Is white rice more healthful than brown rice?

Posted By: Green Cochoa

Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/28/14 08:30 AM

I have often encountered North Americans who condemn the Asian staple: white rice. In a hypocritical tone, they will say that all missionaries to the Asian lands should be teaching the people to eat brown rice instead. (I say "hypocritical" because they do not look at what they are eating in place of the Asian rice as their own principal source(s) of calories to see how their diet compares.)

While I have always defended the Asian diet based on its inclusion of many green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, and a wide variety of fruits; it turns out that the white rice may actually be more healthful than brown rice--or other grains, for that matter!

In an article online, I found some intriguing information. Visit the article HERE.

I also found that Dr. Mercola mentions some of the benefits of white rice HERE when comparing it against all other grains. He seems to promote it as the superior grain option.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: APL

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/28/14 10:12 AM

Do you eat Wellness Mama's Greek meat balls too? Or use Mercola's Himalayan crystal salt? Just wondering. BTW - white rice is a lot better that what most Americans eat!!!
Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/28/14 11:22 AM


I'll ignore the fallacies of logic you introduced--fallacies called "poisoning the well."

According to the information presented in the linked articles, white rice is not just better than "what most Americans eat." (I know "what most Americans eat," and you'd be comparing to a vastly inferior dietary of soda pop, potato chips, microwave dinners, and pepperoni pizza.) In fact, rice may be better than such American alternatives/equivalents as wheat, rye, barley, and corn. WHITE rice. White rice may even be superior to brown rice!

White rice has fewer toxins than other grains, including brown rice.

White rice is gluten-free.

White rice is hypo-allergenic.

White rice provides simple, pure carbohydrates.

Considering that the rice-eating Japanese are among the most long-lived on earth, white rice, and not brown rice--it appears that white rice cannot be held directly responsible for higher rates of mortality.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: APL

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/28/14 04:28 PM

Poisoning the well... Let me quote Mercola: "Grains should represent a small part of your diet, regardless of your age. I personally seek to avoid most grains, except rice." He then quotes "experts", one says avoid all grains, the other says a few non-toxic grains. Mercola says white is better that brown, but is the evidence quoted valid?

What does the SOP say?
If we plan wisely, that which is most conducive to health can be secured in almost every land. The various preparations of rice, wheat, corn, and oats are sent abroad everywhere, also beans, peas, and lentils. These, with native or imported fruits, and the variety of vegetables that grow in each locality, give an opportunity to select a dietary that is complete without the use of flesh meats. {MH 299.2}

Wherever fruit can be grown in abundance, a liberal supply should be prepared for winter, by canning or drying. Small fruits, such as currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, can be grown to advantage in many places where they are but little used and their cultivation is neglected
. {MH 299.3}

That is a sane recommendation. But oh my! She is informing us that those other grains are OK contradicting Mercola. Shall we make the testimony of the Spirit to none effect?
Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/28/14 05:10 PM

I see no contradiction between Mercola and Mrs. White. You are blowing things out of proportion. Mrs. White does NOT say that "grains should constitute the largest share of your diet." If she said this, there would be a contradiction. She DOES say that one should have a "liberal supply" of fruit. To my mind, this could easily mean that more fruit than grains should be eaten. (And I'm not saying this, only pointing out this possibility of interpretation.)

Mercola says grains should be a small part of the diet. What should be a large part?

Do you realize that in the '60s a study was done on oils which found that in Crete, 65% of the people's calories came from fat, 95% of which was olive oil? In that study, the Cretians had 1/10 as much heart disease as Americans of that same era, whose diet contained about 40-45% of calories from fat. It seems, then, that the quality of the fats is more important than their quantity. Furthermore, 65% is a majority of one's caloric intake. If one were to add in the proteins, etc., soon one sees that the grains would form "a small part" of the diet.

Dr. Mercola has not specified how small is "small." Considering that fact, one must be reasonable in not blowing it out of proportion to make him say something he does not intend. He may have simply meant that they should not form the majority of the diet. I believe I see his point. We need vegetables, fruits, and even nuts in greater quantities, especially in their freshest forms. Grains should not be such a large base of the diet as they have typically formed.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: APL

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/28/14 06:09 PM

Mercola - he quotes "authorities" which claim we should do away with most grains, white rice being the exception - in small quantities. The Asian diet does not use small quantities of rice! EGW does not say to do away with most grains as Mercola, she includes them. As for olive oil, I know of studies looking at olive oil and indeed lowering cardiovascular risk, with extra virgin being better. In the same studies, nuts did even better with Almonds being one of the best. EGW - does she recommend eating olive oil? YES - BUT - as eaten IN THE OLIVE. She is comes out against highly refined foods. She advocates for the whole food, not the refined product. And she identified almonds as being a superior nut.

