Additives to be aware of in our food items

Posted By: Bobby

Additives to be aware of in our food items - 01/29/06 01:04 PM

I would like to point out in this thread how Satan has infiltrated the food industry and has made it increasingly difficult to eat healthy. Myself, I am planning on buying some land eventually, grow as much fruit and vegetables as possible so we can freeze and can it to last the winter. The more self sufficient we become, the healthier we become and we eliminate unnecessary pesticides and chemicals. Here it goes;

Margarine- I have phoned numerous margarine companies to find out what vitamin D3 is. Their responses, as well as further research, showed me that all products containing vitamin D3 is always an animal source, and its skin at that. The majority of margarine companies cited sheep skin as their source. Some said cow skin, but only a couple. To find out for yourself, phone up the 1-800 number on any margarine and ask the customer service rep to tell you what the source of the vitamin D3 is.

On a positive note, vitamin D2 is always a plant based source. Vitamin D is obtained by us, from the sun's rays. The ultra violet rays work in combination with our liver to produce vitamin D within our skin. This is the same with animals, and the reason why companies use the skin of animals to add for vitamin D. This is not including the trans fats also present in margarines and the dangers of hydrogenated oils. Cold pressed oils is the only way to go to stay healthier. Flax oil, Olive oil, Grape seed oil are all a healthier choice for oils.

Gelatin- few people realize that when they eat all of those soft jelly type candies, that they are actually eating pork. That's right, the majority of gelatin produced in North America is made from pig skin. Some countries in Europe use cow skin, but in North America, they use pig skin as it is more economical as there is less hair to get rid of from the skin before processing it. This isn't including the acid that is used in the process to make gelatin/gelatine.
Also included are; marshmallows, jell-o, chewy candies, some pastries, puddings.

A person just has to look at labels to see what is in there before buying it.

Aspartame- is used in diet pops, chewing gum, and finding its way more and more into various foods. Avoid it at all costs !! It contains phenylalanine, which is proven to cause neuro cells to die. Here is a quote to describe what happens when one consumes aspartame/phenylalanine;

Phenylalanine is part of the composition of aspartame, a common sweetener found in prepared foods (particularly soft drinks, and gum). Due to phenylketonuria, products containing aspartame usually have a warning label stating that they contain phenylalanine, in compliance with U.S. FDA guidelines.

The genetic codon for phenylalanine was the first to be discovered. Marshall W. Nirenberg discovered that, when he inserted m-RNA made up of multiple uracil repeats into E. coli, the bacterium produced a new protein, made up solely of repeated phenylalanine amino acids.

Phenylalanine uses the same active transport channel as tryptophan to cross the blood-brain barrier, and, in large quantities, interferes with the production of serotonin.

Too much Phenylalanine is a neurotoxin and can excite neurons in the brain to the point of cellular death. ADD/ADHD and emotional and behavioral disorders can all be triggered by too much Phenylalanine in the daily diet.

Of interest to avoid as well is other artificial sweeteners that are found in all of the sugarless gums on the market;
Sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol, maltitol, sucralose, fructose (different than the natural fructose in fruit) glucose, neotame, aspartame, High fructose corn syrup, are just a few. There is a few more that have recently come out which I am not familiar with. It is an ever raging battle.

A replacement for the above would be;
real maple syrup
This is what we have switched to anyway.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
I think by now, a lot of people have become familiar with MSG and have either avoided it, or have already become sensitive to it. Again, it is a neuro toxin, and kills neurons in the brain. And while most now know to avoid msg, few know about the "hidden" forms of msg. Examples to follow;

soy protein isolate (or any other isolates), hydrolyzed vegetable protein (or anything hydrolyzed)
And because it is late, I cannot think of anymore presently. I will get out my list during normal hours and post more on these ingredients.
Msg and aspartame, are two things that contribute to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. There are other things that cause them as well, but when it comes to disease, it is mostly diet related, or chemically related.

A lot of vegetarian food products, while some argue is safer than eating meat, can arguably be considered more dangerous, in my opinion. High sodium content in the Worthington brand, for example, can lead to high blood pressure, which can lead to strokes. My mother-in-law was recently diagnosed with it and told to skip salt. In her case, excess salt should be avoided. This isn't mentioning the fact that they are in aluminum cans, or that they contain hydrolyzed ingredients or protein isolates.

There is presently, around 10,000 preservatives used in the food industry today. That also contributes to our health demise.

That is for starters. Wait until I post the info on how the food industry manipulates the terms of the ingredients. I will give you an example.

We all know fructose is the sugar that naturally occurs in fruit right ? Well, in the food industry, fructose is commonly known as corn syrup. So when you see glucose/fructose on a label, it is a cheap sweetener that has been added to the juice. Glucose occurs in our bodies naturally, but the food industry wouldn't take it out of humans right ? Another extracted ingredient. Many things start out as a natural substance, but by the time the food industry is finished with it, using their chemicals to extract and such, it is no longer beneficial or natural any more. Just the processes alone, can destroy the benefits of many foods.

Anyhow, food for thought. (no pun intended) [Big Grin]
Posted By: Cheri Fritz

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 01/29/06 01:37 PM

Greetings Bro. Bobby,

Wonderful post on health!

It is a blessing to see someone teaching health reform.

Your Sister in Christ,
Cheri Fritz
Posted By: zyph

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 01/29/06 01:54 PM

Would you mind naming the sources of your information, please?
Posted By: Dora

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 01/30/06 06:45 AM

Yes! I and others need the link to that website or article!

Thank you for this information, and for sharing with us more information, so we can research it.

In His Love,
Posted By: Will

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/01/06 10:51 AM

I thought I'd bring this topic back up. I am also very interested in the sources where you got this information Bobby. It is refreshing to see how important our health is in these days.
God Bless,
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/06/06 02:28 AM

My first book I read was "Counsels on diet and foods" and "Ministry of healing". Of course, since it is inspired from God, any other info I read, has to fall into the same line of truth as the info in those two books. Interesting that snacking, is probably the most harmful thing to our body, even if it is using healthy food.

We have been finding good health related articles on 3abn's website and is a good reference for a lot of topics.

As far as personal care products is concerned, I have a few recommendations for books I have read.
Samuel Epstein, author of the books
"Safe shoppers Bible", "Unreasonable Risk", "The politics of cancer", "The breast cancer prevention program", are a few to look into.
You can also visit

As far as the food related items, a couple of websites to look up are as follows
He has a lot of good info on the artifical sweeteners, effects of the drugs that are useless for us to use and has weekly email newsletters that he sends out as well. There are a few things which he supports such as raw dairy products, or others that I don't necessarily agree with, but is a way lesser evil than the milk industry products available in the stores.
I bought a book from the author of this website called "Poison in the food. Hydrogenated oils" which talks about the oils used in our foods that cause damage to our bodies. He also sends out weekly emails for people who are interested.
(physicians for responsible medicine) was recommended to me by a fellow Adventist who has his own program to help people reverse disease by changing lifestyle, and including God as the main reason for how we are healed. Without God, and our willingness to adhere to the dietary laws given us by Ellen White's writings and examples in the Bible, we achieve insignificant results. This program can be viewed at

For info on what is really in our flu shots or immunization shots (so evidently covered up by the pharmaceutical industry) buy your own copy of a physicians desk reference, and also visit

This will show you that besides the recently publicized use of thimerosal (ethyl mercury) in vaccines, use of aluminum, pork, human aborted fetal tissue and other abominations, are amongst other ingredients that beg question as to the validity of their supposed benefits of prevention of diseases/flus.

A book I picked up from the ABC store titled
"What your doctor doesn't know about nutritional medicine, may be killing you" I haven't read entirely yet, but one I want to get to here soon

A few other books to look up or buy. Sometimes, your local library will have these, which is great
"Excitotoxins the taste that kills" Russell Blaylock
"Water cures: Drugs kill" and "your body's many cries for water" F. Batmanghelidj M.D
or visit

People may have read Kevin Trudeau's book
"Natural cures, they don't want you to know about" and it is more of an insight into the system in place in north America more than actually listing the natural cures. Many people believed that the cures would be listed in the book.

Other books of interest
"The fluoride deception" Christopher Bryson
Interesting to note is the head of Canadian dental research, Dr.Hardy Limeback, has re-stated his position on the use of fluoride which is dumped into municipal waters. It actually causes fluorosis and weakens the entire skeletal system. The teeth show the beginning signs of deterioration. I will find the website and you can look at some pics of peoples' teeth that have become subject to fluorosis. Look at the dictionary definition of fluorosis and see for yourself.

"The truth about the drug companies; how they deceive us and what to do about it" and also "Science on trial" by Dr.Marcia Angell
The author of these books was with the New England journal of medicine for two decades and offers an unseen view of how the drug industry has changed gears from trying to help the public, to a marketing giant driven by profits rather than new research and development.

A book I just picked up and haven't read yet looks to be interesting to read.
Herbal antibiotics" by Stephen Harrod Buhner

Anyhow, I have an entire archives on my computer with articles relating to many things. I started learning ten years ago after moving to BC and really started learning more in the past two years. It has really accelerated recently, with adding knowledge of pesticides, personal care products and the toxic effects of cleaning products which seriously affect our health.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/06/06 12:12 PM

Another interesting thing to point out is the terminology used in ingredient listings regarding spices, natural or artificial flavours.

They can all contain well over 100 ingredients themselves. That's right, 100 or more. And by law, they do not have to disclose that info to us. So when you see artificial bacon bits as having a "natural flavour" listing, it means what it says. On top of that, add 100 or more other preservatives, chemicals, or additives. Same goes for spices or artificial flavours.

Amazing what these food companies get away with. But not surprising at the same time.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/06/06 12:21 PM

I had to look at my "favorites" listing on my computer to see what I had there. here are a few other websites to look at
Posted By: liane

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/07/06 02:48 PM

Hi Bobby:

It is really appreciated your effort to educate us and there is so much that we need to know and I believe you have not even scratched the surface of what we should know, especially in this day and age,

BUT, I am reminded by the Spirit of Prophecy that we must not put a burden on those that cannot afford to do otherwise. Also a factor is where some people live they just cannot get certain foods that apply to the health message.

There are some people who need to take medications that have unclean products as a coating, but no other choice or they would die without their medication.

The best is to eat as much as one can of natural foods at the source. Next is to the best one can with what they do.

As an example I use to use organic milk and products. Well what I found out is that the land must be organic used for two years and the animals such as cows must be organic fed for one year to be called organic. This takes into consideration that it does not matter how the land was use before the two years or where the animals came from before one year.

All any of us can do is the best we can in the situation we have at hand. Do what we can and what we can afford to do.

