How often should we worship?

Posted By: Anonymous

How often should we worship? - 11/10/00 12:29 AM

My friends and I were discussing this the other week at our Bible study. We noted that Daniel prayed 3 times a every day, and that the Bible frequently mentions prayering at the ninth hour, the third hour, the sixth hour, etc.

How would praying/reading The Word affect our lives and how we live them? What does the Bible say about how often we should meet with God daily? Let's seriously dig out some useful answers and not be afraid to share our opinions - this is a safe place where your opinions and thoughts will not be criticized by others.

I'm looking forward to your responses!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Dan Wilson

Re: How often should we worship? - 11/10/00 02:36 AM

Mark 1:35,36 I always found very humbling. Jesus got up before dawn every day to pray to his Father. If He needed that kind of connection, how much more we need the same connection.

Posted By: Daryl

Re: How often should we worship? - 11/10/00 03:07 AM

Luke 6:12 "And it came to pass in those days, that He [Jesus] went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God."

Does this mean we should also pray all night?

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: How often should we worship? - 11/10/00 03:58 PM

If He calls us to do so, He will enable us to do it.
Otherwise, we need our rest, and abusing ourselves isn't in His plan for us.
Posted By: Daryl

Re: How often should we worship? - 11/10/00 05:20 PM

Amen Brother Gerry!

It all depends on the circumstances.

In His love, Mercy & Grace


Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: How often should we worship? - 11/11/00 04:13 AM

The sacrifices were offered morning and everning.

Exodus 29:39 The one lamb thou shalt offer in the morning; and the other lamb thou shalt offer at even:

Numbers 28:4 The one lamb shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other lamb shalt thou offer at even;

Psalms 55:17 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.

Isaiah 50:4 The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.

Satan makes every effort to lead people away from God; and he is successful in his purpose when the religious life is drowned in business cares, when he can so absorb their minds in business that they will not take time to read their Bibles, to pray in secret, and to keep the offering of praise and thanksgiving burning on the altar of sacrifice morning and evening. How few realize the wiles of the archdeceiver! how many are ignorant of his devices! When our brethren voluntarily absent themselves from religious meetings, when God is not thought of and reverenced, when He is not chosen as their counselor and their strong tower of defense, how soon secular thoughts and wicked unbelief come in, and vain confidence and philosophy take the place of humble, trusting faith. Often temptations are cherished as the voice of the True Shepherd because men have separated themselves from Jesus. They cannot be safe a moment unless right principles are cherished in the heart and carried into every business transaction. {5T 426.1}

Family worship should not be governed by circumstances. You are not to pray occasionally and, when you have a large day's work to do, neglect it. In thus doing you lead your children to look upon prayer as of no special consequence. Prayer means very much to the children of God, and thank offerings should come up before God morning and evening. Says the psalmist, "O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms." {CG 520.2}

We should not be satisfied until every known sin is confessed, then it is our privilege and duty to believe that God accepts us. We must not wait for others to press through the darkness and obtain the victory for us to enjoy. Such enjoyment will not be lasting. God must be served from principle instead of from feeling. Morning and evening we should obtain the victory for ourselves, in our own families. Our daily labor should not keep us from this. We must take time to pray, and as we pray, believe that God hears us. We may not at all times feel the immediate answer, but then it is that faith is tried. We are proved to see whether we will trust in God, whether we have living, abiding faith.--Review and Herald, Sept. 4, 1883.

About how and when Jesus prayed.

To the believing Jews in Jerusalem in the time of Christ, Olivet was a frequent resort for devotion. The hills and valleys about Jerusalem, now so bleak and bare, were then studded with olive-groves and orchards, and here the faithful in Israel would often go to search the Scriptures and to pray. The Garden of Gethsemane was among the places thus frequented. It was to this place, when the city of Jerusalem was hushed in the silence of midnight, that Jesus often repaired for communion with His Father. When those to whom He had ministered all the day went every man to his house, Jesus, we read, "went unto the Mount of Olives." He would sometimes take His disciples with Him to this place of retirement, that they might join their prayers with His. In prayer Christ had power with God, and prevailed. Morning by morning, and evening by evening, He received grace that He might impart to others. Then, His soul replenished with grace and fervor, He would set forth to minister to the souls of men.--ST July 15, 1908.

