Physical Exercise

Posted By: Suzanne

Physical Exercise - 01/26/10 02:29 AM

Physical Exercise

A Powerful Health Measure

"If a pill could significantly lower the risk of heart attack, diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis, and breast and colon cancer while reducing weight, cholesterol levels, constipation, depression, and impotence and also increase muscle mass, flatten the belly, and reshape the thighs even as it reduced the risk of age-related dementia and made you better-looking--and had no negative side effects--there would be panic in the streets. The North American economy would tip into chaos. The military would be called in to secure supplies of the medication."

However, getting some physical exercise, most days of the week, according to a growing body of research, provides the benefits of that imaginary pill. But so many North Americans, including many SDAs are ignoring this potential health bonanza. Indeed, when the editors of the Washington Post decided to do a special issue on "walking," the reporters working on the assignment found that even those folk very familiar with the research were still sedentary. (Like many SDAs, we certainly know these things, but this knowledge needs to be implemented). --adapted from an article by Suz Redfearn in the Washington Post.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 01/26/10 02:43 AM


If you have diabetes and you're a walker, you're a step ahead in combating the effects of your condition. "Exercise helps improve blood sugar control by making the muscles more sensitive to insulin," says Neil F. Gordon, MD, PhD, MPH, author of Diabetes: Your Complete Exercise Guide. "But even if the blood-sugar level is not affected, we know that exercise reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, which is what most people with diabetes eventually die of...I believe walking is one of the best exercises for people with diabetes. It is convenient and very easy to control the intensity, which is important: People with diabetes shouldn't go too fast or too slow. Walking is simple, requires no equipment and is very unlikely to cause musculoskeletal injuries."

The last several decades have seen exercise, especially walking reinstated to its rightful place as something not merely pedestrian but powerful medicine. Indeed, it was as long ago 400 B.C. when Hippocrates, the celebrated Greek physician said, "Walking is man's best medicine." And today's doctors are once again discovering the benefits of walking for health and well-being.

Nor is Inspiration silent on this importeant subject: "Walking in all cases where it is possible, is the best remedy for diseased bodies, because in this exercise all the organs of the body are brought into use...There is no exercise that can take the place of walking." --Ellen White, Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 200.

Many researchers have confirmed this important principle. One study of over 8,000 people showed that those who walk, garden or do other vigorous physical activity at least 3 times a week are 30 percent less likely than their sedentary peers to suffer from gastrointestinal bleeding, a potentially fatal condition that sends more than 300,000 people to hospitals each year.

Bleeding starts, ironically, when a choked-off blood supply causes tissue to die. Dead tissue erodes away nearby vessels, and their contents leak out. Researchers believe that exercise prevents this tissue death--and the bleeding--by keeping blood coursing through the system. This is the first lifestyle factor--the first actionable thing--found that might affect this dangerous condition.

Exercise continues to be a powerful deterrent to many physical problems. A study of over 73,000 women found that those who were most active had about a 40% lower risk of heart attacks and strokes than the least active, and even modest activity produced significant drops in risk.

In another studies, Dr. Charles B. Eaton of Brown University found that men who reported any leisure physical activity at all had a 21 percent lower risk of death from heart disease than did sedentary men.

Other studies show that physical activity reduces the risk of heart attack in post-menopausal women by as much as 60%. The studies all have the same message: Physical activity cuts the risk in men and in women and even modest amounts are enough to made a difference.

The Reader's Digest reports even more good new for exercisers. A study of more than 1,000 California women has found that moderate but regular physical activity can reduce the risk of premenopausal breast cancer by as much as 60%. Women who exerised for 4 hours a week, had the greatest risk reduction. But even 2 to 3 hours of activity were beneficial according to the study leader. These findings single out the lack of exercise as a risk factor that women can readily control.

Exercise, then plays a key role in helping us maintain good health. The words of Inspiration on this subject bear repeating over and over again: "Morning exercise, in walking in the free, invigorating air of heaven, or cultivating flowers, small fruits, and vegetables, is necessary to a healthful circulation of the blood. It is the surest safeguard against colds, cough, congestions of brain and lungs, inflammation of the liver, the kidneys and the lungs and a hundred other diseases." --E.G. White, My Life Today, p. 136.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 01/26/10 03:04 AM

Exercise is a Must

Warning that sitting around the house or office can be bad for your heart, a federal advisory panel recently called for fundamental societal changes, such as new policies at work sites and in schools, that would enable all Americans (all North Americans would benefit) starting with young children, to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

A panel of outside medical experts convened by the National Institutes of Health said studies have shown indisputably that regular physical activity can help stave off heart disease--the leading killer of men and women in North America--and related conditions that contribute to heart attacks and stroke, such as hypertension, obesity and high blood cholesterol. Physical activity also is related to increases in HDL, the so-called "good" cholesterol.

Furthermore, lack of exercise has been associated with other disorders, such as diabetes, osteoporosis and certain cancers. Heart disease and stroke--a leading killer in the Western world--result in a heavy death toll.

"We now are saying that physical activity is not just an individual responsibility but also a societal one," said Dr. Suzanne Bennett Johnson, director of the Center for Pediatric Psychology Research at the Univ. of Florida and a member of the panel. Noting that increasing public policies on the national, state and local levels in recent years have had significant impact on smoking, another major risk factor for heart disease, she added: "We must do the same for physical activity."

Indeed, exercise is one of the major steps in maximizing our health by helping to prevent major diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 250,000 deaths a year in the U.S. can be attributed to a lack of regular physical activity.

Heart Disease: Dr. Dean Ornish, in his landmark book Reversing Heart Disease, chronicles how an exercise program and a vetetarian diet can reverse ravages of heart disease, without drugs or surgery. This, of course, is a preventative approach also.

Regular exercise can reduce the chance of older men getting blood clots that trigger most heart attacks and strokes, according to a study published by the American Heart Association. (Drinking an adequate amount of water should also be considered when preventing deadly blood clots).

Cancer: Researchers at the Institute for Aerobics and the Cooper Clinic in Dallas discovered that men who were least fit (sedentary) died 8 times more often from heart disease and 4 times more often from cancer than men who were physically active. Women who were least fit died nine times more often from heart disease and 16 times more often from cancer than their more active peers.

Prostate Cancer: Aerobic exercise appears to reduce the risk of prostate cancer--the more exercise, the greater the reduction, researchers say. A look at data on over 12,000 men found that those who exercised the most were most likely to be free of this cancer when their health was reviewed.

Breast Cancer: Researchers at the University of Southern California found that physical activity significantly reduced the risk of breast cancer. They found that women who exercised at least 4 hours a week suffered nearly 60% less breast cancer than those who are not active. Even a history of light exercise (1 to 3 hours a week) brought a 30% reduction in risk.

