Coconut Oil

Posted By: Suzanne

Coconut Oil - 10/23/13 09:41 PM

Coconut oil miraculously helps Parkinson's patient regain quality of life

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Imagine for a moment that you are a 74-year-old man diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and you are quickly losing your ability to think, move and function, despite adhering to an intense regimen of all the latest pharmaceutical offerings for this miserable disease. Then imagine that nearly all of your symptoms subside almost miraculously after beginning a dietary routine that involves taking large doses of all-natural coconut oil every day.

Would you not tell the world about your amazing healing experience and encourage others in similar situations to do the same thing for their own health? This is what one older man did recently when he shared his powerful story on, a question and answer support forum for people suffering from all sorts of illnesses and health conditions.

When drugs failed him, man adopted coconut oil regimen that changed his life

In a forum posting entitled "Coconut oil has improved my life," the man, who identifies himself by the handle "fwes," explains how his quality of life deteriorated quite rapidly after agreeing to undergo conventional treatment for Parkinson's at the renowned Mayo Clinic. He explains how he had been taking drugs like Mirapex Er (pramipexole dihydrochloride), Azilect (rasagiline) and Sinemet (Carbidopa/Levodopa) to no avail.

His symptoms reportedly worsened on these drugs, leaving him in a state of catatonic pain and immobility. He describes his symptoms as including severe slowness, distorted facial expressions, chronic stiffness and joint pain, unsteadiness, severe swelling on his left leg and extreme lower back pain. These and many other symptoms are characteristic of late-stage Parkinson's, and eventually lead to a total inability to take care of one's self.

After three-and-a-half excruciating years of taking these multiple drugs for his condition and seeing no improvements, the man decided to take matters into his own hands. Research he discovered over at, the blog of Dr. Mary Newport, M.D., led him to start taking coconut oil every day and building himself up to a tolerance of eight tablespoons daily. And the results were astounding.

Drastic improvements observed after just a few days on coconut oil

According to his personal account, the man experienced "significant improvements" after just a couple of days on the coconut oil. Family and friends were both shocked and delighted that he was suddenly able to move around the house quickly, for instance, and rise from any chair unassisted. He was also able to start performing what he describes as "football agility drills," or shifting right and left and moving forward and backward in response to commands.

As long as he takes his coconut oil every day -- four tablespoons at breakfast, two at lunch and two at dinner is his routine -- then he experiences minimal symptoms and is able to go about his daily life in a mostly normal fashion. Besides improved agility and higher movement capacity, the man says his facial expressions have improved as a result of the coconut oil, and he no longer has any swelling on his left leg.

"I still have Parkinson['s] symptoms, but my quality of life has vastly improved," he writes. "We are about at the end of 3 months, and the benefits are maintaining. Something real has happened to me."

You can read the man's full story by visiting

You can also learn more about the work of Dr. Mary Newport, and how coconut oil may be able to help you or a loved one experience relief from degenerative disease or dementia, by visiting

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 11/21/13 03:06 AM

Coconut sugar: A low GI sugar rich in amino acids and B vitamins

by Michael Ravensthorpe

(NaturalNews) Coconut sugar, also called coconut sap sugar, is a sugar derived from the sap of coconut tree flowers. It has been used as a traditional sweetener for centuries in regions where coconut trees flourish, such as Southeast Asia. Coconut sugar is mostly comprised of sucrose, which gives it a sweet, caramel-like flavor. Unlike refined white sugar, coconut sugar is minimally processed, and few if any chemicals are added to it, meaning that most of its minerals are left intact. For this reason, coconut sugar has become increasingly popular in the West as a substitute to white and brown sugar, and it is commonly sold in health food stores.

Health benefits

Suitable for diabetics - One of coconut sugar's biggest attractions as a sugar substitute is its low glycemic index score of 35, which is comparable to most fruits and vegetables. Consequently, the sugar has little impact on blood sugar levels, making it suitable for diabetics, pre-diabetics and anyone else who wants to avoid blood sugar spikes. Most other sugar substitutes, including maple syrup and honey, have a high GI score of 69 or more, while refined sugar itself can often reach the 90s!

Rich in amino acids - Since it is unprocessed, coconut sugar contains the same 16 amino acids as the sap from which it is derived. Specifically, 100 grams of coconut sugar provide us with 34.2 grams of glutamic acid (an essential neurotransmitter needed for proper brain function), 11.2 grams of aspartic acid (promotes metabolism function and is used to treat depression), 15.4 grams of threonine (maintains protein balance in the body) and 8.2 grams of serine (aids brain and nervous system function), as well as lower amounts of other essential and non-essential amino acids. These amino acids, being components of proteins, are needed for cell growth and repair, metabolism function and the production of hormones and enzymes.