Liane, the Zoo Mama
Posted By: Stephanie Suranyi

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/08/06 08:24 PM

Very interesting, Bobby. Now, I have a question for you. First off, I checked out the vitamin link you gave us. I have to take a multivitamin and calcium supplement every day because I had gastric bypass in 2004. Now, the calcium I need to take has to be chewable because my stomach/intestines won't absorb enough of the capsules/caplets. I take prenatal vitamins because I plan to have more children in the near future and want to be prepared for when it happens. Now, the prenatals listed on the site are problem. What I have a problem with is the calcium. Right now I take Caltrate 600 Plus Chewables. I take 3 tablets a day...totaling 1800mg of calcium. Again, I take that amount because not ALL of it gets absorbed and those of us who have had the surgery take higher doses to get the amount needed. Did that make sense? Anyway, the serving size is 1 tablet of caltrate, 600mg. The serving size of the vegan calcium is 4 tablets, 400mg total. To equal the amount I have to get in, I would have to take 4.5 servings of the vegan calcium supplement, which is 18 tablets PER DAY. I'm sorry, but I just cannot see spending $8.00 for a bottle of calcium that won't even last me a week! I don't have that much money to spend on vitamins/minerals....
Posted By: vastergotland

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/09/06 02:09 AM

Is there any way you could find calcium rich food?
Posted By: Stephanie Suranyi

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/09/06 02:22 AM

The thing is, Thomas, I have a stomach that is SMALLER than my fist...To give you an amount that my stomach can handle...... I HAVE to take 1/2 hour to eat a hot dog, be it a vegelink or big frank, doesn't matter........ and I can have a bun with it. No side dish, or I end up eating longer than 30 minutes...which is bad. Another example? a refried bean soft taco from Taco Bell (do they have those there? LOL) I can eat ONE, that's stomach protests if I eat any more than that...even an extra bite is too much. Now, if you know any high protein, high calcium vege foods, by all means share with me.......regardless, I STILL have to take a calcium supplement, and STILL have to take in more than 1200mg per day....The doc wants me to get at LEAST 1800 mg of calcium per day...they prefer I take 2400mg, but are willing to stick with 1800mg.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/09/06 11:17 AM

Originally posted by liane:
Hi Bobby:

It is really appreciated your effort to educate us and there is so much that we need to know and I believe you have not even scratched the surface of what we should know, especially in this day and age,

BUT, I am reminded by the Spirit of Prophecy that we must not put a burden on those that cannot afford to do otherwise. Also a factor is where some people live they just cannot get certain foods that apply to the health message.

There are some people who need to take medications that have unclean products as a coating, but no other choice or they would die without their medication.

The best is to eat as much as one can of natural foods at the source. Next is to the best one can with what they do.

As an example I use to use organic milk and products. Well what I found out is that the land must be organic used for two years and the animals such as cows must be organic fed for one year to be called organic. This takes into consideration that it does not matter how the land was use before the two years or where the animals came from before one year.

All any of us can do is the best we can in the situation we have at hand. Do what we can and what we can afford to do.

Liane, the Zoo Mama

I totally understand what you are saying. It is hard to know when it may be a burden on some. We have learned so much in the past year that we are literally going crazy, with how to approach everything. We do have some options, and would like to get back to the old way of doing things (growing our own food, canning , freezing, wood heat for winter)

One of the best things a person can do for themselves is to learn what to AVOID. Once our bodies have a relief from the source of the pollution, the body can start to reverse the negative condition. This makes the healing process that much easier.

I would really encourage people to help each other out. Some people have land (within the church family), and may not be using all of it, so an idea that came to mind was to have some type of community garden thing. I was thinking of this for our church here. Of course, this would have to be something that the land owner would need to approve. This way, people can grow/can/freeze their own food before the winter.

According to what I have read, a person may be wasting their money on organic dairy products. I read from the website, that it is basically more money for the dairy companies. Bigger dairies are selling organic milk and it still has the same flaw as the regular dairy.It may not have the same hormones etc , but the problem with dairy products is the pasteurization process, not whether it is organic or not. Now if you were to purchase, organic RAW milk, directly from a dairy farmer, you would see more benefits than from the commercialized dairy products. I read how the pasteurization process actually causes any calcium in the dairy to crystallize, therefore, when you ingest the dairy, the crystals actually will draw the calcium from your bones.

Anything that is pasteurized, and a good thing to know is that ANY beverage (juice, milk, etc..) whether it is in a health food store or not, by law, has to be pastuerized before the company is permitted to sell it in a store. Now, we all know that cooking our vegetables deprives things of nutrients, more so than eating raw produce. The pasteurization process means that things have been heated to extreme temperatures to kill any bacteria. When it is heated, much vitality is lost.

My opinion is, most commercialized juices, beverages etc... beside them adding fructose(corn syrup, sugar or glucose, to many juices, the pasteurization process kills any benefit it may have.

The same holds true for the expensive juice in health food stores. I really believe, I wasted a lot of money buying organic juice, or health food store juice, because even though it may be orgainc, if it has been pasteurized, the whole purpose of drinking that juice for health reasons is lost. So, I save my money, and if I feel like drinking some juice, I go buy some frozen canned orange juice (for a treat) because if everything is pasteurized and depleted anyway, why pay so much for it ? Again, strictly my opinion based on my own experiences and research.

Of course, for those who have a juicer, that is the best case scenario. Fruit or veggies not subjected to any heat, retain their vitality to pass on to us. Certain juice definitely gets expensive that way. Sometimes takes a lot of fruit to make a glass of grape juice. We found that out. We bought one of the best juicers out there and it sits on our shelf most of the time. LOL So there also is a learning time, and time period to try and change the old ways to a different way of doiong things.

It is true folks, you can really only do the best you can in whatever your situation may be. For those who have a will, there's a way. God will provide. I always think of the story of Daniel and the three others in the Bible who chose the diet God set out for us, as opposed to the King's food. I see that story as a parallel to our present day situation. God's diet still stands. The King's food, in my opinion, represents the food chosen of the world. If we choose that way, we do not reap the benefits otherwise. God promised us that He would keep us free from all disease, if we follow His laws. That includes the health laws.

If a person can only afford to buy produce from the grocery store, I believe God will bless them and protect them. They are making the effort and doing their part by responding to new knowledge that has been given them. If possible, I look for local people who grow their own produce to sell. That would be a better source, and more than likely, have better benefits as well.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/09/06 12:46 PM

Another thing I thought I would add that people should be aware of. Microwave popcorn.

As we no longer use a microwave, due to new knowledge of what it actually does to food, we pop the popcorn in one of the popper machines.

If you do a google search on popcorn lawsuits, you will find the companies that make the microwave popcorn used a chemical that tasted like butter. They don't use real butter, but they used a chemical to imitate it. That chemical, while airborne, caused some serious problems in the workers. Some are only left with 15-20% OF their lung capacity. The chemical literally destroyed the airway to the lungs of some of the people.

The sad thing is that the FDA stated that it won't cause a problem for people to eat it.

HELLLLLOOOOOOO!! if the chemical causes problems while airborne, if ingested, it can cause other problems. It's obviously a toxic thing to avoid.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/09/06 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Stephanie Suranyi:
The thing is, Thomas, I have a stomach that is SMALLER than my fist...To give you an amount that my stomach can handle...... I HAVE to take 1/2 hour to eat a hot dog, be it a vegelink or big frank, doesn't matter........ and I can have a bun with it. No side dish, or I end up eating longer than 30 minutes...which is bad. Another example? a refried bean soft taco from Taco Bell (do they have those there? LOL) I can eat ONE, that's stomach protests if I eat any more than that...even an extra bite is too much. Now, if you know any high protein, high calcium vege foods, by all means share with me.......regardless, I STILL have to take a calcium supplement, and STILL have to take in more than 1200mg per day....The doc wants me to get at LEAST 1800 mg of calcium per day...they prefer I take 2400mg, but are willing to stick with 1800mg.

Some calcium sources I can think of off the top of my head is, Almonds (probably most nuts as well), green leafy vegetables, (sesame seeds are a good one), even some soy milk is high in calcium.

We would buy a shaker of sesame seeds to spread on our food everyday. I am not sure how many mg of calcium it would be, but one could find out by doing some research.

And I noticed you mentioned high protein as well. I read in the Silver Hills cook book that too much protein per day can actually cause the body to excrete large amounts of calcium. Not including the problems on the kidneys and liver. It stated that the average man should eat around 56 grams of protein/day and 46 grams for the woman. I have heard of a woman taking 120 grams per protein per day and her husband is taking 160 grams per day. I shared that Silver Hills statement with them and we'll see what happens from there.

Diabetes is more commonly becoming known to have a different cause than many think. Excessive protein, more so than sugar, is the main root of diabetes. I think a lot of that has to do with the animal protein being consumed by many as well. Startling how many different ailments/diseases arise, just from eating meat.
Posted By: Stephanie Suranyi

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/09/06 05:57 PM

Becvause of the surgery I had, I have to eat 60-80 grams of protein daily. I already know what that diet does to the body. That's why I have had to get blood drawn every six months since having the surgery. Everything has been fine in my bloodwork. Now, the protein foods aren't ALL absorbed. Nor are any other foods. I think, maybe, HALF of what I eat is actually absorbed. SO, if I eat only 46g of protein, I will only absorb 23g....That is why they have gastric bypass patients on high protein ensure that they get in the protein they need. Now, since I don't eat much of anything after my protein, the fat stores I have get used up. That is the purpose of the surgery, to use the fat stores.

I am going to give you an idea of my daily intake. Keep in mind, I am not yet vegetarian, let alone vegan.

one egg
one slice of toast

drink fluid until half hour before lunch

one sandwich (whole wheat bread, one slice turkey, one or two slices cheese)

drink fluid until dinner

one chicken breast half (about 4 ounces)
one small potato

now, this isn NOT a daily thing, just an example of the types of things I CAN eat and the amounts.

sometimes I will have a salad in place of a sandwich or I will have one for dinner.

and it is funny that excessive protein is at the root of diabetes when those who have had GBP surgery no longer have symptoms of the disease, unless they had JUVENILE (now Type 1?) diabetes. Blood sugars are stable, not just short term, but long term as well. How do you explain that?
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/12/06 04:14 AM

Originally posted by Stephanie Suranyi:
Becvause of the surgery I had, I have to eat 60-80 grams of protein daily. I already know what that diet does to the body. That's why I have had to get blood drawn every six months since having the surgery. Everything has been fine in my bloodwork. Now, the protein foods aren't ALL absorbed. Nor are any other foods. I think, maybe, HALF of what I eat is actually absorbed. SO, if I eat only 46g of protein, I will only absorb 23g....That is why they have gastric bypass patients on high protein ensure that they get in the protein they need. Now, since I don't eat much of anything after my protein, the fat stores I have get used up. That is the purpose of the surgery, to use the fat stores.

I am going to give you an idea of my daily intake. Keep in mind, I am not yet vegetarian, let alone vegan.

one egg
one slice of toast

drink fluid until half hour before lunch

one sandwich (whole wheat bread, one slice turkey, one or two slices cheese)

drink fluid until dinner

one chicken breast half (about 4 ounces)
one small potato

now, this isn NOT a daily thing, just an example of the types of things I CAN eat and the amounts.

sometimes I will have a salad in place of a sandwich or I will have one for dinner.

and it is funny that excessive protein is at the root of diabetes when those who have had GBP surgery no longer have symptoms of the disease, unless they had JUVENILE (now Type 1?) diabetes. Blood sugars are stable, not just short term, but long term as well. How do you explain that?

Why was your surgery necessary ? Was it merely for weight loss and recommended by your doctor ? From what I read, it partly bypasses your small intestine, which in essence, ends up depriving you of assimilating your vitamins and minerals. As you said, you need to eat double amounts to equal what you would need normally.
Do you presently take any supplements other than the calcium ones ? I would look into that. Without all of the small intestine working to digest things, there are some side effects to consider. Has anyone told you of those before they performed the surgery ?

I have found that many people I have talked to regarding Gall bladder surgery (although a different topic) were not told everything they needed to know before making a decision. They were also told by their doctors that they could continue eating as they liked and have no problems. Every single one of them, experienced difficulties when they ate the "normal" foods they usually ate, after their surgery was months prior. The Gall bladder plays a vital role in digesting our food. From what I have read, the gall bladder stores excess bile from the liver, as the liver doesn't produce enough to digest an entire meal, therefore it takes the extra stored in the gall bladder to compensate. When the gall bladder is removed, there is no longer enough bile to digest a big meal, or even some fatty foods. Difficulties arise. PLUS, the bile from the liver continues to "leak" into ???. Some people have gotten gall bladder stones even when their gall bladder has been removed. (another name for gall bladder stones is cholesterol stones)
I read that gall stones are a possibility with people who have had GBP surgery. Has the doctor checked out that aspect after your surgery ?