Colon Cancer: A Harvard study of more than 17,000 men shows that exercise can cut the risk of colon cancer in half. The study conducted by epidemiologist I-Min Lee was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Diabetes: Some insulin-dependent diabetics may be able to increase their natural insulin production through regular exercise, according to a Penn. State Univ. study. Rats that had most of their pancreas removed to mimic Type 1 diabetes increased their insulin output after a 10-week exercise program, according to Dr. Peter A. Farrell.

Similar diabetic rats that remained sedentary did not increase their insulin production, Farewell reported in the Journal of Applied Physiology. About 5% of Type 1 diabetics have some capacity to produce insulin, and regular exercise should help them increase their insulin output, he said.

Osteoporosis: Exercise can increase bone mass and thereby ameliorate some of the effects of osteoporosis, the debilitating bone-thinning disease primarily affecting post-menopausal women. (Men can also be affected). A researcher at Stanford's Center for Research in Disease Prevention, found that the density of physically active individual's spines were 40% higher than that of the sedentary subjects.

It should also be mentioned that medical scientists have shown a clear-cut relation between osteoporosis and a high-meat intake.

Hypertension: Medical scientists at two research centers in Maryland tested 52 sedentary men with moderate hypertension. They found that 10 weeks of aerobics and weight bearing exercise worked as well as standard medication in lowering blood pressure by an average of 13 to 14 points.

Aging: Aerobic exercise is just as crucial for older people as for younger ones because the activity counters many problems of old age, says Howard Liss, chief of rehabilitation medicine at Englewood Hospital in New Jersey. Three 20 to
30 minute aerobic workouts a week can lower cholesterol, reduce depression, help sleep and strengthen the immune system.

Much of what is believed to be normal aging--slowing down, declining muscle strength and tone, fatigue--may be caused more by inactivity than age. Physical activity can dramatically decrease the rate of decline. Indeed, researchers no longer view exercise as a helpful hobby for older people. It's becoming clear that physical activity is an essential daily requirement.

Brainpower: Not only does exercise help reverse aging and prevent muscles from sagging--it also increases brainpower, says Dr. Richard E. Dustman of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Salt Lake City. Study subjects increased their mental ability as well as their physical forms by exercise.

Inspiration says: "Brethren when you take time to cultivate your gardens, thus gaining the exercise needed to keep the system in good working order, you are just as much doing the work of God as in holding meetings." --Ellen White, Healthful Living, 129.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/10/10 03:02 AM

Sitting Equals Death!

Yes it does, according to the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study. In this national survey, researchers followed over 8,700 adults, ages 25 and older, for 6 and a half years and found that each hour subjects spent lolling about watching TV was associated with an 18% increase in death from heart disease--and an 11% increase in overall mortality.

Those who watched television for 4 or more hours daily were 80% more likely to die of heart disease and 46% more likely to die overall than those who watched 2 hours or less. Research found that it's not just the overweight who are in trouble. Even at a healthy weight, sitting for hours can make it harder for the body to process blood sugar and blood fats--an endeavor that requires the chemicals we produce when our muscles contract, as they do when we stand or move.

Study authors encourage us to exercise regularly and break up our sitting with movement: Take a walk at lunch, or go talk to your coworker rather than sending an e-mail. -- June 2010.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/22/10 03:22 AM

Why Walk 30 Minutes a Day

* You'll cut your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. According to a Duke University study, just 30 minutes of walking a day 6 days a week was shown to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, a condition linked to all 3 deadly diseases.

* Walking is an instant mood lifter. Researchers at the University of Texas found that a 30-minute walk gave clinically depressed patients an immediate mood boost.

* We sleep better. Moderate daily exercise is a proven natural strategy for insomnia relief.

* It conquers snack attacks. Walking helps you sleep, and quality sleep helps prevent next-day food cravings; poor sleep interferes with the appetite-regulating hormone leptin, thus increasing appetite. --Vegetarian Times, May/June 2010.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/22/10 03:34 AM

We're Born to Walk

Here are excerpts from a U.S. News & World Report, article for June 26, 2006, by Bernadine Healy, MD.

Our genes demand exercise, and that's at odds with our modern lifestyle, which increasingly does not. However, more than 140 exercise-related genes are awakened if the body gets off the couch and engages in physical activity. These sleeping beauties make proteins with wide ranging benefits to body metabolism, muscle mass, fat deposition, blood vessels, and immune function.

C. Ronald Kahn, endocrinologist and president of the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, points out, "If you don't exercise, you 'dysregulate' your genes." Among other things, such miscues lead to the health scourge of our immobile age--a skyrocketing epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Kahn, notes further that inactivity is every bit as important a diabetes risk factor as is poor diet. With only modest exercise, genes are turned on that cause muscle to take up glucose even without insulin, lowering blood sugar. Hence, exercise helps patients with diabetes to better control their sugar levels. And among those at risk for diabetes, physical activity significantly reduces their chances of getting the disease in the first place.

The formula for modest activity is 30 minutes of exerise 5 days a week. And jog if you like, but good old-fashioned walking will do just fine. There's nothing more natural. No need of a trainer, coach, club membership--rain or shine, indoors or outdoors, everyone can do it.

Your trusty pedometer is quite helpful here. It gets right in your face and makes you own up to your slothfulness. You're sedentary if you don't hit 3,000 to 4,000 steps per day. Some move at an ghastly 700. Ideally, adults should exceed 10,000 steps each and every day. The over-50 crowd hovers around 6,000 to 8,500 steps daily. But here's a number to remember: A half-hour brisk walk counts for about 3,000 to 4,000 steps and for most adults that brings their activity levels to the threshold that starts signaling those health-promoting genes to start pumping....

Seems like the need for everyday physical activity is coded into our DNA. You simply can't walk away from it. --end of article.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/22/10 03:42 AM

Healing Moves

Is there anything exercise can't do? New research reveals that regular activity can speed the healing process by as much as 25%. Ohio State University researchers delivered a small puncture wound to 28 sedentary folks ages 55 to 77. They then asked half of the group to exercise on a treadmill, ride a stationary bike, and strength-train 3 times a week, 1 hour per session, for 3 months. The other half stayed inactive.

The results were that the skin wounds healed an average of 10 days faster (29 days versus 39 days) in those who exercised than in those who didn't.

"Exercise increases circulation and helps regulate the immune system and hormones that influence the healing process," according to study author Charles Emery, PhD. Though he studied only healthy volunteers, Emery is optimistic that exercise may also accelerate wound closure in people who are traditionally slow to heal, such as those with diabetes. --adapted from Prevention, May 2006.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/22/10 03:54 AM

Heal Thyself by Going Outside

It's no wonder that fitness resolutions tend to fizzle in February. North Americans vow to get in shape at the worst possible time of the year, just when miserable weather forces us indoors. Yes we have health clubs. And winter kicks off the mall-walking season. But studies are finding that we need more than just physical exercise to stay healthy. We need the emotional healing benefits of green exercise.

