Answered Prayers

Posted By: Daryl

Answered Prayers - 08/19/13 06:26 PM

Just read this from a person I know at Facebook, which was originally posted there in French and translated via bing:
Nous rendons gloire à Dieu pour la guérison d'Anne. Une femme de 86 ans à notre église qui avait le cancer du sein. Ses docteurs lui ont donnés 6 mois pour vivre. Elle avait des plais partout il y a seulement quelques mois. Elle a refusé tout traitment sauf la prière. Aujourd'hui elle est complètement guérit. Son infirmier qui prend soin de victimes du cancer depuis 13 ans n'a jamais vu ça. Il était athée et maintenant devient croyant. Il demande des prières. Son nom c'est Patrice.
We give glory to God for healing of Anne. A woman of 86 years at our church who had breast cancer. Her doctors have given her six months to live. She had to like everywhere just a few months ago. She refused all treatment except prayer. Today she is completely healed. Her nurse who has taken care of cancer victims for the last 13 years has never seen anything like it. He was an atheist and is now a believer. He is asking for prayers. His name is Patrice.

All I can say to this is a big AMEN!!!!!! smile
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