Exercise???? How do you find the time?

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/02/01 02:19 AM

- I just had to use the cat!!!

Like my cats, however, I rarely find the time (or have the urge) to regularly exercise. I know better, but just do not find exercise an easy habit to acquire. What do you do for exercise, and how do you stay focused and dedicated to doing it? How can this affect our spiritual life, or our physical life? I'd love to hear your answers!! I'm hoping they will inspire me to go exercise!!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/02/01 03:34 AM

You will never find the time to exercise. The only way you will ever do it is to make the time, treating it as a high priority on which your life and health depends, as it actually does.

I enjoy walking outdoors, but I was always much too busy, so whenever I got started walking daily, I would eventually start skipping it in order to get other things done, and end up not walking at all again.

I was very careful to eat according to inspired counsels, because my health was important to me, but it was not enough. There are 8 laws of health, and religiously observing one of them while seriously neglecting several others will not save your health. The stress of overcommitment and overwork finally destroyed my immune system, permanently.

God is good, and He used my illness to teach me some very important things, about my own personality, about taking care of myself, and about Himself. When He had taught me all He needed to through my illness, He told me it was time to be anointed, at which time He healed me about 75% and told me that full healing will come as I put into practise what He taught me about taking care of myself.

And that means walking, outdoors, in the fresh air and sunshine, every day, no matter how much else needs to be done. It is one of my very highest priorities, above nearly everything else. And it must remain so for the rest of my life. And it's working - the more time I spend in outdoor exercise, the better I feel.

So, does that help give you a little incentive to make exercise a higher priority in your life? Don't wait until your health is gone before you determine to obey God's health laws. I only have a few productive hours in each day, partly due to the time I spend walking, and partly because I still have to deal with this illness and its limitations, but if I cut short my walking in order to get more done inside the house, I end up too sick to get anything done at all. It is well worth it to make time to take care of yourself, as you will have much more time for other things in the long run than you will if you end up too sick to do anything.

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

[This message has been edited by Cathy Sears (edited February 01, 2001).]

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/03/01 07:01 AM

Sarah, that is a problem we all face in life. How many people say to you I just don't have time to exercise - I know I should!

A few years ago I determined to loose some excess weight, and I started my own walking programn. The children were still at school, so I had to go our early in the morning. That started a habit of a lifetime.
Yes, and I lost the weight, but better still, I discovered a new and better lifestyle - walking. so for years I walked around the river that winds throughout our lovely city.

Then 12 months ago, my back had completely packed up from dealing with a stressful situation. I couldn't walk anywhere. It was terrible, so I prayed to the Lord, told Him I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life in an armchair - I had too much living to do!
For 3 weeks I prayed, asking Him to heal me. Finally I heard Him say, heal yourself!
How Lord, I can't even walk!
Go to the hills,Zita..........total madness, I replied, I can't walk down the street without a walking stick, how can I climb hills?
Two weeks later I was praying again, I got the same message - go to the hills. This time I knew it was from God, and that He meant it.
So I went, with my walking stick to the hills.My dogs pulled me up on their leads. One soon learnt to slack his lead and let his mate do all the work!
After 2 weeks I found the walkingstick was more of a hinderance than a help, so I just used the dog, till a few days later I could climb unaided, and I have never looked back unless I am unable to go for a week, then I soon notice the diference.

Because I go out at 6am,I have an hour in the prayer room 1st, I take a small daily reading book and a New Testiment in my backpack, find a rock to sit on, and spend some time in the outdoors in praise ,worship and prayer.
I have found this to be my lifesaver.
It only happens if I make it happen.

Choosing a goal and sticking to it, changes everything - Scott reed.

Combining exercise with Prayer walking, or worship in some form is the best part of my day.

Be Still My soul

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/04/01 12:44 AM

Exercise is overrated, the only thing it does is postpone the inevitable. Like the guy told his wife when he got to heaven, "If I knew it was this good, I wouldn't have postponed it by living so healthy"

Sit back, read a good book, enjoy the kids or grandkids, and don't worry about the exercise, it just takes away from the things of life you enjoy. Would you rather have quality or quantity?

Posted By: Linda Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/04/01 01:47 AM

I sure hope the folks here know that the "Dr" stands for Doctor of Jurisprudence and not medical doctor!

Even so come, Lord Jesus

Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/05/01 04:36 AM

They do now, Linda!

For your information, DrD, some of us do exercise for quality of life rather than for quantity. Didn't you read what Zita and I have shared above? Do you think our quality of life is very good if we are suffering pain, fatigue, or serious illness? I do enjoy reading and several other sedentary pursuits, but I certainly did not enjoy feeling more dead than alive and too sick to do anything.

Besides that, Zita and I both enjoy our walks immensely. Even without the physical benefits, we would prefer to continue to walk. I took my granddaughter with me on a walk when she was staying with me one day, and she was fascinated with the plants she saw growing by the roadside. She loves to see the flowers in my garden too, and pick them and tear them apart. (And eat them - she is only a year old.)

And that is another very important point to consider when deciding to exercise. You should always choose something you enjoy. If you are a highly social person, it's best to join an aerobics class or get together with friends or neighbors. That in itself is an extra incentive for being faithful in exercise. The commitment will help prod you to do it even when you don't feel like it.

My husband's aunt thinks walking is boring, so she is leading a water aerobics group with ladies from her church. That isn't my "cup of tea," but it works for her.

Perhaps, DrD, if you were to get moving and get some real exercise, you would find that the enjoyment of other aspects of your life would actually be increased. You might find that you could handle stress like you used to, and have more energy for doing the things you enjoy most. You don't have to spend a lot of time, or even exercise every day to benefit from it.

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/17/01 10:54 AM

DrD, I guess you posted your remarks 'tongue-in-cheek'!
Now, you know as well as I do, that it takes more than exercising of the eyes ( reading a good book) to stay healthy!
For me, I want the best of both worlds in this life, quality and quantity! And while I am out exercising,, clearing my brain out of all those words I have read, filling my lungs with wonderful seaside/country air, keeping my muscles flexible instead of in spasams, keeping my spine from acting up so that I am forced to sit in an armchair for weeks on end - reading...........bored out of my brain!
At lease I won't be hobling into heaven on a walking frame!
Anyone coming for a walk?

Be Still My Soul,

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/20/01 07:14 AM

I guess I have to say that going for long walks in -20 or -30 (Celsius) weather just doesn't appeal much to me. Give me summer and I'll join you on those walks!! In the meantime, I'm still having trouble getting up the will power to go exercise. I keep saying I'm waiting for the pool to open in our apartment building, and they keep saying "this month" (since December!!). . . I guess its like eating a hated, but healthy food - I hate it but do it because it's good for me.

Pray for me that I will just get up and do it!! Personally, I'd much rather curl up with a good book - somedays I say my two ten minute walks a day are good enough, but I know they aren't......

One step at a time, right?!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/19/01 08:47 PM

Cathy - I wonder how much true exercise you obtain while walking with a one year old granddaughter. How much did your heart rate increase from the exercise? But then I guess you did take my advise and "exercised" by enjoying your grandkid.

Mrs. Sarah Moss - from the description of your lifestyle, why do you want to live healthier? You eat food you hate, you exercise in cold weather which you hate. Sounds like you are trying to live longer so you can do the things you dislike for an extended period. Have you really thought this thing through.

Linda Sutton - I am a Doctor of Jurisprudence. I assume that would make my opinion more valuable, since all MD's and OD's want to do is feed you more pills, which seems to be opposed to by most of the participants on this forum. Thank you.

Zita - How could anyone be bored by having extended periods of time to read?

Have any of you really seen a happy runner. I see the pain on their face and I drive by them in my airconditioned or heated car, depending on the season. I have never seen one that looks truly happy running down the road. Maybe if you really feel the need to exercise, you could buy a set of dumbbells (I'll resist any easy comments here) and sit in you most comfortable chair and lift and lower them occasionally. Or better yet, use them for bookends.

Have a great day.

Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/20/01 03:03 AM

Actually DrD, that walk with my granddaughter was probably a lot more exercise than I usually get on a walk. She wasn't a year old then, and she wasn't walking yet. I carried her the whole way! I tried carrying her on my shoulders for a short distance, but she was too young to understand how to sit still up there and kept shifting around as different things caught her attention, leaning one way and then another and constantly throwing me off balance. I only walked about half as far as usual and came home totally exhausted! But it was worth every bit of it!

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/20/01 10:32 PM

First of all, I don't actually eat foods I hate - it was just an example.

Suppose I try to explain my reasoning here. First of all, I am fairly healthy, but am trying to treat my body as the temple of God that it is, and am therefore trying to take care of it to the best of my ability. Exercising is within my ability, I did enjoy it at one point and felt better than at any other time while I was doing it - I just don't have the will power (yet) to do it on my own. Also, I am planning to become a mother in the near - far future and want to have my body in its best health before that time comes in order to do the best job possible. Therefore. . . .

Actually, I used to really enjoy jogging! Can't do it anymore, but remember when my friend and I would go out and how great I always felt.

Perhaps the trick is that you truly need to enjoy whatever it is that you decide to do. Maybe I just need to find that niche that I can really enjoy doing and helps me feel better at the same time. Truthfully, if I hate it I won't do it . . . although I also know that I should and once I get started I'll probably find that I enjoy it.

Sure can't wait until spring/summer comes . . . get out on the bike, walk, do more period. Next year I plan on skiing . . . I have big plans, hopefully I can follow through with them.

Actually, I was talking with my cousin last night, and she had to let me go to do her exercises - I miss her a lot. She could get me going and we always had fun together . . . anyone live in Winnipeg that wants to work out with me????

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/20/01 11:09 PM

Mrs. Moss

You have made my day much brighter. I had gotten the idea from your posts that you were engaged in a life style that was completely non-enjoyable to you. I would not enjoy life one bit if I felt I had to eat what I hated and do what made me miserable. By the way, it is obvious that I have never been a mother, but I have lived with two of them for several decades, although not at the same time. No physical exercise you do will prepare you for parenthood. You just have to do the best you can, enjoy each stage of development, and realize the kid or kids have the right to make choices, just as you made you own choices. Its the best of times and the worst of times. Good luck for the next many decades as a parent.