Also known as eco-therapy, green exercise simply means doing something, almost anything, outside. Along with the activity you also get substantial mental-health benefits--reduced stress, depression and anger and enhanced mood and self-esteem--simply by seeking out the natural world, according to growing evidence from researchers in the U.S., Scandinavia and Britain.

Indeed, in color therapy, green balances the nervous system and is believed to have a calming, soothing effect. Reconnecting with the environment could be as simple as walking outside amid green trees and flowers, etc. Studies have even shown that prisoners and hospital patients reported better health when living in rooms that face farmland and trees rather than brick walls.

Scenery also made a difference for another group of shutins: treadmill runners, according to researchers at the University of Essex in Britain. They found that runners who zoned out on idyllic rural views during a 20-minute run had the most substantial drop in blood pressure and the most improved psychological outcomes. The runners forced to look at gritty city environments, or "urban unpleasant" views, fared the worst. Even those who had "no view" on the treadmill reported better outcomes than the ones looking at dreary urban scenes.

Green exercise could also mean sitting in a park, biking to work, walking, gardening, etc. The stress-reduction benefits of healing gardens in hospitals (which we could now call "green care") date to the Middle Ages. And some say our modern hospitals have abandoned the healing properties that the connection to nature can bring.

The biggest challenge is redesigning cities to get people to walk more during normal working days, according to Jules Pretty, a professor of environment and society at the University of Essex. "Fifty years ago, an average adult ran the equivalent of a marathon a week more than an average adult does today--and that was not running, just walking, cycling, being more active in the home," said Pretty. "No wonder obesity is such a problem." --Riverside, Calif. Press-Enterprise, February 15, 2008.

Comment: Our own Ellen White has much information on this important subject:

* "Exercise in the open air should be prescribed as a life-giving necessity." Ministry of Healing, p. 265.

* "Nature is God's physician. The pure air, the glad sunshine, the beautiful flowers and trees, the orchards and vineyards, and oudoor exercise amid these surroundings, are health-giving--the elixir of life." Counsels on Health, p. 170.

* "The whole system needs the invigorating influence of exercise in the open air." Ibid. p. 193.

* "Those who are feeble and indolent should not yield to their inclination to be inactive, thus depriving themselves of air and sunlight, but should practice exercising out of doors in walking or working in the garden." Ibid. p. 200.

Comment: Outdoor exercise is strong medicine; be sure you get your share!


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/23/10 02:09 AM

The Secret to Staying Thin Forever

Here's why that svelte friend who looked great at 30 and still looks fabulous at 50: She rarely misses a workout. In a study sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, people who exercised at least 30 minutes daily from their 20s through middle age gained little or no weight and maintained their body mass index (BMI), while eating a healthy but very adequate diet., March 2008.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/23/10 02:17 AM

Sweat Off 10 Years

Regular activity may actually keep you young--in virtually every cell, reports researchers at Kings College in London. In a study of over 2,400 twins, scientists found that the length of telomeres--a repeating section of DNA that becomes shorter with age--was longer in the sibling who exercised during his or her free time. Those in the most active group, who worked out approximately 28 minutes a day, appeared at the cellular level to be about a decade younger than their sedentary counterparts. --Prevention, May 2008.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/23/10 02:23 AM

Now that you are exercising, you will need a good pair of sneakers. What's the best?

Bargain Sneakers Better Than Pricey Models

That's the verdict from scientists at the Institute of Motion Analysis & Research at the University of Dundee in Scotland. They tested athletic shoes priced between $81 and $152 and found that the more affordable footwear provided the same level of durability and overall comfort as the higher-priced counterparts.

Even better: The less expensive sneakers actually provided more cushioning and support. --British Journal of Sports Medicine.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 06/23/10 02:41 AM

Fight 'Fatso' Gene with Exercise

One hour of moderate to vigorous exercise a day can help teens beat the effects of a common obesity-related gene with the nickname "fatso," according to a new European study. The message for adolescents is to get moving, said lead author Jonathan Ruiz of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
--Los Angeles Times, April 6, 2010.

Comment: Indeed, ALL are advised to be active in their own way: brisk walking, bicycling, jogging, the gym, or whatever... you've got to do something!

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 07/08/10 02:23 AM

Exercise is an Anti-aging Miracle

New research actually proves that working out not only makes you look and feel younger but also makes you younger--right down to your DNA. Scientists found that regular exercisers have significantly longer telomeres (a region of DNA that acts as a biological marker for aging) than their sedentary peers. --Prevention July 2010.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 07/08/10 02:35 AM

Exercise Eases Depression

Trade in your Prozac or Zoloft for a good pair of walking shoes. That's right, researchers are finding that regular exercise can do wonders for your head. Many psychologists who have done research in this area are using "walking therapy" as part of their practice. They are finding that exercise:

* Helps lift depression
* Lessens tension
* Lessens confusion
* Increases optimism and hope
* Boosts self-esteem
* Increases energy

Case history: Carla, a woman in her 30s was very depressed, very overweight and suicidal. Her regular psychiatric sessions were not going well until a therapist induces her to begin exercising--in her case, pool walking and a bit of strength training (weight lifting). Gradually, it all changed for her. "She lost over 100 pounds, reduced her depression and got back on tract with her life," notes James Spira, Ph.D., M.P.H., at Duke University.

This, he points out is a typical case. Indeed, researchers are finding that in many cases exercise produces about the same level of response as medication--without the expense and side effects.

What is it about a good walk, run or swim that has the power to do a repair job when your head has a flat tire? "Walking, or other moderate exercise," explains Robert Thayer, Ph.D., "produces a holistic pattern of change--what I call general body arousal. Metabolism increases. Heart rate increases. Breathing increases. Tension in muscles goes down. There are changes in hormones and in brain neurotransmitters, which have a great influence on thinking and mood."

Dr. Thayer, a professor of psychology at Calif. State Univ. at Long Beach, recommends that "one of the first things a clinician should do in seeing depressed patients is to try to get them on an exercise program." He has found that the very best way to lift your mood is with regular exercise . --adapted from Prevention, May 1996.

Exercise, then as we have seen in other postings in this thread not only helps the body, but does much to get your head together, too.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 07/08/10 03:01 AM

Tater Tots

Children as young as 3 years of age are turning into couch potatoes, spending as little as 25 minutes per day--less than half the recommended time--in exercise and physical activity. This according to researchers at the University of Glasgow who found that many preschoolers "are as inactive as many office workers," increasing their risk of obesity. This research was published in the January 17, 2004 issue of The Lancet.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 07/08/10 03:11 AM

Move Your Body, Sharpen Your Mind

"Physical activity can make people more mentally alert," according to brain researchers Judy Cameron, PhD, of Oregon Health & Science University. "Now we're starting to understand why."

