing, primal therapy, reiki, crystals, and bioenergetics. Descriptions of these treatments talked a lot about "energies", "balance", and 'wholeness".

Wanting to learn more about these alternative healing practices, I joined it and arranged to have a meeting with its founder.
For Baron, that was the beginning of a twelve-year journey into the occult world of the New Age movement.

Page 128
Differences between the Seventh-day Adventise wholistic health philosophy and the New Age holistic health philosopphy include:
1. The Adventist philosophy is undergirded and supported by a biblical theistic worldview, in which God is the only sovereigh Creator and Sustainer of the universe and everything in it. In New Age holistic health, there is a blending of nonbiblical worldviews, such as monism, pantheism, and animism etc.

2. The ultimate aim of Seventh-day Adventist wholistic health philosophy is to make man whole, that is, to restore him to the image of his Creator. The goal of New Age holistic health philosophy is to transform man to a new age paradigm of seeing himself as a demi-god and as a body-mind self- healer.

3. Seventh-day Adventist wholistic health philosophy teaches that humanity should depend on God for life and healing, whereas New Age holistic health teaches a dependence on mystical energies and self.

New Age holistic health/medicine is spiritually dangerous because, if its therapies and treatments work, it can create a bond of trust between the New Age practitioner and the patient, which can make him or her susceptible to the teachings and philosophies of the New Age that the practitioners introduce.

Because this danger of being drawn unsuspectingly into the New Age is very real, it is imperative that we become aware of the danger and how to avoid it.
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Homeopathy - 05/09/03 06:11 AM

Thank you for posting this Zita. [Thank You]

This concerns me in that others could also become deceived and trapped by this.

I am actually concerned about something happening that I am aware of that could have similar results.

We need to dig more into this as a learning, warning, and preventative tool.
Posted By: Zita

Re: Homeopathy - 05/30/03 10:41 AM

I agree with you Daryl. So many just jump on the bandwagon of something that looks healthy and never think to understand what is behind it.

And that is what Holistic Health is all about.

When I first saw the Billboards go up I thought great!
Treating the whole body instead of the symptom. When I took a closer look at Holistic Health, I discovered
that it came from health pioneers who were into the occult, parapsychology, and Eastern mystical religions. When we allow ourselves to be involved with this type of healing we are drinking from polluted cisterns.
"Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?" (James 3:11) or "Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?" (Job 14:4)
So I ask the question, does it really matter if it works? Can't we just pick out the good from the bad?
How often I have had that said to me!

I believe the reason Adventists should not get involved in occult or spiritualstic activities, including New Age holistic health, is that they are based on nonbiblical philosophies, and as christians we need to be aware of the dangers.

I knew personally of an Adventist who started practising healing using these methods. He started off with a pendulum, and then moved on down the line getting himself deeper and deeper through kinesiology, iridology etc, until he moved right away from Adventisim and the truth. Sadly, he died teaching these unproven theories.
Many Adventists can't see anything wrong with Homeopathy and acupunture, but we need to look into what they are based on - oriental pantheistic conception of a cosmic energy, or magnetic fluid, where the human being is part of the cosmos and the restoration of the inbalance of this fluid would bring the person back into harmony with this universal energy.
The list includes the following:
Astrology, yoga, yin-yang, acupunture, iridology, homeopathy, reflexology, pendulum therapy, applied kinesology, and are based on nonbiblical worldviews such as monism, pantheism, animism, and naturalism, which are all diametrucally opposed to the true biblical theist worldview.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Homeopathy - 05/31/03 06:11 AM

I agree. Linda did a good job here. I have 14 years experience in nursing related work; and I have studied this material too.

What has always struck me as odd, is that when I ask people why they get into this stuff, the answer is ALWAYS: "Because it works."

No body stops to think about why it works.

In regards to acupuncture. I have studied this one the most, due to a personal situation a few years ago.

I actually went to downtown Calgary to some of the better known accupuncturists, and I surprised them by just asking questions. I said I was researching accupuncture, and asked if they could help. Of course they were quite willing.

I asked them some very scrutinizing questions about the so called "meridian points" they use as "landmarks," for the acupuncture. I asked them all for proof of the existence, and specific locations of these meridian points, and I pointed out to them how no autopsy has ever, or never will reveal these meridian points. They agreed with that, or atleast most of them did; so I asked, "Well why does accupuncture work?" Some of them actually said they didn't know!

The point is, is that just because something "works" does not make it something we should do. I had never thought about homeopathy in this regards as I do not use it, but I had long thought that accupuncture was simply majik.

Ellen White had some excellent insight into these matters, that had to have been divinely inspired. How could someone with so little "education" write such stuff with such accuracy?

"An agent of the great deceiver will say or do anything to gain his object. it matters little weather he calls himself a "spiritualist," an "electric physician," or a "magnetic healer." By specious pretenses, he wins the confidence of the unwary." Counsels On health, pg.459
Posted By: Zita

Re: Homeopathy - 05/31/03 04:48 AM

Very interesting information shared here, and I hope it is able to make people think about what we do and why.

A few years ago I was in a lot of back pain, and nothing seemed to be working. Then a friend ( from church) suggested that I send away for a magnetic blanket for the bed. She assured me that it worked, and I would be rid of my pain in no time!
So, I sent away for it to the tune of nz$200 and tried it. Nothing happened. I woke up morning after morning with the same pain. Then I educated myself on the magnetic healing and discovered it was all a fraud. I managed to send it back before the expired trial date and demand my money back. They were most suprised that it hadn't worked.
I then informed my friend of my findings.
It's so easy to fall in the trap when in pain.

So many Adventists have suggested Accupunture to me, and when I explain where it comes from, am ridiculed or not believed.

It's no excuse that we don't know, it's up to us to find out, be informed as you did Daved. Well done!
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Homeopathy - 05/31/03 04:58 AM

When I was going to physio-therapy for a problem that I had, the physio-therapist wanted to do acupuncture on me but I declined giving her the reason for my declining which she found interesting as it was the first time that she ever heard that.

For those of you who have access, you may wish to check out some of the related topics in the SDA Medical Missionary Ministry forum.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Homeopathy - 05/31/03 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Daryl Fawcett:
When I was going to physio-therapy for a problem that I had, the physio-therapist wanted to do acupuncture on me but I declined giving her the reason for my declining which she found interesting as it was the first time that she ever heard that.
[/b] forum.


I remember some time ago when you had mentioned this on one of the forums here. Did the Physiotherapist actually offer to personally do the acupuncture; or did she have someone else that did it for the physio patients?

I ask this for a reason, as the answer, either way, suggests a disturbing trend in the medical profession.
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Homeopathy - 05/31/03 01:38 PM

Since she had done everything else herself, I didn't ask. I assumed she would have been the one that would also have done it.
Posted By: StanMcCluskey

Re: Homeopathy - 06/07/03 08:55 AM

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the "Placebo affect." Just a plain lactose "placebo" pill has been found to "cure" many ills, for the simple reason that the patient is convinced the so called "medicine" will help.

This is clearly the reason some claim to be benefited by Homeopathic products. It is also the reason why many people claim to be benefited by herbs; although a few herbs do have sufficient action on the body to be of some benefit or harm.

The primary HEALTH MESSAGE given to the church through EGW is in the area of PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.
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