By the way, enjoy your meals today. Do the limbering exercises for skiing. And can you really tell me that you smiled and laughed when you were running!

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/22/01 10:59 PM

Honestly, I did smile and laugh when I was running - with my friend. We smiled and laughed a lot together no matter what we were doing - guess you're looking at the wrong runners!

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, I think I needed to hear them today. I will definitely have to start on the limbering exercises - I am NOT limber!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/23/01 10:25 AM

DrD, If you are going to be a good parent, then you need to exercise even more.
Walking clears the brain, any Mother knows she has to have the ability to think one jump ahead of the little darlings!
You are also going to have to be fit inorder to chase them round the house at times.
Besides, having a good exercise program gives one a better pregnancy and easier birth.
However, I suspect that you wouldn't know anything about that being a male

Three weeks of enforced reading at a time does tend to get rather boring

Be Still, My soul.

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/24/01 03:03 AM

Zita - Been there, done that, except for the pregnancy thing. Three weeks of boredom? Not reading books, but forced three weeks on the treadmill would do it! Or walking the same boring trail every day. Or doing situps over and over again! That's not boring?

But each page of a book brings new information, new experiences and new insights. How could that be boring?

By the way, has anyone seen the lady in the above picture?

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/24/01 07:29 AM

DrD, you should live where I live - down under. There are so many tracks and trails it would be months before I repeated any of them - just like the pages of an exciting book!

Infact the Council has printed a book showing you all the trails, there are so many I have yet to explore.

You know there is so much variety in God's great outdoors.

Cathy is around, I was talking to her today.

Be Still, My Soul

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/25/01 12:11 AM

I think you are blessed to have so many divergent trails and paths with which to spend your time. I have books sufficient that I do not have to read any of them more than once also.

By the way, I have often wanted to ask someone from down under - which of us is walking upside down? Does the blood rush to your head while exercising down there?

I know Cathy Sears is around, but I have not seen anyone that resembles the lady in the picture!

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/25/01 10:54 AM

Hi DrD, I was thinking about you on my walk around the hills overlooking the harbour this morning. So, as I was walking on my feet with my head in the air! I figure you are the one upside down!
What I was thinking was that I had become a living book!:reading:
All the things that I had seen in books I was actually physically experiencing, the sounds, the smells, the sights have come alive!

Now I acutally went into the library last week, and the sight of books really excite me! So I came home with 3 wonderful books on fishponds and container gardening......

I used to be a real bookworm DrD, but since I developed Menaires Disease, I have been unable to read for long periods at a time. I really miss my reading.

Oh, by the way I met some walkers this morning and learned about the new tracks they were cutting in the hills.! What fun - more tracks to explore...............
Indeed, we are very blessed here with much variety.

Be Still,My soul

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/25/01 05:14 PM

Take a good look at the picture, in about 6 months, I plan to send Daryl a different one.
A skinnier healthier one.

I, for one, enjoyed walking while I could do it, and if all goes as planned, I will start walking in about 3-4 weeks.
Waiting for arch supports so I can walk normal [whatever that is ]
I like to walk 2 or 3 different paths here, and each time I return to one, it's like reading a favorite book over again.
I see so many different things each time.
I did what DrD suggested for 25 years, my reward? CHF, osteo-arthritis, diabetes and apnea.
I think I'll do exercise, I'll still die eventually, but, I'll be a healthy corpse and will have lived a lot better for it.

Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/25/01 06:36 PM

You'll feel better while you are still alive too, Gerry.

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/26/01 09:55 AM

Gerry, once you get going you won't know yourself!

I wish you well in your walking programn.
I like that Chorus - Walking with Jesus,
walking every day, walking all the way,Walking with Jesus, walking with Jesus alone.
Wonderful to be out alone with Jesus - and right on track!

Be Still My Soul

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/26/01 10:14 AM

Allright Gerry!!! I'll be praying for you. I know you can do it. I can't wait to see your new picture. You're a handsome fella!

God bless!


Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/26/01 05:44 PM


It appears from your post in the Sabbath activities thread that you are getting some exercise now and then. However, if you normally maintain a sedentary lifestyle, you need to be very careful not to overdo it when shoveling snow. People have died from the unaccustomed exertion. And while you may not care, I don't like to lose friends!

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

[This message has been edited by Cathy Sears (edited February 26, 2001).]

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/27/01 08:17 AM

You've convinced me. Never would I want to be an unhealthy corpse. I couldn't bear to have the 3 or 4 that would attend my funeral look into the casket and comment on how unhealthy I looked, even after the mortician's best efforts. Right now I am, in my new found excitement to exercise, going to walk across the room and change the TV channel without using the remote. My first step in a new healthier lifestyle!

[This message has been edited by DrD (edited February 27, 2001).]

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/27/01 08:28 AM

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/27/01 10:20 PM

That's the spirit DrD!! Start slow, get moving later. I have also begun slow. Stretching, legs and abdomen exercises to begin. Until the pool opens, I'll be down on the floor for a little while each day. Also plan on keeping my eyes open for an exercise cassette tape or CD so I can do even more.

Way to go Gerry! I applaud anyone with the gumption and desire to better their life! I'll add my prayers that Satan will not discourage you from your goal.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/28/01 09:29 AM

and when you have settled back down in your armchair, and while you are waiting for the ads to finish, why don't you start reading Body for Life by Bill Phillips ?

Quote: the way I see it, the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth of the hole. And by spring 1996, I had dug myself into a pretty deep hole - eating badly..........lying on the sofa watching sports on Tv, instead of participating in them.

If you don't own the book, I suggest you purchase one urgently. It would be just like me discovering a new track on the hillside...hehehe

Walking with Jesus!

Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 02/28/01 03:20 PM

Originally posted by WendyForsyth:

I'm getting plenty of exercise just reading this thread!

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 03/02/01 07:27 AM

I have enlarged my exercise program. In addition to using the tv remote only part of the time, I have started situps. I did half a situp this morning when I got out of bed, and plan on doing the second half when I go to bed tonite.

Let me see if I understand, if I would walk religiously every day, I would stay out of a routine rut! The majority of ruts I have seen in my life were made by cattle walking everyday in the same place. Blindly following the other cows just walking around the pasture. Good thing you have many trails to walk Zita. I assume that a trail is not a rut?

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 03/02/01 03:58 PM

Aren't they habits that lead to somewhere though no one knows where it is?D
Try isometric exercise, it works to tighten muscle and improve posture.

Sit in your fav chair and alternately tighten and loosen muscles.
Not aerobics, but easy to do.
Yes, DrD, those who excercise are just healthy corpses, but they may put it off longer than those that don't.
Where you are, I once was, where I am, you may some day be.
I hope not, it ain't fun.
You have the strangest sense of humor I have ever seen, and, I like it.

Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 03/02/01 06:45 PM

This little piece about exercise was in the monthly health leaflet that the company Loren works for gives its employees, courtesy of the insurance company. The topic this month was stress.

You've probably heard it before, but exercise relieves stess. Activities like walking, stair climbing, in-line skating and skiing all strengthen your cardiovascular system, which keeps your blood pressure down. This reduces stress and makes you healthier overall.

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 03/03/01 07:33 AM

Well, there is incentive if I've ever heard it!! Stress is something I could REALLY do with less of!!!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 03/03/01 05:10 AM

Why do you think I am out on the trails every day? To do exactly that - get rid of stress.
Church related stress, so now you know why I need to hike for 3 hours a day! lol

It is also a wonderful opporunity not only to look at, enjoy, discover, but to talk with the Creator Himself.

I had the distinct urgency this week to go to a particular rock that you can sit in under.

The 3rd day I made it, and there was the biggest suprise waiting for me.

A beautiful head of bright yellow flowers growing out of the rock, away from any rain to water it.

I got the message. It doesn't matter how difficult life is, we can still flourish, still brighten someone's day, still smile in the gloom of the year 2001.

It kept a smile on my face all day, and I thanked God for His wonderful suprises.

Be Still,My Soul.

Posted By: Daryl

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 03/04/01 09:20 PM

The answer to this question in a nutshell is that you don't find the time, you TAKE the time to exercise.

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 03/06/01 05:39 AM

I can't believe this thread. First you advocate exercise, then you start messing with stress. Stress is what provides the incentive to keep on going at a reasonable breakneck pace. Is that what the deal is, no one has stress to provide incentive, so all that is left is walking around with no particular place to go?
Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/14/01 04:28 PM

Exercise daily -
Walk with the Lord!

And the second is like it . . .

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/15/01 02:35 AM

Way to go DrD.
Does this mean you will 'excercise' every day?
Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/15/01 01:50 PM

Do what you can, and like, for exercise in chunks of time you can squeese in and find the energy for.

For me sometime's it is pumping cables, barbells, dumbells. Sometimes - refrigerator doors & inhaleing leftovers. Sometimes reading tons & tons (terminal max bookworm). Sometimes jumping on MSDAOL and posting tons and tons till Daryl has to buy more server space.

Whether weather permitting - gardening - flowers to discourage the crime rate in "crack city" on my street, and setup future Brandywine tomatoes and peppers for me to cook with soon. Drives everyone else nuts & obliterates the kitchen, but I love it. (Except the cleanup.)

Lugging big tropical plants upstairs to put outside, using up all Linda's potting soil. Dragging the hose everywhere and getting everything soaked. Tracking it all over the house. Sleeping all day & working all night.

Then Sabbath Church duties and opportunities to meet & help folks and writing an alternative Sabbath School Lesson that "evolves" on the fly, Deaconing, running the sound system.

After Sabbath researching & improving my financial literacy.

Exercise is just a fun variation with payoffs later crammed into my ever changing week. I break it up int short blocks of time and still get as many or more benefits.

Oh yes jumping from the Forum spell checker back and forth to the word processor spell checker is also a form of "X-R size" (so are my comments at them - but we won't post those.)