That's right, Dr. Cameron's research showed that monkeys who ran on treadmills grew more of the blood vessels that supply brain cells with oxygen- and sugar-rich blood. Active monkeys navigated a complex maze 2 times as fast.

Other researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that exercise stimulates production of a substance that prompts brain neurons to grow and link up. --adapted from Prevention, July 2004.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 07/08/11 01:44 AM

The Speedy Live Longer

Walking is a great way to invigorate mind and body, and all that healthiness may be associated with a longer life as well. In a study of adults over 65, those who walked faster were 90% likelier to live at least 10 more years than those who walked at a slower pace. Walking speed may be an indicator for how well the heart, luhngs, joints and muscles are functioning. --Time, Jan. 17, 2011.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 09/22/11 03:47 AM

Walking shortens Hospital Stay

An Israeli study of almost 500 patients over the age of 70 who spent at least 2 days in the hospital found that those who walked around their rooms or roamed the halls reduced their stay compared to those who remained in bed.

Results of the study showed that those who walked were discharged an average of a day and a half earlier.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 03/17/12 03:59 AM

Just a few minutes of daily exercise alters DNA to help prevent chronic disease

by John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Many people think the genes they inherited at birth are static and predetermine their fate for the remainder of their life. Extensive research into the science of epigenetics is providing startling evidence that this thought process is grossly outdated, and our individual DNA is dynamic and continually influenced by multiple lifestyle factors including diet, environment, stress and physical activity.

Researchers publishing the result of a study in the journal Cell Metabolism provide evidence that that when healthy but inactive men and women exercise for a matter of minutes, it produces a rather immediate change to their DNA. While we cannot change our core DNA code, exercise does influence the DNA molecules within our muscles. Scientists have found that DNA is chemically and structurally altered or expressed in very important ways that affect a myriad of metabolic processes that protect us from chronic disease.

The scientists found that DNA modifications signal precise genetic reprogramming in muscles that determine overall muscle strength as well as structural and metabolic benefits derived from physical activity. Study leader, Dr. Juleen Zierath noted "Our muscles are really plastic ... muscle adapts to what you do. If you don't use it, you lose it, and this is one of the mechanisms that allows that to happen."

Short bursts of moderate intensity exercise positively influences DNA expression

Epigenetic modifications involve the addition or deletion of chemical markers on the DNA strand that change rapidly based on environmental influences such as the nutritional composition of your last meal, pollutants in the environment or the intensity of an exercise workout. Researchers found that DNA within skeletal muscle examined after a short burst of exercise bore fewer chemical markers (specifically methyl groups) than it did before exercise.

The study team specifically determined that the DNA modifications occurred in stretches of DNA that are involved in expressing genes known to be important for muscular adaptation to exercise. This research clearly provides more evidence that our genetic constitution is continually evolving in an effort to protect us, and is positively influenced by short, moderately intense bursts of physical activity. These alterations allow us to adapt quickly to the changing environment that surrounds us.

Dr. Zierath concluded "Exercise is medicine ... and it seems the means to alter our genome for better health may be only a jog away." The finding of this study may explain recent research showing that the best form of exercise works our musculature in short bursts of moderate to full intensity (as measured by attaining maximum heart rate for your age range) for several minutes in duration, followed by a rest period and then another energy burst. Combining this evidence with an organic whole food diet will positively influence your genes toward optimal health.

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 03/28/12 12:59 AM

Exercise boosts healthy DNA expression within just a few minutes

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Exercise truly is a vital component of good health, as was once again illustrated in a recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cell Metabolism. Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and Dublin City University in Ireland found that just a few minutes of rigorous exercise is enough to spur almost immediate changes in DNA that improve the ways health-regulating genes express themselves.

For their study, the research team asked a group of young people to undergo an intense, 20-minute workout session on stationary exercise bikes that was designed to get their hearts pumping and their bodies sweating. Upon completion, samples of muscle tissue were examined and compared to samples from those that had not participated in the exercise.

It turns out that, while one's actual genetic code is not changed by exercise, DNA methylation, or the process by which genes are told whether or not to remain "on" or "off," is altered in such a way as to improve normal bodily function. Based on a comparison of skeletal muscle both before and three hours after exercise, Professor Juleen Zierath and her colleagues observed that exercise demonstrably spurs DNA to better transport fats, sugars, and other nutrients throughout the body, as well as protect cells from oxidative damage.

"The changes in methylation and expression for the genes studied are important for mitochondrial function, glucose transport as well as fat transport and oxidation," said Dr. Donal O'Gorman, director of the Centre for Preventive Medicine at Dublin City University, one of the researchers involved in the study. "The findings support the view that regular activity is necessary for metabolic health and the prevention of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes."

Though the DNA changes were only temporary, they do help illustrate how the body reacts to exercise, and how the muscles being worked by exercise respond in terms of growth and nutrient transport. By getting just a few minutes of rigorous exercise every day, you are essentially teaching your DNA how to distribute nutrients, build muscle, and ultimately improve health.

"Our muscles are really plastic," said Prof. Zierath in reference to the findings. "We often say, 'You are what you eat,' well, muscle adapts to what you do. If you don't use it, you lose it, and this is one of the mechanisms that allows that to happen."

Sources for this article include:


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 02/13/13 04:25 AM

Olympic Medalist Stay Alive Longer, Study Says

Athletes who win at the Olympics may bring home more than just a medal: They could add years to their lifespans, scientists have found. Winners of gold, silver or bronze medals lived almost 3 years longer on average than their country's general population--when matched for age, gender and birth year--according to a recent study by BMJ (British Medical Journal) that examined over 15,000 Olympic medalists.

The new study examined decades' worth of data gathered by an organization of Olympics enthusiasts that encompassed medalists from 9 countries or groups of countries including the U.S., Canada, Germany, Russia, France, and a group of Nordic countries, from the first modern Games in 1896 to 2010.

Births and deaths of the athletes were compared with "life tables" of the overall population from their own countries. After 30 years 8% more Olympic winners were alive on average than members of the general population, translating to a gain of 2.8 years of life, according to the study coauthor David Studdert, a public health professor at the University of Melbourne in Parkville, Australia.

Experts, pointing out the great physical activities that winners endure in training, say it was no great surprise that athletes in sports, fared so well in the study.

"The trick to gaining the health advantages of Olympians is to exercise in moderation," says Adrian Bauman, a physical activity epidemiologist at the University of Sydney. He quotes Hippocrates who said walking is man's best medicine. "There's a survival advantage of one to 3 years for physically active people, compared to inactive people in the general population. We make all this fuss about Olympic athletes, but in fact all we really need to do is go for a walk, bike in to work, go for a run...and we can get nearly equivalent benefits." Los Angeles Times, December 14, 2012.

