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Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
05/28/01 04:21 PM
05/28/01 04:21 PM
I wish to begin a study of some of the beliefs of the Baptist Church where part of my roots are from. Before becoming a SDA, I was previously first a member of the United Church of Canada, and then, after accepting Christ as my personal Saviour, I was baptized and subsequently became a member of the United Baptist Church. My problem is that I am finding it difficult to find a belief statement of the Baptist Church. Can anybody help me? If so, please email me what you find whether it is an URL or whatever, however, I don't want it all posted or referred to here so as to have some continuity to the study. You may, however, post one of their beliefs at a time here in this topic giving us time to analyze each one before going on to the next one. __________________________ In His Love, Mercy & Grace Daryl
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
05/28/01 05:04 PM
05/28/01 05:04 PM
I'd be interested to see what Baptists officially believe about the 10 Commandments. In my first (church) district I remember there were 5 Baptist churches and the preacher at the most prominent one told his congregation that we are now under grace, not the law, so keeping the 10 would amount to legalism. ------------------ Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful. Rom. 12:12 NLT
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
05/29/01 01:37 AM
05/29/01 01:37 AM
Thanks to Linda, we now have some information on at least some, if not all, of their beliefs, or articles of faith, which I will begin to list here, one at a time, as follows: quote:
1. God We believe that there is one, and only one, true and living God; that He is absolute in nature, perfect in attributes, holy in character, the maker and supreme ruler of heaven and earth; that He is infinite in wisdom, marvelous in power, and amazing in love; that He is holy, righteous, and true, worthy of all confidence and love; that He unites in Himself the infinite, the eternal, and the Almighty Three – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; that the three persons of the Godhead subsist in the same divine nature, essence and being; and that they are co-existent and co-equal in every divine attribute, each one executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption. Gen. 1:1; Deut. 4:39; Mark 12:29; Gen. 17:1; Matt. 5:48; Isa. 6:3; I Chron. 29:11-12; Ps. 103:19; Rom. 11:33-34; Matt. 19:26; Ps. 19:9; Matt. 28:19; I Pet. 1:2-3; I Jn. 5:7; Ex. 3:14; Gen. 1:26; Titus 3:3-7.
Any comments or thoughts before I continue?
__________________________ In His Love, Mercy & Grace Daryl
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
05/29/01 01:59 AM
05/29/01 01:59 AM
Dedicated Member
Joined: Dec 2000
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What do you think they mean by "the three persons of the Godhead subsist in the same divine nature, essence and being" ?? Are they saying there is only ONE body?? Expand a little on what they are really saying about this... is it true that the scriptures teach that God the Father has precidence (sp?) over Jesus the Son?? Probably didn't word that correctly...
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
05/29/01 12:32 PM
05/29/01 12:32 PM
Jesus (subjugated) Himself to the Father. He, at the least, has the pre-eminent position of power. All Jesus did was in subjection to the will of the Father, our prime example was it not? ------------------ Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my reins and my heart. Ps.26:2 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in men.Ps.118:8
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
06/13/01 07:23 PM
06/13/01 07:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Andrew Marttinen: I'd be interested to see what Baptists officially believe about the 10 Commandments. In my first (church) district I remember there were 5 Baptist churches and the preacher at the most prominent one told his congregation that we are now under grace, not the law, so keeping the 10 would amount to legalism.
They said the exact same things to me before the scales were removed from my eyes.This whole "law" thing comes from them following the "Mother" Catholics. The 10 Commandments inform us as to what sin is 1st Jn. 3:4 it is so simple yet as far as I can see , they are in rebellion to God.when we have verses such as MT 5:17-19 , Rev 12:17, 14:12 and 22:14 K.J.V. it is obvious to me that we are to follow the commandments , all ten of them!when we break a commandment we are to go to him in prayer,rather than murdering an innocent animal. the only law "nailed to the stake" is the sacrificial law. I hope I'm posting this correctly. it is my first time so I am not sure. ------------------ peace ========== I have corrected the quoted portion of your post to distinguish between your own comments and the quote. [This message has been edited by Daryl Fawcett (edited June 13, 2001).]