Linda doesn't need a beagle & teenagers - she's got ME

Uh why is she running screaming down the street tearing her hair out after reading this post ???????

I am actually serious most of the time. But was this it????????

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/16/01 03:48 PM

OK so this morning I set a goal of bench pressing 200 lbs strict, by 5/30/01

Took ten minutes or less went to the basement & tossed stuff out of the way.

Benched 115 - X - 5 (warm up)
then 135 - X - 3
then 185 - X - 1

Locked out off the racks without benching
205 X - 1 (start getting wrists & sholders used to supporting the weight + )

Spritzed the newly sprouted Brandywine tomatos & few peppers beginning to sprout & came up stairs in ten minutes. ?????? 15 Min 's (max).

That's how I squeeze in some exercise on the fly. I put my goal here so I would not back out on it, when the sweat starts.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/16/01 07:04 PM

Ed, Great idea - to post our goals here. I will post mine - as soon as I make one!

Actually, I am on the lookout for an audio exercise tape - apparently, they are not as easy to find as I thought they would be! Everyone is big into the video tapes. Understandable, I suppose, but I need an audio!!! I tried the one I have, but it is Advanced Jane Fonda, and a LOT out of my league!!

Of course, there are the people who tell me I shouldn't loose too much weight because I have to fit into my bridesmaids dress in December, but I figure I can always have it altered if I loose too much.

OK, once I post my goal, I expect to be held accountable for it!! Ed, I'll be checking in with you to see how you are doing too! God be with you in your plan!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/17/01 09:22 PM

Hey everyone!! Ed, how's your exercise plan going? A friend here at work has decided she wants to climb the stairs at morning break - all 16 floors of them. So, every weekday morning at 10:00 a.m. three of us will be going to the main floor and then climbing the stairs back to our office. We did it today, and you know what? Climbing stairs is hard work!!!!! I'll keep you posted on how it is going!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/18/01 01:51 AM

When you weigh 300+ pounds, breathing is hard work.

I don't have a big goal, I just want to be able to walk to the corner and back without puffing like a steam engine.

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/18/01 03:56 PM

Set goals yes.
Set big goals yes.
Break each one into very do able baby steps


Why because too big steps in an exercise goal make it an unworkable goal that expects some to have ten times the ability & ten times the dedication than they really have. Then soon they either give up because they measure progress by giant steps and only see small returns and think "what's the use".

Even in the gym a really good workout brings on average a 1/64 inch actual muscle gain after even the best pump fades. Too big a goal & that seems like failure. The expectations were not realistic to your age, gender, health, actual condition, and resources, and know how and drive.

But take the syngergystic effects of say an arm workout, chest & sholder workout, and squats & deadlifts (causing your bodies growth factors to go into overdrive for your physique.) Then you might get 1/64 lnch from direct work & 1 or 2 extra 32's from synergy created by working to build the bigger muscles using "baby steps" layred one on the other with all the gleeful determined persistance of a todler banging on a dishpan for two hours a day in 30-40 increments because he liked to punctuate eating sand & bugs with some exiting noise between toilet paper tossing and couch sky diving.

The intrepid kid breaks up his routine, but keeps building the activity till nap time is enforced. The stair climbing is a good idea, add other ideas for diversity & to achive your personal results goals & stick with it & you got it in due time.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/18/01 07:50 PM

Didn't feel too much repercussions after the first day, til I started climbing today! The second day was MUCH harder than the first!!!!!! I'll keep at it cause I know that it will get easier - eventually!

I still plan on doing something at home, but I feel better just knowing that I've Started!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

[This message has been edited by Mrs Sarah Moss (edited April 18, 2001).]

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/18/01 10:44 PM

Every journey begins with that first step.
If the first step isn't made, you don't get anywhere.
I can walk out to the mailbox and back without getting dizzy, next step, walking down to the corner and back ( about 1/2 mile)
Even if I pant and puff, eventually it'll quit.

Wish me luck.

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/20/01 01:39 AM

I'm giving you guys a daily journal of my stair climbing 'cause I know that if I don't, I may just quit.

Today was even harder! I didn't think I was going to make it. I made it to the 5th or 6th floor and really began to wonder. We did get there though, might have taken a hair longer than usual, but we made it. My friend decided to count the stairs today - a total of 300 from the main floor to the 15th floor, plus one more flight in the office for me because I actually work on 17! (we climb to 15 take the elevator to 16 because the doors are locked on 16 & 17)

Ed, I hope your weight lifting is on target, and Gerry, it sounds like you are doing great! You are so right, we have to start from where we are and go on, growing as we can. I can't jump into the exercise program I eventually want to be doing because I just wouldn't be able to handle it right now. I'm going to grow into it! One step (stair) at a time.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/20/01 04:33 AM

Good for you guys! I have been walking almost daily for about 2 years, usually about 3 miles, but sometimes only 2 or as many as 4 or 5. When we went to Kentucky about 2 years ago, we hiked the trails. Unlike the route I walk, which is slightly hilly, these trails were steep! Probably more like your stair-climbing, Sarah. My climbing muscles don't normally get used much, and were complaining quite a bit, but after a couple of days, they were used to it and I had no further trouble.

Lately, though, I don't think I am getting so much exercise on my walks, as I am too busy taking photos of all the wildflowers, moss, ponds, etc.

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/22/01 12:31 AM

I have been working on a regular walking program. I have noticed that most of you have a walking or stair climbing program during the day. I have developed a night walking program that I have broken up into three or four segments, of shorter distance. I have found the program to be compelling and quite regular. And perhaps it is even more compelling as I get older.

And the night walks take care of the finding time problem!!

[This message has been edited by DrD (edited April 21, 2001).]

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/23/01 05:36 PM

Dr.D. You make me laugh, and that's good medicine/exercise too!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/24/01 02:32 AM

That sounds like walking that breaks up your dreams. Exercise not so fun. Maybe time for the herb,Saw Palminto, supposed to work better than Proscar. That leaves the walking to the boudoir with fatigue or fun, but not exiting rapidly with the "two hour two step", hopeing the "low flush" throne is definitly not occupodo.

May your nights not be rapid reruns of "here's Johnny".

Otherwise how is your exercise program working out. Are you winning at the most personal race of all. The journey to chase what you have choosen as your dream. Will that dream last, or evaporate when you can no longer persue it? What propels you across life's landscape in the direction you choose ?

In all the rush and shifting of goals, and talk about this and talk about that. Unless we persue it, is it real, or just talk - gone as soon as we forget our words ?

Is that dream something planned out ? Is health a part of the toolkit used to reach that dream, or is exercise the dream it's self. To some it seems to be all things, to some just a tool in a larger plan, to some a dreaded resolution soon unkept, to some nothing at all. But what is the dream, surely everyone has one ?

The original question about exercise & finding time. What if finding your dream, creating a plan, restructuring your life to achive that dream is the secret to finding time for anything and everything.

The real secrets are, what are the dreams & what are they based on & what are the plans to take you there, are they real and do-able?
Edward F Sutton

[This message has been edited by Edward F Sutton (edited April 23, 2001).]

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/24/01 07:29 PM

I guess that is the answer, isn't it. If you are truly, really motivated by honest and sincere things, you will make time. It all depends on the level of importance that something takes in your life.

Me, my motivation for getting in shape is preparation for motherhood and healthy living. Secondary motivation (although it should be the first!) is that my body is God's temple and it should be as beautiful and as wonderful as possible, remember, Solomon's temple was made of all kinds of precious jewels, gold and was a wonder to all who beheld it.

Just as we must keep Christ as our focus in our lives, so must we keep the reasonings for what we do ever present before us. If I should forget why I am doing something, it no longer becomes important enough to do! It's all too easy to drop a habit!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/24/01 07:32 PM

By the way, I am sticking to the stair-climbing. Except for today, I have done the 300 every weekday, and I will be back to it either tomorrow or the day after.

Thank you for your (continued ) support in this! I need it!

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/25/01 09:26 AM

Then you should have been with me this morning Sarah, I was hill climbing straight up and it was awesome! Did wonders to my hips, keeps them in place.I love it when the mood takes me off the track and onto sheep trails - and even they petered out!


Posted By: Tom Wetmore

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/25/01 04:38 PM

The secret to keeping an exercise program going for the long-term is doing something that you enjoy. For me it is bicycling. I have loved riding anything with two wheels ever since I was a little kid and taught myself to ride. I was too small to even reach the pedals of my big brothers' bikes, so I sat back on the carrier, leaned over the seat to reach the handlebars and coasted down the slope in our yard until I could do it without falling over. I have been happily riding ever since.

Finding the time becomes increasingly difficult, but one way I found is to commute to work on the bike. That way you double up your commuting time and exercise time and save a a little time overall in the day's routine. Surprisingly, it really doesn't take a lot longer to ride than it does to drive and I would want to be riding at least that much time in the day anyway. It takes a bit of planning to make sure you have a change of clothes, etc. I don't ride every day, so the days I don't ride I can resupply my office "closet" with fresh clothes. The additional benefit is that it is good for the environment by taking one more car off the road and I get preferred parking. (I bring the bike right into my office with me. ) I get great mileage as well - about 100 miles to a loaf of bread! (Bread is cheaper than gasoline too.)


Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/26/01 06:45 AM


Nice to have your input. I have actually been walking to work for about 10 months now, even occassionally walking it twice to go home for lunch. Which tells you that it is not very far. I only have about five or six blocks to go and while it is a nice hike in the morning and I do it very quickly, it is just not enough. I plan on getting back on my bicycle soon as well - need to wash it off for having been outside all winter and make sure it still has air in its tires, etc.

How do you find out what you enjoy? What if you try three or four things to discover you hate them all? How long do you have to try something to realize you enjoy it?

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

[This message has been edited by Mrs Sarah Moss (edited April 25, 2001).]

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/25/01 08:33 PM

If it is something you like, you will know.
If there is any doubt, odds are you don't.

I like riding my bike (weather permitting), I also like walking (ditto), but with arthritis, they both can be a real pain somewhere (joints ).
Do you like gardening? That's a good form of exercise.
How about swimming? Or wading?