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 04/24/13 03:05 AM

Scientists suggest increase walking speeds and outrun the Grim Reaper

by Amelia Bentrup

(NaturalNews) Walk faster to stay one step ahead of Death, according to recent research published in the Christmas edition of BMJ. (During Christmas, this normally formal publication publishes more unconventional articles.) A team of scientists from various schools, hospitals and medical institutions located in Sydney, Australia collaborated to determine the maximum walking pace of the Grim Reaper and the speed necessary to outpace him.

Since the Grim Reaper himself was unavailable for participation in this study, the scientists measured the walking speed and mortality of 1,705 men over age 70 and used receiver operating characteristic curve analysis to estimate the preferred walking pace of the Grim Reaper. Results showed that men who walked faster were less likely to die. It was estimated that the Grim Reaper walks at a rate of approximately 1.8 miles per hour. None of the men who walked at a speed of 3 miles/hour or greater met with Death during the time frame of the study; therefore, the scientists concluded that a walking pace greater than 3 miles/hour is optimal for outrunning Death.

The researchers used data from the Concord Health and Aging in Men Project, which is a study consisting of men over the age of 70 in Sydney, Australia. The researchers used a stopwatch to determine the time it took each participant to walk approximately 20 feet, using the fastest speed of two trials and adjusting walking speed for height. The men were then followed up with by telephone at 4 months intervals and with visits to the clinic at 2 and 5 years after the trial was completed.

It was found that men who walked at speeds greater than 2 miles per hour were 1.23 times less likely to die, while all 22 of the participants who walked at a pace of 3 miles per hour were still alive at the 5-year follow-up. The researchers conclude that "faster speeds are protective against mortality because fast walkers can maintain a safe distance from the Grim Reaper."

Other scientific studies have also shown the correlation between walking speed and mortality. A 2011 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association examined the relationship between gait speed and survival by pooling the analyses completed for 9 different studies around this topic. It was found that survival increased across the full range of gait speeds. A 2008 study published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society found that a slower gait was associated with a significantly greater risk of mortality and incident disability. A 2005 study, also published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, showed that a gait speed of less than 1 meter/second can be used to identify high-risk individuals for health-related events.

How to Stay Active in Older Age

Keeping up one's fitness level is especially important as one ages. It is likely that gait speed is highly correlated to overall fitness activity and levels. Continuing physical activity is important for maintaining strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. Swimming, walking, hiking, water aerobics and cycling are excellent aerobic activities and provide cardiovascular benefits. Strength training can be accomplished using stretching and resistance machines while exercises such as pilates and tai chi are excellent for improving balance.

No matter what physical activity one chooses, staying active is vital for maintaining a quick step...which is necessary for keeping ahead of the Grim Reaper and his Deathly touch.

Sources for this article include

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 05/03/13 02:32 AM

Four huge benefits of exercising outdoors

by J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) To be sure, exercising outdoors during the winter months in many parts of the country is not easy. Snow, sleet and rain, combined with lower winter temperatures, make it difficult if not impossible to work out in a natural environment, but if you can, you should because it's much better for you in the long run if you do.

"While the allure of the gym - climate-controlled, convenient and predictable - is obvious, especially in winter, emerging science suggests there are benefits to exercising outdoors that can't be replicated on a treadmill, a recumbent bicycle or a track," says The New York Times' Health Blog.

Running outside is much better for your fitness levels. For one thing, you don't run the same inside, on a treadmill, as you do outside, on the ground. Your stride is different, your speed tends to be different (which is to say you tend to run more slowly on a treadmill) so your calorie burn and overall endurance levels take a hit.

When you run outdoors, you flex your ankles differently - you have to, because the contour of the terrain is varied, whereas on a treadmill, if you don't increase the angle, it's the same. Also, when running outside, you can often find yourself running downhill, "a movement that isn't easily done on a treadmill and that stresses muscles differently than running on flat or uphill terrain," the Times said.

And again, studies by the National Institutes of Health found that when running on a treadmill, you expend less energy to go the same distance than if you were running outside. (Tip: If you have to run indoors on a treadmill, bump up the incline to one percent; the NIH says that level more closely resembles running outside).

Cycling outdoors is also more of a workout. Riding a cycling machine in a gym, even if you crank up the resistance, is just not the same as riding a real bike along a real trail that has its ups and downs, for many of the same reasons running outside is better than running on a treadmill, experts say.

According to the NIH, while "the difference between road and laboratory cycling speeds was found to be minimal for small individuals...larger riders would appear to benefit from the fixed resistance in the laboratory compared with the progressively increasing drag due to increased body size that would be experienced in the field."

The larger your body mass, the more wind resistance and, of course, the tougher the ride (which is a good thing if you're trying to achieve fitness and endurance).

You just feel better when you're exercising outdoors. Researchers have shown that those who work out in nature not only achieve better results physically but a) tend to stick with their workout regimen longer; and b) have much better mental fitness and endurance as well.

Volunteers for a number of recent exercise studies were asked to go for two walks for the same amount of time or distance; one inside on a treadmill and the other outside. "In virtually all of the studies," the Times reported, "the volunteers reported enjoying the outside activity more and, on subsequent psychological tests, scored significantly higher on measures of vitality, enthusiasm, pleasure and self-esteem and lower on tension, depression and fatigue after they walked outside."

If you work out in natural surroundings, you'll stick with it longer. Several studies have shown that part of the reason why you become more fit if you exercise outside is because shunning the confines of a temperature-and-environment-controlled gym will make you stick with working out longer, and that you will want to exercise more often.

"It's still a lot of speculation at this point, but if you're having trouble sticking to an exercise routine it might be worthwhile to move those activities outdoors," writes Thorin Klososki at the health blog


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 05/08/13 09:05 PM

Outdoor exercise!

Some choice words from Inspiration:

"Outdoor exercise is best...." "Exercise in the open air should be prescribed as a lifegiving necessity." --Ministry of Healing, 239, 265.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 10/16/13 08:55 PM

Exercise found to treat chronic disease conditions better than drugs, with no toxicity

by J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Readers of our site have no doubt heard for years that regular exercise leads to healthier minds and bodies, but new research indicates that physical exercise on a routine basis is just as effective as prescription medications in treating chronic, sometimes deadly, diseases - and without all of the associated drug toxicities.

According to a study published recently in the British Medical Journal, scientists from the London School of Economics, Harvard Medical School and Stanford University School of Medicine wanted to see if the benefits of exercise and drugs from past clinical trials were comparable, in a bid to see if they could extend a person's life.

