Water Crisis In Ontario

Posted By: Anonymous

Water Crisis In Ontario - 11/13/00 05:43 PM

Everybody has heard about the Walkerton e-coli contamination this year. Perhaps more than a dozen people died in that small town since May and 2,000 people were made sick.

Well, ever since, many communities in Ontario have been placed under "boil water" advisories. Presently Leamington (where I pastor a church) is under one. It isn't usually e-coli but other forms of cloroform bacteria that are the culprits. Just about everyone in our town uses bottled water to drink (including us).

Here's the problem--and why it is an end-time issue:

For hundreds of years farmers have been digging up the land. They make wells very deep. When the wells are no longer producing, they are simply abandoned. It costs thousands of dollars to fill up a well properly so most farmers just "leave it" and dig somewhere else.

This means that our ground is like Swiss cheese. When pig, cow, sheep and goat waste is washed away by rain, guess where it goes? Yes--they drain into the abandoned wells which are a direct link to our general ground water supply. The bacterial mutations that result are too much for most town water purifiers (not to mention private drinking water sourses) to keep up with.

When we can't rely on the government to supply clean drinking water...You can see how the story goes!

It only gets worse in areas where they have mega-industrial farms that suck up all of the good water supply and drain the pig manure into areas where these "family farm" abandoned wells are.

I'm sure something like this is happening in all of our other provinces and in the U.S. It can only get worse in time unless some extremely costly preventatve measures are taken--and who pays for it!?

As the Happy Moments Roll,

Pastor Andrew

Posted By: Daryl

Re: Water Crisis In Ontario - 11/15/00 01:02 AM

We have also been having the same problem in New Bruwswick both in Doaktown (about an hour north of us) and Moncton about 2 and 1/2 hours east of us).

It does make your blood boil doesn't it.

And yes, it is an endtime issue.

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


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