Do your know your authors?

Posted By: Gregory

Do your know your authors? - 02/09/14 07:05 PM

Christ’s miracles have testified the power of His word—
He came to heal the sick; his preaching less endured.
The people who had benefits rejoiced in life and health,
Testified by word of mouth the fountain of their wealth.

His voice for some the first sounds that they heard;
His name the first words ever spoken out aloud.
For some His face the first their open eyes record;
His presence life’s connection to our ever loving Lord.

Why should they not love Jesus and vociferate their praise?
He was a vital current throughout his worldly days.
He came for our salvation; He came not to destroy.
He spent His mortal energy diffusing life and joy.


His miracles testified to the truth of His words, that He came not to destroy, but to save. Wherever He went, the tidings of His mercy preceded Him. Where He had passed, the objects of His compassion were rejoicing in health and making trial of their new-found powers. Crowds were collecting around them to hear from their lips the works that the Lord hade wrought. His voice was the first sound that many had ever heard, His name the first word they had ever spoken, His face the first they had ever looked upon. Why should they not love Jesus and sound His praise? As he passed through the towns and cities He was like a vital current, diffusing life and joy.

While not the same, the above was written by two people. One writer was a Seventh-day Adventist. The other writer does/did not belong to any organized denomination. The two were written a number of years apart. One was inspired by the other it seems. Which one came first? Who were the two writers? Any comments?

Posted By: Johann

Re: Do your know your authors? - 02/09/14 07:16 PM

During His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing the sick than to preaching. His miracles testified to the truth of His words, that He came not to destroy, but to save. Wherever He went, the tidings of His mercy preceded Him. Where He had passed, the objects of His compassion were rejoicing in health and making trial of their new-found powers. Crowds were collecting around them to hear from their lips the works that the Lord had wrought. His voice was the first sound that many had ever heard, His name the first word they had ever spoken, His face the first they had ever looked upon. Why should they not love Jesus and sound His praise? As He passed through the towns and cities He was like a vital current, diffusing life and joy. {MH 19.4}

I happen to be reading this book at present, looking for a quotation I read and used in a sermon many years ago.

This book reveals a Saviour we all need to know better.
Posted By: Gregory

Re: Do your know your authors? - 02/10/14 03:27 AM

Ellen White wrote the 2nd and you can read it in MINISTRY OF HEALING, PAGES 19 & 20.

The 1st was written by an 80+ year old male (Ian Hayes) who is not a member of any denomination. He wrote it on February 1, 2014, and he credits the cited EGW passage in Ministry of Healing as the inspiration for his poem. He is a world recognized expert in catenary engineering who as a citizen of another country was called to Denver to work on a project and is still employed full-time on that project. He came to the U.S. from England where he was working on a project. He has earned his living by taking on such projects in the various countries of the world who have asked him to work on their projects.

At the time he came to Denver, he had no relationship with any denomination. He showed up at the SDA church I attend and announced that he was there because "God required him to come."
For the past 10 years he has generally been in our congregation on Sabbath.

In the beginning, he attended both the Sabbath School and the preaching service. Now, due to some health issues, he generally only is able to attend one service and he makes that the Sabbath School. Yes, he still is employed on the project as his knowledge and skills are so well recognized that he is accommodated for his health issues.

The congregation that I attend welcome all who wish to worship with us. We have a history of welcoming people at our services who are not members and differ from us, but are willing to worship with us.

During the 10 years that he has attended our services, we have clearly observed spiritual growth. He has clearly made much progress in his spiritual journey. But, he is not at a place where he would be willing to call himself a Seventh-day Adventist. That is O.K. with us. We are simply pleased with any manner in which we can foster his spiritual growth.

God is in charge. The Holy Spirit is in charge of our spiritual nurture. We are simply here to be a part of that process.

As a congregation we have people who are at different stages of spiritual growth and who may need spiritual healing.

Posted By: Naphtali

Re: Do your know your authors? - 02/10/14 10:32 PM

And that church would be?
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