There is always rolling skating/blading.

Many different ways to wear out muscles and hurt yourself.

Any form of movement is supposed to be good for you according to my doctor/NP.
Have fun.

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/26/01 03:48 PM

Tom is that 100 miles/loak from wonder bread or King Kamut - flax seed enriched bread from Silver Hills Bakery in B.C. Almond butter & apricots on the side maybe ??????

200 miles/per plate of fresh pipeing hot tofu/mushroom/spinich Calzonies + homemade sauce...... maybe ?????? CHEWING IS EXERCISE TOO RIGHT

I guess the tricky part is finding a bycicle seat that is comfortable. And Shakespeare thought something else was "the rub", what did he know? Ouwwwy to the max. Any suggestions on suppliers ?

Edward F Sutton

[This message has been edited by Edward F Sutton (edited April 26, 2001).]

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/26/01 07:58 PM

Well, I'm back to the stairs. Why does it keep getting harder? Or does it just feel like it? Actually we were at the 9th floor today before I even looked to see what floor we were on. Used to check by the 3rd or 4th floor! Maybe it's getting easier.

I guess my problem is that I enjoy the expensive sports! Swimming is my favourite, but until they open the pool in my apartment building, I can't afford to pay for a membership elsewhere. I used to enjoy exercising. What happened to me????

Anyone know where I can get an audio aerobic exercise tape??

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Tom Wetmore

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/26/01 08:10 PM

Yes indeed, a good seat can make a world of difference. But nothing improves the situation like toughening up the human interface component to that seat by many, many miles astride it! Quality cycling shorts make a great difference too. You don't think we men wear those spandex shorts for the looks do you! Ill-placed seams, moisture retaining material that doesn't breath and bunched up fabric can really ruin an otherwise pleasant ride. A good quality seat will have dense gel padding strategically located at the weight-bearing contact points. A "valley" between those humps of gel down the middle will help relieve some distressing nerve compression, guys. They make gender-specific seats because there is a distinct difference between boys and girls, just in case you were unaware. I would tend to avoid anything too radical and remember that you generally get what you pay for. A bargain $20 seat will be quite different than a quality seat for $50-100 or more. Most good bicycle shops will have some good choices. Vetta and Selle are a couple top brand names. Performance Bike is a good mail order/internet place to buy and their house brand is reasonably good quality. ( www.performancebike.com )


Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/27/01 01:59 AM

Build a board and flange platform and mount a lawn tractor seat to it for your bike.
Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/27/01 01:58 PM

Thanks for the link. If young guys thought bicycle seats hurt, wait till you get middle aged. I have bookmarked the link & will discuss his & her's bicycles @ home, soon. Ah well skinny W-2's & back taxes slows everything down.

Are there any good mountain bikes with shaft driven gears (also in recumbant - for bad knees ?) When our son had the mountain bike fever, I also read his magazines. (Now it's semi's & he drives a Jedda. $$$$. Ka Ching !!! (His car note - not mine )

Bikes & gardening & firewood & serious walking and power walking & swimming & (knapsacking the neighbourhood passing out EGW message books & Bible marking kits{Mark Finley puts out a good Bible marking kit}) are good adjuncts to working out . Keep a hydrotherapy travel & expanded first aid kit & canned food & you would be able to cover a lot of bases even on Sabbath with the knapsacking version of "soul-erxize". God and His angels would be your "workout" partners and personal trainers. That adjunctive "exercise" could be done any day of the week when standard workouts would not fit or you just need a change.

If you had a good home gym, it could become a sunday thru thursday outreach center with a "pumped up attitude" and probably attract a few good workout partners. My rambling on is giving myself ideas.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/28/01 06:58 AM


I'd hate to pay your talc bill!

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/29/01 06:29 AM


I just wanted to give you some encouragement on your "stairway to exercise" program. I too have been involved in a daily stairway exercise program. Each morning I go down the 5 steps to the driveway to my car to drive to work, and each evening, you guessed it, I do the 5 steps back into the house. If I keep up my stair exercise regularly, will you promise to do yours just as regularly?

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 04/30/01 05:17 PM

DrD, thank you for your words of encouragement! Yes, I will keep up my daily stairway exercise if you keep up yours! Actually though, I don't really see how my 300+ stairs a day compare to your 10 stairs a day!!

Seriously, I was considering not going this morning because I am soooooo exhausted from the wonderful weekend I had, but now I am inspired to go because our your post. Thank you.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/01/01 03:36 PM

Well an update on my progress toward my bench press goal. (Which is due the 30th of this month.)

I am up to garlic breath reps with 185 & lockouts of one half the distance with 195 lbs X 3 & the full 200 X one lockout. A lockout is lifting it off the standards and go up as far as the arms reach, about a 12 inch travel above the lowest setting of the standards. Oh "garlic breath reps" are reps with lots of effort in strict style & big exhales with the effort. Since I was giving the exhale - you guessed it "garlic breath" Love the stuff.

200 - 205 lbs has been a personal best since senior yr in highschool. I hope to far away break that with working into consistant training. Which this garlic lover will have to work up to. A sedentary job & almost fifty & outa shape do take it's toll.

Yup getting home @ 8am & doing the deed & now posting the progress. Workout on the run before snooze time.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/01/01 09:01 PM

Thanks for the update Ed!!! As to the garlic breath - I feed my husband as much garlic as possible because his garlic breath is Wonderful!! He (but only he) gets lots of kisses when he eats garlic!

Sounds like you're doing good with your goal! (of course, it also sounds like you are speaking a different language, but we'll figure that one out!)

I am sticking to it. Only missed the two days last week and have not yet given up - and it's beginning to get easier!!!! I actually did most of the talking on this round up, we only had to stop once (because I was about to expire from lack of oxygen - too much talking) and made it all the way to the top. Not too much longer and I'll have to start going down and then coming back up to increase the exercising! Good thing it only takes 10 min to climb - break is only 20 min! Still feeling it in the thighs, but still, every improvement is a major accomplishment at this point!!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/02/01 02:28 AM


Could the next stage be full squats ? They radically roast the glutes, quads, lower back, even activate the abds as a support system, etc. Start with full bleach or one gallon plastic jugs full of water in each hand. Then move up to equal weight bags of books in each hand, then with Mark's help move on to barbells (with a pad under the bar to save the skin.)

As far as stairs, when they get too easy, try weighted vests built for power walking , variable weights available probably at Walmart. Cycle the workouts, continual escalation of work volume and intensity will create overtraining damage to joints, connective tissue, muscles, and recuperation systems & nerves. The body goes through cycles and not a linear path like sports commercials would want you to believe.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/02/01 02:35 AM

Thanks for the advice Ed!! I'll definitely keep them in mind. Not sure I'm ready to tackle more at this point, but I'm sure I'll want to soon. Bicycle weather is finally here!!!

I like the idea of the squats - don't need fancy weightlifting stuff for that!

What do you mean by "cycle the workouts"?

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/04/01 09:50 AM

cycling workouts ='s . For example an eight week mass/strength cycle, using two full body workouts a week at max. (Easier computation - in reality two workouts one week & one workout the next week with extra recuperation time as needed .) Always use spotters or weight supporting safety equipment. You are moving up your limit weights used for so many numbers of sets & reps and need to really get fatigued with it. Without attentative spotters or safety equipment here is where injury & trouble await. Do not train to failure. 80-85% of failure is plenty. This leaves reserves to begin recuperation and growth with. Growth only happens with time, extra food, extra sleep, rest from further workouts that stress the growth process. A bike ride for relaxed pleasure won't strss the arms growth, a bike marathon will halt the growth & go backwards(catabolic ie: muscle consumption for energy.) After working legs, you probably won't feel up to any bike rides, etc.

workout #1 - set weight & reps & sets.

workout #2 - slightly higher set weight & /or higher reps & more sets. (end of week one)

workout #3 - slightly higher set weight & /or higher reps & more sets.

workout #4 - slightly higher limit weight & /or pyramiding reps & pyramiding sets.(end of week two)

workout #5 - slightly higher limit weight & /or pyramiding reps & pyramiding sets.

workout #6 - slightly higher or same limit on limit weight & /or pyramiding reps & pyramiding sets. If keeping limit weight the same more sets or reps per set with limit weight used. (end of week three)

workout #7 - slightly higher or same limit on limit weight & /or pyramiding reps & pyramiding sets. If keeping limit weight the same more sets or reps per set with limit weight used. A limit weight can be a limit on one rep in strict form or a lower weight using more reps in strict form . Using a weight between 60-80% of one rep limits for reps creates the need for strength and growth as sets and reps with that weight is used. If you are conditioned and every other workout add 2-5% on to your limit weight for reps or single rep, you are recuperating very well & growing. If not you may be training in a counter productive way. Say that is happening in this part of an 8 week cycle.

Change the cycle.
Workout #8 lower the weight & run the rack style of workout. Warmup with lightest weight. Set 1, Set 2 - add enough weight to do 10 reps with the last one an effort.

Do the same with 8 reps next set, 6 next set, drop the weight to warmup and go real strict & slower till things begin to burn for 2-3 reps - strech & end that bodypart type exercises & move to next ones.

In a cycled set of workouts the total amount of weight & reps & sets rises but fluctuates till after several weeks the progress chart looks like a stock graph with rises and dips. The trend is rising even with dowanward fluctuations, this is done because the body adapts in cyclic fashion not linear fashion.

I also have a suggestion, since this thread is under Christian concerns & the main topic is open 24/7 and exercise per say & bodybuilding especially has no spiritually redeeming qualities for Sabbath; would you consider moving this thread {not the forum just this thread}into the newly renamed forum (I think it's Home and Hobby or House & hobby - embarassing cause I moderate there & don't remember it's name . )

Anyhow that forum is closed over Sabbath and will not be available as a temptation to side track into on Sabbath, when visiting Christian Living. I have built up a strong affinity for the subject over the years and it is a strong temptation for me on Sabbath hours knowing this thread is right there available & waiting. Or talk it over with Daryl, he usually has good ideas too. I trust you guys will come up with a good solution, even if it's different than what I thought about.

