Answers to prayers

Posted By: Chantale Bérubé

Answers to prayers - 03/19/02 04:34 AM

Just thought I'd start a new topic where we can share answers to our prayers.
So.. Anyone had an answer lately
Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Answers to prayers - 03/21/02 11:07 PM

I did!!!!!! God is a very wonderful God! The Women's Retreat for Man/Sask is coming up in April and registration deadline was March 16. I cannot afford to go. So, I was praying about it, and left it in God's hands. There is no funding for assistance and I figured I wasn't going. Anyway, to make a long story short, someone anonymously sponsored me so that I can go to the Retreat (which by the way is almost $200)! Praise God, He name is Wonderful!! "For if you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so your Father in Heaven".
Posted By: Gerry Buck

Re: Answers to prayers - 04/01/02 07:16 AM

We ahve been worried of late because of our son-in-law having so many health problems.
We were told that he was to undergo tests to determine if he may have Kronse (sp?) disease or colonitis or even cancer.
Thank God he has none.
We still don't know what the problem is, but at least we know what it isn't.
They are treating him for auto immune deisease and it seems to be working.
They have said he has rheumatoid arthritis in his blood, but it is under control.
Considering we didn't know if he was going to live or not [cancer sends up all the fear flags] we ARE really happy wth what God has done do far.
Praise God for all blessings here below.
Posted By: Sarah Moss

Re: Answers to prayers - 04/09/02 12:53 AM

Praise God He hears in the little things as well as in the big! I had two answers to prayer this Sabbath!

1. I teach a Sabbath School class and there is one individual who makes me uncomfortable to the point where I do not want to be alone with them. I saw them coming to class and I prayed quickly that I would not be alone (it has been a small class as of late) with this person. God answered my prayer and another person joined the discussion who has not been around for a while. Praise God that He cares about our feelings and insecurities as well!

2. After potluck we were in a meeting and I did not have opportunity to grab my bowl before the meeting. After the meeting, everything had been cleaned up and I could not find my bowl. I looked everywhere for it and was giving up. As I walked out the door of the kitchen, I asked God where my bowl was and immediately thought to look in the fridge! There was the bowl.

God is so amazing and good to us! All we have to do is ask and He answers!

Also, I'm sure many of you heard of the bombing at the Peruvian American Embassy. Well, one of my friends was visiting her mother in Peru at that time and I quickly prayed that she was not there when I heard of the bombing. She has returned home since and I told her I was afraid for her when I heard and she said that they had planned on going there that day, but had decided otherwise at the last minute. It is true that "Even before we ask, God answers"!

He is an amazing God. We ask too little of Him when He seeks to give us so much!

Posted By: Daryl

Re: Answers to prayers - 09/21/03 03:56 PM

God certainly has been answering prayers within a couple of our churches within the Maritime Conference in response to fervent prayer by some of the members of these two churches.

In the Pugwash, NS SDA Church (in which Laurie Mosher is a member) in their fervent prayer response to an urgent prayer request a definite answer to prayer was received. One of their members was being operated on in the Halifax hospital to remove some tumours. Something drastically went wrong and the hospital called in the family as they felt she wasn't going to survive. It was so bad that the hospital gave her husband a pager so he could be called instantly, if her passing became imminent. The church prayed fervently for four hours. As a result of their prayers a miraculous recovery took place that even amazed the hospital staff. She was soon back home as active as ever. Praise the Lord!!!! [Smile]

This brought the Pugwash SDA Church closer together and with the use of a Prayer Journal kept a record of answered prayers. I was at their Prayer Meeting when they were still praising the Lord over the above answered prayer. They have had other wonderfully answered prayers since then, and they are still busy prayer in response to prayer requests/needs within their church community.

I shared the above with the pastor of our church in Fredericton, NB. I don't know if it was as a reult of my sharing, or what, however, he began focusing our weekly prayer meetings practically entirely on praying for the need of others. Here is what happened:

In the Fredericton, NB SDA Church (where I am a member) we soon received an urgent prayer request of our own that took us into deep fervent prayer. The husband of one of our members suffered a brain stroke that sent him to the Fredericton hospital and from there to the SAint John hospital where they began draining the fluid from his brain. He was only given a 50/50 chance of surviving, let alone recovering from this stroke. This happened on a Sabbath afternoon. We prayed individually and came together on the first Tuesday and prayed for her husband's survival and recovery. From Sunday to Thursday they continued draining the fluid from his brain. On our Thursday visit we were told that he couldn't swallow so they had to stomach feed him. They expected him to be there for thr next several months. Things still looked grim as his survival was a day to day thing. We continued in prayer. The following Friday when we visited him again, he was in the washroom shaving himself. His brain was no longer filling with fluid as it had made its own new passage way for the fluid to travel to the spine, if I am remebering this correctly. He also could swallow again. He was also later transferred back to the hospital in Fredericton, NB. Both hospitals were amazed over what they considered a miraculous recovery. We are now praying for the mental recovery of this stroke as it has made him more agressive, both physically and verbally. We also solicit your prayers over this latest development.

Another prayer request was received and prayed for at our last Tuesday's prayer meeting. The very next day we were told by him that it was first painless night he had for a long time. He also said it was the soundest sleep he also had. Praise the Lord! [Smile] He had also made another prayer request regarding the selling on his home, and that prayer was partially answered, therefore, we will continue to pray for that request of his.

Do any of you have answers to prayers to share? If you do, then please share them here so we can all praise the Lord together! [Smile]
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