O Canada for Freedom

Posted By: dedication

O Canada for Freedom - 05/15/22 11:21 PM

Truckers Convoy
Yes, this is what we saw here in Canada -- people lining the streets cheering as the truckers drove through
Posted By: Rick H

Re: O Canada for Freedom - 05/16/22 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by dedication
Truckers Convoy
Yes, this is what we saw here in Canada -- people lining the streets cheering as the truckers drove through

Oh, looks like some of those insurrectionist types. "a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)"...
Posted By: dedication

Re: O Canada for Freedom - 11/04/22 06:58 PM

Millions of Canadians support those truckers. Though that is dangerous as several had their bank accounts frozen for simply donating to them. From the first, the government blackened them with a ruthless brush, had media tell lies about them even before they reached Ottawa. Instead of any negotiations, the PM enacted the Emergency Act (basically suspending all rights) for a time. But strangely many restrictions on the population were lifted immediately THANK YOU TRUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!
The organizer, Tamara, who encouraged the convoy was jailed, at first given NO bail, but later released on a stiff bail, but then arrested and jailed again for talking with a former friend who had also helped organize the convoy) she is out on bail again, with a court case pending next year. All for encouraging a protest which began against COVID-19 vaccine mandates for truckers travelling across the Canada-U.S. border. But it grew to a larger movement as people against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions joined the cause.
Hearings on the validity of enacting the Emergency Act is now in progress. At least some have questioned the ease with which the PM used that act

Tamara testifies at the Public Order Emergency Commission in Ottawa

IT seems to have become a crime to protest against anything the government does.
Posted By: dedication

Re: O Canada for Freedom - 11/18/22 07:43 PM

From Epoch Times
The Two Biggest Threats to Canada's Democracy.

Freedom Convoy protests, which began in Ottawa in January, were in direct response to a mandate requiring all Canadian cross-border truckers to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
However, as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) noted, rather accurately, the protests were less a reaction to the actual mandate and ?more a reflection of the general frustration with the pandemic-related restrictions of the last couple of years.? That?s because Canada?s restrictions were among the most severe in the Western world.

What is even more alarming is this revelation:
Earlier this year, around the same time as the Convoy protests were heating up, a sobering poll showed that more than 25 percent of Canadians supported jail time for the unvaccinated. Such radical beliefs are a product of the environment that Trudeau and his colleagues have created, one steeped in paranoia and suspicion. They have managed to turn a once respectable country into a surveillance state governed by people only too willing to punish the populace.
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