Even so come, Lord Jesus

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: How often should we worship? - 11/14/00 07:24 AM

Well, Daryl, I have found that when I stay up all night in prayer and study, I am more refreshed in the morning because of it! However, when I stay up all night doing other things, I am not refreshed, but rather thoroughly exhausted. I believe that when it is needed, He gives us rest for the time that we spend with Him.

How strong our faith would be if we were to follow these simple guidelines. How do we implement into our life the example set by Jesus? How do we "fit" it into our our busy lives that don't leave room for much else?

How often should we worship with others?

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/21/01 10:18 PM

I was reading a (fictional) book the other day which made me think of this topic again. In this book, the characters went to church services in the morning, went home for lunch and then returned for Sunday School in the afternoon, then vespers, dinner and an evening service. They spent their entire day at Church. As well, the mid-week Bible study. Would our lives be more blessed if we were to revert to that style of worship? Would it be beneficial to give it a try? Do we spend too much time trying to get out of church services and not enough trying to get into them?

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Catherine

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/22/01 01:33 AM

I'm not so sure that would be a good thing to do every week. Sister White said that we should not spend the entire Sabbath indoors, but especially if we have young children, we should take the opportunity in the afternoon to get outdoors and enjoy God's second book - nature.

A couple from our church has visited at the Yahweh church a few times. It is another Sabbath-keeping church. I doubt that they have ever had any past connection with the SDA church, but they conduct their morning services like God told us through Sister White that we should. They do not sit there and listen to sermons, everyone partcipates, with whatever they feel God has given them for that week, whether a song, a testimony, a scripture, etc., each taking his/her turn in perfect order. Even those who may not be quite "all there" are allowed to make their contribution, with the rest patiently giving them their full attention. Then they have a fellowship meal and have a preaching service in the afternoon.

I wish that our church would conduct most of our meetings as testimony meetings, as God directed, and as the Yahweh church does in the mornings. They would be such a blessing to us all. But I do not think it is good to spend all day in meetings every Sabbath, especially if small children are involved.

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Posted By: Markell Moss

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/24/01 08:38 PM


Now, seriously.... I don't feel like I have enough proper "worship" time. I dont think this is quite offset by the fact I spend the day in fairly constant communication with him. (I'm very often thinking a conversation with him... no, I'm not hearing voices in my head.)

This communication helps me stay close to hime in a world that's very much Jesus' antagonist, but I think that extra bit of... reverence... in worship time makes it all the more special.
Am I far off here?

I'm gonna' need a witty signature here.

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/24/01 11:28 PM

Welcome Bro. Moss.
I know what you mean.
I often talk in my head, to God, and, about things I don't understand or just need to share with Him.Good or bad, He listens and I get the help I need.
My devotional time is lacking,and my prayer life is almost nill some days.

Worship can be remembering a sermon you heard, dwelling on a piece of scripture and digging into it in an attempt to wrest from it every shred of strength God has put into it, singing a song (hymn)[ notice it sounds like Him?]or praying in your head about someone or something i.e. the needs of a friend, the spiritual needs of others you know, or just plain getting to know Him better.

You don't have to be in church or on bended knee to worship.
Look at the Pharisee and the Publican.
Both stood and worshipped, but only the Publican had the right attitude.
So, attitude plays a part in it as well.
Do we come presumptiously?
Or do we come as the Publican?

My $0.02


Chose you this day whom you will serve,
as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:15

[u]What is popular is not always right.
What is right is not always popular.

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/27/01 10:51 PM

Gerry, what a wonderful description of worship you have given us! Thank you.

Markell, glad to see you here! I'm really curious to know what you would consider sufficient worship time?

I realize that each of us has differing opinions about worshipping, amount of time to be spent in worship, etc. Is quantity and quality of worship something you grow into as you grow in your spiritual life, or is the desire for worship straight from God Himself?

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Daryl

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/28/01 03:17 AM

How often we worship should not be determined by anybody other than ourself. In other words, how often we worship or how we worship should come from our own heart, not from the heart of anybody else.

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


[This message has been edited by Daryl Fawcett (edited March 27, 2001).]