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
06/22/01 06:26 PM
06/22/01 06:26 PM
I got this from a list of beliefs from Reformed Baptists: "5.The moral law doth for ever bind all, as well justified persons as others, to the obedience thereof, and that not only in regard of the matter contained in it, but also in respect of the authority of God the Creator, who gave it; neither doth Christ in the Gospel any way dissolve, but much strengthen this obligation. (Rom. 13:8-10; James 2:8, 10-12; James 2:10, 11; Matt. 5:17-19; Rom. 3:31)" Isn't the Moral Law the 10 commandments? The Civil, Ceremonial and Health Laws are the other OT laws. ------------------ You have done many good things for me, Lord, just as you promised. I believe in your commands; now teach me good judgment and knowledge. Psalm 119:65-66 NLT
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
08/12/01 08:37 AM
08/12/01 08:37 AM
New Member (Starting to Post)
Joined: Aug 2001
Posts: 7
Hi All, Baptists seem to be a mixed group and since most church structure is based on congregationalism this leads to differing theologies within the Baptist denominations themselves. I was attending a baptist Church for about a year and thoroughly enjoyed, and was blessed by their theology. Although I do not believe in dispensationalism. It seems to me that you could attend several different Baptist Churches and get several different answers concerning their beliefs on the Ten Commands. They do, however tend to be very moral. I Personally agree to what little I have studied of baptists who are of the Reformed persuasion. In the U.S. the Southern Baptist Convention, to the best of my knowledge upholds the Ten Commands, there is even a movement to get them posted in schools, courtrooms etc. I think the main difference is that our interpretation of the 4th command is different. It is when dealing with dispensasionalists that you get the patented "the ten commands were done way" answer. But even among the dispensasionalists there are differing opinions.
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
08/12/01 08:43 AM
08/12/01 08:43 AM
New Member (Starting to Post)
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Posts: 7
Daryl, I am wondering what Baptist group the Articles of Faith are from? I think that most Baptists are in agreement, but I do know that there are many differnt groupings of Baptists in North America and the world. I also seem to remember that there articles of faith, at least the Southern Baptist Conventions were relatively short compared to the 27 Fundamentals of the SDA. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. I was looking into attending a Baptist Seminary but it has been some time, so I have forgotten exactly, in detail the Articles of Faith espoused by the SBC.
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
02/01/03 01:00 AM
02/01/03 01:00 AM
Would you believe that practically one and a half years has gone by, and just now noticed these last two posts posted here in this topic! How embarassing! I shall see if I can remember where I received this information from and post it here. I came into the SDA church myself from an United Baptist Church background. From that background, I also once believed that the Ten Commandments had been done away with.
Re: Some Beliefs of the Baptist Church
02/12/03 05:02 PM
02/12/03 05:02 PM
New Member (Starting to Post)
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 5
Lagrange Ohio
The Baptists are a people of the bible. They have no prophet like the SDA. They believe all the answers to their beliefs and doctrines are found in scripture alone. I was associated with the Baptists for near 20 years. They are one of the largest denominations in the United States. They are NOT Protestant. For they did not originate from Luther or John Calvin. Baptists hold to baptism by immersion, for believers only.
There are many TYPES of Baptists, from regular, Independent,free will, Seventh Day and American. The largest segment is the Southern Baptist division.It has been asked, how do Baptists view the ten commandments?
Baptists as a rule do not see the ten commandments as their guide. Where they must obey this commandment and that one. Rather Baptists place their faith in Christ and live by his guidance through the inner workings of the Holy Spirit. Baptists believe you are saved by FAITH ALONE without the keeping of the law. Not that they ignore the ten commandments, but unlike Adventists they believe their salvation solely lies in the work and person of Jesus Christ. Baptists as a whole, do not observe the Sabbath because they can find no commandment in the New Testament for the Christian church to do so.
Baptists have a rather simple faith. They simply trust in Jesus for their entire salvation, read their bible, attend church, observe the Lord's supper and baptize believers. They're a mixed bag on prophecy. Most are futurists and all pretty much hold to Christ reigning on a literal millennium ON EARTH.
Here is the link to this week's Sabbath School Lesson Study and Discussion Material: Click Here