Why didnt God create everything in one day ...?

Posted By: Rick H

Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/18/08 09:49 PM

Why didnt God create everything in one day and finish it all and rest on that day. So we could worship him every 24 hours continuously infinitum and just be in the Sabbath without end?
Posted By: Mountain Man

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/19/08 05:39 PM

Under the present model we do worship God 24/7. WE also rest in His sweet salvation 24/7.
Posted By: Rick H

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/19/08 08:26 PM

Well, God does everything in good form and for a purpose. His Sabbath was a gift but also a choice for mans freewill, just as the tree in the garden. We can show God our love and express our joy along with resting from our work so we are refreshed and rejuvanated physically and spiritually. The Sabbath is His standard and identifies His chosen people, but if we only had one day at Creation, there would not have been a avenue for all that the Sabbath allows. We would just go from one day to the next with nothing to point us to our Creator, and with no difference in time or cycle to differentiate, leaving us worn and exhausted and more suseptible to evils snares.
Posted By: Mountain Man

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/19/08 08:53 PM

Did the Sabbath exist before the creation of our world? If not, what did FMAs have or do to experience the goal and purpose you described above?
Posted By: Rick H

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/19/08 10:11 PM

In my thinking, I feel God created every world with a tree of life for the test of sin for those created beings as well as the Sabbath (and a weekly cycle), so if that world fell to sin, it would still have a reference point back to its Creator. So God being how He is, would do things systematically and orderly, and would make a sign in all the worlds, letting his created beings know of their Creator. So it could be that all the created worlds have the Sabbath and thus would recognize it even in heaven, and understand its meaning. But then I dont think SOP or scriptures speaks on this, so I have no proof of my thinking on this..
Posted By: Mountain Man

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/20/08 06:47 PM

She says the seventh-day Sabbath came into existence for the first time in Eden. However, this doesn't mean other Sabbaths didn't exist before God created us and our world. But everything she wrote about the Sabbath relates to our Sabbath. It is possible, though, as you say, that the inhabitants of other worlds have their own Sabbath. She does say, however, that all heaven keeps our Sabbath. But she doesn't say it is in addition to their own Sabbath.

All heaven is keeping the Sabbath, but not in a listless, do-nothing way. On this day every energy of the soul should be awake, for are we not to meet with God and with Christ our Saviour? We may behold Him by faith. He is longing to refresh and bless every soul. {6T 362.1}

I was shown that the law of God would stand fast forever, and exist in the new earth to all eternity. At the creation, when the foundations of the earth were laid, the sons of God looked with admiration upon the work of the Creator, and all the heavenly host shouted for joy. It was then that the foundation of the Sabbath was laid. At the close of the six days of creation, God rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made; and He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because that in it He had rested from all His work. The Sabbath was instituted in Eden before the fall, and was observed by Adam and Eve, and all the heavenly host. God rested on the seventh day, and blessed and hallowed it. I saw that the Sabbath never will be done away; but that the redeemed saints, and all the angelic host, will observe it in honor of the great Creator to all eternity. {EW 217.2}

Every man has been placed on trial, as were Adam and Eve in Eden. As the tree of knowledge was placed in the midst of the garden of Eden, so the Sabbath command is placed in the midst of the decalogue. In regard to the fruit of the tree of knowledge, the restriction was made, "Ye shall not eat of it, . . . lest ye die" [Gen. 3:3]. Of the Sabbath, God said, Ye shall not defile it, but keep it holy. . . . As the tree of knowledge was the test of Adam's obedience, so the fourth command is the test that God has given to prove the loyalty of all His people. The experience of Adam is to be a warning to us so long as time shall last. It warns us not to receive any assurance from the mouth of men or of angels that will detract one jot or tittle from the sacred law of Jehovah (RH Aug. 30, 1898). {1BC 1106.2}
Posted By: asygo

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/22/08 05:27 PM

 Originally Posted By: Richard
Why didnt God create everything in one day and finish it all and rest on that day. So we could worship him every 24 hours continuously infinitum and just be in the Sabbath without end?

The 4th commandment enjoins not only rest on the 7th day, but labor on the preceding 6. Perhaps we tend to miss the importance of laboring before resting.
Posted By: Mountain Man

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/22/08 11:06 PM

Good point, Arnold. I look forward to "resting" on the Sabbath after working hard all week. But sitting in church all morning is rarely restful for me. Sometimes I feel more "rested" on Sunday. What am I doing wrong?
Posted By: Rick H

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/23/08 12:37 AM

My wife has to nail me down to my seat on Sabbath morning, I usually come early to catch my 'theologians' and give them questions that I have come across, I greet at the door, and then run over to teach the lesson, then after thinking about it go over the answers with the 'theologians', then go in for worship service, help with offering, or help with sound system, or assist with dismiss, then go to potluck where we hold a 'round session' on the theological questions we have come accross which this week was looking at words,'come forth from the bosom of God', and if no potluck we go to bible study with a followup discussion on the issues it brought up and fellowship....then go feed the animals and shut them up in their pens at sundown.

Otherwise, I have nothing else to do on Sabbath.....
Posted By: asygo

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/23/08 08:18 AM

 Originally Posted By: Mountain Man
But sitting in church all morning is rarely restful for me. Sometimes I feel more "rested" on Sunday. What am I doing wrong?

I'm with Richard on this one. "Sitting" in church is one of the most tiring activities for me. It is physically tiring, but it is restful for the mind and the spirit. I feel like the priests whose busiest day was the Sabbath.
Posted By: Rick H

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/23/08 03:34 PM

 Originally Posted By: asygo
 Originally Posted By: Mountain Man
But sitting in church all morning is rarely restful for me. Sometimes I feel more "rested" on Sunday. What am I doing wrong?

I'm with Richard on this one. "Sitting" in church is one of the most tiring activities for me. It is physically tiring, but it is restful for the mind and the spirit. I feel like the priests whose busiest day was the Sabbath.

When I was teaching one Sabbath, the deacons brougth me a note that the pastor says to "Finish the lesson so Church can start" as I tend to get caught up and would teach till the cows come home as I love to go over the truth with the brethren. But the pastors wife doesnt look too kindly on it to say the least......
Posted By: asygo

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/23/08 04:25 PM

Just to clarify, sitting in church is tiring, while working in church is restful.
Posted By: Mountain Man

Re: Why didnt God create everything in one day ...? - 09/25/08 02:20 AM

Richard, it sounds like you are hogging all the fun.
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