Posted By: Juan Jeanniton

Re: How often should we worship? - 09/22/13 04:12 AM

I have a question for you all.

Suppose that a certain number N of people meet together in an assembly E00* - sufficiently great in number, and sufficiently dignified in manner, to constitute a formal worship service on the Christian Sabbath (and the particular day is not the question concerning this case).

And in the course of the formal worship service, the pastor (hereinafter referred to as A) is divinely inspired as a prophet to preach a sermon whose content and exact wording as the result of immediate Divine Inspiration instead of forethought and planning like most sermons are, and A preaches and prophesies.

Then somewhere during the pastoral sermon, another adult male B, stands up, interrupts the sermon, and harangues the crowd, what would you think about B’s conduct? Do the rules God has given to preserve reverence for His stated hour of Public Congregational Worship on the Christian Sabbath permit B to behave like he just did? Or has B shown his irreverence for God by interrupting A's sermon?
Posted By: Mountain Man

Re: How often should we worship? - 09/22/13 08:29 PM

Juan, is it necessary for brother B to "interrupt" pastor A in the middle of the message Jesus has commissioned him to proclaim? Or, would it be okay for brother B to raise his hand and obtain permission to share his message immediately then and there?
Posted By: Juan Jeanniton

Re: How often should we worship? - 09/24/13 03:35 AM

But most of the time, the pastor wouldn't even THINK about granting the brother B such a permission had B not been invested with such an extraordinary and miraculous spiritual gift. Why is that? Now to worldly carnal secular wisdom there may be no more harm in allowing B to raise his hand and obtain permission to share his message for the moment, just like is often done in secular worldly assemblies. But the formal worship service is the temple of the Lord! Every ultra-fundamentalist KNOWS that the peculiar dignity and sanctity of a formal worship service REQUIRES a higher standard of propriety and decorum. Oh sure, adult males may feel like they may have a worthwhile message to share with the rest of the congregation. But can't they always wait for a more suitable time? Remember, "wisdom is profitable to direct". The idea that brother B can raise his hand and obtain permission to share his message immediately then and there, is indeed the ONLY "legal" loophole men can muster in order to gain permission to interrupt the pastor's sermon. But since the peculiar dignity and sanctity of the formal worship service is the highest law and supreme necessity, and must have priority over all other considerations, are you really sure that it is advisable to make such provisions and loopholes in order to render the peculiar dignity and sanctity a thing to accomodate itself to any lesser considerations that may arise at the moment?
Posted By: dedication

Re: How often should we worship? - 09/24/13 08:17 AM

I agree that out of respect and the need for peaceful assembly people should not speak out, giving their own message, while the pastor is preaching.
We do give members opportunity to share and discuss Biblical themed subjects during the Sabbath School hour, but usually not during the main service when the Pastor usually presents his message without interruptions.

Yet, where in scripture does it say anything about this policy? Where in scripture does it say anything about a required ultra formal service with all this dignity and sanctity focused on one human?

I agree that there should be reverence -- as the church is a place where God meets with His people. But your remarks sound more like everyone is worshipping the speaker, rather than coming together to worship God.
Posted By: Juan Jeanniton

Re: How often should we worship? - 09/25/13 03:00 AM

Yet, where in scripture does it say anything about this policy? Where in scripture does it say anything about a required ultra formal service with all this dignity and sanctity focused on one human? I agree that there should be reverence -- as the church is a place where God meets with His people. But your remarks sound more like everyone is worshipping the speaker, rather than coming together to worship God.

No, I am not talking about worshipping the speaker. I am talking about the pastor as the official representative of God to the congregation. The dignity and sanctity has been invested in the WORSHIP SERVICE, not the person.

And it is this peculiar dignity and sanctity due to the FORMAL WORSHIP SERVICE that constitutes the highest law and supreme necessity at such occasions.

Under the precepts of the Old and New Testaments, the pastor is duly appointed to preach by virtue of the authority of his office. And I am not saying that the CONTENT of what he's preaching is authoritatively binding on the hearers just because of his office.

But what I am saying is that the ACTIVITY of preaching the sermon is an activity and a function that is assigned to him by virtue of the authority of his office.