Mercola advocates eating meat, raised the correct way of course. Is that what EGW advocates? Who are you going to trust?
Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/28/14 06:13 PM

I just found that Mrs. White does indeed emphasize fruit more than I had previously noticed.

Originally Posted By: Ellen White
Wherever dried fruits, such as raisins, prunes, apples, pears, peaches, and apricots are obtainable at moderate prices, it will be found that they can be used as staple articles of diet much more freely than is customary, with the best results to the health and vigor of all classes of workers. {MH 299.5}

The word "staple" meant that it was the chief or principal one. Thus, she is saying that we should eat largely of fruits--dried fruits, even.

I wonder what she would have told diabetics. I don't think anyone knew about diabetes in her day. They had the word, but associated it with a copious flow of urine, not a problem with blood sugar.

I would also wonder about the difference between white and brown rice for a diabetic. My intuition tells me that for diabetics, the brown might be preferable, but I simply do not know.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: APL

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/28/14 06:30 PM

What was the original dies in Eden? Fruit. Is this a surprise?

She also speaks of canning fruits for winter.

Diabetes, type 2, is a fat problem. We know that for many diabetics, we can get them off their need for medications in 30-60 days! Medications NEVER cure diabetes. We can lead to a cure of type 2 even with white rice, though less refined has its benefits. Medication use can even make type 2 diabetes worse!

Type 1 diabetes is not curable... They MUST take insulin.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/29/14 07:42 AM

Grains are to be a part of our diet.

" In order to strengthen in them the moral perceptions, the love of spiritual things, we must regulate the manner of our living, dispense with animal food, and use grains, vegetables, and fruits, as articles of food. {ApM 20.1}

" Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. {CG 380.1}
"The grains, with fruits, nuts, and vegetables, contain all the nutritive properties necessary to make good blood. ...
When flesh food is discarded, its place should be supplied with a variety of grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruits, that will be both nourishing and appetizing. {CG 384

"Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. MH 295

Grains and fruits prepared free from grease, and in as natural a condition as possible, should be the food for the tables of all who claim to be preparing for translation to heaven. 2T 252

"if a liking for fruits and grains is encouraged, it will soon be as God in the beginning designed it should be. No meat will be used by His people. CD 82

"The Lord will teach many in all parts of the world to combine fruits, grains, and vegetables into foods that will sustain life and will not bring disease. CD 96

So those webpages were contradicting EGW, when they advocate cutting out all grains except possibly white rice.
Its a modern fad now to turn away from carbs and to encourage eating lots of protein, yet we see no such recommendation in any inspired writings.

Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/29/14 08:13 AM


The websites I linked were not advocating cutting out grains entirely. I'm not sure where APL found such websites, but he claimed to find them being referenced by Dr. Mercola, who did not take such a drastic view himself. He simply expressed the idea of limiting them.

I think APL just likes to argue with me. In order to make me look bad, he builds up a logical fallacy against me called a straw man. That's his choice. In any case, nothing I've posted here says we should omit grains from our diet! It does, however, say that white rice is a far better choice than most people have ever credited.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: APL

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/29/14 08:47 AM

Green - in post #167122, I quoted Mercola from his website. As for white rice, far better that what? Brown? THAT again goes against the SOP which Dedication quoted. I will agree that white rice is better than most American diets. I'll take the SOP over the websites you quoted any day.
Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/29/14 09:32 AM

Originally Posted By: APL
Green - in post #167122, I quoted Mercola from his website. As for white rice, far better that what? Brown? THAT again goes against the SOP which Dedication quoted. I will agree that white rice is better than most American diets. I'll take the SOP over the websites you quoted any day.


Your manner of reasoning is well known here. I probably shouldn't waste time trying to correct your misconceptions. You read Dr. Mercola the same way you read the Bible and Ellen White--and miss the true message, not seeing the forest for the trees. But sometimes, APL, the details matter.

Originally Posted By: APL
Poisoning the well... Let me quote Mercola: "Grains should represent a small part of your diet, regardless of your age. I personally seek to avoid most grains, except rice." He then quotes "experts", one says avoid all grains, the other says a few non-toxic grains. Mercola says white is better that brown, but is the evidence quoted valid?