A quote below is something you may already be aware of.


In a gastric bypass, the part of the intestine where many minerals and vitamins are most easily absorbed is bypassed. Because of this, you may have a deficiency in iron, calcium, magnesium, or vitamins. This can lead to long-term problems, such as osteoporosis. To prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you may need to work with a dietitian to plan meals, and you may need to take nutrient supplements and injections of vitamin B12.

This is probably another reason for why they take your blood every 6 months. So they can keep an eye on the vitamin and mineral levels as well.

It is alarming that doctors will merely start surgically removing things from our bodies that God put there for a reason. Instead of looking at the causes, they do surgery. This is why many people continue to have difficulties. They aren't told to refrain from certain food, or beverages or change lifestyle.

So I will wait for your response on why the surgery was performed and why the doctor chose that route, to better analyze anything, or to prevent from jumping to any conclusions.
Is there any way to reverse the operation without any further complications ? I am searching for that.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/12/06 04:23 AM

Here is an article on gastric bypass surgery that people should read before making the decision to go "under the knife"

There is a way to overcome anything. Seek and ye shall find.
Posted By: Stephanie Suranyi

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/12/06 08:04 PM

I just want to warn you that I am not answering your questions in any particular order.

First off, you asked if I had GBP "merely for weight loss".....Now, when I read that, I was "hot" to say the least. My first thought was "what gives you the right to question my reasoning for getting GBP surgery?" Then I realized that you probably didn't mean it the way it sounded. Now, I will say that I tried everything...from OTC weight loss aids, to diet and exercise, to doctor prescribed drugs, etc. Nothing helped. When I had my son in 2001, I had reached 408 pounds at the time of his birth. You want to know what my OB had to say? He asked a nurse, in the OB ward, to come talk to me about GBP surgery. Now, mind you, I had JUST had a c-section to deliver my baby...I wanted NOTHING to do with any other surgeries! So, I said "it's not for me." I put it out of my mind. Six months later, i started thinking about it. But, again, I put it out of my mind. Then, in 2003, I was weighed in a doctor's office...I was 450 pounds at that time. I had trouble getting around.

Now, it wasn't JUST my weight that was the problem with my mobility. I had been in a car accident before I got married. Before that accident, I had worked as a cashier, on my feet nearly every day of the week. I was overweight (obese by today's standards) but overall, ok. In the accident, I had a fractured, dislocated hip. I had it surgically repaired and now have a plate in it to hold the piece together with the rest of the hip. During that time, I was in rehab, to strengthen my arms and to teach me how to get around with a walker. Then I went home and had a visiting physical therapist twice a week. I still had limited mobility, but was able to get around...however, I was not allowed to put any weight on the left leg/hip. Time went on and I recovered. I was able to put weight on my hip. Now, I weighed the same as before the accident, but had been unable to use the left leg. My leg couldn't handle prolonged standing....even sitting, for that matter. I was able to walk short distances, but had to stop and rest after very short periods of time.

Then I became pregnant. I developed pre-ecclampsia near the end of the pregnancy, and ballooned up to 408 pounds. I breastfed my son. Now, I had been told that breastfeeding helps with weightloss. Whoever said that was lying. If anything, I gained even more weight. My son was one who ate every 2-3 hours.... which most newborns do. Sometimes, he hate every hour. I was "tied down" so to speak. Did I mind it? Not at all. Breastmilk is best for a baby, so I was determined to do that for him. Well, because of the problems I had from the car accident, I applied for disability. I eventually recieved it.

Now, that is a back story of my situation. Now, I will tell you WHY I chose GBP surgery.

I told you that I tried everything. True, I did not try sunlight, as mentioned in the article you linked to. My reason? Well, first, I never knew about it. Second, if I go out for more than 10 minutes into sunlight, without sunscreen, I turn as red as a cooked lobster...LITERALLY. And I am unable to move comfortably. One time, when I was about 9 or 10, I was forced, by my aunt/babysitter, to spend all day outside, without the benefit of shade. That night, my dad had to put aloe on me..... I burned through my swimsuit. We had no sunscreen at that time. So, I don't go out into the sun for long because of my fair complexion, because I know what will happen if I do. Now, about weight loss "remedies".... I tried various OTC remedies...dexatrim, Sweet Success, Slim Fast....You name it, I probably tried it. I also tried diets. My mom is diabetic, and she had us all on her diabetic diet...portion measurements...3 meals and one snack. I was never full. Now, that article says that if you get enough sunlight you won't want carbs? Wrong! Even when I DID get out there, I STILL ate macaroni salad, potato salad, etc. It was MEAT I didn't want! Anyway.... Then I saw my doctor who sent me to a dietician...she put me on a 1800 calorie diet based on my weight. Then I went to a diabetes specialist. Found out I was insulin resistant, put me on metformin (glucophage) which also aids in weight loss. Still didn't work. It was only after I had exhausted these other attempts (my PCP at the time does NOT prescribe weight loss drugs because of the liability associated with them all). Then *I* mentioned to HIM that I was contemplating weight loss surgery. He gave me a referral to a surgeon, who explained IN DETAIL what it entailed, and what I would/would NOT be able to eat, etc. Then I worked with THEIR dietician who gave me guidelines to work with after surgery. I did not go into this blindly. They made sure I saw a psych doctor to make sure that, psychologically, I could handle the surgery and what would happen afterward.

Having this surgery was NOT an easy decision for me. But I balloned up to 467 pounds at my top weight. I looked at my little boy and said to my husband" if I don't do something NOW, I won't see my son grow up." So, I went through with it. Was I scared? Absolutely. But, I was more scared about what would happen if I DIDN'T do it.

I know that SOME GBP patients have gall bladder problems. As a matter of fact, my surgeon thought he would have to remove mine when he went in....but my gall bladder was healthy, no problems whatsoever, so he left it in there. I still have had no problems with it. No stones, nothing. The type of GBP I had is called Roux-en-Y. Now, with this type, nothing is removed, but it IS separated. I, essentially, have two stomachs. One is attached to the esophagus and recieves food, but is attached to the small intestine further down than before. The other stomach is attached to the various digestive juices....bile, and the pancreatic juices. They meet up with the food further in the small intestine. This keeps a lot of food from being absorbed and stored in fat cells....forcing the fat cells to use their "stores". Now, that is what the surgery does for us.

You asked about my vitamin/mineral intake. Yes, I take more than just a calcium supplement daily. I also take a prenatal vitamin. Here are the vitamin and calcium I take every day and the amounts of vitamins/s minerals in each serving.

Spring Valley prenatal (from Wal*Mart)

Vit. A (100% as beta carotene) 4000 I.U.
Vit. C 120mg
Vit. D 400 I.U.
Vit. E 30 I.U.
Thiamin (B1) 1.8mg
Riboflavin (B2) 1.7mg
Niacin 20mg
Vit. B6 2.6mg
Folic Acid 800mcg
Vit. B12 8mcg
Calcium 200mg
Iron 28mg
Zinc 25mg

Caltrate Chewables (I take 3 tablets a day....the dosage I am putting on here is one serving, one tablet)

Vit. D 200 I.U.
Calcium 600mg
Magnesium 40mg
Zinc 7.5mg
Copper 1mg
Manganese 1.8mg
Boron 250mcg

My vitamin and mineral levels ahve been normal....not high, not low, but right in the middle of normal range. I have not had to take extra B12 or anything else.

Now, it was also explained to me that for some people, having the surgery triggers something in the brain that lets me know that I am full...don't eat anything more. That is what happened with me. I was always hungry before the surgery. Now? I'm not.

Also, it was explained to me that GBP is NOT a cure...only a tool. A tool to help me with portion control and choosing the right foods to eat. My stomach, now, will NOT handle high fat content and high sugar content. Can I eat some fatty foods or sugary foods? Sure, but if I eat too much, I will suffer what is called "dumping" Think of someone who is suffering low blood is kind of like that.

GBP surgery is not/was not a cure for me....but it has helped me when I could not do it for myself.

I don't see why you would feel the need to "analyze" anything regarding my surgery.... I had it done. I am healthier than I was before it. It wasn't the DOCTOR who chose for me to get GBP.... *I* brought it up to HIM!

Just to let you know... it CAN be reversed... not easily, but it CAN be done. Knowing that, I have NO plans WHATSOEVER to reverse it. I have NO reason to do so. I am not saying GBP is the way for EVERY obese person to go, but it was the RIGHT decision for me!
Posted By: Cheri Fritz

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/13/06 02:30 PM

Greetings Sr. Stephanie,

Your comment:
".....Now, when I read that, I was "hot" to say the least. My first thought was "what gives you the right to question my reasoning for getting GBP surgery?" Then I realized that you probably didn't mean it the way it sounded."
1 Corinthians 12:26 "And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it."
What I saw is a brother of your church caring for you.

With regards to being obese, I understand. But it was the Lord's servant Mrs. White pointing me to scriptures through health reform that caused me to change my life. Thus far I have lost between 80-90 pounds. Not sure on the exact weight because when I was getting small for a size 28 I would never allowed myself to be weighed. I stopped weighing myself at about 212/size 20. And I am on a short frame of 5' 1 1/2". I have an additional 40-45 pounds to go. It has been a journey of 4 years to lose this mass.

Now that the subject of health reform is being presented to you, please try not to construe the message as judgment towards you. But take and learn what is given, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all truth while you search out what some have said here. Search the Scriptures and the Spirit of Phophecy.

While our spiritual is required to take on the nature of Christ, even our bodies which the Lord calls the temple for the Holy Ghost needs attention too.

Studying health reform is to be part of the three angels messages. For in the Most Holy Place our Lord has the ark of the covenant, which inside are found the commandments, the golden pot of manna, and Aaron's Rod that budded. These are three items we should wonder after..."Why does God think that Aaron's Rod and the Manna are important as the 10 commandments?"

With regards of what your knowledge was in the past, it is important to learn today what our Lord teaches. And what we decide to do with this imformation, well that is between you and the Lord. But let us never forget as Adventists we are to uphold the three angels messages, which includes health reform. So let us be thankful students and enjoy the knowledge.

Your Sister in Christ Jesus,
Cheri Fritz
Posted By: Stephanie Suranyi

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/14/06 01:28 AM

Thank you for your response. I just feel like some people feel that I took the "easy" way out....and it isn't that at all. I have made many changes in my life since having the surgery. I, too, am about 5' 1 1/2" tall. I am NOW in a size 26/28. I applaud those who ARE able to lose weight without surgery. I commend them on being able to do so. I prayed about it. No one forced me into it. I talked with my pastor and his wife about it too. They supported my decision. My family and my friends were concerned about my health. We discussed my health problems and the benefits of having it versus the drawbacks. Now, I said I was always hungry, but it didn't mean that I always gave in. In fact, most of the time, I ate very little....but my body believed I was starving it, so it stored it all. Basically, after discussing it with my family and the pastor and his wife, as well as other members of the Adventist church (yes, I was a member of the church even when I got the surgery) and, of course, praying about it.... I believed it to be the right decision for me. I am, in no way, suggesting that every obese person should go out and have GBP surgery. That's not what I mean at all. I just believe that it was/is the right thing for me.

