Pray for Jack

Posted By: Angie S

Pray for Jack - 03/31/01 04:46 AM

I just found out that a friend of mine, Jack, has what is known as Wegener's Syndrome. It is a rare condition that makes him weak, feverish, and a bunch of other problems. This is his second bout with this disease. The doctors are unsure of the cause of this, but he is on medication for it. He started feeling bad back in December and just hasn't been able to kick it. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you, God bless and have a Happy Sabbath.


Posted By: zyph

Re: Pray for Jack - 04/01/01 01:37 AM

Angie, just to say I'll continue to pray for Jack. Zyph.
Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Pray for Jack - 04/02/01 06:13 AM

He is in my prayers as well.
Father, we lift Jack before You.
You who knows all before we bring it to You.
He has had a bout with this before, and it nearly took his life.
Father, we ask that yuo rebuke the killer of men, the deceiver and accuser. He is the one brewing these diseases in his laboratories in the depths of his domain.
Send him packing, surround Jack with the holy angels that excell in strength, and guide and protect the doctors that work with Jack, do to him according to Your great love and mercy.
We ask it and thank You in Jesus precious name,
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