In your quote, you included the first sentence which said "Grains should represent a small part of your diet, regardless of your age." Does that suddenly mean that we should not have grains in our diet at all? You see, you and I interpret differently.

Dr. Mercola is not advocating a grain-free diet. He's advocating limiting our grain intake so that it is a "small part" of the diet. A word to the wise should suffice--read carefully.

Originally Posted By: APL
As for white rice, far better that what? Brown? THAT again goes against the SOP which Dedication quoted.

Prove it. Mrs. White makes no mention of brown rice, nor white rice. She does not even mention polished rice, and nowhere does she speak of whole-grain rice. Most of her mentions of rice are as a surname, not the food. She really had little to say about rice. Americans, Europeans, and Australians--the countries she was most familiar with--use little rice. She does mention rice, rice pudding (contains milk and eggs as well), and rice flour porridge.

Even the dictionary of Mrs. White's day did not seem to understand rice.

Originally Posted By: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
A plant of the genus Oryza, and its seed. The calyx is a bivalvular uniflorous glume; the corol bivalvular, nearly equal, and adhering to the seed. There is only one species. This plant is cultivated in all warm climates, and the grain forms a large portion of the food of the inhabitants. In America, it grows chiefly on low moist land, which can be overflowed. It is a light food, and said to be little apt to produce acidity in the stomach. Indeed it seems intended by the wise and benevolent Creator to be the proper food of men in warm climates.

There are many species of rice. So much for that definition. Most people here where I am eat glutinous rice ("sticky" rice). I've never seen a "brown" form of this rice--though I've seen some other varieties of sticky rice that are purple or red, or almost black. It is quite different from the "pretty" rice (white rice) that many eat. Sticky rice must be cooked more like beans, and it keeps much longer after cooking than does white/brown rice.

The fact is, more than 99% of the rice consumed in South-east Asia is "white" rice. In many areas, such as where I live, brown rice is not even obtainable.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: APL

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/29/14 06:28 PM

Yeah - I read Mercola like EGW, I read all around and don't take just a sentence here and there. As a whole, I'll pass on Mercola. As for EGW, it is hard for you to accept all she says...

Here is one of your sound bites: Quote Green:"In your quote, you included the first sentence which said "Grains should represent a small part of your diet, regardless of your age." Does that suddenly mean that we should not have grains in our diet at all? You see, you and I interpret differently. "

Now, did you keep reading what Mercola said? NO. You stopped with the first sentence. Mercola goes on to say, "I personally seek to avoid most grains, except rice. " Does that fit your interpretation of what he said? Nope.

Green: "Prove it"
Here you ignore what she said in the quotes provided by Dedication. Why? I said the answer is there. NOTE, EGW: "Grains and fruits prepared free from grease, and in as natural a condition as possible, should be the food for the tables of all who claim to be preparing for translation to heaven." {2T 352.1} [note - dedication did not get the reference correct] Did you get what she said? "as natural a condition as possible".

Green:The fact is, more than 99% of the rice consumed in South-east Asia is "white" rice. In many areas, such as where I live, brown rice is not even obtainable.

Great! Eat white rice. The study of Chinese who at a traditional diet, high in rice and low in animal protein are nearly devoid of heart disease. When they adopt the standard american diet, SAD (note SDA) they develop heart disease and cancers like their American counterparts. If others has access to brown, great! Do you do that same that you are complaining about when you diss those that eat brown rice? And no, the websites you chose to support your theory that white is better than brown have no forceful impact to many people because of all the wrong things that they promote.
Posted By: kland

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/29/14 07:27 PM

Originally Posted By: EGW
Wherever fruit can be grown in abundance, a liberal supply should be prepared for winter, by canning or drying. Small fruits, such as currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, can be grown to advantage in many places where they are but little used and their cultivation is neglected. {MH 299.3}

Originally Posted By: Green
She DOES say that one should have a "liberal supply" of fruit. To my mind, this could easily mean that more fruit than grains should be eaten.



You just don't cease, do you? By your non-logic, then one should only eat fruit in the winter, and it should only be canned or dried. Therefore, by your mind, in some areas of the world, (perhaps where you are), fruit should never be eaten.