B vitamin complex - Coconut sap is rich in vitamins, including 12 of the essential B vitamins, and coconut sugar inherits this benefit. Of all the B vitamins, coconut sugar is highest in inositol (vitamin B8), which is needed for the formation of healthy cells and has also been used to treat anxiety and sadness. Coconut sugar is also high in thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, choline, pyridoxal, para-aminobezoic acid, pantothenic acid and nicotinic acid. It even contains trace amounts of vitamin B12, which is seldom found in plants. All of these B vitamins aid cellular metabolism and provide us with energy.

Excellent source of trace minerals - One teaspoon of coconut sugar contains numerous trace minerals that are not found in refined sugar. These minerals include phosphorous (important for bone growth and kidney function), potassium (reduces hypertension and lowers blood sugar levels), nitrogen (treats cardiovascular diseases), magnesium (regulates the metabolism and stimulates the brain), manganese (an important antioxidant) and copper (helps release energy and aids melanin production in the skin) as well as lower amounts of zinc, iron, calcium, boron, sulfur, sodium and chlorine.

Coconut sugar and palm sugar

Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, even in Southeast Asia, coconut sugar is different from palm sugar in all areas (taste, texture, manufacturing methods, and source). Unlike coconut sugar, which is always made from coconuts, palm sugar can be made from sugar palm, date palm, sago palm or any other "palm" product. Therefore, when purchasing coconut sugar products, always ensure that the "coconut" is clearly labeled.

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 11/22/13 03:39 AM

Coconut Oil - Here's what you need to know about this amazing rejuvenation and healing oil

by Aurora Geib

(NaturalNews) Coconut oil is a popular nutritional oil derived from the meat of matured coconuts. Coconut has long been a primary source of food throughout the tropics. Its various industrial and cosmetic applications have made it a very viable commodity. Coconut oil is heat stable, making it suitable for cooking at high temperatures. It is slow to oxidize, resists rancidity and has a shelf life of approximately two years or more; virgin coco creme created through a wet-milling process has an indefinite shelf life.

See the NaturalNews InfoGraphic on coconut oil here (it's beautiful!)

The composition of coconut oil

The coconut possesses a wide variety of health benefits due to its fiber and nutritional content, but it is the oil that makes it a remarkable source of food and medicine. It has definitely earned its reputation as the healthiest oil in the world despite the fact that its high saturated fat content was once falsely claimed to be unhealthy.

What makes coconut oil different?

Oils and fats are composed of molecules known as fatty acids. They are classified either according to saturation or based on molecular length and size of the carbon chain within each fatty acid. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are an example of the first class.

The second classification is based on molecular size or length of the fatty acid's carbon chain. Long chains of carbon atoms consist of each fatty acid with an attached hydrogen atom. There are short chain fatty acids known as SCFA, medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) such as coconut oil and long chain fatty acids (LCFA). Whether unsaturated or saturated, the majority of fats and oils in our diet are composed of long chain fatty acids. In fact, a majority of the fatty acids commonly consumed are LCFA.

Coconut oil is predominantly medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) and the effects of the MCFA in coconut oil are distinctly different from the LCFA found in other foods. In fact, the saturated and unsaturated fat in milk, eggs, meat and even in plants and most vegetable oils are made of LCFA. Why is this relevant? It is important because our bodies respond and metabolize each fatty acid differently. It is the MCFA found in coconut oil that makes it special because these fatty acids do not have a negative effect on cholesterol. In fact, they are known to lower the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis. There are only few dietary sources of MCFA, and one of the best sources by far is coconut oil.

Theliver and gall bladder do not need to digest and emulsify MCFA, resulting in instant energy, increased metabolic rate and subsequently more heat production as well as increased circulation. Anyone with an impaired fat digestion or removed gallbladder will benefit from coconut oil as this oil is easily digested. (

Lauric Acid

Coconut oil has many health benefits which are attributed to the presence of lauric acid. When it is present in the body, lauric acid is converted into monolaurin, a compound that is highly toxic to viruses, bacteria, funguses and other microorganisms because of its ability to disrupt their lipid membranes and virtually destroy them.

Monolaurin is effective for treating candida albicans, fungal infections and athlete's foot. It also targets bacterial infections and viruses like measles, influenza, hepatitis C and even HIV. In fact, researchers from the Philippines are studying the effectiveness of lauric acid against HIV/AIDS due to its strong anti-viral properties. Moreover, lauric acid is non-toxic, making it a better alternative to modern drugs that are typically prescribed for viruses as well as fungal and bacterial infections.

