Doubt: is it a problem today

Posted By: Garywk

Doubt: is it a problem today - 03/23/17 12:05 AM

In my study today I came across the following quote from the beginning of a sermon given by Ellen White at Battle Creek in March of 1890. It is quite illuminating as to what she saw as the great besetting sin of God's people down through time, including her time and ours. It is the opening paragraph of her sermon that day.

The quote can be found in Manuscript 2, 1890.

I want to say a few words in reference to faith. I want to say, brethren and sisters, it is not natural for us to believe, but it is very natural for us to foster unbelief. This is the besetting sin, and has been the besetting sin of God’s people. It has not been natural for me to believe for myself, and I have had very severe lessons on this point until I know that it is not safe for me to cherish for one moment any doubt. I never doubted the truth; but to cherish doubt in regard to myself and my work.

As I read this I realized that this is very true. I have often doubted things, not the truths we have been given, but doubt concerning God really being in control of things, both inside and outside of my life. I have to say that these doubts of mine are lessening as a result of the trials I have undergone in the last 20 years. God has shown me that every time He brings me to a wall through which I can see no way around, through, or over, He opens a door through it if I will simply put my trust in Him. It is learning that lesson of trusting when things are the darkest and most formidable that God has been working on with me for a long time. I tend to trust too much to my abilities as He has given me a rather unique combination of valuable talents. To overcome that He has had to bring me to the point of utter hopelessness in myself. I count this as a major blessing for it has opened doors of faith that I never knew existed, and I must say that I brought a lot of it on myself for I have asked God to teach me the things I needed to know so that I might be fitted for heaven.

God really does answer prayer, but not always in the way we expect it.
Posted By: Alchemy

Re: Doubt: is it a problem today - 04/10/17 04:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Gary K
In my study today I came across the following quote from the beginning of a sermon given by Ellen White at Battle Creek in March of 1890. It is quite illuminating as to what she saw as the great besetting sin of God's people down through time, including her time and ours. It is the opening paragraph of her sermon that day.

The quote can be found in Manuscript 2, 1890.

I want to say a few words in reference to faith. I want to say, brethren and sisters, it is not natural for us to believe, but it is very natural for us to foster unbelief. This is the besetting sin, and has been the besetting sin of God’s people. It has not been natural for me to believe for myself, and I have had very severe lessons on this point until I know that it is not safe for me to cherish for one moment any doubt. I never doubted the truth; but to cherish doubt in regard to myself and my work.

As I read this I realized that this is very true. I have often doubted things, not the truths we have been given, but doubt concerning God really being in control of things, both inside and outside of my life. I have to say that these doubts of mine are lessening as a result of the trials I have undergone in the last 20 years. God has shown me that every time He brings me to a wall through which I can see no way around, through, or over, He opens a door through it if I will simply put my trust in Him. It is learning that lesson of trusting when things are the darkest and most formidable that God has been working on with me for a long time. I tend to trust too much to my abilities as He has given me a rather unique combination of valuable talents. To overcome that He has had to bring me to the point of utter hopelessness in myself. I count this as a major blessing for it has opened doors of faith that I never knew existed, and I must say that I brought a lot of it on myself for I have asked God to teach me the things I needed to know so that I might be fitted for heaven.

God really does answer prayer, but not always in the way we expect it.

Another reason doubt can be so easy is because we don't know what to expect a lot of times. It seems like guess work figuring out what God is really up to? You might wait years before God finally gets through what He actually meant. And if it is very far from what you expected, it can hurt extremely.

I understand why Job wished he had never been born. He didn't want the world to go back to, but, walking in the way gets very painful with too many bad surprises.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Doubt: is it a problem today - 08/27/17 12:49 AM

Looking at the rest of the sermon --- March, 16, 1890

This sermon was preached two years after the 1888 conference.
The conflict over righteousness by faith was still very much in people's minds.
It gave sister White great sorrow--

I have great sorrow of heart--I have had nearly ever since the Minneapolis meeting--and I will tell you why. Because God has been speaking to me as He has done for the last forty-five years, and I have presented these matters, and the brethren have known and have seen the fruits, and yet unbelief has come right in. But why?