Whether the comments were meant as a jab at me or not, that is how it came across at first. I don't believe that the MESSAGE is presented to judge me, but I do feel as if people belive that I took the easy way and I felt the need to make sure they knew that it was NOT any easy decision. That's the point I am trying to make. And, if someone asked me what I thought of the surgery, I would tell them truthfully..."it's not for everyone. it is a very personal decision. if, after careful research and prayer, you feel this is still the route you should go, by all means, do so." I would say this to a member of the church as well. Why? Because it worked for me. I still have to work at what I eat and the amount, but I know that I can't eat too MUCh now....I learned to eat the good stuff first and maybe have a SLIVER of the desserts or other such items. Where before I could/would pile food onto my plate at potluck, I now have to pick and choose a few items, or take a tiny bit of everything so I could get a taste/sample of each food. That is what the surgery has done for me. I read the Spirit of Prophecy and my Bible. True, I don't study as much/well as I should, but I do read them. And, i implement the teachings into my life. My "tool" has helped me with my eating habits, which is what it was meant to do.

Thank you for your concern. I do appreciate it. I don't think of you as one who would "condemn" someone for going through weight loss surgery, nor look down on them for having done so. I hope no one on this forum believes that GBP is the "easy" way out, because it's not. If anything, it is more difficult.
Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/14/06 10:38 AM

I am Stephanies dad, and I can tell you that she struggled with this decision for a long agonizing time.
She asked me what I thought, and I told her that it was her choice, I also told I had made that choice as well several years ago, but the insurance company I had wouldn't pay for it, which was just as well because I changed my mind when I learned what was involved in recovery.
My job was as a truck driver, OTR, and I could not afford the time off.
I, too, have tried every diet thathas come down the pike, every 'magic' diet pill, and all the other things that were supposed to help, they didn;t.
I was injured in 1994 when my foot slipped out of the step I had it in, and the other one was caught in a footstirrup by the drivers door, the full weight of my body was held by that foot, it ripped two tendons and stretched the other two in my left knee.
After 3 1/2 months sitting with my leg in an immobilizer, I shot to the weight of 374 lbs.
Because of the injury, and the weight, I have severe osteo-arthritus in my knees, and lower back, CHF, type 2 diabetes (IDD) gout, rheumatoid arthritis and obstructive apnea.
Nothing works to get the weight off.
I do not have access to the types of food you mention, and am no longer physicaly capable of planting and caring for a garden.
My wife is also disabled, so she can't do it, either.
Any suggestions?

Posted By: Cheri Fritz

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/15/06 07:00 AM

Dear Br. Gerry,

Nice to have you post again. You know I use to have RA too. Had it for 26 years but through learning how dearly our Lord wants our temple bodies to be in good repair too, I found myself accepting that the 8 laws of health had to be decidedly followed because I loved Him.

Then in 2002, the PA found a large lump on my left breast. Through prayer I had to make a choice of how this would be handled. It took faith for me to walk into the world of health reform with regards to being healed through natural means. Afterall, was raised that modern medicines are a gift of God. But I watched my Dad slowly take on new diseases from the side effect of each drug he took.

I conferred with the Sisters in my church, and was directed to the Sister with the most information on herbs and cancer. Which she had over 20 years ago and the Lord did heal her with the 8 laws of health and herbs.

I began working more on fresh foods in my vegan diet and worked at abstaining from refined foods even better than I had just the year before. Then incorporated Essiac(8 herb instead of the 4 herb one) tea 3 times each day. Within a week the lump was gone.

Feeling delighted and a bit relaxed I relaxed on health reform and the lump immediately returned. I prayed and confessed to the Lord for my pride and within three days the lump was gone and has never returned again.

I will tell you that I do not often have the opportunitiy to exercise, and I am presently losing slowly. Might I suggest that you try taking sea kelp? This helped me curb my unnatural desires to eat above what is a good decent proportioned meal. I also have brought myself down to two meals per day. And actually have noticed a change of health for the my surprise I might add.

Going on a diet is a sacrifice. For me food was my comfort as a child because I was a "latch-key" child. I was fearful in the home by myself and used food for my overcoming and that habit maintained itself through the years. Presently I am 46.

Your sister in Christ Jesus,
Cheri Fritz
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/15/06 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Stephanie Suranyi:
I just want to warn you that I am not answering your questions in any particular order.

First off, you asked if I had GBP "merely for weight loss".....Now, when I read that, I was "hot" to say the least. My first thought was "what gives you the right to question my reasoning for getting GBP surgery?" Then I realized that you probably didn't mean it the way it sounded. Now, I will say that I tried everything...from OTC weight loss aids, to diet and exercise, to doctor prescribed drugs, etc. Nothing helped. When I had my son in 2001, I had reached 408 pounds at the time of his birth. You want to know what my OB had to say? He asked a nurse, in the OB ward, to come talk to me about GBP surgery. Now, mind you, I had JUST had a c-section to deliver my baby...I wanted NOTHING to do with any other surgeries! So, I said "it's not for me." I put it out of my mind. Six months later, i started thinking about it. But, again, I put it out of my mind. Then, in 2003, I was weighed in a doctor's office...I was 450 pounds at that time. I had trouble getting around.

Now, it wasn't JUST my weight that was the problem with my mobility. I had been in a car accident before I got married. Before that accident, I had worked as a cashier, on my feet nearly every day of the week. I was overweight (obese by today's standards) but overall, ok. In the accident, I had a fractured, dislocated hip. I had it surgically repaired and now have a plate in it to hold the piece together with the rest of the hip. During that time, I was in rehab, to strengthen my arms and to teach me how to get around with a walker. Then I went home and had a visiting physical therapist twice a week. I still had limited mobility, but was able to get around...however, I was not allowed to put any weight on the left leg/hip. Time went on and I recovered. I was able to put weight on my hip. Now, I weighed the same as before the accident, but had been unable to use the left leg. My leg couldn't handle prolonged standing....even sitting, for that matter. I was able to walk short distances, but had to stop and rest after very short periods of time.

Then I became pregnant. I developed pre-ecclampsia near the end of the pregnancy, and ballooned up to 408 pounds. I breastfed my son. Now, I had been told that breastfeeding helps with weightloss. Whoever said that was lying. If anything, I gained even more weight. My son was one who ate every 2-3 hours.... which most newborns do. Sometimes, he hate every hour. I was "tied down" so to speak. Did I mind it? Not at all. Breastmilk is best for a baby, so I was determined to do that for him. Well, because of the problems I had from the car accident, I applied for disability. I eventually recieved it.

Now, that is a back story of my situation. Now, I will tell you WHY I chose GBP surgery.

I told you that I tried everything. True, I did not try sunlight, as mentioned in the article you linked to. My reason? Well, first, I never knew about it. Second, if I go out for more than 10 minutes into sunlight, without sunscreen, I turn as red as a cooked lobster...LITERALLY. And I am unable to move comfortably. One time, when I was about 9 or 10, I was forced, by my aunt/babysitter, to spend all day outside, without the benefit of shade. That night, my dad had to put aloe on me..... I burned through my swimsuit. We had no sunscreen at that time. So, I don't go out into the sun for long because of my fair complexion, because I know what will happen if I do. Now, about weight loss "remedies".... I tried various OTC remedies...dexatrim, Sweet Success, Slim Fast....You name it, I probably tried it. I also tried diets. My mom is diabetic, and she had us all on her diabetic diet...portion measurements...3 meals and one snack. I was never full. Now, that article says that if you get enough sunlight you won't want carbs? Wrong! Even when I DID get out there, I STILL ate macaroni salad, potato salad, etc. It was MEAT I didn't want! Anyway.... Then I saw my doctor who sent me to a dietician...she put me on a 1800 calorie diet based on my weight. Then I went to a diabetes specialist. Found out I was insulin resistant, put me on metformin (glucophage) which also aids in weight loss. Still didn't work. It was only after I had exhausted these other attempts (my PCP at the time does NOT prescribe weight loss drugs because of the liability associated with them all). Then *I* mentioned to HIM that I was contemplating weight loss surgery. He gave me a referral to a surgeon, who explained IN DETAIL what it entailed, and what I would/would NOT be able to eat, etc. Then I worked with THEIR dietician who gave me guidelines to work with after surgery. I did not go into this blindly. They made sure I saw a psych doctor to make sure that, psychologically, I could handle the surgery and what would happen afterward.

Having this surgery was NOT an easy decision for me. But I balloned up to 467 pounds at my top weight. I looked at my little boy and said to my husband" if I don't do something NOW, I won't see my son grow up." So, I went through with it. Was I scared? Absolutely. But, I was more scared about what would happen if I DIDN'T do it.

I know that SOME GBP patients have gall bladder problems. As a matter of fact, my surgeon thought he would have to remove mine when he went in....but my gall bladder was healthy, no problems whatsoever, so he left it in there. I still have had no problems with it. No stones, nothing. The type of GBP I had is called Roux-en-Y. Now, with this type, nothing is removed, but it IS separated. I, essentially, have two stomachs. One is attached to the esophagus and recieves food, but is attached to the small intestine further down than before. The other stomach is attached to the various digestive juices....bile, and the pancreatic juices. They meet up with the food further in the small intestine. This keeps a lot of food from being absorbed and stored in fat cells....forcing the fat cells to use their "stores". Now, that is what the surgery does for us.

You asked about my vitamin/mineral intake. Yes, I take more than just a calcium supplement daily. I also take a prenatal vitamin. Here are the vitamin and calcium I take every day and the amounts of vitamins/s minerals in each serving.

Spring Valley prenatal (from Wal*Mart)

Vit. A (100% as beta carotene) 4000 I.U.
Vit. C 120mg
Vit. D 400 I.U.
Vit. E 30 I.U.
Thiamin (B1) 1.8mg
Riboflavin (B2) 1.7mg
Niacin 20mg
Vit. B6 2.6mg
Folic Acid 800mcg
Vit. B12 8mcg
Calcium 200mg
Iron 28mg
Zinc 25mg

Caltrate Chewables (I take 3 tablets a day....the dosage I am putting on here is one serving, one tablet)

Vit. D 200 I.U.
Calcium 600mg
Magnesium 40mg
Zinc 7.5mg
Copper 1mg
Manganese 1.8mg
Boron 250mcg

My vitamin and mineral levels ahve been normal....not high, not low, but right in the middle of normal range. I have not had to take extra B12 or anything else.

Now, it was also explained to me that for some people, having the surgery triggers something in the brain that lets me know that I am full...don't eat anything more. That is what happened with me. I was always hungry before the surgery. Now? I'm not.

Also, it was explained to me that GBP is NOT a cure...only a tool. A tool to help me with portion control and choosing the right foods to eat. My stomach, now, will NOT handle high fat content and high sugar content. Can I eat some fatty foods or sugary foods? Sure, but if I eat too much, I will suffer what is called "dumping" Think of someone who is suffering low blood is kind of like that.

GBP surgery is not/was not a cure for me....but it has helped me when I could not do it for myself.

I don't see why you would feel the need to "analyze" anything regarding my surgery.... I had it done. I am healthier than I was before it. It wasn't the DOCTOR who chose for me to get GBP.... *I* brought it up to HIM!

Just to let you know... it CAN be reversed... not easily, but it CAN be done. Knowing that, I have NO plans WHATSOEVER to reverse it. I have NO reason to do so. I am not saying GBP is the way for EVERY obese person to go, but it was the RIGHT decision for me!