I am glad to hear that you give members the opportunity to share their Biblical provable thoughts and opinions during the Sabbath School class and after the service is over, but usually not during the main service where the Pastor preaches the sermon without interruption.

And remember, in the formal worship service, we gather not only to WORSHIP God, but to HEAR the voice of God, not the OPINIONS or private interpretations of the hearers or the laity.

And the rest I will tell you when I have the time.
Posted By: Daryl

Re: How often should we worship? - 10/02/13 03:13 AM

What if error is being preached?
Posted By: Juan Jeanniton

Re: How often should we worship? - 06/12/15 06:51 PM

What if error is being preached?

Then I encourage all the laity to examine these things for themselves silently while showing all due respect for the pastor's office, obeying him in all things appertaining unto his lawful authority and not contrary to the Word of God expressly written.
Posted By: Johann

Re: How often should we worship? - 06/12/15 07:30 PM

Most of our churches are blessed by having a Sabath School where people have the opportunity of voicing their opinions - or light received.
Posted By: dedication

Re: How often should we worship? - 06/13/15 07:03 AM

So often when worship is discussed the conversations turn to what happens in church. However the topic began with daily worship. How often are we to engage in daily worship; and more importantly how does regular everyday worship become meaningful with a true sense of connection with God?

Who has the heart? With whom are our thoughts? Upon whom do we love to converse? Who has our warmest affections and our best energies? If we are on the Lord's side, our thoughts are with Him, and our sweetest thoughts are of Him. We have no friendship with the world; we have consecrated all that we have and are to Him. We long to bear His image, breathe His spirit, do His will, and please Him in all things. {FLB 220.3}
Bible religion is not one influence among many others, but its influence is supreme, pervading and controlling every other influence. Bible religion is to exercise control over life and conduct. It is not to be like a dash of color, brushed here and there upon the canvas, but its influence is to pervade the whole life, as though the canvas were dipped into color until every thread of the fabric was dyed in a deep, fast, unfading hue. {FLB 220.4}
Posted By: Alchemy

Re: How often should we worship? - 06/25/15 04:58 AM

Originally Posted By: Catherine
I'm not so sure that would be a good thing to do every week. Sister White said that we should not spend the entire Sabbath indoors, but especially if we have young children, we should take the opportunity in the afternoon to get outdoors and enjoy God's second book - nature.<P>A couple from our church has visited at the Yahweh church a few times. It is another Sabbath-keeping church. I doubt that they have ever had any past connection with the SDA church, but they conduct their morning services like God told us through Sister White that we should. They do not sit there and listen to sermons, everyone partcipates, with whatever they feel God has given them for that week, whether a song, a testimony, a scripture, etc., each taking his/her turn in perfect order. Even those who may not be quite "all there" are allowed to make their contribution, with the rest patiently giving them their full attention. Then they have a fellowship meal and have a preaching service in the afternoon.<P>I wish that our church would conduct most of our meetings as testimony meetings, as God directed, and as the Yahweh church does in the mornings. They would be such a blessing to us all. But I do not think it is good to spend all day in meetings every Sabbath, especially if small children are involved. <P>------------------<BR>The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Blessings Catherine,

I have visited a LDS or Mormon church before, and their service is very much driven by personal testimonies and the Bishop simply serves as an Overseer. They have a Bible Study time of service and a part of the service where the men and women separate.

I am not mentioning this to somehow cast prejudice on this practice from the Yahweh Church, but, just to show other churches also practice this type of service.

I would say this though, I am not aware of where Sister White says our services should be more in this order?

God Bless.
Posted By: Alchemy

Re: How often should we worship? - 06/25/15 05:21 AM

Originally Posted By: Daryl
How often we worship should not be determined by anybody other than ourself. In other words, how often we worship or how we worship should come from our own heart, not from the heart of anybody else.<P>__________________________<BR>In His Love, Mercy & Grace<P>Daryl [][/]<p>[This message has been edited by Daryl Fawcett (edited March 27, 2001).]

Agreed Daryl.

We never want to make a formality out of our worship for God. Personally, the more Spirit and Truth from God toward us and our acceptance of that Spirit and Truth is what it's all about.
Posted By: Alchemy

Re: How often should we worship? - 06/25/15 05:37 AM

Originally Posted By: dedication
I agree that out of respect and the need for peaceful assembly people should not speak out, giving their own message, while the pastor is preaching.
We do give members opportunity to share and discuss Biblical themed subjects during the Sabbath School hour, but usually not during the main service when the Pastor usually presents his message without interruptions.