Without lauric acid, monolaurin cannot be produced by the body. Breast milk is the only other source of lauric acid, which must explain the lesser incidents of infections with breast-fed infants. It has also been observed that regular consumption of coconut oil boosts immunity and reduces incidences of sickness.

The health benefits of coconut oil

Hair care - The unique fatty acids in coconut oil have a small molecular structure and pass freely into the hair's cell membrane, allowing for the oil to penetrate the hair's shaft; this literally brings out the deep conditioning from within compared to other conditioners that work from the outside in.

Massaging the oil into the scalp can offer relief from dandruff. Dandruff is caused by dry skin or an internal fungal condition that reached the scalp. With regular use, coconut oil can kill the fungus and eliminate dandruff issues. For deep hair conditioning, a teaspoon or two on damp hair left for as long as possible can give an ultra-nice shine. Leave it on overnight and see startling results. (

Skin care - Coconut oil is an excellent skin conditioner containing medium-chain triglycerides, naturally occurring fats which deeply penetrate, moisturize and acts as a protective barrier against environmental and free radical damage. The oil also provides sun protection by screening 20 percent of ultraviolet exposure.

Coconut oil is rich in anti-oxidants and bursting with the natural microbial and antibacterial agents caphrylic and capric acids. . Its ability to smooth the skin while infusing with anti-oxidants makes it a perfect anti-aging moisturizer. Moreover, it contains vitamin E, another antioxidant popular for hastening the recovery of skin abrasions, burns and other trauma. (

Weight loss - Medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil can speed up metabolism faster than long-chain fatty acids because they are easily digested and converted into energy. In fact, a study reported medium-chain fatty acids to be three times more effective in raising metabolism than long-chain fatty acids, leading researchers to conclude that effective weight loss can be achieved by replacing long-chain fatty acids with medium- chain fatty acids. (

Natural remedy for pneumonia - In a study presented before The American College of Chest Physicians on October 29, 2008, coconut oil was found to offer pneumonia patients faster and more complete relief from symptoms. This could be a welcome development for many as this means a reduced stay in the hospital, lower medical expenses and lower exposure for the patient to a hospital environment. Moreover, it is an inexpensive addition to traditional antibiotics and has no known side effects. (

Lowers risk of diabetes, heart disease and improves cholesterol levels - In a study made on women subjects ranging from 20 to 40 years old, half of the subjects were instructed to take a 30 ml soybean oil supplement while the other half were instructed to take a 30ml coconut oil supplement while maintaining moderate exercise routine over a 12-week period. Results of the study showed that although both group of women had a decrease in body mass index (BMI), only the women who were taking coconut oil showed a notable decease in waist circumference significantly lowering the risk of conditions like type II diabetes and heart disease.

Furthermore, the study also showed that the subjects who experienced an improvement in their cholesterol profile along with higher HDL levels and higher HDL: LDL ratio were the ones taking coconut oil. Those taking soybean oil did not receive the same benefits but reflected a higher total cholesterol as well as higher LDL cholesterol lower, lower HDL cholesterol and a lower HDL: LDL ratio. (

Assists in bone health and chronic fatigue - Research has found coconut oil to help prevent osteoporosis because it helps in the nutrient absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium - important minerals that fight osteoporosis.

Moreover, the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil produce energy rather than body fat, thereby improving metabolism and preventing fatigue. The oil has also been shown to destroy organisms in the body that sap its strength and contribute to the condition of fatigue. (

Alzheimer's Disease - Dr. Mary Newport, after failing to get treatment for her husband's dementia, discovered that coconut oil contained natural medium-chain triglyceride (MCT). The same substance was used in a drug trial her husband failed to qualify for. So, she gave her husband 1 tbsp. of coconut oil twice a day for a month and a half and saw him almost completely recovered. (

Others - aside from the health benefits mentioned earlier the following health benefits have been attributed to the beneficial use of coconut oil:

• Protects against cancer and HIV and other infectious diseases
• Kills bacteria and parasites like tape worm and liver flukes
• Eases acid reflux, aids in proper bowel function
• Lowers incidence of hemorrhoids
• Heals and relieves intestinal problems
• Soothes earaches
• Deals with symptoms connected with prostate enlargement
• Strengthens the liver and protects against degeneration
• Reduces incidence of epileptic seizures
• Reduces joint and muscle inflammation
• Eases neuropathies and itching from diabetes.

How much oil should be taken in to enjoy its benefits?

According to researchers, an adult should consume around 3 1/2 tbsp. of coconut oil daily: an amount equal to the MCFA a nursing infant would receive in one day. The benefits of coconut oil are derived from the nutritional value of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA's), and the best comparison in nature as to the percentage of MCFA consumed in a diet is in human breast milk. For those who are not used to having coconut oil in their diet, it is best to start out with a lesser amount and see how the body reacts before following the recommended amount.