I checked & it's "Practical Home & Hobby", talk about a radical "Senior Moment"

Bye for now.

Edward F Sutton

[This message has been edited by Edward F Sutton (edited May 04, 2001).]

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/09/01 05:26 PM

Hi everyone! I've been a little down and out for the last little while (and therefore haven't done the stairs - oops) but am planning to get back to them today - in about 1/2 hour. Hopefully I won't die on my way up and all will be good. I think the ladies I am going with are climbing faster every day because it sure feels harder every day - no breath 1/2 way up, etc. Oh well.

Ed, thank you for your suggestion, but I think we are going to leave this thread here. Should anyone have any questions regarding specifics on exercising or how-to's on weight lifting/body building, then we will come check out your forum and ask them there.

Keep the encouragements coming! I need them as somedays I'm just not up to climbing until someone says something encouraging and then I find it is possible after all.


Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/10/01 06:45 AM

Just an update. I actually made it to the top, and I'm still alive! Wasn't sure I'd make it and I definitely lagged behind, but we still made pretty good time. I suppose it doesn't matter how fast I make it up, as long as I make it.

I do feel a bit better for having done it, too - after, of course, the initial "I'm going to be sick now" feeling.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/10/01 11:14 PM

You know, there is definitely something to be said for supporting each other. I notice it with our stair climbing, we keep each other going and when one is having a bad day or a hard time, the other is encouraging and keeps us going.

Today, for example, I was more than ready to cut it short at floor 12 and at floor 14, but my climbing partner wouldn't let me so we kept going to 15.

Now I know that wanting to quit one floor away from the goal is really stupid, and thought so even as I was wanting to give up, but it also shows how we run our lives sometimes. "Things are bad, so let's just quit" - not knowing that the best is yet to come and if we hang in there one more floor, day, minute, hour, things will improve and life will get better.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/11/01 06:02 AM

I know what you mean about trying to quit early. I many times have wanted to quit my stair exercise one step short of finishing, but I just buck up and do the one more step. Besides, if I don't finish, I can't make it to the office.

Keep up the good work.

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/11/01 08:04 PM

You make me laugh DrD. Thank you!!!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/15/01 01:46 AM

I made it

The neighbor came over & spotted for me. I made my goal 16 days early. I have officially benched 200 lbs strict. The last time I did that was shortly before graduation in 1969. The guy who helped me, by spotting for me, Dion, was born in 1973. Rich to the max.

Lets hear it for the fat, old, balding . It ain't over till it's over. Hang in there Gerry, treat the CHF & you probably will get lots of energy back.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/15/01 04:51 AM

Way to go Ed!! That's some accomplishment! That would be like me bench pressing my husband!! Except he's too skinny and long for a good weight . . .

Keep it up!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/15/01 04:04 PM

Gotta ways to go that's 72 lbs below my body weight.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/16/01 04:41 PM

Remember how song service was better when you got to put in your requests ?

Well how about a new spin. Everybody think up fitness goals for me to achive that are realistic, then I pick one or two and divide it into do able smaller steps & put timetables on the steps.

FYI I bought the exercise ball & video that Tony Mantara refered me to under the bodybuilding discussion in the health forum. I have never used it yet . If it makes abdominal work more comfortable, that's an idea.

Looking forward to hearing new ideas about fitness goals.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/17/01 06:25 AM

Fitness goal for Ed #1

Run a marathon in 2 years, 1 month and 4 days from this date. Is that realistic? If not, how about walking a marathon in that time frame?

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/17/01 06:34 AM

Define Marathon - how long is that? 25K or more or less?

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/17/01 04:16 PM

Remember I do have CP(cerebral palsy). I walked 8 miles at one time once and could not walk much for 7-10 days. Marathon's are 26 miles. Have mercy on me offer "OJ" & pizza every 5 miles . However I was way out of shape then.

When I was at Wildwood for about a year, Jim Kline & I ran up Racoon Mt & down into a suburb of Chattanooga (6 miles away){we got lost to be exact} and had to carry this overstuffed maximal couch bisqite mutt. Dogs eat dog bisquites .....soooooo . We ran back carrying him along the side of the interstate, then raced each other home for first seat at dinner. Lets see 2 miles up & over the Mt, 6 miles into & 6+ miles back, plus carrying the dog (fleas ....dog breath & all.} 14+ miles with an uphill sprint afterwards. Welllllllll that was 30-31 years ago, just a technical co-out - LOL.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/17/01 11:00 PM

OK Ed, realistic goal number 2 - play 18 holes of golf without a cart at least twice a week within 3 months. Notice I didn't say shoot par golf or even boggy golf. The goal is not primarily on how well you play yet, but on the walking with the weight of the clubs. You don't even have to take a dog along.

Many courses have snack bars along the way, so you could get your own OJ and pizza, and besides, I do not want to be the one to tempt you into eating pizza that would divert you from your weight loss goal!

[This message has been edited by Wedntgp (edited May 17, 2001).]

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/18/01 10:57 PM

If I were to burn 3500 calories and ate & drank 3000 calories of pizza & OJ I wouls still loose fat.

However it's been way tooooo long since pizza. Hint Hint Linda.

Oh yes, yesturday (thursday) Ken & I loaded a large trailer with 7 cubic yards of wet sticky heavy leaf compost(after I worked all night too[10+ hrs & stayed up to boot].) That ought to count for some pizza - maybe - just a little 16" pan . (why isn't there a smiley when someone's fishing for sympathy ?????)

I used the scoop shovel & now my left upper back hurts for sure. Not muscle soreness either, feels like another pulled whatever. I guess the older you get to easier to pull stuff. He was wiser & used the square pointed shovel.

Ken is much less sedentary & three or four years older & it seems quite a bit tougher. I guess it shows the physical value of routine physical labor besides exercise. I keeps stuff toughened up. He was a trucker till recently & now an LE & gardner & builder of sorts. Ken & Freddie(wife) are really great folks. Never still for long though.

BTW would having been part of the crew building the Connestee Golf Course on the rough end of the pick & shovel brigaide as a early twenty something count ?

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/19/01 05:23 AM

Of course your work on the golf course with a pick and shovel counts, but its been counting for so long that it has lost most of its strength and power. I think I hear it counting in the distance. OOOOOnnne, sorry, not enough strenth to go any further!

Maybe your goal should be, since you are a gradener, to grow giant pumpkins, and go out and lift the one that has the most potential for getting really big every day. And when it reaches 3 or 4oo pounds, you will have really accomplished something. I will then look for you on TV in the world's strongest man contest, lifting huge round rocks onto walls. !!!!!!!!!!

You could accomplish two things that way, you would gain strength and fitness and have grown your own pumpkin for pumpkin pizza. Don't laugh till you try it.

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/21/01 04:30 PM

Now you are talking my lingo. Yaaaaah Thatttts the Ticket. I grow an orange VW with leaves & lift it on ESPN. Actually a pumpkin pizza is called pumpkin pie.

I like a big bowl & eat with large spoons.

Actually the medical director gave me some giant pumpkin seed. Ken & Fredie have the space in their garden, thanks for a more fun goal. I'll try growing some giant (but still edible) pumpkins. I like stone lifting, I ought to get back into it. I really would like to be a contender in the World's strongest Man contest ( but I assume there is lifting on Sabbath & I have let things slide and not in condition to seriously be a real threat to Maggnuss Samulson or Oyoko Oholo by a long shot.)

I have let the connective tissues get soft and weak, it could take quite a while to recondition the ligaments and tendons. Muscles recondition much quicker. [But I do have a 20 ft heavy log chain in hopes of human towing heavy things someday.]


Just had to include the website for verification & a link for other Quo Vadis wantabe's.

Bye for now. But bye the bye - srength & gardening goals intrest me more than marathon's & golf.


Edward F Sutton

[This message has been edited by Edward F Sutton (edited May 21, 2001).]

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/23/01 12:21 AM


I am shocked and dismayed that I am the only one that cares about you enough to suggest goals for you!

Where are the rest of your on line friends. Don't they care? Or do they think that pumping iron is the ultimate of goals, and nothing they could offer would be an improvement?

Post a picture of you lifting that giant pumpkin, and later eating the pumpkin pizza.

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/23/01 04:48 PM

Look at all the exercise my click finger is getting during online MSDAOL ping pong. That's the ticket we're playing ping pong. They're waiting to take on the winner .

The only problem is the pumpkin idea sounds good & so does the world's largest pumpkin pizza.

Maybe I seem so alien..... they're waiting for me to pump ufo saucers. ??????

Oh well my temp is 97.4 F & I have been in the Ozone a fewwww times.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/24/01 06:18 AM

Been in the Ozone a few times, huh? I think that's too much oxygen, isn't it? Doesn't that cause super activity? Could be trouble when you get back to the regular mix of air!!

When in Italy, I wanted to try some Italian food without the US influence, or that I couldn't get here. The only "weird" thing on the menu was egg pizza. Not bad. Try it sometime. A fried egg in the center with scrambled eggs all around. I wonder how egg and pumpkin would work together?

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/23/01 07:25 PM

Personally, I know nothing about weight lifting so wouldn't even know where to begin to give Ed a possible target.

I have been thinking about this topic lately and during my studies of other areas. Many people ask me why I am doing things like cutting out chocolate, dairy, meat, etc. in my life and my answer to them is becuase my body is the temple of God and I should treat it as if it is special. Part of that would be keeping in shape and exercising.

How can I not have time to exercise? If I want to be a good, beautiful, holy temple, then I need to make sure I look my best.

Watch for another topic to continue this thread as I don't want to get too far off track here.

Have a great day everyone!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

[This message has been edited by Mrs Sarah Moss (edited May 23, 2001).]

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/26/01 03:58 PM

Most weight lifters I have seen, lift while listening to loud - driving music to help get the emotions pumped to help lift greater weights or help perform more repetitions. Do you do that, and have you observed that similar kinds of music help you perform with the weights better?