Yet, where in scripture does it say anything about this policy? Where in scripture does it say anything about a required ultra formal service with all this dignity and sanctity focused on one human?

I agree that there should be reverence -- as the church is a place where God meets with His people. But your remarks sound more like everyone is worshipping the speaker, rather than coming together to worship God.

Agreed dedication.

We need to maintain a decent and orderly service. The Holy Spirit is not an author of confusion. But, after the service is completed, this brother "B" should be allowed to express his convictions for all who wish to hear can hear!

I still remember about 25 years ago when the Head Elder of our congregation was giving the sermon because the Pastor wasn't there. And this Sabbath morning was very busy for some reason and a visitor for the first time asked to deliver a message that he claimed was from God. This guy's name was John. Well, our Elder told John that before the sermon he would give him an opportunity to deliver this message.

So, while our Head Elder was at the pulpit, he introduced John and asked him to stand where he was in the congregation and deliver his message.

His message was pantheism. You could see the color leave the face of our Head Elder. But, I still believe he handled it well! John was not allowed to the pulpit and after he was done everyone was satisfied they understood who John was and what he was about.

I understand we are always concerned about visitors, but people explained why he was allowed to speak and no damage was done as far as I know of.

But, I don't believe people should be allowed to just interrupt the service to deliver their message.
Posted By: Alchemy

Re: How often should we worship? - 06/25/15 05:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Juan Jeanniton
What if error is being preached?

Then I encourage all the laity to examine these things for themselves silently while showing all due respect for the pastor's office, obeying him in all things appertaining unto his lawful authority and not contrary to the Word of God expressly written.

Daryl is right!

These kind of issues can be and should be handled better than brother "B".
Posted By: Alchemy

Re: How often should we worship? - 06/25/15 05:43 AM

dedication wrote;

"So often when worship is discussed the conversations turn to what happens in church. However the topic began with daily worship. How often are we to engage in daily worship; and more importantly how does regular everyday worship become meaningful with a true sense of connection with God?"

Excellent points dedication.

We need to get back to the point of this thread.
Posted By: Garywk

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/27/17 03:49 AM

This is an interesting subject.

Someone brought out about Jesus praying all night. Someone else brought out that we need our rest. I would like to point out that Jesus received His rest, refreshment, and power to minister to the crowds who constantly followed Him, through all night communication sessions with His Father.

One example of Jesus receiving refreshment that His disciples couldn't understand was during His meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well. His disciples asked Him after she left to go into town to tell others about what He had done why He no longer needed to eat or drink. His answer was, I have meat that you don't know about. In other words, His contact with His Father during His witnessing was so close that the divine contact gave Him strength and refreshment. It took away, if not His need, at least His hunger for food and refreshment.

Ellen White tells us that when we really get to know God our hearts will often burn within us as He draws near to reveal His secrets to us. I've experienced that a few times during all night Bible studies in which I was so engrossed that I stayed up all night without realizing it. And I was NOT tired or worn out the next morning. It was as if I had gotten, not a good night's sleep, but a great night's sleep.

Contact with the divine nature of God is refreshing. It is life giving.
Posted By: Alchemy

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/28/17 06:44 AM

I do believe personal worship can be more important than worship at church on Sabbath just because of the personal nature of it.

I need to hear more clearly the voice of God in my heart and personal worship is the best training for that.
Posted By: Garywk

Re: How often should we worship? - 03/31/17 04:53 AM

Originally Posted By: Alchemy
I do believe personal worship can be more important than worship at church on Sabbath just because of the personal nature of it.

I need to hear more clearly the voice of God in my heart and personal worship is the best training for that.

A personal relationship with God cannot exist without personal worship time: prayer and study. How else is God really going to reach us as individuals in the intimate manner He desires to if we do not spend personal time with Him?

That opening of the heart to God in personal worship has everything to do with our abiding relationship with Him. And only as He abides in us can we show Him to others.

How often then should we worship? I would say it needs to be continually.
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