Does coconut oil have any adverse side effects?

Coconut oil has no known side effects. However, if you are used to a low-fat diet, a common adverse reaction would be diarrhea. It is probably not advisable to start with a large amount right away. Spreading the recommended amount over the course of one day and building up to a larger dose can help to avoid unwanted effects.

In coconut-producing countries, it is considered beneficial for pregnant and lactating women to enjoy coconut oil; Westerners used to a low-fat diet, however, are cautioned not to experiment with coconut oil while pregnant if the body is not used to it. If you have been consuming coconut oil regularly with no adverse reactions, there is no reason to discontinue consumption.


Foale, M. (2003). The Coconut Odyssey the bounteous possibilities of the tree of life. Asian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Retrieved June 1, 2012 from
The health benefits of coconut oil. (n.d.). Bioriginal Food and Science Corp. Retrieved on June 4, 2012 from

Posted By: jamesonofthunder

Re: Coconut Oil - 11/24/13 11:54 AM

The discovery of how potent coconut oil is came from reports in the 18th century that polonesian women never suffered from yeast infections.

This led to the discovery and extraction of Caprilic acid which is the main ingredient of Coconut oil that cleanses bad bacteria out of the gut when ingested and can be used topically as a disinfectant as well.
Posted By: jamesonofthunder

Re: Coconut Oil - 11/24/13 12:07 PM

If you want to do an excellent bowel cleans, use fresh coconut milk (1 coconut) and take it with 1 Tbl Spn of Psylium husks.

Do it on an empty stomach every morning one hour before breakfast for two weeks.

The Psylium husks creat a mass to bind the oil in the milk. 1 tble spn of refined oil or 1 tspn Lauric or Caprylic acid can be substituted, and while the mass of the fiber is scowering the surface of the bowel it paints the caprilic acid on the surface of the gut killing bad bacteria.
Posted By: kland

Re: Coconut Oil - 11/25/13 06:19 PM

Unlike coconut sugar, which is always made from coconuts, palm sugar can be made from sugar palm, date palm, sago palm or any other "palm" product. Therefore, when purchasing coconut sugar products, always ensure that the "coconut" is clearly labeled.
One wonders why there should be much of a difference? While some plants vary greatly among species, of what difference is there among palm sugars?
Posted By: Johann

Re: Coconut Oil - 11/29/13 01:10 AM

Coconut oil, milk, and sugar, should be three different things
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Coconut Oil - 12/05/13 04:50 AM

Aren't they three different things?
Originally Posted By: Johann
Coconut oil, milk, and sugar, should be three different things
Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 12/12/13 03:27 AM

Coconut provides a powerhouse of delicious nutrition

by Michelle Goldstein

(NaturalNews) Coconut is a true super food. Long misunderstood as being an unhealthy source of oil, it has become the darling of the holistic nutrition world. Coconut oil, milk, cream, meat and water can be enjoyed raw, in smoothies and juices, and also cooked. The coconut provides a large array of health benefits. Coconuts have been shown to help with weight loss, heart health, allergy issues, diabetes, immunity, energy, athletic performance, mental and neurological health, and skin care. In traditional cultures, coconut has been used for centuries to treat numerous conditions including irregular menstruation, kidney stones, malnutrition and syphilis. Coconut has been consumed as a dietary staple for thousands of years in Polynesia, Hawaii, Malaysia, Africa, South America and the Philippines.

The bad reputation of coconut oil in the U.S. and its redemption

Coconut oil was avoided for more than 50 years in the United States because of its reputation as an unhealthy saturated fat. This misinformation was caused by poor research conducted on highly processed coconut oil which contained unhealthy trans fats. The invalid lipid hypothesis also contributed to the fear of the saturated fats in coconut oil. See:

To the contrary, virgin organic coconut oil has proved to be one of the healthiest and safest oils. Heart disease in the Philippines, known for its high coconut oil consumption, is among the lowest in the world. Coconut oil is comprised of two-thirds medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), which are absorbed quickly by the intestines and used for energy. Because coconut oil does not require insulin to be converted to energy, the pancreas can rest, helping to prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes. Coconut oil also contains lauric and caprylic acid, which together can destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi, so it is a strong immune builder. Coconut oil has remarkably been shown to improve memory and reverse Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Mary Newport discovered the curative powers of the ketones found in coconut oil when searching for a cure for her husband with Alzheimer's disease. For curative uses, 2-4 daily tablespoons of coconut oil are recommended to treat various ailments.

