
Posted By: Suzanne

Colds - 12/02/09 03:46 AM

Natural Flu, Cold Remedies

The November/December issue of Body and Soul magazine lists some of the top natural remedies for colds and the flu:

Echinacea - can boost the immune response. Look for Echinacia purpurea in tincture or capsule form. At the first sign of illness, take a teaspoon of tincture or one to two 500-mg capsules every 3 to four hours.

Elderberry - Black elderberry syrup is the home remedy of choice for the flu. Follow package directions for elderberry syrup, available at natural-foods stores.

Eucalyptus Oil - A few drops of eucalyptus essential oil, used in a steam, can help loosen mucus in the chest and sinuses. Pour near-boiling water into a 3-quart pot. Add 5 drops of oil, then turn off any nearby heat source, and create a tent by draping a towel over your head and the pot. Breathe in steam for 5 minutes. Note: Not for internal use.

Garlic - Packed with infection-fighting compounds, garden variety garlic can fend off illness. For prevention, eat one fresh, raw clove daily; try it finely chopped in salad dressing. If the taste bothers you, chop and swallow in warm water. --Body & Soul, November/December 2007.

Nasal rinsing - Daily rinsing seems to be an effective cold-stopper. One study found that children whose nasal passages were rinsed often with a saline solution had fewer symptoms and recurrences. December 2009.

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