And by the way
Considering that the rice-eating Japanese are among the most long-lived on earth, white rice, and not brown rice--it appears that white rice cannot be held directly responsible for higher rates of mortality.
Really, they ate white rice all along? Or by non-logic, shall we see that they eat at McDonalds, live long, and therefore everyone should eat big macs?
Posted By: kland

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/29/14 07:37 PM


There is something inherently wrong with your reasoning and understanding processes. How one can take what is instructed and construe it in such a way, I do not know.

I do hope, I do advise you, that in your dealings with the authorities in your country, that you delegate someone besides yourself to do the direct interaction with them. If you were to pull some of the same mental stunts you try to pull on these forums, I would expect they would have little tolerance for such in their country. You can like this or not, but for the best well being of your mission, please delegate someone else to do any interactions with them.
Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/30/14 09:25 AM


According to Ellen White, you are being ridiculous. You have only proven further the fact that you read Mercola in the same manner that you read her by your recent post. Let's take a closer look.

Originally Posted By: APL
Yeah - I read Mercola like EGW, I read all around and don't take just a sentence here and there. As a whole, I'll pass on Mercola. As for EGW, it is hard for you to accept all she says...

Here is one of your sound bites: Quote Green:"In your quote, you included the first sentence which said "Grains should represent a small part of your diet, regardless of your age." Does that suddenly mean that we should not have grains in our diet at all? You see, you and I interpret differently. "

Now, did you keep reading what Mercola said? NO. You stopped with the first sentence. Mercola goes on to say, "I personally seek to avoid most grains, except rice. " Does that fit your interpretation of what he said? Nope.

But I don't think you can support that you have read "all around" without just taking a sentence here or there. If you continue to believe she was inspired, and you continue to believe that Dr. Mercola teaches people to avoid all grains, then the resulting logic will force you to teach people, yourself included, to cease eating beans. Don't believe me? Look at the following statement.

Originally Posted By: Ellen White
There are those in my family who are very fond of beans, while to me beans are poison.

Mrs. White was teaching that beans are poison, according to APL and his famous logic.

But, Mrs. White tells us that such a conclusion is not her logic.

Originally Posted By: Ellen White
I cannot eat beans, for they are poison to me; but for me to say that for this reason no one must eat them would be simply ridiculous.

When Dr. Mercola said that he personally chose to avoid grains, he was not making a rule for others, any more than Mrs. White was making a rule for all to avoid beans as she did. APL chose to ignore the word "personally."

APL has chosen to be "simply ridiculous." That is his choice. If kland or others wish to defend APL in this matter, they choose to accept this same form of ridiculous reasoning.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: APL

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/30/14 04:40 PM

Originally Posted By: green
Mrs. White was teaching that beans are poison, according to APL and his famous logic.
Of course, I never said that, but you can state it as fact and imply that I would say this, but then that would be a lie and the moderator of the forum would need to step in. Oh wait! YOU are for forum moderator.

***NOTE TO FORUM MODERATOR*** Note the outright lie by the forum moderator *** NOTE TO FORUM MODERATOR***

Green, did you neglect to quote the TITLE of the article on Mercola you quoted? Shall I post it again?

Grains Rob Your Brain Power - Avoid It for Clearer Thinking

Is that a personal statement of practice, or a warning to EVERYONE to avoid grains?

Like the Bible, we have the written record.
Posted By: kland

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/30/14 06:26 PM

Green, I don't know about APL, but I do know that you outright lie about what Ellen White says.

When Dr. Mercola said that he personally chose to avoid grains, he was not making a rule for others, any more than Mrs. White was making a rule for all to avoid beans as she did. APL chose to ignore the word "personally."
But maybe you're backpedaling now. If you are saying he was not making a rule for others, what is your purpose of this thread? Or are you saying he's not making a rule for others, but you yourself are?
Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 07/31/14 08:02 AM

* * * MOD HAT ON * * *

APL and kland,

This argument is unproductive and straying from the intent of this thread, if not the topic itself. You both choose to see what you want to see. That is your privilege. As your claims are that I was lying, I feel it is right to set the matter straight. But as doing so will not be productive in such a hostile discussion, I will, for now refrain. I will also give this thread a break.

* * * MOD HAT OFF * * *


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: Green Cochoa

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 08/13/16 02:15 AM

Originally Posted By: APL
I hope your Bible study is not like the pick-and-choose with news articles of this thread to support your own personal dietary desires, for the the truth becomes very obscure. The popular press has taken up the theme that "carbs are bad" and protein is good. And scientific studies have been published that say white rice is associated with an increase in diabetes. The "Green" title would be that white rice causes diabetes and maybe we should jail parents who feed their children white rice.