Health benefits of coconut cream and milk

Coconut cream and milk contain vitamins K, C, E and B6. Coconut milk has the important nutrients zinc, copper, manganese, potassium, sodium, phosphorous, selenium, calcium, iron and protein. Coconut milk and water also contain medium-chain fatty acids with all of their health benefits.
Coconut milk and cream can be utilized in smoothie and ice cream recipes, as well as a substitute in cooked food recipes. They are highly prized by cooks following a Paleo diet who want to avoid dairy products, as well as those avoiding milk for allergy reasons.

The unique benefits of coconut flour for those with food allergies

Coconut flour, made from the meat of the coconut, is high in protein and fiber. The flour is also gluten-free. It can be used to make excellent breads, muffins and snacks for those avoiding grains and gluten. 60% of Americans are estimated to suffer from some sort of food allergy which can contribute to gastrointestinal distress, joint and muscle pain, skin rashes, headaches, anxiety or asthma. Gluten is one of the most common undiagnosed food allergies.


Coconut has been enjoyed for centuries in traditional cultures for its medicinal and health benefits. Americans have feared eating coconut due to the long-held myth that the saturated fat in coconut oil is unhealthy. Holistic health followers now embrace coconut for its many health benefits. The uses of coconut in the kitchen are versatile and can be enjoyed in its many forms.

Sources for this article include:

Sandage, Anji, Bull, Lorena. The Everything Coconut Diet Cookbook. 2012. Adams Media: MA


Posted By: kland

Re: Coconut Oil - 12/12/13 08:22 PM

Originally Posted By: Daryl
Aren't they three different things?
Originally Posted By: Johann
Coconut oil, milk, and sugar, should be three different things
Well, the oil and sugar has to be two different things. The milk could include both.

But I don't know what he was referring to as I was comparing coconut sugar, palm sugar, date palm, sago palm or any other "palm" product. "Most" palm sugar should be palm sugar no matter the palm species, no? And have very similar characteristics.
Posted By: Johann

Re: Coconut Oil - 12/13/13 04:46 AM

I seem to be allergic to coconut flour.

Have bought some coconut oil and suger, and it tastes good, but is quite expensive where I get it.
Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 02/12/14 09:24 PM

Coconut oil can help reduce belly fat, study finds

by Michael Ravensthorpe

(NaturalNews) While the "superfood" label is often overused in natural health circles, most researchers will admit that coconut oil deserves it. This edible oil, which is produced from the flesh of coconuts, has been shown to possess amazing antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, improve blood cholesterol levels, boost energy and much more. However, a peer-reviewed Brazilian study has also found that consuming just 30 millimeters (1 ounce) of coconut oil a day can help treat abdominal obesity - providing yet more evidence that healthy saturated fats are essential for long-term weight loss.

For the study, which was published in the medical journal Lipids, the researchers assembled 40 female volunteers between the ages of 20 and 40 who suffered from abdominal obesity. Over a 12-week period, the women were given 30 millimeters of either soybean oil or coconut oil on a daily basis. During this time, the volunteers were instructed to follow their regular diet and walk for 50 minutes per day. At the end of the 12-week period, the researchers found that the women who were given the coconut oil experienced a significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference, as well as an increase in "good" HDL cholesterol. These results were not found in the group that was given soybean oil.

"It appears that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity," the researchers concluded.

Coconut oil contains fats that aid weight loss

Though coconut oil was demonized for decades due to its considerable saturated fat content, scientists now understand that there is a big difference between the long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) found in foods like cheese and meat and the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) found in foods like coconut oil. Unlike the former, which must be broken down in the intestines and transported to the blood before they can be used for energy, the latter are metabolized very quickly and actually bypass the fat cells in which they might otherwise be stored. For this reason, dieters who choose to receive their fats from MCT-rich foods like coconut oil will experience the greatest long-term results.

Note: The best kind of coconut oil to purchase is organic, raw coconut oil. Refined coconut oil, which has been bleached and deodorized, has a compromised nutritional profile and, depending on the manner in which it was processed, might even contain harmful trans fats. Therefore, make sure that you always choose raw coconut oil that was extracted from fresh coconut meat. This kind of oil will possess the unmistakable scent of coconut, signifying minimal processing.

Sources for this article include:


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 02/19/14 03:04 AM

Coconuts can improve brain function, boost cardiovascular health and more

by Michael Ravensthorpe

(NaturalNews) Few tropical fruits are as versatile as coconuts. These unique, round drupes, whose name likely derives from the 16th-century Spanish word for "head" or "skull," are processed around the world to make coconut milk, flour, sugar and butter, countless soap and cosmetic products, and, of course, coconut oil -- one of the greatest superfoods on Earth. In fact, coconut products have become so popular in the West that we often overlook the fruit in its natural state. However, according to the Coconut Research Center, a huge proportion of the world's population depends on fresh coconuts for nourishment -- nourishment that they provide in abundance.

