Six Day Work Week
A few years back, Greece faced an economic crises. They were bailed out by more economically stable countries, but they were given rules in an attempt to build up their economy.
One of these rules was to implement a six day work week.
The idea has been implemented in Greece by certain industries.
The new system allows employers to decide unilaterally whether a worker should come in on a sixth day.
While there are numerous critics of the system, we also find the idea put forth that this may be a role model for other countries to follow.
How does this affect the 7th day Sabbath?
The one day a week of rest, would not fall on Saturday, but by default and popular as well as religious pressure would be Sunday.
sunday would be chosen as the "day of rest" and Saturday would be a REQUIRED work day.
Sunday closing laws in themselves, aren't the big test. Leaving a business closed on Sunday is not the mark of the beast. But turning Sunday into a Sabbath while trampling on God's Sabbath is the mark of the beast. The sign that identifies those who honor the Divine Law Giver, from those who honor the human who claims to have authority above the Divine law Giver, is the Sabbath/Sunday issue.
Last edited by dedication; 01/15/25 03:32 PM.