I would like to apologize to you Stephanie, as when I wrote those last posts, it was NOT intended to come across that way. Up until I read your history, I didn't know what GBP surgery was exactly, and wasn't sure if there were a variety of reasons for the procedure. From what I read, it appeared it was, for the most part, to help curb obesity. I hope that clarifies things better. Words alone, cannot display all of one's thoughts, emotions or mannerisms, quite like "in person" can achieve.

My goal here is to share knowledge with others. A trend that appears to be increasing is surgeries to remove problems, so I was pointing that out as well.

So I am sorry if you took it the wrong way, I am merely trying to learn from your situation so when I encounter someone else with a similar or same challenge(s), I may better help them. IF they are willing that is.

And I believe you when you said it wasn't to take the easy way out. Either side you faced was not an easy thing to do.

I would like to learn more, if you are willing Stephanie. To pinpoint things, if you would be willing to reveal the foods you ate on a regular basis prior to the surgery. Or, even as far back as you remember. I am on a mission to find the various foods responsible for different dilemas. If you like, you can email me if that would be better. If you're not comfortable with any of it, then, that is okay as well. Like I said, I am learning and absorbing different info right now, and have a pretty good idea on what to steer people away from. Your dad as well, if he would like to share his story and history.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/15/06 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Gerry Buck:
I am Stephanies dad, and I can tell you that she struggled with this decision for a long agonizing time.
She asked me what I thought, and I told her that it was her choice, I also told I had made that choice as well several years ago, but the insurance company I had wouldn't pay for it, which was just as well because I changed my mind when I learned what was involved in recovery.
My job was as a truck driver, OTR, and I could not afford the time off.
I, too, have tried every diet thathas come down the pike, every 'magic' diet pill, and all the other things that were supposed to help, they didn;t.
I was injured in 1994 when my foot slipped out of the step I had it in, and the other one was caught in a footstirrup by the drivers door, the full weight of my body was held by that foot, it ripped two tendons and stretched the other two in my left knee.
After 3 1/2 months sitting with my leg in an immobilizer, I shot to the weight of 374 lbs.
Because of the injury, and the weight, I have severe osteo-arthritus in my knees, and lower back, CHF, type 2 diabetes (IDD) gout, rheumatoid arthritis and obstructive apnea.
Nothing works to get the weight off.
I do not have access to the types of food you mention, and am no longer physicaly capable of planting and caring for a garden.
My wife is also disabled, so she can't do it, either.
Any suggestions?


Yeah, those "miracle diet pills". I used to sell those years ago, but had a moral problem with it. I felt it was wrong to sell people pills to lose weight. It was a manipulation of the body, and many companies do it. It's all about money and marketing.

Would you mind sharing what food your household consumes on a daily basis ? Right down to margarine, if you eat any margarine, that is. If you do, I would suggest discontinuing it. It is a weight builder for sure. Many people are also unaware of the hydrogenated oils present in many foods, from crackers, to cookies to bread. It literally gets to a point where a person needs to make/grow much of their own food from scratch, if possible.

Regarding the garden thing, do you know of anyone that does have a garden or grows their own produce to sell ? We have a few local people who grow their own food, to specifically sell, and do not use any pesticides or any chemicals like that. So that may be an option.

If you are able to, switching to distilled water may be helpful to combat arthritis, and gout. Getting rid of Gout would entail eliminating certain foods. Diabetes, I believe is reversible. I have spoken to a few people who have helped others get rid of it. The CHIP program helped a 15 year diabetic get off all medication within 30-60 days. Just by changing to healthy living/eating.

So there is hope, others have gotten help and overcome thier obstacles. A lot of those "miracle pills" won't do the job, because it is more than one thing that needs to be addressed. So , if you are willing, I can probably be of more assistance if I can get an idea of what is being consumed on a regualr basis. Weaknesses for certain type(s) of food, etc... You can email me if that is more comfortable.
Posted By: Angie Street

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/15/06 02:20 PM

Bobby, I commend you on your willingness to admit when you have made a mistake. I was starting to get offended for Steph. BTW, I'm her sister. We do a lot of stuff as a family... [Wink] Anyway, as far as asking dad if there is someone up there who could/would/does grow a garden, they do, but the prices they charge for their food (esp. small amounts) is about as much as what my mom and dad have for their MONTHLY grocery budget. Also, they have a lady staying with them, who had a stroke a few years ago, and she insists on buying all the foods that aren't good for mom and dad. Now, these things alone are not the only factors, there are many. I, personally, would be interested to know what this CHIP program is. Again, thank you, for being a man and owning up to your mistakes. Not being sarcastic. [Wave]
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/16/06 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Angie Street:
Bobby, I commend you on your willingness to admit when you have made a mistake. I was starting to get offended for Steph. BTW, I'm her sister. We do a lot of stuff as a family... [Wink] Anyway, as far as asking dad if there is someone up there who could/would/does grow a garden, they do, but the prices they charge for their food (esp. small amounts) is about as much as what my mom and dad have for their MONTHLY grocery budget. Also, they have a lady staying with them, who had a stroke a few years ago, and she insists on buying all the foods that aren't good for mom and dad. Now, these things alone are not the only factors, there are many. I, personally, would be interested to know what this CHIP program is. Again, thank you, for being a man and owning up to your mistakes. Not being sarcastic. [Wave]

I will give you a couple of websites to look at. I have posted one before, but it would be really good for the lady who had the stroke to look at as well.

Both focus on lifestyle change, and both are Adventist. It all starts with a willingness or desire to change.

My plan for the near future is to make a good size garden. There is a learning curve to overcome, but it will be fun. Many people have told me how relaxing horticulture is, but I have haven't experienced it yet.

If at all possible, if there is a group of people within the community or church that has some land amongst them, it would be a way to have a community garden, where people wouldn't have to pay extravagant prices for produce.

I would say the best bet for your parents is to look at the CHIP program. I believe it will help anyone who is tired of being "sick and tired" and wants relief.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/16/06 09:42 AM

Oh I forgot to ask one thing Angie. The lady who had the stroke, are you familiar with the "bad foods" that she brings into the house ? I bet lots of hydrogenated types, especially if she had a stroke. If you care to share any details of any particular foods, I can shed some light on exactly what long term damage it can do to the body. Is she wanting to get away from certain things and reverse her condition ?
Posted By: Angie Street

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/16/06 02:24 PM


Let me put it to you this way. As a mom, I would probably have a FIT if my kids ate all the stuff she brings home. Cookies, candy, cakes, you are probably right that it is filled w/hydrogenated... whatever. It's too early in the AM... Sorry. Anyway, I very highly doubt that she would be willing to make the changes that the CHIP program requires. She is a meat and potatoes kind of woman. If it's health food, she's not interested. Thx, btw for the links. I'll check them out when I'm not feeling so bad. I think I'm coming down w/bronchitis. God bless! [Wave]
Posted By: Stephanie Suranyi

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/17/06 07:07 AM

I can attest to the fact that this lady would be unwilling to do any of that. If she could get my mom to buy pork chops, she would...Fortunately, my mom will stand by my dad's wishes and not purchase that stuff. Now, this is just to give you an idea of this lady's mental state as far as ftood is concerned. I believe she won't even LOOK at tofu, let alone eat it. Veggie meats? No thanks.....(her talking, not me) She can't stand mushrooms, and I think there are some other foods that are "good for you" that she doesn't like. I believe she chooses white bread over wheat, butter on her toast, basically high fat, high sugar foods. Did I mention that she is non-Adventist? I guess the pork chop reference gave it away, eh? Anyway, if she knows it comes from the Adventist church, forget it. She won't consume it. Mom leans a little more toward the church's teachings, but she is non-Adventist as well. She is the type, last I knew anyway, who feels it isn't a complete dinner without a carcass on the table. Though, occasionally, she will eat tofu. She actually likes it, for the most part, as long as it has some kind of flavor.

BTW, I checked out and as much as the idea interests me, it is WAY out of my budget. I don't have an extra $600 for 2 months supply of supplements......CHIP looks doable, though. I'm going to look into purchasing some seeds and pots so I can grow my own "minigarden" here in my apartment. I live in one of the Chicago suburbs in an apartment complex. I have a small patio but many windows. If I can keep the cat out of the windows, I may be able to grow some veggies/fruits in there. Now, would you suggest that I run my water theough the refrigerated purifier (of course I would have it room temp) before pouring it on the plants? Or will the tap water be ok for that?
Now, my husband is kind of "meat and potatoes" as well. I have a tough time getting him to eat very many green veggies.....because of that, my son is against greens as well....Angie and Dad can attest to that! If there is even a HINT of green in anything, he won't eat it. We have spaghetti and if he spots any oregano in the sauce, forget it....I have to PICK OUT the bits of oregano! Got the mental picture there? When he was a baby, I had NO problem getting him to eat peas, beans, forget it. Any suggestions?

Ok, I have no problem mentioning the foods I ate prior to surgery and comparing them to post-op.
before: I ate tfoods that were/are dietarily acceptable by Adventist unclean meats, etc. Now, one of my favorite foods was chicken wings. I didn't have them everyday, but I loved them when I got them. I drank soda, be it regular or diet. When I had meat, it was the leaner cuts. I would get ground round or ground chuck as opposed to the fattier ground hamburger. Usually, though, I would get the ground turkey. I only got chicken breasts when purchasing chicken at the store because my husband can't handle dark meat poultry. I even purchased some fish: flounder, salmon, perch, etc. I also ate morningstar farms veggie meats, tofu, salads, all kinds of veggies except brussels sprouts & a few others. The bread I ate, for the most part, was white bread. I did that because it was cheaper and we had a limited income. I am, admittedly, a chocoholic, so you can guess what that means....

Now, after surgery, It is pretty much the same except that I can't eat high fat foods nor high sugar content. I can't have white bread (per doctor's orders) because it becomes doughy in my "pouch" (new stomach) and can block the opening. Still love salads, no soda because it can expand the pouch. Fish, not so much because it was pretty much ALL I had for the first couple months post-op (after getting past the liquid diet, of course). Chicken is breast only, unless there is only one piece of breast and a bunch of legs & my husband is with me, then I let him have the breast because I can tolerate the dark meat. Still like chocolate, but only have a small amount every once in awhile now. Eat veggies. I DO like the veggie meats, but cannot get to the ABC, or any other store that sells them, before they close. Still like tofu. I basically eat the same allowed foods, but in smaller quantities and less sugar/fats. Did that clarify things a bit?
Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/17/06 02:16 AM

I was a truck driver for over 25 years, and ate a lot of 'food' from greasy spoons ( literally), truck stops and even a few mom and pop joints.
It had to be fast and inexpensive, I was on a tight schedule and had to keep moving to make 'appointments' to load or unload.

Right now, I have been able to get the red meat cut out, mostly chicken and turkey now, but, we have to buy what we can get the most of for less.
Maccaronni, pasta, canned vegs., etc.

Options are limited, money is tight, and my wife and I are on a lot of different meds.

I have heard of the CHIP program, but don't know a lot about it.

It just seems that anything that would help is priced out of my range.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/25/06 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Stephanie Suranyi:
I can attest to the fact that this lady would be unwilling to do any of that. If she could get my mom to buy pork chops, she would...Fortunately, my mom will stand by my dad's wishes and not purchase that stuff. Now, this is just to give you an idea of this lady's mental state as far as ftood is concerned. I believe she won't even LOOK at tofu, let alone eat it. Veggie meats? No thanks.....(her talking, not me) She can't stand mushrooms, and I think there are some other foods that are "good for you" that she doesn't like. I believe she chooses white bread over wheat, butter on her toast, basically high fat, high sugar foods. Did I mention that she is non-Adventist? I guess the pork chop reference gave it away, eh? Anyway, if she knows it comes from the Adventist church, forget it. She won't consume it. Mom leans a little more toward the church's teachings, but she is non-Adventist as well. She is the type, last I knew anyway, who feels it isn't a complete dinner without a carcass on the table. Though, occasionally, she will eat tofu. She actually likes it, for the most part, as long as it has some kind of flavor.