What kind of exercise is appropriate for Sabbath. I suspect we could all agree on walking, but is walking necessarily OK if we do it just for the exercise. What about stair climbing? Is that a form of walking? What about exercise machines? Treadmills, stationary bicycles, and moving ones? If exercise is important to our relationship with the Lord, should there be any Sabbath restrictions?

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/27/01 10:36 AM

Music interfers with my focus, one side of the body needs slightly more prompting than the other. Music would "hop" me up but it would mess me up it it's acoustic contents and delivery interfered with my body or my ego.

My body by the interference with focus & physiology. Also in delayed fashion when it over activates ego, cause I am not seventeen anymore & used to too much was difficult to achive, now too much hits my physical waek spots all too easy & very quick. I will be 50 in October, I don't react with the rebound of seventeen. It's more like a small plane trying to tow a jumbo jet. Possible but difficult and soon the small plane throws a rod.

Exercise for the sake of exercise - 6 days ok, Sabbath - nope I'am doing R&R from pumping tday. A walk to enjoy the outdoors maybe, helping others - fine if possible (but on my terms as much as possible). Sleep for me is usually 12 hrs off from most folks, but I strech it on Sabbath. Lots of Church duties so I am not free to sleep when I would, but later @ home. Plus writting & printing out & teaching an alternate Sabbath School Program. I probably do not get enough non weights exercise during secular hours and probably not enough weight training during those secular hours either. However here in unusually chilly Ohio gardening season is progressing.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/27/01 05:49 PM

My idea of a good sabbath afternoon activity (after 'lay' activities ) is to ride my bike along the bike path near Lake Huron.
Watch the ducks/geese and maybe feed the sea-gulls.
Now that the last cold weekend is finally here, maybe I can start riding my bike without Arthur getting mad at me.

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my reins and my heart. Ps.26:2
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.Ps.118:8

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/27/01 07:09 PM

Who's Arthur?? I enjoy my Sabbath's off from exercise. In fact, my favourite Sabbaths are those spent entirely with friends. It's nice to have a day when you don't have to worry about what has to be done next in my life.

On the other hand, that doesn't exclude exercise-like activities on the Sabbath either. I remember that when I was in college we used to go out and play touch football, long walks/hikes - in high school we'd go to the mountains, bicycle rides, things like that, but it was and is more than exercise. It was/is enjoying time with friends and nature, learning about God from His great outdoors. It was good, and generally things that we did not have time for during the regular week. Perhaps, if you walk for exercise, you could try a different activity on Sabbath if you still wanted to get outside and do something - ride a bike, rollerblade, go on a picnic, go canoeing, go to the beach, play a game with friends - but change your routine so that the Sabbath is different and special from the rest of the week.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Tom Wetmore

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/28/01 03:13 AM

Just a quick update for those who might possibly be interested in my preparation for the 330 mile AIDSRide next month. My fundraising has gone quite well and I am working on increasing my mileage so that I can complete successive long days (100 miles+/- per day) on the bike as will be necessary for the ride. I am riding 60-70 mile days without difficulty. Having done 60+ miles today I am now going to take advantage of the holiday weekend (Memorial Day for you Canadians ) and do the same at least tomorrow. This is at a fairly moderate pace with a short rest or two along the way. This week I expect to have 150-200 miles. I will vary the daily mileage and pace on the rest of the week.

The bottom line is that you've got to love that bike!


Posted By: Laurie Mosher

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/28/01 03:59 AM

Speaking of "finding time", I suppose I should read the previous 4 pages, but quite frankly "I don't have the time"!!.

A good way to get onee's exercise without spending alot of $$ is "get a dog". Max (my dog) needs a walk every morning..well his walk has helped my health...Now altho I'm over the hill (at 56), I'm not "under the hill"!

One could rationalize that dog food is expensive. Well ,I live on 22 acres of land, have a garden, and a "walk thru Park" (still clearing land for that project). The point is, MAX is "worth his weight in gold" for keeping deer and rabbits out of the garden, Plus he's a faithful friend. Not many animals have a vehicle named after them -"MAXEY Van"!

When you don't feel like praying,
WHY don't you talk to God about it?

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/28/01 04:08 AM


You missed Gerry's pun entirely. You are too young barring injuries to develop it this soon. Aurthur(itis) one of the brothers that are more diversified that just a pain in the butt. Aurthur, Osteo, Rumatoid, and last but not least Bursa. {Sorta sounds like the brothers of Larry, Daryl & Daryl fame. ( No Aurthur, Osteo, Rumatoid, and Bursa are not from Vermont , sympathy for Tom after the end of the longgggg ride.)

May none of the four afore mentioned brothers visit him.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/28/01 08:29 PM

Silly me! I had a good laugh, after I understood it! I hope he goes on a LONG vacation for the summer and likes it so much that he never comes back!

Did the stairs again today. Someone tell me, when does it get easier???????? I feel as if my lungs are about to burst only a few flights up (around 5 or so) and it is not getting better, but almost worse! Is this normal?

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 05/31/01 10:59 PM

If you get really good at the stairs, you may be transfered to the messenger department and get to run up and down the stairs all day long delivering messages from one floor to the others. Then you could get paid for your exercise program.

I tried jogging several years ago, and it never got easier.

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/03/01 11:45 PM

Of course, I wouldn't want to be transferred to the mailroom - would make me feel as if it were a demotion, not a promotion. I'm thinking too that it might be because there is stale air in the staircase and that is affecting me. Didn't have that problem while out bike riding, etc. Oh well. It's nice to be outside, and I'm not going to give up on the exercising - yet!

I used to like jogging.... too bad it is not good for me to do anymore.

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/05/01 01:55 AM

If stale air is the problem, do what Rocky, alias, Sylvester Stallon, did. Move to Philadelphia, and run up and down the stairs to the public library. Who knows, you may even become world boxing champion!

Ed, that reminds me, your next goal. Go to the meat locker plant and start throwing the carcasses around. Much more challenging than just lifting "dead metal weight". Then you could start hitting the frozen beef to toughen up your hands and strengthen your hitting muscles. And you could keep your pizza frozen in there too, until it was time to eat it.

How is the pumpkin lifting coming along!

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/05/01 03:49 PM

The constant access to red meat might begin to get too appitizing, even frozen & raw.

However how about other goals ?



Bench Press-
200 lbs X - 1 -done 5/16/01
200 lbs X - 5 reps 45 day goal starting from 5/27/01 - till 7/10/01
225 lbs X - 1-2 reps 45 day goal starting from 7/10/01 - till 8/25/01

Barbell High Pulls
150 lbs X - 1 60 day goal starting from 5/27/01 - till 7/25/01
125 lbs X - 5 60 day goal starting from 7/25/01 - till 9/25/01

Stiff Legged Deadlift
200 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 5/27/01 - till 6/27/01
250 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 6/27/01 - till 7/27/01
300 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 7/27/01 - till 8/27/01

Seated Dumbbell Press
20 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 5/27/01 - till 6/27/01(done already)
30 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 6/27/01 - till 7/27/01(done already)
45 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 7/27/01 - till 8/27/01(done 6/10/01)
60 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 8/27/01 - till 9/27/01
75 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 9/27/01 - till 10/27/01
100 lbs X - 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 10/27/01 - till 11/27/01

Dumbbell Curls

25 lbs X 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 5/27/01 - till 6/27/01(done before 6/10/01)
35 lbs X 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 6/27/01 - till 7/27/01(done 6/10/01)
50 lbs X 10 reps 30 day goal starting from 7/27/01 - till 8/27/01

Abdominal (upper & lower & obliques & setarus magnus )

10 continuous strict reps 30 day goal starting from 5/27/01 - till 6/27/01
20 continuous strict reps 30 day goal starting from 6/27/01 - till 7/27/01
30 continuous strict reps 30 day goal starting from 7/27/01 - till 8/27/01
50 continuous strict reps 30 day goal starting from 8/27/01 - till 9/27/01

Lat Pulls or Chins

10 continuous strict chins 30 day goal starting from 5/27/01 - till 6/27/01
20 continuous strict chins 30 day goal starting from 6/27/01 - till 7/27/01
30 continuous strict chins 30 day goal starting from 7/27/01 - till 8/27/01
50 continuous strict chins 30 day goal starting from 8/27/01 - till 9/27/01

The pulling exercises depend on how soon my left elbow area heals, still quite sore when doing high pulls early this am (at work). {When one co-worker works with me that doesn't mind, I am careful to get work done, but I workout on hosp rehab equipment at night once or twice a week.

Edward F Sutton

[This message has been edited by Edward F Sutton (edited June 10, 2001).]

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/25/01 07:51 AM

How is the giant pumpkin lifting doing?
Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/26/01 08:11 AM

To date, no pumpkins planted, none lifted.

Weight totals in the Seniors International Pumpkin Lifting Invitational = Zero, Zip, Na Da, and GooseEgg.

However I found a new local sporting goods store that sells olympic barbell plates from 2.5 lbs - to 45 lbs @ a good per/lb price. The connective tissues near the l. elbow still are complaining when leverage stress exercises pull on them (possibly internal scarring.)

While we were @ campmeeting(Great Lakes Academy - used to be Cedar Lake Academy) I noticed that one of the partitioned off rooms near the main auditorium was a well equiped weight room.

The spiritual tone of the Michigan Conference is a treat compared to elsewhere. I could get used to it very quickly, Michigan weather not withstanding. However that's in God's hands, my intention is that I will stay here till He sets up the next move.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/26/01 07:17 PM

Only your connective tissues are complaining? My whole body would cry out loudly in revolt to lifting weights of that magnitude.

How many "reps" of lifting a glass of iced tea on a hot day would be considered as sufficient exercise. Should you alternate reps with each arm, or do the reps for one arm before starting the other?

Hasn't it been close to the six months that you promised to "post" the new picture of the new you? Or was that someone else? In any event, have fun pumping the new Olympic iron!

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/26/01 07:31 PM


How are the stair step exercises progressing? Doing two round trips at each break now?