The following is from Dr. Rosane Oliveria's blog, of the University of California Davis (UC Davis) August 10, 2016.

The single most important staple food on the planet, rice currently feeds almost 50 percent of the world’s population.

Americans alone consume an average of a half-cup of cooked rice daily, more than three times of what they ate in the 1930s.

While white rice consumption is not linked to an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, it does seem to be associated with a higher incidence of diabetes.

Specifically, a meta-analysis of seven studies spanning two decades and 350,000 people showed an association between higher intake of white rice and an elevated rate of type 2 diabetes. It concluded that a single white rice serving per day could increase the risk of diabetes as much as 11 percent. It also noted that risk of developing diabetes was particularly high in Asian populations.

Japan has a higher incidence of diabetes relative to the US despite having eight times less obesity, while the Chinese diabetes rate rivals that of Americans (10 percent for China, 11 percent for the US) even though the former is seven times less obese.

Up until the year 2000, the Chinese enjoyed one of the lowest diabetes rates in the world. What has really changed in the last two decades is an increased consumption of animal-based foods.

Over the past 20 years, pork intake rose a dramatic 40 percent, oil consumption went up 20 percent and the amount of rice in the diet dropped 30 percent!

Since diabetes skyrocketed even though rice consumption decreased, this begs the question: Is the increase in diabetes linked to white rice or the rise of animal food intake?

Moreover, the dramatic uptick in diabetes incidence may also be explained by a little-known fact: combining animal protein with a refined carbohydrate like white rice sends your insulin soaring.

For example, if you feed people mashed white potatoes (a starchy, high carbohydrate food like white rice) and then add an animal protein like tuna fish to the meal, you get twice the insulin spike. Similar results are seen when you combine white flour spaghetti with meat.

Simply put, the addition of the animal protein will make the pancreas work overtime.

It is not the rice, it is the animal products. Should we jail everyone who feed their children meat? Green?

White rice has several advantages over brown rice. It is hypocritical of non-rice eaters to attempt to impose a brown-rice diet upon the rice consumers with such remarks as APL has made, and then try to use the statement about no one's diet being made a criterion for others.

Rice consumption does not lead to diabetes. Lack of exercise does. The whole world is experiencing a significant uptick in diabetes. Perhaps APL would say Mexicans get theirs from corn, as many eat no rice at all. White corn? Hardly. Brown rice consumption may, however, lead to a host of problem, including arsenicosis. Brown rice has 80% more arsenic than white rice. Arsenic can cause organ failure and death.

White rice is hypoallergenic. Brown rice isn't. As toxins increase in our environment, sufferers of allergies also increase. Thankfully, white rice feeds most of the world, and they suffer fewer allergies on account of it. The average Asian eats far more green leafy vegetables than the average American, consuming them for their nutritional needs in addition to the rice for their caloric needs. Without question, Japanese "white rice eaters" have a greater longevity than Americans.

Originally Posted By: US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health
The effect of brown rice with low protein intake was studied in five healthy young men. Feces were weighed, the digestibility of nutrients was determined, and blood tests were made. Each subject followed a diet consisting mainly of polished rice for 14 days and one consisting mainly of brown rice for 8 days. Both diets contained 0.5 g protein per kg of body weight. The brown rice diet had 3 times as much dietary fiber as the polished rice diet. On the brown rice diet, fecal weight increased, and apparent digestibility of energy, protein, and fat decreased, as did the absorption rates of Na, K, and P. The nitrogen balance was negative on both diets, but more negative on the brown rice diet. The phosphorus balance on the brown rice diet was significantly negative, but other minerals were not affected by the diet. The levels of cholesterol and minerals in the plasma were not significantly different on the polished rice diet and the brown rice diet. Comparing these results with data on standard protein intake (Miyoshi, H. et al (1986) J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol., 32, 581-589.), we concluded that brown rice reduced protein digestibility and nitrogen balance.


Green Cochoa.
Posted By: APL

Re: Is white rice more healthful than brown rice? - 08/15/16 03:22 AM

* * * POSTER HAT ON * * *

Green inappropriated cross quoted my comment above which has no relevance on the topic of this thread as the issue of white and brown rice is not the question. The issue of the quote is to address the new articles that green posted on parents feeding their children vegan diets. The point is that his quotes are looking at twigs in the new articles posted, and ignore the forest of heart of the issue of diets that cause disease, and death.

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