BTW, I checked out and as much as the idea interests me, it is WAY out of my budget. I don't have an extra $600 for 2 months supply of supplements......CHIP looks doable, though. I'm going to look into purchasing some seeds and pots so I can grow my own "minigarden" here in my apartment. I live in one of the Chicago suburbs in an apartment complex. I have a small patio but many windows. If I can keep the cat out of the windows, I may be able to grow some veggies/fruits in there. Now, would you suggest that I run my water theough the refrigerated purifier (of course I would have it room temp) before pouring it on the plants? Or will the tap water be ok for that?
Now, my husband is kind of "meat and potatoes" as well. I have a tough time getting him to eat very many green veggies.....because of that, my son is against greens as well....Angie and Dad can attest to that! If there is even a HINT of green in anything, he won't eat it. We have spaghetti and if he spots any oregano in the sauce, forget it....I have to PICK OUT the bits of oregano! Got the mental picture there? When he was a baby, I had NO problem getting him to eat peas, beans, forget it. Any suggestions?

Ok, I have no problem mentioning the foods I ate prior to surgery and comparing them to post-op.
before: I ate tfoods that were/are dietarily acceptable by Adventist unclean meats, etc. Now, one of my favorite foods was chicken wings. I didn't have them everyday, but I loved them when I got them. I drank soda, be it regular or diet. When I had meat, it was the leaner cuts. I would get ground round or ground chuck as opposed to the fattier ground hamburger. Usually, though, I would get the ground turkey. I only got chicken breasts when purchasing chicken at the store because my husband can't handle dark meat poultry. I even purchased some fish: flounder, salmon, perch, etc. I also ate morningstar farms veggie meats, tofu, salads, all kinds of veggies except brussels sprouts & a few others. The bread I ate, for the most part, was white bread. I did that because it was cheaper and we had a limited income. I am, admittedly, a chocoholic, so you can guess what that means....

Now, after surgery, It is pretty much the same except that I can't eat high fat foods nor high sugar content. I can't have white bread (per doctor's orders) because it becomes doughy in my "pouch" (new stomach) and can block the opening. Still love salads, no soda because it can expand the pouch. Fish, not so much because it was pretty much ALL I had for the first couple months post-op (after getting past the liquid diet, of course). Chicken is breast only, unless there is only one piece of breast and a bunch of legs & my husband is with me, then I let him have the breast because I can tolerate the dark meat. Still like chocolate, but only have a small amount every once in awhile now. Eat veggies. I DO like the veggie meats, but cannot get to the ABC, or any other store that sells them, before they close. Still like tofu. I basically eat the same allowed foods, but in smaller quantities and less sugar/fats. Did that clarify things a bit?

Yeah, I know ALL about chocolate. I still have my days where I eat more than my fair share.

Some history;
This is what I used to eat when I first moved to BC from NS. This was my typical daily eating habits for every day I worked at the gas station:
7 or 8 choc bars
4 or 5 ice tea
6 ice cream novelties (cones or sandwiches etc and usually always chocolate)
usually 1 pop
1 bag of chips (sporadic)
2 or 3 processed mini pizzas (or equivalent)

I did this for two months straight, and managed to rack up a $300 junk food bill at work for July and August. That was ten years ago, and so far, I am fortunate to not have had any major problems; YET. I have never been one to put on any weight, but I noticed that my skin was getting worse as I got older. Dry, patchy etc. Years ago I went to skin specialists and they only try to prescribe some cortizone cream, and look at symptoms instead of causes. I know what causes it now.

When I was in grade 7 & 8, long before I ever started going to church, I would eat the following every day for recess;
on a "poor day";
4 choc chip cookies, & 1-250ml milk.

a regular day would be;
8 choc chip cookies, & 1-250ml milk.

a really good day
12 chocolate chip cookies and 2-250 ml milk

I have to add a little detail to why I ate these cookies. They were frozen cookies, and the ladies at the canteen in the school, would put them in the ovens to thaw/cook before recess would hit. By the time recess came, the whole school smelled like choc chip cookies. They were warm, and fresh out of the oven. Who could resist ?

Now, to add to that, every saturday, I would collect newspaper money (as I had 2 newspaper routes to make a little income) After collecting money and delivering newspapers, I would go to the store and eat 5 vachon cakes (Joe louis, half moons, flaky pastries etc) and wash it all down with a grape pop and a lime pop. Then I would go home and eat a few bowls of cereal and some bread.

I remember the first christmas my wife and I were married, I went out and bought 6 or 7 12 pack of canned pop. Well, I drank more than my fair share and my reward was 1 nasty cold. The only thing I really remember to this day was how much mucus was expelled from my body. Even 3 years ago when I was selling pop, I would get it for free all the time, and I would regularly get sick. Same thing again and again. Head cold, then the chest cold followed.

Now occasionally, I will sneak in one and after I drink it, I literally feel a head cold coming on. But, ONLY because I now avoid drinking pop on a regular basis, therefore, my body is not used to it. I could drink a pop every day for three months before getting sick. Not anymore. Within a day, I will feel a cold coming on. If I drink a second one, I will get a cold. If I abstain, and drink more water instead, no cold.

I agree that most people will find the Chip program to be more affordable. Many problems can be reversed in that program. I will post another reponse to the other parts of your post
to be continued..
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/25/06 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Angie Street:

Let me put it to you this way. As a mom, I would probably have a FIT if my kids ate all the stuff she brings home. Cookies, candy, cakes, you are probably right that it is filled w/hydrogenated... whatever. It's too early in the AM... Sorry. Anyway, I very highly doubt that she would be willing to make the changes that the CHIP program requires. She is a meat and potatoes kind of woman. If it's health food, she's not interested. Thx, btw for the links. I'll check them out when I'm not feeling so bad. I think I'm coming down w/bronchitis. God bless! [Wave]

Then I guess she will surely have more problems. I know I was sick a lot when I ate lots of sugar. I even got really sick just from drinking 4 to 6 cans of Five Alive juice every day. Of course, I wasn't drinking much water either. The ol' lymphatic system got overloaded a little bit. I couldn't swallow anything or hardly talk for 3 days. Then I ate a raw clove of garlic and took some Oil of Oregano topically and orally. Within a few hours, bye bye throat problem. Now I know to avoid excessive commercialized juice. One of the ingredients in many of them is glucose/fructose. And no, it isn't what we are thinking of. It is glorified corn syrup labelled in a way to imply something else. We are thinking naturally occurring sugar present in the fruit, but it's not. Appalling how much deception is going on out there regarding food labels.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 02/25/06 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Gerry Buck:
I was a truck driver for over 25 years, and ate a lot of 'food' from greasy spoons ( literally), truck stops and even a few mom and pop joints.
It had to be fast and inexpensive, I was on a tight schedule and had to keep moving to make 'appointments' to load or unload.

Right now, I have been able to get the red meat cut out, mostly chicken and turkey now, but, we have to buy what we can get the most of for less.
Maccaronni, pasta, canned vegs., etc.

Options are limited, money is tight, and my wife and I are on a lot of different meds.

I have heard of the CHIP program, but don't know a lot about it.

It just seems that anything that would help is priced out of my range.

The CHIP program will be your best bet. Most of the success depends on the individual. A desire to change, combined with education, a will, and determination to stick to the program. AS hard as it sounds, it does boil down to a choice.

I have a relative who refuses to give up dairy or other types of foods because they will miss eating them. So they continue to suffer because of that unwillingness to do away with the bad food. I know that chocolate, if eaten at all, is best to eat only when it is dark chocolate. Best to avoid white chocolate, and milk chocolate (due to the dairy in it)
Once we are aware of the damage that certain foods inflict on our bodies, some of us will look at the foods in a different light. Recently, I am looking at cookies available in the stores as "not safe". This is due to the high content of trans and saturated fats present (not even considering eggs, dairy, sugar, chocolate or chamicals/preservatives). Some of my favorite junk foods are very high in those fats, which lead to heart disease and eventually heart attacks/strokes. (among other problems)

I was in the grocery store the other night and was tempted to buy a box of chocolate chip cookies. I looked at the label and it told me the content of the trans and saturated fats. I had to make a decision to avoid them, or give in and eat them (only to be affected down the road) So I left them. Now if you personally knew me, you would see me buy those cookies and eat 6 at once, no problem. And these aren't small cookies. So slowly but surely, I am thinking and making the choice to take better care of myself. Did I want those cookies ?? Oh yeah, I sure did.

Sometimes, the desire to give in and eat something we want is overwhelming. I feel good knowing I didn't give in and eat the junk food. Now, I can repeat that the next time, then the next.

There are certain foods we can avoid right away and within a month, start seeing improvements. Unless a person has their own farm and has access to their own cow, I would avoid ALL dairy products. They are high in salt, create a lot of mucus in the body, and many are contaminated with growth hormones and other nasties.

If a person can start to look at ingredient listings, or nutritional value listings, they can really help themselves avoid many bad foods.

Margarine is one item to avoid. I personally buy a brand of margarine alternative that is safer. I am not sure if is available North America wide, but I am sure it is
It's called "Earth Balance" Non GMO 100% Expeller pressed oils. It's 100% vegan.
When it comes to oils, expeller pressed or cold pressed are the best. If a label states "vegetable oil", chances are, it's hydrogenated. If in doubt, find out.

The reason why the oil is so important is because it is in so many products. Foods we aren't even aware of. Many people never look at labels, let alone think of any concern. After all, the products are on a shelf, they must be safe, right ? Negative. That is where many people are deceived. We assume everything is safe and tested for safety.

Gerry, have you tried substituting the canned vegs for fresh instead ? If you can, it would be of benefit to you and your wife. The canned vegs are high in salt. Many people who gain weight is because of the body retaining water due to high salt intake (combined with lack of water). When a person starts drinking more water and eating less salt, they are able to lose weight (one aspect depending on the person) All canned foods, processed meats, vegetarian meats etc.. plus many other foods (cereals e.g)

My mother-in-law now has high blood pressure because she picked up a bad habit from her mother; dousing any meal with extra salt. Common table salt is actually harmful to us anyway, and should be discarded. The recent wave of "sea salt" I feel is no better. If we wouldn't drink sea water, why would we eat sea salt ? Is sea salt an organic source ? or inorganic source ? So, I will use nothing, or a person can buy dulce, or some veggie salts are okay.

Time for some zzzz. The brain is shutting down. Will continue again...
Posted By: Bill Wennell

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/10/06 08:08 PM

Here is a list I have of certain processed foods and what is in them, although I have not personally verified all those listed, it is enough to warrant making sure of what you eat before buying it. The list was originally found at: but the site isn't there anymore.

Did you know that gelatin is a colorless or slightly yellow, transparent, brittle protein formed by boiling the specially prepared skin, bones, and connective tissue of animals and used in foods, drugs, and photographic film. Gelatin is generally a pork product. It can also be derived from beef, sheep, clean and unclean fish, etc.?

Did you know that rennet is the inner lining of the fourth stomach of calves and other young ruminants, A dried extract made from the stomach lining of a ruminant, used in cheesemaking to curdle milk?

Rennet is in cheese, cheese products and snacks. Nacho cheese chips, cheez-its and other snack foods that are not necessarily advertised as 'cheese,' often have cheese in them. Many processed foods and soups have cheese in them.

