What is Daily Devotions?

Posted By: Daryl

What is Daily Devotions? - 05/09/03 03:01 AM

I have heard the term Daily Devotions being used in Christian circles, however, I am wondering if we understand what it means to have Daily Devotions, therefore, I am asking the following questions:

1 - What is your understanding of Daily Devotions?

2 - What does or should our Daily Devotions consist of?

3 - Why even bother with Daily Devotions?

4 - Are there any Bible examples of Daily Devotions?
Posted By: Zita

Re: What is Daily Devotions? - 07/26/03 04:10 AM

Daryl, I believe Daily Devotions are a very important part of the christian walk. To me, it would be like skipping my meals every day if I went without. It is my opportunity to fill my soul each day with God-like thoughts,
gain strength for the day, and my opportunity to Praise God for what He has sone for me personally.

This is something I need to do over and above Family Worship.

My understanding of Daily Devotions consists of personal Scripture reading, daily devotional reading, meditation on what I have read,praise ( as in singing) S.O.P. to amplify what I have read in scripture, or other suitable reading material.

Why bother?
I would otherwise starve spiritually. I need to grow every day and in order to do that I need to feed.
Because I want to know more, and gain better understanding of the plan of salvation.

Examples in the Bible given to us are Enoch, who took the time to walk and talk with Jesus every day, Daniel who's wonderful daily devotions 3 times a day saved his life, Jesus own example of going up the mountain to speak with His Father before daylight, and Paul and Silas who were not too embarrassed to have theirs in prison!

(I can't decide if Adam and Eve were just talking in the garden, or having family worship!)

I never forget a morning worship many years ago at camp-meeting where we were encouraged to establish the habit of personal devotions and the example given was not to be satisfied with a few drops in the bucket, but to go for the bucketful - drink deep at the fountain of life.It took me 3 years to put it into practice as the children were small and demanded my attention early in the mornings, but once I started, established my time - that is important to set aside the same time every day - I have never looked back, infact it has grown from one hour to 3. First hour in the prayer room,followed by 2 hours on the hills praising God, talking to Him about my life, family/friends/church. I need it, others in my life need the prayers.
Posted By: Cheri Fritz

Re: What is Daily Devotions? - 07/28/03 02:54 PM

Greetings Daryl,

My understanding of what daily devotion is...To give myself to Christ completely. I like the term to fall on the Rock and be completely broken. Then after this it is time to take for myself the water and the food for my soul that is freely offered.

Each day our devotion must consist of repentance and conversion. Then we must plead for the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. We must have a willing heart. Hereafter we may read our Sabbath Bible Lessons, study our concerns precept upon precept, and read the Bible and/or Spirit of Prophecy.

Daily devoting ourselves to Christ Jesus along with reading a devotional provides us with true nourishment. It is the Lord that told Satan "... It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." (Mat 4:4) So if we are to have eternal life we must read every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, this would be the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.

We must literally take part in the Lord's nourishment morning and evening. Having the Lord on our mind before we rest and when we wake is a joy. When Christ is our best friend, we will learn how to come to Him first thing just like we would as the joyfully little child seeing their best friend each day. There is no hesitation but rather a seeking out with immense joy.

Devotion must be a combination of listening and sharing with the Lord because He loves to hear from us. Through devotion we have the blessed opportunity to learn of the true nature of Christ.

Here is an example of our daily devotion in our church organization:
Scripture: Philippians 2:14, 15.

"Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world."


"If you have been in the habit of murmuring, complaining, and finding fault, you must cease, for you are showing the Satanic side of your character. If you neglect your own soul, and begin to find fault and pick flaws in others, you are doing Satan's work. But if you are talking of the love of Jesus, and are trying to bless those around you with your influence, you are a blessing and not a curse, you are bringing yourself into close relationship to Jesus. Every day we are to be gaining the victory. Only one day at a time is given us in which to work. We must exercise living faith in God today; we must believe that God accepts us this day if we come to Him in sincerity.

"You must not be controlled by feeling. You must look away from the things that are seen, to the things that are unseen, trusting and rejoicing in the promises of God. . . . The whole treasure of heaven is opened before you in Christ: why should not everyone bring Christ into his life, and represent Him to the world?"1


1 The Review and Herald, August 5, 1890.

thank you,
Sr. Cheri
Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: What is Daily Devotions? - 06/17/04 10:36 PM

Daily devotions is soooo important to our spiritual survival!! So many times, as Daryl points out, we hear the phrase and are given the advice to have daily devotions, but so rarely is it fleshed out for us! Kids, especially I think, need it fleshed out!! Especially those who have not grown up in an atmosphere of family devotion or even the role modelling of personal daily devotions!

To me daily devotions is prayer, scripture reading and mediation on that reading. For Charlie, his devotion consists of a Bible story, 3 songs (or more if he's not quite ready for sleep!) and prayer at bedtime. It's a start, and as he gets older we'll incorporate a morning worship as well.... We sing all day long and teach him continually of Jesus love.... As often as we have opportunity. It's new to me to talk my thoughts aloud but I am learning to share my thoughts of God with my son as they come to me.

I'm also hoping that as he gets older, I will be able to get up before him to have my own private devotionals - but I will never exclude him from them.... he needs to know that Mom and Dad make a private devotional & prayer time a priority. Right now I'm honestly so tired that when he wakes up, I bring him into bed with me so I can slowly wake up with him! [Smile] It's fun and it's great cuddle & play time!!

Maybe that's it.... God wants us to wake up, cuddle into bed with Him and play for a while before we face the rest of our day.....
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