Scientists may have found meat link to colon cancer

Posted By: Will

Scientists may have found meat link to colon cancer - 02/02/06 12:01 PM

Very interesting article:
Meat Link to colon cancer
God Bless,
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Scientists may have found meat link to colon cancer - 02/06/06 09:58 AM

The colon is an interesting subject. Not only is meat in general more harmful for us to consume (not including the growth hormones used or similar things), there are a few other things that contribute to colon problems and eventually colon cancer.

Not only does most meat we eat still contain blood, which according to the bible we shouldn't eat, the high uric acid content in meat in turn raises our acidity level. This makes us more prone to sickness and parasite infestations.

A book I read, but remember only bits of it was called "The animal connection" I think the author's name was Agatha Thrash, if I remember correctly. It was there that I read the connection of animals to us. Our RNA/DNA interacts with the RNA/DNA of the meat of whatever animal we eat, and becomes a foreign cell in our body.

So in essence, it appears to me that the more meat we eat, the more animalistic we become, and less human. Now it is the RNA of one (human or animal) that reacts with the opposite type (DNA) of the other. (maybe I made that as clear as mud, I dunno) I cannot remember if it is the RNA from the meat that unites with a DNA from us to make that foreign cell, or if it is the opposite. (DNA from meat unites with RNA from us) Anyhow, I will need to locate the book and see if I can get it straight.

The colon problem is a combination of neglect in a few basic things. To correct it, there are a couple of things you can choose from. First off is to evaluate if you are "regular". That meaning you have regular bowel movements every day. When I was a teenager, I would be once a day, to every two days. My sister-in-law, is once every week to ten days. Not normal whatsoever. We have a friend as well who is in the same situation. This can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as both our friend and family member are anemic.(iron deficient)A person has to have a movement everyday, and usually one for each time they eat.

I will cite the problems and suggest a few things to anyone who may be having this problem.
Lack of water
Lack of fiber
poor nutrition

Posted By: Bobby

Re: Scientists may have found meat link to colon cancer - 02/06/06 10:18 AM


Basically, when you eat a meal, your body starts to digest it. If you eat two hours later, while it is still digesting, the whole process stops. While the food lays in your intestines from the meal two hours prior, the attention is now focused on the new food eaten. Repeat this day in, day out and it will take its toll. This adds to the undigested food, and eventually becomes fecal matter, which is difficult to excrete. Especially when you bring in the next piece of the puzzle. Water

Water is extremely important to everyday living. I myself, usually either drink enough water, or forget to drink any. It is difficult to consistently drink water when we have so many other tasty things to drink. Therefore, a habit is required to establish.

The effects of not drinking enough water is pretty serious. If we eat lots of fresh produce per day, we get some water via fresh produce. But not enough to meet the body's needs. Our lungs, kidneys, blood, and everything else, all need a certain percentage of water to flush themselves free of toxins, and general operating needs. Failure to do this and the body looks for other avenues to "steal" the water from. Where is the first place it looks ? The intestines.

This is due to the fact there is usually some liquids in the food we ate, whether it be saliva, beverages, water, or the water available in fresh produce. The body, if not given enough water in between meals, will take what is needed for other, more important areas. When this happens, the intestines are not as able to excrete the unneeded food/waste out of the body (or the blood's ability to flush toxins out as well).

This leads to fecal matter, which is basically hardened, undigested food that coats the walls of the intestines, and very difficult to remove. Diarrhea, most of the time shows us that there is a blockage in the colon somewhere and the body is only able to pass that little amount of feces.

Since I took a colon cleanse product a few years back, I have never had any diarrhea since. I can sit and eat 10 pounds of cherries if I desire, and feel no effects. Same with prunes. Although, due to my inconsistent meal times and frequent bad food outings (from being on the road), I am far from "regular". It is a chore to establish good habits and a consistent daily routine. The body needs this. We need to eat at roughly the same time each day, and our body will get into a routine and expect the meals at that given interval.

Another way to achieve possibly quicker results is to use a colonics board. Myself, I chose to use a herbal formulation to achieve results. It all depends on what line of work you are in and if there is a bathroom available when needed. Water is especially important with the herbal product to achieve success. Believe me, when it is time to go bathroom, it is time. LOL

The other two I listed are self explanatory (lack of fiber/poor nutrition). We get a lot of fiber from fresh vegetables, as well as fruit. But changing to a vegan diet alone will not cleanse the fecal matter from the colon. (that I am aware of as of now) This is where the herbs come into play. I have tried a few colon cleanses and found a couple that work quite well.

Avoiding white flour is a good place to start, as well as dairy. They are both mucus forming foods that hinder the body's ability to function. A book I read years ago called," Muscusless diet healing system", talks mostly about how to fast and how to do it properly, as well as listing the benefits of fruits and vegetables. As that is a different subject for a different thread, I will just say this; Fruit helps to break down mucus, vegetables act as the "broom" to cleanse out things from the body. When you fast, fruit is the thing to use, vegetables are to break the fast. He also endorses the use of colonics, which he himself used.

There is an Adventist company called Silver Hills bread that makes bread here in BC that uses NO flour. It is a sprouted grain bread, as well as certified organic. I am not sure how far east they go, but one can order the bread and have it shipped on the greyhound. (they have one guy in Japan that orders it and it costs him $10/loaf by the time it reaches him) Celiac's can eat this bread as it is gluten free. And it actually looks and tastes like normal bread! And filling. It is good stuff. No dairy or anything like that in it. Right now we buy from Walmart or Costco, around $3.27 per loaf. Costco only carries one brand but they sell two loaves for $5.25

Canada bread is a distributor for Silver Hills bread. So it may well be Canada wide by now. If you are in a Walmart or Costco, take a look. Of course, it could also be in any given health food store.

I believe that their bread is a good source of fiber and can help with many things.
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