Altoid mints contain gelatin

All gummi candies have gelatin

Kraft jello contains pork gelatin [all jello's contain animal gelatin unless otherwise indicated on the package]

Most marshmallow products [unless specified otherwise] contain gelatin. This usually includes rice krispies squares.

Hershey's amazin' fruit [gelatin]

Most of M&M Mars candy bars contain gelatin. This gelatin is beef based. [Mad cow disease and other animal-born diseases could be a consideration.]

Planters Cheese balls and curls contain pork/beef gelatin

Kellogg's frosted pop-tarts and pop-tarts pastry swirls contain beef gelatin

Pepperidge Farms gold fish crackers contain beef enzymes and ALL Pepperidge Farm cakes contain pork gelatin

Many of Sara Lee's pastries contain pork or beef gelatin. Their banana and carrot cakes contain pork.

All varieties of the Creme Savers candies contain flavor agents that are pork.

Most Nestle candies contain beef gelatin

Tootsie Roll junior mints contain pork and tootsie rolls contain beef and pork

All varieties of Mentos contain beef gelatin

Most Vitner Company cheese products contain pork enzymes

Clorets gum contains beef and pork

Wrigley Co. Extra Polar Ice gum contains gelatin [pork/beef]

Most Kellogg Co cereals contain beef gelatin

Marshmallow Froot Loops contain pork gelatin

Big Bowl Instant Oatmeal [apple/cinn, maple/br sug/variety pack] contains unclean fish gelatin

"I Can't Believe It's Not Butter"--these varieties only: Fat-Free, Light, Sweet Cream & Calcium contain beef/pork gelatin

Crystal Farms Process cheeses, Cheese Loaf singles, Hot Pepper cheeses have beef and pork in them

Edy's ice cream [these varieties only: Dreamery's Galactic Chocolate Swirl Ice Cream, Edy's Rocky Road have pork gelatin

Kraft Foods: Kraft singles [flavor enzymes--beef/pork]; Velveeta [flavor enzymes--beef/pork]

Most cheeses have beef products in them

Con Agra produces several Butterball products. These have pork in them: Butterball Turkey Bacon, Butterball Skinless Beef, and Butterball Turkey Hotdogs [the last two use pork casings]
Many casings for beef or turkey sausages are from the pig

Long John Silver [cheese used on sandwich is from pork enzymes]

Louis Rich has some products that contain pork--read the labels

Nestle products: Stouffer's Noodles Romanoff contain pork gelatin. Stouffer's Meal w/Cheese contain beef/pork enzymes. All other Stouffer's meals contain pork derivatives

The Turkey Store, Co. uses pork and non-pork casings [read the labels] The non-pork animal casings are labeled as collagen.

Some restaurant brands use pork in their casings of deli meats

All varieties of Swanson pot pies contain lard, pork

Great Starts Breakfast Entree contains pork

Swanson Frozen Entree Meals contain beef/pork

Campbell Soup Co:
Franco American pasta contains enzymes, beef/pork

Prego pasta sauces contain enzymes, beef/pork

Chicken Helper, Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper ALL contain pork

Check all beans for pork or pork fat [labeled as 'shortening']

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese contains pork enzymes

All Ragu pasta sauces with cheese contain pork

All capsules, unless noted on the label, are made from gelatin [pork]

Flintstone vitamins [pork gelatin]

Bristol Meyers Theragram Vitamins [pork]

Beano [unclean fish gelatin]

GNC Multibite Plus Mineral and Calcium [beef]

Gelatin with the "K" symbol contains beef

Gelatin without the "K" symbol contains pork

These products from Mead Johnson Co. contain animal products: Tri-Vi-Sol [children's vitamin drops]--sheep; Poly-Vi-Sol [drops only]--sheep; Poly-Vi-Sol [tablets]--pork

Nature Sunshine: Herbosaurus Orchard [Lipase-pork]; Garden Essentials [Lipase-pork]; Multi-vitamins plus iron [chewable and liquid]--fish oil [mackerol and salmon]

Optimum Nutrition [all products] contain beef/pork

Proctor & Gamble: Crest Toothpaste [Baking Soda & Peroxide Whitening, Extra Whitening, MultiCare Plus Extra Whitening, Tarter Protection, Tarter Protection w/Baking Soda] pork/beef

Triple Protection Aqua Fresh Toothpaste [squeeze tube only] is ok. All others, including the pump, has beef/pork glycerin

Subway Restaurant wrap breads contain L-Cysteine
Ultimate Nutrition [Advanced Formula Prozyme contains beef gelatin]

Benadryl Allergy Ultra Tabs contain varied animals

Centrum vitamins contain beef/pork
Posted By: Bill Wennell

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/10/06 08:12 PM

By the way, L-Cysteine (in the Subway wrap, for example) is usually made from human hair but could come from chicken feathers and cow horns.
(This is a Muslim site, the "halal" is the same as the Jewish "kosher")

Here are some more, there are some in particular that SDAs need to see, like Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, has pork enzymes. Some may be repeats and I apologize for the formatting:
Fleming Companies-Best Yet Gelatin

Jel-Sert-Royal Gelatins

Kraft Foods-JELLO

Marshmallows-All Brands

McCormick-Bag Gravy; Bag Chili Sauces (Pork)

Minute Maid-100% Pink Grapefruit Juice (Cochineal – beetles)

Ocean Spray Juice-White Cranberry Peach (Canthaxanthin - ?)

Cole Bread-Frozen Bread Loaves (Pork)

Dominick’s-Fresh Bake Shop Products (Pork)

Jiffy Mix-Corn Bread mix (Lard-Pork)

King’s Hawaiian-King’s Hawaiian Bread (L-Cysteine)

Pillsbury-All can refrigerated biscuits (Pork)

Dominick’s-(All varieties w/ bacon)

Interstate Brands Co-Dolly Madison Cupcakes; Hostess Cupcakes & SnoBalls

Kellogg Company-Rice Krispies Treats Squares & Snak-ums Treat Krunch; Marshmallow Froot Loops;

Nabisco Food Group-Any product containing gelatin

Otis Spunkmeyer Co.-Bear Claws; Cinnamon Rolls; Danish (All Varieties)

Pepperidge Farm-Cakes (All Varieties)

Sara Lee-Pies: French Silk, Tropical Coconut Cream; Tangy Lemon Meringue; Banana Cake & Carrot Cake

Schulze & Burch-Aldi’s Baker’s Treat toaster pastries

Callard & Bowser Suchard, Inc.-Altoid Mints

Ferrara Pan-Gummy candies

Frito Lay-Grandma’s Homestyle Molasses Big Cookie; Ruffles Dips; Ruffles (the works)

Hersheys-Amazin’ Fruit; Good ‘n Fruity; Good ‘n Plenty; Jolly Rancher gummies

Jays-Oke-doke Cheese popcorn

Just Born-Peeps Marshmellow candy

Nabisco-Planters Cheese balls & cheese curls; Crème Savers candies

Nestle-Pixy Stix; Gummy sweetarts

Spangler Candy-Marshmallow peanuts

Tootsie Roll-Junior Mints; Tootsie Rolls

Vitner Co.-White Cheddar Popcorn; Cheese Twist; Cheese Chrunchy’s

Wabash-Pizzeria Pizza Chips

Warner Lambert-Clorets gum

Wrigley Co-Extra Polar Ice gum

Malt-o-meal-Marshmallow Mateys; Frosted mini-spooners; Golden Puffs

Big Bowl-Instant oatmeal: Apple & Cinnamon; Maple & Brown Sugar; Variety pack

Sovex Foods (Aldi’s)-Breakfast Best low-fat Granola (Unclean fish gelatin)

Best Foods-I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter: Fat-free; Light; Sweat cream & calcium

Crystal Farms-Process cheeses; Cheese loaf singles; Hot Pepper cheeses

Dole-Fruit ‘n gel bowls (Cochineal)

Edy’s Ice Cream-Dreamery’s Galactic Chocolate Swirl; Rocky Road

Horizon Organic-Parmesan cheese

Kraft-cheese singles; velveeta


Land O’Lakes-cheeses

Abbott Laboratories-Similac Lactose Free baby formula

Mead Johnson-Nutramigen hypoallergenic formula

Con Agra-Butterball skinless beef & turkey hotdogs (use pork casings)

Eckrich-Smoked beef sausage: Kielbasa Turkey sausage (use pork casings)

Long John Silver-Sandwich cheeses

Nestles -Stouffer’s Noodles Romanoff; All Meals with cheese

Oscar Meyer- All cheeses

The Turkey Store-Use pork casings except those listed as “collagen” (man-made casing)

Tony’s Pizza Co-Look for “L-Cysteine”

Vienna Beef Co-Blue labeled box (natural casing – pork)

Vlasic-Swanson Pot Pies & Frozen Entrée Meals; Great Starts Breakfast entrees

Borden Foods- Classico Italian Sausage flavored pasta sauce

Cambell’s-Franco American Pasta; Prego pasta sauces

General Mills- Chicken, Hamburger, & Tuna helpers

Glory Foods-Seasoned Black-eyed peas

Kraft-Macaroni & Cheese

Lipton- All products with gelatin

Ragu-Pasta sauces with cheese


Bayer Co-Flintstones vitamins

Botanic Health-Apple Cider Vinegar Plus capsules

Bristol Meyers -Theragram vitamins

Glaxo Smith Kline-Beano

GNC-All vitamins with gelatin coating

Great Lakes gelatin-Look for “k” (kosher) label for safety

Health from the Sun-All products in capsules

McNeil-Tylenol gel capsules

Mead Johnson-Children’s vitamin drops; Poly-vi-sol (tablets)

Natural Balance Co-Colon Clenz

Naturpharma-Spring Valley brand (with gelatin)

Nature Sunshine-Herbasauras Orchard; Garden Essentials

Novartis-Tavist Allergy

Optimum Nutrition-All products

Proctor & Gamble-Crest toothpaste: Baking Soda & Peroxide Whitening; Extra Whitening; Multicare Plus
Whitening; Tarter Protection; & Tarter Protection with Baking Soda

ProLab Nutrition-All products in capsules

Smith Kline Beecham-Triple Protection Aqua Fresh in Pumps

Subway-Wrap breads

Warner Lambert-Benadryl Allergy Ultra Tabs

Whitehall/Robbins-Centrum Vitamins & Advil Liqui-gels

In nature, canthaxanthin (beta-carotene-4,4'dione) and astaxanthin (3, 3'-dihydroxy-a, beta-carotene- 4,4'dione) are naturally occurring carotenoids found in lobster carapaces, krill, shrimp shells, flamingo feathers, and red algae.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/26/06 04:13 AM

Wow!! How and where did you find out that pork was in so many products ?
Posted By: Bill Wennell

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/27/06 03:34 PM


I am a Meat & Poultry Inspector for the US Department of Agriculture, and have been for the last 13 years. I am also a vegan vegetarian, which I have been for the last 6, a little after becoming a Seventh-day Adventist. So I make a special effort in the counsels on Diets and Foods area. The lists were done by a Messianic group, but the website is no longer there. It should be mentioned that this is really only the tip of the iceburg. We should be especially careful of processed foods anymore and live by the statement that we should only eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, & legumes made as naturally as possible.
Posted By: debbie

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/27/06 06:05 PM

I've been reading through this thread and want to thank you Bill for this long list!! Most things on it I don't eat, but I did find a couple of things such as Prego Speghetti sauce I will use occasionally. Not any more!!

Also thank you Bobby for all the information you have shared! I really learned from the things you said.