What do you do in the winter for exercise? Snow shoe on the the walking trails?

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/26/01 10:34 PM

Thanks for asking, but to be honest we gave up on the stairs. It is much too nice of weather outside to be cooped up indoors on breaks too! So, we now walk outside on morning break and sometimes on lunch. I am also getting in more bicycle riding and walking outside of work and enjoying myself doing it. In fact (hee hee) I have actually lost quite a bit of weight!! I now fit clothes that haven't fit for a while, so I have even more motivation to keep going! It is such a treat to pull a dress out of the closet that hasn't fit for a while, put it on and see that it fits again!! Yeah!!!! This exercise stuff does actually work! Now I just have to get motivated on weight lifting. I'm beginning to think that might be good to do, but don't know any of the ins and outs of it. Of course, my house has to get cleaned first! There's my exercise program for this week!!!!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/27/01 03:16 AM

Be careful about the weight lifting activities. Hate to have another lady throwing her weight around.

After you are able to "try" the "old" dresses for fit io the new found body, when do you do the bit for all new wardrobe? Now don't tell me that any red blooded american woman, (yes I know Canada is part of america) would pass up an opportunity to get new clothes!!!

Do you wear the spandex shorts and outlandish colorful jersey for your bike riding. When are you going to post a picture of the new bike riding attire?

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/29/01 06:30 AM

You wish! I do not have special work-out outfits. Can't afford it. Although, you are right, once I get to my ideal weight I will probably need a new wardrobe, it will have to wait til I have the $ for it because adding to a wardrobe is expensive enough. I definitely can't rebuild one!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

[This message has been edited by Mrs Sarah Moss (edited June 28, 2001).]

Posted By: Tom Wetmore

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 06/29/01 05:59 PM

Actually those ever-so-flattering spandex shorts and colorful cycling jerseys are that way for quite functional reasons. The form-fitting spandex reduces chafing and binding of loose fitting clothes and increases the evaporation of perspiration that also would contribute to chafing and soreness. The colorful jerseys increase visibility so that our friends in their big metal boxes don't run us down in their blind rush down the road. I have even taken to wearing jerseys with big colorful and scary creatures on them in hopes that those caged motorists might give me a wide pass, thinking I am a bit crazy perhaps!

In case anyone is interested, I completed the 330 mile AIDS Ride this past weekend along with over 2000 other riders. It was a truely awesome and inspiring experience! The event raised over $6.7 million for two charities that provide services and assistance to AIDS victims in Washington, DC! I was a part of a team of 5 riders from Sligo Church.


Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/20/01 02:29 AM

Way to go Tom. We're proud of your accomplishment and dedication to helping those in need. By the way, if only those drivers whom you are trying to make belive you were weird only knew you, you would not have to wear the strange shirts to accomplish that end.

See Sarah, Tom, being the knowledgeable biker that he is, has just given you the reasons why spandex is not only fashionable but necessary. We expect pictures!!

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/24/01 10:26 PM

Way to go Tom! I can't imagine going 330 km in anything other than a car!!!

I did a fitness testing while at campmeeting and discovered that I am out of shape. Like I didn't know that! The bonus is that they gave good advice on how to get into shape, what to do, how to do it and how often. So, once my back stops hurting enough to let me walk farther than 6 blocks, I will be back at it. Of course, I may just start anyway and suffer through it, who knows, it just might help my back! One can only hope!

I'm afraid, gentlemen, that the only photo you will be getting for a while is the one attached above! Sorry to disappoint you, but at this point I don't have a way to get you a picture even if I did have one to put up!

Sarah Moss
*Prayer Changes Things!*

[This message has been edited by Mrs Sarah Moss (edited July 24, 2001).]

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/25/01 02:51 AM

Look again Sarah, Tom did 330 MILES not km. If my metric is correct, that is a bit further!

By the way, how old is that picture that you post for us to get an idea of who you are? Is the gentleman looking on, your current husband?

I would suggest starting to walk, even if your back is hurting. That way you may get blisters on your feet, which will take the attention away from your back pain. Depends on which you would rather have your attention drawn to, blisters or back pain.

Posted By: Tom Wetmore

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/25/01 05:27 PM

Wdntgp, I do have some pictures, but don't know how or even if I can post them here. Not surprisingly, looking back on 330 miles seems less than looking forward to 330 miles. Although I am indeed looking forward to doing it again next summer.

Sarah, the key to exercise and getting in shape is to follow the "Nike rule" which is "Just do it." (From the Nike company advertising slogan.) Just keep at it and do as much as you can. You will surprise yourself that "as much as you can" will increase over time. In March, before the AIDSRide, I was clearly not in shape, finding 25-30 miles to be a stretch. But by regularly getting on the bike and increasing the mileage I was able to be ready by early June. And now 30-50 miles is not a big deal. I plan to maintain between now and next spring and be in better shape for the ride next summer. So, walk those six blocks and keep at it. In time, sixty blocks will be a breeze!

Just do it!


Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/25/01 11:26 PM

Thanks for the encouragement guys! I will get to the exercise lickety split!!

I am coming up to my second anniversary in September, so that is quite a recent photo, and Yes, the gentlemen is my current, and first hubby! Cute, isn't he??? You should meet him - he's even better in person!

The pool in my apartment building is to be open by the end of this month, I am looking forward to that and anticipate being in there every day, if possible. I'm going to be out on the streets walking or rollerblading beginning . . . soon. If not today, then definitely on Sunday. I have goals, I have plans, I will follow through!!!!!!! Check on me though, I can often forget all my good intentions when something more fun comes up! Just kidding. This time, I will "Just Do It".

Sarah Moss
Psalms 103 - I am blessed!

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/26/01 01:40 AM

I hate to appear cruel, but seeing a picture of you in spandex is not in the top ten things I aspire to do in this lifetime!

I am glad to see that you are pleased enough with your last husband to put his picture along with yours on the forum.

What happened to the stair climbing thing?

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/26/01 04:53 PM

The stair climbing thing died. I lost my partner because she felt uncomfortable working after exercising like that. That and we wanted to get outdoors in all this beautiful weather....

I have not quit, just changing. If only there was a long staircase outside I could do.... That's okay, I will get in shape, just a different way.

Sarah Moss
Psalms 103 - I am blessed!

Posted By: Wedntgp

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/28/01 04:55 PM

Check with Jacob, I think he had an experience with outdoor staircases.

Or move to Philly, and sun up and down the library stairs like Rocky did.

If you exercised enough to really sweat, that should help you in your work. It would keep the other employees from hanging around your desk bothering you.

I have been thinking about an issue that has been troubling me. We talk about exercise, and we focus on bike riding, walking, running, climbing stairs, lifting weights, etc. Isn't there an exercise that is not only intense, but produces a good product or result along with the exercise? Mowing lawns, and that type of thing, but that can be done on a daily basis.

Posted By: Catherine

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/29/01 06:12 AM

Sister White said that gardening is better exercise than the things we usually think of when we think of exercise. I really feel that the best exercise is something that is done outdoors, so we can also get the fresh air & sunshine that are so important to our health. And that goes for the winter too. Shoveling snow would be good. But none of those useful activities provide consistent, daily exercise as easily as walking, biking, etc.

When I put my garden in, and am working hard tilling and raking, I don't walk, but I don't feel I am getting much exercise when I'm sitting on the ground between the rows pulling weeds and deadheading flowers. So then I feel I need to walk too.

The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever.

Posted By: Daryl

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/29/01 09:57 PM

I have been told that simply walking is the best exercise of them all.

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/30/01 05:14 PM

For me, part of the issue is that I am an apartment dweller and therefore do not even have the option of snow shoveling or gardening - unless I go do it for someone else....

I have actually taken up roller blading now. Of course, it appears to be a somewhat dangerous activity, my husband fell and hurt himself our first time out.... oops.

I have also heard that walking (with walking sticks to get the arms moving) is also one of the best things you can do. Most of the time, however, I find that I don't walk fast enough, long enough, to get my heart rate to where I need it to be... and cross-country skiing in the winter.

I took a fitness testing while at campmeeting and they recommended 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 6 days a week. In fact, they even provided a walking schedule to help get you started. I haven't figured out how far a mile is, but I figure if I work hard for a 1/2 hour, that should be sufficient and get me started. As I get in better shape, I can keep the 1/2 hour and just travel farther than before.

Oh, Wedntgp, I have to tell you that I took your advice and started (rollerblading) even though my back was still very sore, and it helped!!! My back felt better almost immediately! Of course, I also got a blood blister on my toe...... So I guess your prediction was right all the way around. Thanks.

Sarah Moss
Psalms 103 - I am blessed!

[This message has been edited by Mrs Sarah Moss (edited July 30, 2001).]

Posted By: Tom Wetmore

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 07/30/01 11:39 PM

Sarah, just don't forget to wear a helmet when you rollerblade. I also enjoy a good vigorous skate around the neighborhood. But by experience, I can tell you that a helemt can save your noggin. I have split a perfectly good helmet while inline skating. I was just a bit dazed and quite happy it was the helmet that split and not my skull!

Wedntgp, One thing I do to combine useful activity with exercise is to ride my bike to work. Useful and healthy!


Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 08/05/01 08:13 AM

Being a Shriners kid, I am too much of a spaz to feel good on roller blades. Who knows how much practice it would take? However I might enjoy it in time.

With enough practice during cooler weather walking is fun. Gardening is great, but not anabolic or arobic unless the weeds get a big start. I put newspaper down with dirt & peat moss & mulch as a weed barrier so zip - o to most weeds. Eating produce & seeing & smelling flowers is fun not pulling weeds.

Pumping firewood is ok, now if i just had a place to burn it ????? We rent & no fireplace or stove. At Wildwood in the 70's we got to carry big rocks, logs, wood stoves & chest freezers. (Early worlds strongest grass eaters contest roughly called "work").

I had a college room mate in NC that was heavy into grass too, but smoking it & "different" grass too. Not me, him.(pre SDA days). With CP anything that roached cordination was avoided.

Bicycling sounds ok, but the time during work nights ???