Then comes a startling statement:

The trouble is, the Spirit is not in them. And they never will search these things to see if they are so. {1SAT 143.2}

They were rejecting the strong movement of the Holy Spirit on their hearts. In a sense they were rejecting salvation in Christ, the only means of salvation.

The reason why I felt so at Minneapolis was that I have seen that everyone who has taken a position similar to the one they took in Minneapolis would go into the darkest unbelief. Have we not seen it acted over and over again? Then when we see just how Christ was tried, when He came upon earth; when we see the hardness of the hearts; when we see what the enemy can do with human nature, putting unbelief into the heart, I should think it would be such a terror to our souls that we would not dare to open the heart to the miseries of unbelief and dwell in that atmosphere, such as there has been since we were in Minneapolis. {1SAT 143.3}

She is comparing the rejection of the message "righteousness by faith" to the Jewish leaders rejecting Christ as their Messiah. The end point of such rejection is the darkest point of unbelief!

Well, we wonder why Christ prayed with such an agony. It was not for His own sake, but it was because of the hardness of hearts, that notwithstanding He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life, yet people were so hardened that they could not see it and accept it. And as you took their steps, here was my trouble. As they took their steps in the path of unbelief that day, others are taking the same steps this day, and my grief is the same as Christ's was. They are placing themselves where there is no reserve power that God has to reach them with. Every arrow in His quiver is exhausted. {1SAT 144.1}

This ties in with our Sabbath School lesson this week -- Paul's pastoral agony over the Galatian Christians who were doubting their salvation in Christ, and seeking to preform rituals in order to win the favor of God.
Posted By: dedication

Re: Doubt: is it a problem today - 08/27/17 01:08 AM

The next sermon talks more about faith versus doubt --July 22, 1891

I am riding in the same boat with yourself, trusting for salvation in the merits of a crucified and risen Saviour. I want salvation, I want eternal life, and I must know the conditions of my obtaining life eternal. You must know it. {1SAT 152.1}

And where are the conditions

It is perfect submission to God. Our wills must be submerged in the will of God. In coming to Jesus it is to feel that there is no help for us except in Jesus; (when the Father) gave His Son for the life of the world He is of no avail to anyone who does not receive Him by faith as their personal Saviour.

Faith is perfect submission to God. Placing our wills under God's will. Faith believes in Christ's death and resurrection for our salvation, and takes that further into our own lives.
With Christ dying to sin, and with Christ rising to new life in Him.

Doubt then is thinking God doesn't know what we need, or won't supply what we need, and we start rationalizing His will and commands and doubting His ability to save us from sin.

Now, if there is a spot or wrinkle in your character, is it not now the very time for you to begin to understand what that defilement is, that you may trust in the blood of Christ to wash it away? {1SAT 153.1}
"How shall I," says the trembling one, "put it away?" You are to put it away by believing that Christ is your Saviour today, and that He cleanses you from all unrighteousness. You have the lesson in the word that was spoken. When tempted to speak wrong, and do wrong, resist Satan and say, "I will not surrender my will to your control." I will cooperate with divine power, and through grace be conqueror." {1SAT 153.2}

This agrees with what Paul says in Romans six.
When we are baptized into Christ, we take Him as our Savior.
We accept His death as death to our sin.
We BELIEVE those sins are gone and we are to reckon ourselves dead to sin, and alive in Christ!

The temptations will surround us just as long as we live. Satan will try us in one way, and if he doesn't overcome us he will try us in another way. And thus his efforts will never cease. But we are always to remember that we are members of the royal family, subjects of the heavenly King, and we are born anew with a new character unto God. The old cheap character, the frivolous character, the character which leads to the world, to pride, to vanity, and to folly, we have parted with that. We have left that, but not in our own strength. We have asked wisdom of God, and He says He giveth to all men--how? In such a stinted measure? No, liberally; and what? Upbraideth not. {1SAT 154.2}

Do we have the faith?

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