Our family has been and nearly is very close to being vegan. The reason I say "nearly" is because although we don't eat "out" very often, occasionally we do for special family birthdays. Also we eat at potlucks too at our church. And it can be difficult to stay vegan when invited to a church members home to eat. But at home, I try to cook more healthfully with less "store bought" junk...but this list Bill put on here will make me be even more careful THANKS!!

One of the things I noticed in some of the posts where foods were listed as being consummed was the lack of fruit. I also noticed someone saying they couldn't afford healthy foods but they could eat meat and chocolate. I think what we need to do is compare prices and maybe discontinue some favorite foods in order to have the money to buy more healthier types of foods. I agree totally with the person who said we need to get back to vegetables/fruits/grains and nuts.

One question: What do any of you think of the Veganaise mayonnaise? I've questioned it because it still has vinegar in it but aside from that, do you see any problem with it? What do you use for mayonnaise? If you make your own, could you share your recipe?

God bless all of you on here for sharing!

PS: I'm adding a note on here: what kind of milk substitute do you use? I have been using SILK but in looking at ingredients more carefully, and reading through the whole carton, I've noticed no where does it say it is vegan. And it does have "natural ingredients" I'm a little dubious of it. Has anyone on here ever made a fresh seseme milk (seems it would be full of calcium!!)...??? If so, please share recipes!

[ March 27, 2006, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: debbie ]
Posted By: debbie

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/28/06 07:20 AM

Here are the ingredients to my Prego Pasta Sauce:

Tomato puree (water, tomato paste)
Diced tomatoes in tomato juice
Corn syrup
Vegetable oil (corn and/or Cottonseed and/or canola)
Spices (basil,oregano,spice)
Citric Acid
Dehydrated parsley

Do you see anywhere on this list where a hidden ingredient could be? I'm not trying to find excuses to use the product, believe me! I grow my own garden and I'm making my own pasta sauce from now on--but I would like to know.

Thanks for any help you can give.
Posted By: Stephanie Suranyi

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/27/06 09:47 PM

Originally posted by debbie:

One of the things I noticed in some of the posts where foods were listed as being consummed was the lack of fruit. I also noticed someone saying they couldn't afford healthy foods but they could eat meat and chocolate. I think what we need to do is compare prices and maybe discontinue some favorite foods in order to have the money to buy more healthier types of foods. I agree totally with the person who said we need to get back to vegetables/fruits/grains and nuts.

No, Debbie, I did not say that I couldn't afford healthy foods but could get meat and chocolate. What I SAID was that OCCASIONALLY I would get chocolate, as a little treat. That's it. Maybe it didn't sound that way, but that is what was meant. Now, I don't get "favorites" that prevent me from getting healthier foods. Honestly? My "favorites" would be veggie meats sold in our ABCs....I would prefer buying those over the beef, chicken, and turkey. Unfortunately, comparing the costs of those to that of regular meats, the regular meats are cheaper. When you have a small budget for food, you buy whatever costs the least. Now, that's not saying that I DON'T buy healthy foods. I LOVE salads! I buy greens, tomatoes, etc. every week so I can make salads. Now, I WOULD grow my own garden, but I have nowhere to plant one here. I live in an apartment. Sure, I could plant a "potted garden" but I STILL have nowhere to put all the potted plants! So, I am limited as to the veggies as well. I have to buy them at the store. I love tomatoes. I prefer red leaf, grean leaf, and romaine lettuce over iceberg lettuce. I like spinach, kale, and other greens as well. I love fruits as well. My favorites are strawberries, kiwi, bananas, and grapes. But I also eat oranges, peaches, nectarines, etc. The only fruit I CANNOT stomach is grapefruit. Even if I were to sweeten it, no way. I tried sugar, I tried other possibilities. Nothing worked. The ONLY way I was able to get ANY grapefruit in was when I drank soda....& I could handle fresca & squirt. I know, not the best drink, but you get the idea. Since I no longer am allowed soda, grapefruit is OUT! And the only veggie that I CANNOT stomach is brussels sprouts.

Now, I ahve looked at the amount of protein in various servings of nuts versus meat. For the amount of protein I HAVE to ingest each day, I would never STOP eating if I were limited to only fruits, veggies and nuts. If I were able to add veggie meat, then, yeah, that would help. I have to weigh the amount I need to ingest with the amount of money I have to spend on food. Then I buy the least expensive foods I can to stretch my money. Unfortunately, most, if not all, of the time, meat wins out in the cost department. Now that I am pregnant, I have to get in a MINIMUM if 80 grams of protein daily. But that is because of the WLS I had. Now, if you can come up with VERY LOW COST meals, with HIGH protein content ( more than 15 grams per serving) I would be MORE than happy to try them. They don't necessarily have to be vegan at this point, but to help steer me in the right direction for the time being, ya know?
Posted By: debbie

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/27/06 10:21 PM

Stephanie, I am wondering about peas/beans and lentils. These are high in protein and cheap to buy. Some nuts are higher in protein also. Mrs. White says around 7 almonds a day gives us enough protein for the day. I am very much paraphrasing but could find the quote if you want it.

One thing to remember is that often doctors think we must have a certain amount of protein but I don't believe it is all that necessary. Science is starting to show that we don't need as much protein as they thought in the past, and it shows in the new us gov. pyramid. I understand that not all the protein you eat is actually absorbed so that you must eat more, but you might want to just double check to make sure you are not getting too much.

You showed a sample of how you might eat in one day and it seemed it was mostly bread and protein with a salad. I didn't see any fruit. I believe the pyramid says we should have some fruit every day (I'm sure you do on most days) and I do understand that you must have very small amounts compared to the pyramid which is for a normal adult who hasn't had the surgery you've had.

Of course you are under a doctors care and doing all you can to be healthy. I just don't believe meat is as healthy as it used to be--especially in fast food places. And I believe in our household we actually eat cheaper buying fresh foods rather than so many processed foods--but we are fortunate to have a good health food store here where I live. Many things are in bulk form so cheaper to buy.

I'm sorry you must live in an apartment. This could not be easy, especially with children.
Posted By: debbie

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/27/06 10:48 PM

Stephanie--I forgot to congratulate you about your pregnancy!! That's just great!! I pray God will bless you abundantly and your little family too.
Posted By: Will

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/28/06 03:49 AM

Hi Debbie,
Good to see you again [Smile] I have one tiny thing about your pasta sauce recipe, and that is the use of canola oil. I forwarded an article to my wife about the harm that this oil causes, and it would be better to use cold pressed Olive Oil, which I believe thats how it is processed. Confirm that the Olive Oil is cold pressed, and get extra virgin. All in all that recipe is something we will have to try out as it is making me hungry.
God Bless,
Posted By: debbie

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/28/06 04:32 AM

Thanks Will, I didn't know about canola oil. I plan to make my own pasta sauce this summer with tomatoes out of my garden!! That way I'll avoid the oil altogether! [Smile]

I'm convinced the more simple our diet, the better.
Posted By: Bill Wennell

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/28/06 04:16 PM


As I stated at the beginning of the list(s), I have not checked every article personally. It may not be every style of Pregu sauce. I also notice that what they mention is enzymes that are the culprit. These can easily be disguised under labeling laws. The best thing to do is call the company, bigger ones usually have an "800" number and ask them specifically. Give them as much information as you deem necessary as far as why you want to know (dietary allergies, religious restrictions, etc).

One thing I want to mention is "fake" meats. There are basically no controls over fake meats. A number of them actually do have "meat" proteins in them. A larger number are also made on the same machinary that makes real meats. "Spices" are the area where a number of these companies can introduce what they want into the ingredients. If a company buys "spices" from another company, they only have to label it as "spices", they don't have to break down what those spices are since they didn't produce them. Spice companies are now a multi-million dollar operation and the ones I have been in make both natural (using real ingredients) and artificial (no real ingredients). When it comes to meat flavorings, the natural ingredients take the meat source and waters it down until the government no longer considers it meat, then it can be added to "vegetarian" foods though it still contains animal proteins. Sneaky, but perfectly legal!

For the record, the company that makes the spices for Gardenburger told me that their spices were 100% synthetic (in this case, natural ingredients with NO animal sources) but I have yet to find Gardenburger without cheese, so it really doesn't matter.

Final note, we are NOT to judge those who may still be eating meat. In this area God alone knows who is not able to give up meat and who are only deceiving themselves that they are not capable of eating better. Unfortunately, I agree with not being able to eat at potlucks as the official church stance is lacto-ovo vegetarian. While this denies Ellen White's final comments on the matter, it is what the leadership has stated.
Posted By: debbie

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 03/29/06 07:22 AM

Thank you Bill for your information.

I wasn't trying to "judge" anyone because they eat meat. I'm sorry it came across that way because it wasn't meant to be that way.
Posted By: Bobby

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 04/11/06 09:52 AM


Here are the ingredients to my Prego Pasta Sauce:

Tomato puree (water, tomato paste)
Diced tomatoes in tomato juice
Corn syrup
Vegetable oil (corn and/or Cottonseed and/or canola)
Spices (basil,oregano,spice)
Citric Acid
Dehydrated parsley

Do you see anywhere on this list where a hidden ingredient could be? I'm not trying to find excuses to use the product, believe me! I grow my own garden and I'm making my own pasta sauce from now on--but I would like to know.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Bill already touched on the spices part of things so I don't need to repeat it. And you will find that very same scenario in many food industry situations. If you ever have a chance, read the book; "Fast Food Nation" Eric Schlossler. He goes on to state the chemical concoction of the strawberry flavouring of a milkshake and it is quite extensive. Anytime you see the ingredient listed as "natural flavours" or "artificical flavours", they are more alike than different. One of those "flavors" can be an easy 100 ingredients, mostly chemicals.

Pop is one the worst on the market as most of them are predominantly a chemical brew and sugars.

It is all too apparent. If we are to stay safe, we need to get back to God's way and the original diet. Satan has perverted this entire food industry to the point that we have no idea what we are eating anymore.

Now, I got sidetracked and forgot what I was responding to. Oh yes, regarding the corn syrup and the vegetable oil. Corn syrup is generally the cheapest form of sweetener for the food industry and even Kelloggs has bought into the corn market since GMO's (genetically modified organisms) became a popular way to grow things.

Someone else mentioned cold pressed olive oil as a substitute for vegetable oil. Any oil cold pressed (but Olive oil is best) is better than regular oil. Saturated fats are predominantly animal source, except for Palm and cotton seed oil, which are no better anyway, and cheap for the food industry. Saturated fats are not good at all. Trans fats are worse, and I have noticed that in many chocolate bars fat content (trans/saturated fats)are around 20-27% depending on the chocolate bar. Poly-unsaturated fats and mono-unsaturated fats are the natural oils like Olive oil and what naturally occurs in the seeds, and nuts we eat. (avocado is another source)
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 04/25/06 07:58 PM

In some cases, maybe even in most cases, these additives are probably worse than eating clean flesh food.

Have you noticed the additives in the imitation meat products?
Posted By: Civil

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 05/06/06 02:58 PM


Stephanie, I am wondering about peas/beans and lentils. These are high in protein and cheap to buy. Some nuts are higher in protein also. Mrs. White says around 7 almonds a day gives us enough protein for the day. I am very much paraphrasing but could find the quote if you want it.

Hi, I would be interested in that quote, if you have it. I am developing more and more 'resistance' to beans.
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Additives to be aware of in our food items - 05/07/06 04:26 AM

I did a word search and couldn't find any mention of almonds in connection with protein, therefore, if Debbie can come up with the quote and reference, that will be appreciated.
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