Research into coconuts

Weight management -- Coconuts are rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of dietary fat that is known to trigger weight loss due to the speed with which our bodies metabolize them. One study published in the June 2006 issue of the Ceylon Medical Journal, for instance, showed that MCTs convert into free medium-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides during digestion -- two substance that our bodies use immediately rather than store as fat. Moreover, MCTs are known to curb hunger more effectively than long-chain triglycerides (found in rich foods like meat and cheese), preventing us from overeating and reducing our calorie intake over time.

Boost cardiovascular health -- The high amounts of MCTs in coconuts have also been linked to improved cardiovascular health. According to Dr. Marie Pierre St-Onge, lead researcher of a study published in the October 2008 issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, volunteers who were fed MCTs as part of a four-month weight-loss plan experienced a noticeable reduction in total cholesterol and harmful LDL cholesterol concentrations. Therefore, if you suffer from high cholesterol, adding more coconuts to your diet could help stabilize it.

Excellent source of fiber -- According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one cup of coconut meat contains 7 grams of dietary fiber. Though most people know that fiber sweeps the intestinal tract and can help treat constipation, an article published in the April 2009 edition of Nutrition Reviews shows that fiber-rich diets also reduce our blood sugar, guard us from diabetes, boost our immunity and -- as with MCTs -- lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in our bloodstreams. In fact, coconuts are one of the best foods that we can eat for maintaining blood health.

Improve brain function -- One serving of fresh coconut meat provides us with 17 percent of our recommended daily intake (RDI) of copper, an essential trace mineral that activates enzymes responsible for the production of neurotransmitters -- chemicals that our brains use to transfer information from one cell to another. For this reason, copper-rich foods like coconut can help shield us from age-related cognitive decline. Moreover, an October 2013 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease shows that the oil in coconut meat can help guard nerve cells from protein plaques, which contribute to the progression of Alzheimer's.

Mineral content -- Since coconuts are mostly comprised of fat, their mineral profiles fall short of other tropical fruits. That said, coconuts do contain respectable levels of potassium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc and the important antioxidant selenium. Additionally, one serving of coconut meat also supplies us with 60 percent of our RDI of magnesium, a mineral that facilitates numerous chemical reactions in our bodies and in which a huge number of us are unknowingly deficient.

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 03/25/14 01:49 AM

The Amazing Benefits of Eating Coconuts

by Yanjun

(NaturalNews) Given the many times that experts have touted the benefits of consuming more fruits and vegetables, it should come as no surprise to learn that coconuts posses some amazing benefits. A tropical fruit that is a versatile as it is unusual, coconuts are now processed around the world to produce a number of products, including sugar, soap, milk, cosmetic products, butter, flour and the ever-popular, coconut oil. Given the popularity and widespread availability of these various products that utilize coconuts and their benefits, it can sometimes be easy to overlook these round, hard-skinned fruits in their more natural state.

Eating fresh coconuts, as a sizable portion of the world's population does as part of their daily diet, according to the Coconut Research Center, reaps many benefits that people will find attractive. Just a few of these advantages are outlined below.

Improves functioning of the brain

Just one serving of the fresh, white, fragrant coconut meat provides a person with 17% of their daily supply of copper. This trace mineral is responsible for activating enzymes that then trigger neurotransmitter production. These neurotransmitters are responsible for transferring information from cell to cell. This finding shows great promise in keeping age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's, at bay.

Manage weight

As the world's people become heavier, obesity brings crushing health issues that are both short, and long, term. A study in the June 2006 issue of Ceylon Medical Journal found that a dietary fat called medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) is found in abundant quantities in coconuts. MCTs are known to aid significantly in the loss of weight given the speed at which the human body can metabolize them. MCTs have also been shown to help curb hunger pangs more effectively than those long-chain triglycerides such as the ones found in dairy products and meats.

Improve cardiovascular health

Another way the MCTs in coconuts have been shown to improve health is in reducing the total amounts of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in October 2008 showed that volunteers who consumed MCTs as a part of a weight loss plan that was to last for four months showed a significant reduction in the amounts of harmful cholesterol levels in their blood.

Add fiber

Just one cup of coconut meat has been shown to contain seven grams of fiber, This is according to the USDA National Nutrient Database. Most people already know that fiber helps keep the intestinal tract healthy and guards against constipation; fiber also helps protect people from diabetes, boosts their immune systems, lower the LDL cholesterol levels in blood and reduce blood sugar levels.

Adding just a few cups of raw, natural coconut to the diet several times a week can reap huge benefits for people. From children to centenarians, coconuts provide health benefits that cannot be overlooked.


Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 05/15/14 02:00 AM

Four Reasons To Love Coconut Oil

by Michael Ravensthorpe

(NaturalNews) Few foods, with the possible exception of eggs, have had their reputations so completely demolished in the 20th century as coconut oil. Even as late as the 1990s, this edible oil, which is extracted from the kernels or flesh of matured coconuts, continued to be demonized in the media as a great contributor to heart disease due to its significant saturated fat content.

Fortunately, modern society is beginning to understand that the saturated fat present in coconut oil is, contrary to popular belief, actually highly beneficial. This understanding was, in part, due to a growing body of evidence suggesting that populations who consumed large quantities of coconut oil, such as the Tokelauan and Kitavan people of the South Pacific, were among the healthiest people on Earth. This evidence prompted a growing number of scientists to investigate the benefits of coconut oil.

Coconut oil is an unbeatable source of saturated fat

According to Self's "NutritionData," one tablespoon of coconut oil contains 14 grams of total fat, of which 12 grams are saturated. Whereas the saturated fat found in most other foods, such as meat and cheese, is mostly comprised of long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), the saturated fat found in coconut oil is mostly comprised of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Unlike LCTs, which need to be broken down in the intestines before our bodies can use them as fuel, MCTs are metabolized extremely quickly and rarely stored in the body as fat cells. These MCTs are the source of all of the benefits listed below.

Coconut oil can reduce abdominal obesity

Due to its concentrations of MCTs, long-term consumption of coconut oil has actually been linked to weight loss, not weight gain. A Brazilian study published in Lipids in 2009, found that women who consumed 30 milliliters of coconut oil daily for a 12 week period experienced a reduction in BMI and waist circumference. A group of women who consumed equal amounts of soybean oil, which contains LCTs, during the same period did not experience the same benefits.

Coconut oil kills bacteria, viruses and fungi

Almost 50% of the MCTs found in coconut oil is lauric acid, a 12-carbon saturated fatty acid that our bodies convert into monolaurin. Monolaurin is one of the natural world's greatest antivirals, antibacterials and antifungals. In fact, Dr. Joseph Mercola claimed that monolaurin can destroy lipid-coated viruses, such as measles, herpes, influenza, most pathogenic bacteria and even HIV. These claims are now being studied by science. One study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2007, found that coconut oil is extremely effective at killing Candida albicans, a common yeast infection in humans. Another study published in the Journal of Bacteriology in 2000 discovered that coconut oil can help kill Staphylococcus aureus, which is a common cause of skin conditions and respiratory diseases.

Coconut oil can maintain mental health

It is a well-known fact that inadequate amounts of our brain's main fuel supply, glucose, is the leading cause of cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia. According to researcher Dr. Mary Newport, coconut oil can help prevent these diseases due to the high concentrations of ketone bodies in its MCTs, which function as an alternative fuel source. "Humans do not normally have ketone bodies circulating and available to the brain unless they have been starving for a couple of days or longer, or are consuming a ketogenic (very low carbohydrate) diet, such as Atkins," says Newport. "In Alzheimer's disease, the neurons in certain areas of the brain are unable to take in glucose due to insulin resistance and slowly die off... If these cells had access to ketone bodies, they could potentially stay alive and continue to function."

Sources for this article include:

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 06/27/14 09:24 PM

Shed Those Unwanted Pounds With All-natural Coconut Oil

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) It might seem contradictory to everything that's been said over the past 50 years about health, but one of the best ways to keep from getting fat is actually to eat more fat. One of the most powerful fat-burning foods, in fact, is the fat of coconut, known more popularly as coconut oil, which helps sustain blood sugar levels throughout the day and boost metabolism.

The key to coconut oil's fat-burning potential is its high content of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), a type of saturated fat that is processed by the liver and quickly turned into energy. As compared to long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), MCFAs impose a greater satiating effect, meaning they make you feel fuller much more quickly.

According to a 2002 study published in The Journal of Nutrition, MCFAs not only increase energy expenditure but also help promote healthy weight control when consumed in placed of LCFAs. In other words, replacing unhealthy vegetable oils from things like soy and canola with coconut oil can have a profound effect on energy, blood sugar and, ultimately, weight control.

Consuming this important dietary fat triggers the release of a satiety hormone known as cholecystokinin, or CCK, which modulates hunger and helps minimize cravings for sugar and processed carbohydrates, both of which lead to obesity. The saturated fats in coconut oil also help control the metabolism of carbohydrates, regulating their conversion into stored body fat.

Coconut oil is also a powerful anti-inflammatory food rich in both lauric and capric acid, two specific fatty acids in the chain with demonstrated antiviral, antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties. It can help increase the bioavailability of nutrients found in other foods while simultaneously buffering the conversion of carbohydrates into body fat.