Doctors should be discussing exercise as therapy with patients

"What we have is a body of research that looks at benefits of exercise alone and then a separate body of research that looks at benefits of drugs on their own," lead researcher Huseyin Naci, a researcher at the London School of Economics and a pharmaceutical policy research fellow at the Harvard Medical School, told "There's never been a study that compares these two together, so that's the rationale for this research."

Naci's team examined four areas of health where the evidence suggests or has shown that exercise can have some lifesaving benefits. Those areas were secondary prevention of heart disease, prevention of diabetes, stroke rehabilitation and treatment of heart failure. reported:

Researchers then compiled a list of the different classes of drugs people commonly take to manage these conditions, and ultimately came up with 305 randomized clinical trials to analyze. The study involved 339,274 people, 15,000 of whom received physical intervention for their health conditions while the rest were included in drug trials.

Overall, the researchers saw no significant difference between exercise and drug intervention for the secondary prevention of heart disease and the prevention of diabetes. And in the case of stroke patients, exercise was found to be more effective than drug treatment at extending a person's mortality. However, diuretic drugs were found to be more effective than exercise and other drugs for the helping [sic] patients with heart failure.

Given the team's findings, Naci says the study's results indicate that heart disease and diabetes patients should not completely deviate from their current treatment standards.

"One thing that is very much not a takeaway is that patients should stop taking their medications without consulting with their doctors," Naci said. "However, doctors do need to have really candid conversations with patients about the lifesaving benefits of exercise."

And how.

Naci goes on to say, however, that therapies combining both diet and exercise might not be the answer either, because one might work against the other. He points to a recent study published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology which found that statins, which are commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol, may actually block some of the health benefits of exercise.

Sports medicine should be the avenue of research

What patients really deserve, said Naci, is a better understanding of which are the best treatment options, and for that, more clinical trials would be needed in order to close the knowledge gap.

"We need a lot more research to really tease out the lifesaving benefits from exercise," he said, "as well as which exercise works best for different types of individuals."

The concept of using exercise to combat chronic illness isn't new, according to a separate study published in the British Medical Journal in 2004. But it did not gain respect as a potential treatment modality until the 20th century.

"Today, exercise scientists are exploring the limits of exercise as a therapy - of exercise as a medicine," write G.E. Moore. "Sports medicine doctors, the few physicians who actually know something about both exercise and medicine, ought to be leading this transformation. For every injured athlete, there are a score of patients for whom exercise prescription should be the cornerstone of their medical management."


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 02/19/14 03:24 AM

Study shows inactivity changes the brain, has harmful health consequences

by Antonia

(NaturalNews) "This is your brain . . . and this is your brain on the couch," is Dr. Patrick Mueller, associate professor of physiology at Wayne State University's approach to highlighting the detrimental effects that inactivity has on our brains and hearts.

A recent study published in the Journal of Comparative Neurology demonstrates that inactivity (not just activity, as previously thought) can change the shape of neurons in our brain, an indication that may make couch potatoes more sensitive to stimuli. This sensitivity can upset their nervous system to the point of leading to increased risk for heart problems.

Specifically, the brain changes were noted on rats; ones assessed after regular activity maintained their original brain structure and neurons but those that were inactive sprouted branches resembling tentacles. While branches are a normal way to connect healthy neurons, the inactive rats in this study had more than the typical amount of them, suggesting that a sedentary lifestyle can stress the nervous system. Such "overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system can lead to cardiovascular disease," says Dr. Mueller.

A sedentary lifestyle, not just an active one, changes our brains

"This finding is important because it adds to our understanding of how, at a cellular level, inactivity increases the risk of heart disease," adds Dr. Mueller.

Furthermore, it's important because as recent as 20 years ago, the majority of scientists thought that adulthood marked the time in which our brains were "fixed." That is, once adulthood set in, the belief was that we were unable to create new brain cells or change their shape. However in years since, studies have shown exercise to play a role in helping the brain grow. This study, though, sheds light on the impact of a sedentary lifestyle.

Other research shows that about 60 percent of Americans are not receiving recommended amounts of physical activity and shockingly, that more than 25 percent of adults are not even active at all.

This study once again reinforces the importance activity has in keeping our bodies strong and healthy. We must remain aware of this, not just during American Heart Month, but every month.

Sources for this article include:


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 03/06/14 03:03 AM

How To Stay Obese: Get Less Than One Hour of Vigorous Exercise a Year

by J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Tens of millions of Americans are obese, and while figures have stabilized in recent years according to government findings, the numbers are still staggering.

Poor dietary choices rank high as a cause of obesity, but another factor -- and in my view, one that gets far less attention -- is Americans' increasing lack of physical activity.

In fact, a new study found that the average obese woman only gets one hour of vigorous exercise per year, while men don't get much more -- less than four per year.

The findings, published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, stem from the tracking of participants' movements over the course of a year. Researchers collected data regarding the amount of exercise participants engaged in and at what intensity level(s).

Researchers defined vigorous exercise as jogging or other high-cardio-related, fat-burning exercises. For those who were considered extremely overweight, walking may be considered vigorous.

For women especially, researchers cited extremely busy lives as a major reason why they exercised so little. Between work, caring for children and sleep, they noted, women did not have much time in the day to devote to fitness.

"They're living their lives from one chair to another," Edward Archer, a research fellow with the Nutrition Obesity Research Center, told HealthDay. "We didn't realize we were that sedentary. There are some people who are vigorously active, but it's offset by the huge number of individuals who are inactive."

Getting started in a fitness program

Granted, finding the time to work in a fitness program is difficult in today's busy world. But almost everyone has time for some sort of activity 3-4 times per week, if they really want to change their lifestyle.

So, the next hurdle to overcome is actually finding a fitness program that you can stick with. Most people who begin a fitness program don't stick with it, most often because it isn't the right program for them. So I asked a group of fitness experts what they would recommend for someone just beginning a fitness program:

-- Gauge yourself. J. Anderson, certified personal trainer, Natural News contributor and founder/editor of Always Active Athletics, says to take some photos of yourself before you start your program and do some fitness tests, to see where you're at physically. "If you are having a down day" after you begin a program, "you can look at old photographs or re-take your fitness tests to see just how far you have really come." Motivation.

-- Don't attempt too much at first. Ainslie MacEachran, a certified personal trainer and cycling coach with Gemini Training Systems, located in Fort Collins, Colo., says you should set small goals initially. "Break up your goals into little bit size pieces. Instead of trying to do it all at once, make little goals along the way that work towards your ultimate end goal," she told me.

-- Don't go it alone. Get a friend to start a program with you, says expert fitness trainer and former collegiate gymnastics star Kari Pearce of Innovative Fitness Trainers. "Exercising with someone else often makes it more enjoyable and you will want to push yourself harder," she told Natural News.