Making homemade kimchee & cooking all sorts of quisines in the kitchen, sounds good, but the dangers are obvious.

Edward F Sutton

Posted By: Tom Wetmore

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 08/06/01 02:22 AM


During the winter months when the days are shorter and I am going at least one way in the dark I use lights, both in front and back. A flashing LED in the back is visible for 2000 ft or so. I have a headlight with a high intensity halgen bulb which lights up th enight quite well. If I mount it a bit high I have had cars flash their lights at me. There are some very good lighting systems with rechargeable battery packs, but they do tend to be pricey.


Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 08/10/01 04:27 PM

Good question Wedntgp! After reading all the responses, I'm ready to go back to my original exercise program, which is not only done on a regular basis, but also serves a useful function. Lifting the TV remote, and regularly depressing the channel changing button, ducking the object thrown by my wife because she didn't want the channel changed at that time, (this exercise is repeated several times each minute - how many reps of this can you other guys do per minute?) and getting up to raid the refrigerator, walking across the room and doing semi deep knee bends sitting back down. Now, can anyone top that for being both regular and useful!!!
Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 08/10/01 04:33 PM

Wow! I had a definitive answer to Wedntgp's question, but flood control of a non-existent flood disabled my posting! What's a guy to do? Unless I can reconstruct that definitive response, and decide to take the time to do it again, all of you will have to finish your lifetime without that essential information!

Additional information - after this forum told me that the message would not be posted, and I believed it, and posted this message, when I went back, I see that the original message was posted.

Daryl, have you programed this forum to lie to us?

[This message has been edited by DrD (edited August 10, 2001).]

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 08/10/01 04:42 PM

Dr.D!!!! I've missed you here!!! Your advice is welcome. Of course, I could give you different advice to prevent your wife from throwing things at you..... But that might impede your exercise program!!

My 1/2 hour exercise is expanding my travelling sphere. I find myself going farther from home nowadays, without extending my time out! My husband has given up going with me for the time being so I have been putting a sermon tape into my walk-man and listening to that while I exercise - it is a fantastic way to get a spiritual boost together with a physical one!!!!

Our apartment building pool finally opened this month, and I have made good use of it! Getting back into lap swimming is almost harder than rollerblading!!! I can't believe I use to be able to do that with ease.... Oh well, give me a few months and I'll be back there! Optomism, that's the key! I find that if it is raining and the sidewalks are wet the rollerblades just slip on them, so when it is wet out I put my swimsuit on and hit the pool. So far I haven't had a problem getting the playful people to avoid my small strip so I can do laps. I live with nice people!

Anyway, must get back to work. Keep it up guys, and I look forward to hearing how it is going.

BTW, I think that 330 Miles is around 500 km (I THINK)! I still can't imagine going that far - that's 1/2 to Alberta for me!

Sarah Moss
Psalms 103 - I am blessed!

Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 08/11/01 02:49 PM

If I remember from my high school math, and three years in Deutschland, it is around 1.3km to a mile.

500 km would equal about 384.6 miles.
Not a distance I'll be walking any time soon.

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my reins and my heart. Ps.26:2
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.Ps.118:8

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 08/11/01 04:57 PM


I'm glad that we both have been able to settle in on exercise programs, however, a couple of things you said trouble me. One, you husband is no longer going out with you and so you listen to sermons. Does that mean you don't listen to sermons when he is with you, and why would he not want to be seen with you, and why do you only listen to sermons when he is not with you?

Second, you said that you live with nice people. Could that be why he is not going out with you? He expects you to live only with him. I hope you can work your way through these troubling experiences.

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 08/13/01 05:27 PM

Silly Dr. D! I only listen to sermon tapes when alone because my wonderful husband likes to talk to me when exercising together!! Can't do that and listen to a tape at the same time. Although, we went together last night and he can't keep up with me anymore! He did more jogging than walking and then was in pain when we got home.... oops.

I meant that the people in my apartment block are nice - not that they live with me personally! Of course, you knew that and just wanted to pull my leg a little bit ...

Do you know, I have lost almost 10 pounds in 2 weeks just by consistent exercise and proper diet? I am very happy (so far) with the results, a little more and I will be 1/2 way to my goal! Yeah!!! And once I've lost what I want to the trick will be to stay in shape....and keep the weight off!

Have a great day everyone!

Sarah Moss
Psalms 103 - I am blessed!

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/01/01 03:36 AM

I attempted to restart a walking, trotting, jogging program, but had to give it up for health reasons. My thighs rubbing together kept setting my spandex walking shorts on fire. Don't know what to try now!
Posted By: Daryl

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/01/01 04:04 AM


Are you funny, or what!

In His Love, Mercy & Grace


Posted By: Chantale Bérubé

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/05/01 11:39 PM

no one can find the "time" to actully excersise.. i can't but somehow i do find some!!
Daryl.. You must know where kingwood is? Well that's where i go.. and you get motivaded by going.... well that's what happened with me!!
And, exercising makes you mor alert, more confident and for me, it helps me stay focused...
I guess that's it!
Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/08/01 10:23 AM

Chantale, you are so right.
If you try and find time to exercise, you will never find it. The secret is to make time.
I set aside 6am - 8.30am, that's what suits me, 6 days a week.
I have so many options here I never get bored.
Wet weather hikes are different to dry days.
I was excited this week to discover yet another wet weather hike sheltered from the southerly.
Climbing hills is the ultimate in loosing weight and keeping fit! Ask my dogs.
Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/12/01 08:03 AM

That's the trick!! Maybe I just need a dog!

My exercise program has fallen by the wayside lately, lack of time, although I get lots of exercise going to all my busy activities!

In addition, rollerblading came to a rapid end when fall hit and there were leaves and sticks all over the ground! Couldn't take the risk of serious injury!

Winter is here though and time to hit the streets walking. I love walking in winter - it is sooooo refreshing and beautiful..... Now if only I could get those skis done so I can get out on those.....

Stick to the exercise programs! I can vouch for the fact that they work! I lost some weight - and it was a good start.... I've even kept it off which is more important! I'd still like to lose more or just get into better shape, but I'm taking it one step at a time.... I just have to remember to do it!

Keep up the encouragement. Remember that sometimes someone needs to hear exactly what you have to say in encouragement and that will keep them on the right path! I need the humour dropped by DrD as well as the encouragement from the rest and I know I'm not alone in that!

Posted By: Edward F Sutton

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/12/01 05:59 PM

Let's see 10,000 Km, that would be a nice trip. Plenty of exercise along the way. Let's see Dr D could pump the keyboard for a few reps (e-tickets - 101). Then Sara could roller blade the luggage down the people mover).

Daryl could row the glasses & ice down the isle. Andrew could push the peanuts(honey roasted of course). Ed would pop the tops(higher reps) of Ginger Beer ("Jamakian mon" of course). Then we all hum loudly at 30,000 ft "Fly the friendly skies...." Then as the Pacific sun rises we sing Hawaiian songs and hope the e-mail went through for the accomodations off the beaten path on the "big Island". No the "Big Island" is not Ed's tummy lint factory side up, floating in the Pacific. And Kilua Whai is not a giant lint fryer on over drive.

However anybody care to do the paperwork for a research grant to cross the western pond to go and research it to find out for sure.

Posted By: Zita

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/13/01 10:32 AM

Sarah, I was wondering why one of my dogs was loosing so much weight. The bones were really showing, yet he could still run up the hills after the rabbits.
I found out today that the cat mince I was mixing with the rice and veges didn't have enough fat in it. I thought wow, eating no fat and runing after rabbits 6 days a week must be the answer!
Now, I am not suggesting here that we eat cat mince! lol
So it's back to dog logs in the veges and he is looking better already!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/14/01 11:29 AM

Hello Sarah

I couldn't resist making a brief comment here.

This evening as we doled out a few cookies to our kids, for supper, our oldest boy (9 yrs.) got his first, and just before he took the first bite; he said: "Hey Dad! I am going to do my exercises now...This one is called 'The Cookie Stretch!'"

Posted By: DrD

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/15/01 06:33 PM

If you think your dog had trouble with rabbits because its bones were showing, just think about this story.

One day me and my houn' dog Zeke was out in the woods a-huntin' fer rabbits. We was a-runnin powerful short of meat that spring an' Zeke knew as well as I did that it was purty important we git one or we better not go home. We poked out all the briar patches and tromped through the wild plum thickets and was a-gitten purty discouraged cuz we hadn't seen hide ner hair of a rabbit yit. I set down clost by a saplin' fer to rest a spell, but Zeke wasn't tard yit, so he wandered on out into the woods and wuz gone so long I was wunderin' what become of him, when all at onct here come a rabbit licketysplit outa the thicket right towards me, and right behind him come Zeke jest a-tarn' up the airth behind 'im, he was a-runnin' so fast. The rabbit darted past me an' the saplin' an' tore for a briar patch about a hunnert feet away. Now I always knew Zeke was a mighty smart dawg an' I knew he'd figger out some way to gain on that rabbit before it got to the briar patch. Well, Zeke never took time to go around the saplin'; he hit it head on and at sech speed that the saplin' split that houn'-dawg clean in two, from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail. Right quick like I grabbed up the two halves and slapped them together again, only in my haste I got two legs up and two legs down. Well, that never hindered Zeke at all. He just kept on a-runnin', turnin' over and over like a cartwheel, an' he caught that rabbit jest two jumps short of the briar patch.

Zeke was half water spaniel and Irish setter. One day when I was a-fishin', my dog was sittin' by my side a-lookin' into the water. All at onest he dived into the crick and out of sight. I thought he was drowned. About fifteen minutes later I heard a dog barkin' a quarter mile down the crick and saw to my suprise there were ten catfish and eight bass that ole Zeke had treed.

And I don't even feed him cat mince!

Have a great day!

Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Exercise???? How do you find the time? - 12/15/01 11:00 PM

I'm not even going to pretend I believe that one!

Maybe I should try the cat mince! Not likely - I've smelled my cats food - sure wouldn't want to eat it! Maybe that is why they went vegetarian!

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