"Human studies have shown that replacing the more common dietary long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) for Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) leads to increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation resulting in body adipose tissue loss," reads a 2003 paper published in the International Journal of Obesity.

Why you need fat to absorb other nutrients

The problem with low-fat and non-fat foods is that they are typically loaded with refined sugar and flavoring additives that make up for the loss of taste and satiety otherwise present due to fat. These additives have been shown to spike blood sugar levels and trigger an inflammatory response that can lead to metabolic disorders and heart disease.

But besides just the flavor and fullness aspect, dietary fats like the kind found in coconut oil and palm kernel oil are absolutely essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D. Not only do saturated fats increase the bioavailability of these nutrients, but they also aid in various other important biological functions such as lipogenesis, the conversion of simple sugars into fatty acids and hormone production.

"Fats as part of a meal slow down absorption so that we can go longer without feeling hungry," explains the Weston A. Price Foundation, a major proponent of dietary fats. "In addition, they act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Dietary fats are needed for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption and for a host of other processes."

According to The Healthy Home Economist, the ideal time to consume coconut oil is 20 minutes before each meal. Individuals weighing between 90 and 130 pounds should consume 1 tablespoon before each meal, for a total of 3 tbsp daily, while those between 131 and 180 pounds should consume 1.5 tbsp before each meal, for a total of 4.5 tbsp daily.

Those weighing over 180 pounds should take 2 tbsp of coconut oil before each meal, or 6 tbsp daily.

Sources for this article include: [PDF]

Posted By: Suzanne

Re: Coconut Oil - 07/06/15 09:27 PM

26 Things You Could Do With Coconut Oil

by Kali Sinclair

(NaturalNews) We were told saturated fats were bad for us, that they clogged the arteries. Well, new studies have shown that was a myth; coconut oil is good for your health. Common sense should have told us this a long time ago. After all, societies that eat a lot of coconut are populated with some of the healthiest people on the planet.

Now that we are no longer afraid to include coconut in our diet, we have found we can eat the meat, drink the water, turn it into milk, and squeeze out the oil. Every part is a great source of nutrition. But that's not the only benefit.

Coconut oil is also antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. It has a world of uses, from body care to health to household. Here are a just a few:

Coconut Oil and Body Care

1.Oil pulling. Swish a tablespoon or so of coconut oil through your mouth for 15-20 minutes the first thing in the morning. This is a great practice for oral health and many claim other health benefits as well.
2.Brush your teeth with it. Use it plain, add a few drops of essential oil (peppermint, cinnamon, tea tree, oregano), or make your own DIY toothpaste.
3.Use as a carrier oil. Most of the essential oils are too strong to use full strength. They should be diluted with a carrier oil and coconut oil works very well for this purpose. Just add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice to a tablespoon of coconut oil and rub it on your skin.
4.Use as a moisturizer. Plain coconut oil is great for the skin. It is said to lighten dark spots and help prevent stretch marks.
5.Make-up remover. Removes all make-up, including eye make-up.
6.Diaper cream. Use on baby's [censored]!
7.Hair conditioner. Rub it into dry hair and leave it in for a few hours.
8.Use as a shave cream.
9.Use as a deodorant.

Coconut Oil and Health Care

10.Nail fungus. Add 5 drops of tea tree oil to 1tablespoon of coconut oil. Rub into nails.
11.Personal lubricant. Does not disrupt natural vaginal balance.
12.Cracked heels. But remember this can be a sign of diabetes. Check your blood sugar and change your diet!
13.Sunburn. Use after the burn cools off.
14.Bug bites. Stops the itching and promotes healing.
15.Chapped lips. Instant moisture. And it tastes good!
16.Use on abrasions. Helps skin heal faster. (Also for perineum post birth).
17.Hemorrhoids. Stops the burning and itching.
18.Prevents and may help reverse Alzheimer's.
19.Kills topical yeast infections.
20.Kills lice.
21.Soothes eczema and psoriasis.
22.Helps to heal acne.

Household Uses for Coconut Oil

23.Season cast iron pots and pans.
24.Polish metals.
25.Polish furniture.
26.Use on scuffed leather.

There are many more health benefits from eating coconut oil. But remember to always choose organic, virgin coconut oil.

It's great for cooking and it takes very little to saute a stir-fry. But you can add coconut oil to smoothies, use it instead of butter or margarine, replace other oils in recipes, or just eat a spoonful.
Yes, it's that good for you!

Check out this Homemade Remineralizing and Whitening Toothpaste Recipe and the last source for a bunch of great DIY recipes from soaps to homemade mascara. Enjoy!


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