-- Pick something fun. Kim Evans, a professional fitness coach at Wello in Grand Haven, Mich., says the dance-exercise Zumba might be a good fit for a beginner, mostly because the classes are inviting, not intimidating. "That is a huge deal," she told me, because "many classes can be intimidating for the new exerciser."

Dr. Kim Chronister, a clinical psychologist and author of the book The Psychology Behind Fitness Motivation, agrees. She said in an email that a great way to get "motivated is by finding fun activities to get into (i.e. dancing salsa for one hour or playing water polo for an hour)."

-- Get in the right mindset. In order to stick with any program, you have to decide that it is for the long haul. "When you take the time to transform your thoughts, beliefs and patterns, making lasting change is easy and effortless," Michelle Hastie, of Total Body Health Solutions, said.

-- Don't make excuses. It's easy to blow off your exercise session by convincing yourself that you don't have time today or something else "came up," says Josh Greene, who has a bachelor's degree in in Kinesiology from Indiana University and is currently a personal trainer at Anytime Fitness in Indianapolis. "It takes as little as 20-30 minutes for someone to do a vigorous workout. And doing that 2-3 times per week is much more beneficial than someone doing absolutely nothing," he told Natural News.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 07/28/14 02:11 AM

Two Hours Of Sitting Effectively Negates 20 Minutes Of Exercise

by L.J. Devon, Staff Writer

(NaturalNews) Sitting down for two straight hours and doing nothing might negate the benefits of a daily 20-minute exercise routine. Idle behavior throughout the day could make an exercise routine worthless in the end. A study from the UT Southwestern Medical Center shows how sedentary behaviors lower cardio respiratory fitness levels.

This might be a concern for those who sit most of the day doing their job or for those who sit routinely in front of the television in the evening. The cardiologists spearheading this study showed that sitting for long periods causes fitness levels to plummet, but they did not investigate ways to offset idle behavior by strengthening the circulatory system through dietary measures.

For every six hours of idle behavior, one hour of exercise is needed to compensate

The UT Southwestern Medical Center study was published in the online edition of Mayo Clinic Proceedings. The cardiologists looked at data from 2223 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and made associations between sedentary behavior, daily exercise, and fitness levels.

Sedentary behavior include idle activities like watching TV to more engaged activities that still require long periods of sitting like driving a vehicle or reading. In sedentary behavior, the lowest amount of energy is used. (Note, conserving energy is beneficial in some cases when the immune system is depleted.)

Accelerometer data was analyzed from participating men and women between the ages of 12 and 49. The average daily physical activity and sedentary behavior times were recorded. The participants were all healthy, with no known history of cardiovascular diseases, including stroke and asthma. Their fitness levels were recorded using a submaximal treadmill test. After testing cardiovascular performance, the cardiologists compared the data, factoring in variables like age, gender, and body mass index.

In the end, the cardiologists reasoned that six hours of sitting time can have the same magnitude of impact on cardiovascular health as does one hour of exercise. The researchers scaled it down to show that two hours of sitting can negate 20 minutes of daily exercise.

Dr. Jarett Berry, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Science and senior author of the study said, "Previous studies have reported that sedentary behavior was associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular outcomes; however, the mechanisms through which this occurs are not completely understood. Our data suggest that sedentary behavior may increase risk through an impact on lower fitness levels, and that avoiding sedentary behavior throughout the day may represent an important companion strategy to improve fitness and health, outside of regular exercise activity."

Study encourages workers to interrupt work activities with short walks throughout the day

Berry recommends those who work behind desks to take short walks during lunch and throughout the day, using pedometer to track daily steps. "We also found that when sitting for prolonged periods of time, any movement is good movement, and was also associated with better fitness," said Dr. Jacquelyn Kulinski, lead author of the paper. "So if you are stuck at your desk for a while, shift positions frequently, get up and stretch in the middle of a thought, pace while on a phone call, or even fidget." She urges people to take the stairs instead of the elevator and conduct company meetings while on a walk. She says that standard desk chairs can be replaced with treadmill desks, too.

Dietary factors not included in the study

The cardiologists did not investigate the effects that heart-healthy foods have on the cardiovascular system, including people's fitness levels. Is it possible that omega-3 and 6 fatty acids could compensate for sedentary behavior and improve fitness levels without the person doing much exercise at all? How might heart healthy foods like Hawthorne berry mitigate the negative effects of idle behavior?

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 04/06/15 03:15 AM

Exercise helps to prevent cancer, fight it, and ward off relapse: studies

by Reuben Chow

(NaturalNews) Separate recent studies have underlined the importance of exercise and physical activity in fighting cancer. Importantly, the research showed that exercise not only helps with cancer prevention, it also helps with improving the prognosis of those already diagnosed with cancer, as well as with boosting the life expectancy of cancer survivors who had previously beaten the disease.


Firstly, exercise is useful in helping to ward off cancer. Numerous studies have proven this.

For example, a recent large study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention had looked at 73,615 postmenopausal women for 17 years and found that different degrees of physical activity lowered breast cancer risk by varying amounts.

The women who took part in the highest levels of physical activity were 25 percent less likely to develop breast cancer as compared to those with the lowest levels of physical activity. This finding was quite consistent with previous studies.

Significantly, even the women who walked an average of at least seven hours per week had 14 percent lower breast cancer risk than women who only walked three hours or fewer each week. This was after factors such as BMI and hormone use were accounted for. Walking an hour a day should not be too difficult for most people.

Also notable was that the women with the highest levels of physical activity generally took part in moderate intensity exercises such as walking, aerobics, dancing and cycling. Since moderate exercise was more effective than just walking, it is probable that higher intensity exercises such as running, tennis and swimming could further lower cancer risk.

Cancer sufferers

Previous research had shown that prostate cancer sufferers who engaged in physical activity were less likely to die of the condition and to suffer relapses as compared to men who did not exercise.

Another recent study validated this finding by suggesting that men who walked at a fast pace had prostate cancer tumors which had bigger and more regularly shaped blood vessels as compared to those who walked at a slower pace - and this, as shown in previous research, meant that the tumors were less aggressive and more responsive to treatments. The study had looked at 572 prostate cancer sufferers who took part in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study.

The study's findings suggested that exercise as basic as brisk walking could boost the survival rates of prostate cancer sufferers.


Previous research had revealed that the most physically active cancer survivors had a 38 percent lower chance of dying from cancer and a 48 percent lower chance of dying from cardiovascular conditions.

And researchers from the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine recently validated those findings when they looked at 1,021 men who were part of the Harvard's Alumni Health Study. The study team found that cancer survivors who used more than 12,600 calories per week through exercise had better life expectancy as compared to those who hardly exercised and only used less than 2,100 calories each week. After adjustments for age, early parental death, smoking and weight, the likelihood of dying of any cause was reduced by a very significant 48 percent.

"Physical activity should be actively promoted to such individuals to enhance longevity," said Dr Kathlee Wolin, a co-author of the study.


Put together, such studies show that regular exercise not only improves the life expectancy of healthy people and helps prevent cancer, it also boosts the lifespan of those with cancer as well as those who had previously survived cancer. Although some studies only focused on specific cancers, it is reasonable to infer that the benefits of exercise would apply to most types.

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 04/13/16 02:24 AM

Study Shows Regular Exercise Can Grow Vital Regions Of Your Brain

by John McKiernan

(NaturalNews) The importance of a nutrient-rich diet in maintaining mental health has been well documented. What may be understated is the value of physical exercise for preserving and even improving brain function. As we age, the brain slowly loses elasticity and as a result memory loss occurs and the risk for dementia increases.

The hippocampus, in particular, plays a vital role in learning and memory. It is this region of the brain that is also very susceptible to atrophy, which can lead to depression and dementia among other health conditions. While exercise improves mental health in general, the prefrontal lobe, which is responsible for personality expression, decision making and moderating social behavior, along with the hippocampus, are most affected by physical activity.

Both the hippocampus and the entire medial temporal lobes are larger in physically fit adults. A study published in 2011 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, demonstrated this in a one-year randomized controlled trial which included 120 older adults without dementia. The participants were split into two groups: a control group, where participants did not exercise, and a test group whose members performed aerobic exercise. According to MRIs taken before, during and after the study, the exercise group had an approximate 2 percent increase in hippocampal volume, over the one-year period.

The true significance of these findings however can only be appreciated when you take into account the fact that older adults typically lose 1-2 percent of their hippocampal volume each year. The control group in this study saw a 1.4 percent decline in hippocampal volume -- which means that over a single year the two groups saw a whopping 3.4 percent relative difference in hippocampal volume. This data makes it clear that achieving a regular exercise routine is not simply a way to nullify age-related losses in brain function but also an effective approach to improving mental function and avoiding dementia and depression altogether.


There's more good news. According to the Alzheimer's Association, there is growing evidence that low-intensity exercise even for relatively short periods of time can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and other dementias. Walking, cycling, yoga and other exercise that increases your heart rate for just 30 minutes a day can improve oxygen consumption and slow down brain cell loss. The key is to do these activities regularly and combine them with a brain-healthy diet -- nuts, eggs, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil -- to keep your brain young.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Physical Exercise - 08/04/16 08:21 PM

Leading Sedentary Lifestyle Just As Deadly As Smoking, Say Researchers

by Amy Goodrich

(NaturalNews) If you think of dangerous jobs, chances are things like mining, skyscraper construction, and fighting fires may come to mind. However, a team of international experts found that working on a computer in an office all day can be just as deadly as smoking.

Given the nature of our work environments, there is often not much we can do to improve the situation. Many people don't have any other choice than to sit still and stare at a screen for 8 hours a day. On top of that, most of us come home after work and watch television. This, again, while sitting on a chair or couch.

A desk job is the new smoking

As recently reported by The Telegraph, sitting for at least eight hours a day could increase the risk of premature death by up to 60 percent.

The BBC has also recently reported that more than 5 million deaths a year are linked to sedentary lifestyles. In our technology-dominated world, it seems that a desk job is rapidly becoming the new smoking, as similar numbers of lives lost are reported. An inactive lifestyle is causing even more deaths than obesity.

As sad as this may sound, these scientists also found a solution to the problem. A minimum of one hour of any physical activity a day could eliminate the deadly risks associated with a desk-bound lifestyle.

One hour of exercise a day saves lives

The authors of the study analyzed data from over 1 million people, mostly aged over 45, from 16 previous studies. The study participants, who came from western Europe, Australia, and the U.S., were grouped by their level of activity and the amount of time spent seated.

For those who sat for eight or more hours a day and engaged in less than five minutes of activity per day, mortality rates were 9.9 percent, compared to 6.2 percent for those who managed to incorporate at least an hour's exercise into their busy schedule.

They also found that watching television for more than 3 hours a day was associated with an increased risk of death in all groups except those who exercised for at least one hour a day.

Five-minute breaks
According to lead scientist Professor Ulf Ekelund, from Cambridge University and the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, there is no need to go to the gym. Brisk walking or cycling, as long as it is done for at least one hour, is good enough to eliminate the risk associated with a desk job. And you can split it up over the day, too.

Professor Ekelund says that workers should do everything they can to find time to get some movement in their life. He recommends people to build up physical activity in their everyday life by taking five-minute breaks every hour. During these five minutes, walk to the next office, go to the upstairs coffee machine or walk to the printer. Take the stairs instead of the lift and try to get on your feet as much as possible.

And while on your coffee break, you could also try opting for a refreshing, organic cold brew coffee instead. It is refreshing, less acidic, and much healthier than the regular hot brew coffee coming from the office vending machine.

In addition, employers should make it easier for their workers to exercise by providing showers and free gym memberships, and encouraging longer breaks. Furthermore, they could enroll in Cycle to Work plans to let employers loan out bicycles as a tax-free benefit.

"This report is showing that inactivity kills," said Steven Ward, executive editor of UK Active. "When we realised this about smoking we tackled it – we need to do the same about our office culture."

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: kland

Re: Physical Exercise - 08/05/16 07:37 PM

Originally Posted By: Suzanne


There's more good news. According to the Alzheimer's Association, there is growing evidence that low-intensity exercise even for relatively short periods of time can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and other dementias. Walking, cycling, yoga and other exercise that increases your heart rate for just 30 minutes a day can improve oxygen consumption and slow down brain cell loss. The key is to do these activities regularly and combine them with a brain-healthy diet -- nuts, eggs, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil -- to keep your brain young.
I had just come across that from I think somewhere other than here. If I remember correctly, it was suggesting Alzheimer's was type 3 diabetes and has to do with diet and exercising.
Posted By: Alchemy

Re: Physical Exercise - 08/07/16 03:48 AM

Originally Posted By: kland
Originally Posted By: Suzanne


There's more good news. According to the Alzheimer's Association, there is growing evidence that low-intensity exercise even for relatively short periods of time can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and other dementias. Walking, cycling, yoga and other exercise that increases your heart rate for just 30 minutes a day can improve oxygen consumption and slow down brain cell loss. The key is to do these activities regularly and combine them with a brain-healthy diet -- nuts, eggs, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil -- to keep your brain young.
I had just come across that from I think somewhere other than here. If I remember correctly, it was suggesting Alzheimer's was type 3 diabetes and has to do with diet and exercising.

I have heard that recently as well. I'm still holding out for more information, though.
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