Hi, nice to meet you zyph. That is an amazing story. Sad to say but it shows how our emotions can (and will) deceive us. Here is another post from the pre-trib believers. I almost hesitate to share this on an Adventist site, however most of the information that we have previously been taught in reference to what "they believe" is no longer pertinent. In order to know what they believe and therefore have an intelligent answer we should at least know what they believe.
Quote: by Thomas Ice
One of the most compelling, yet often misunderstood, arguments for
pretribulationism relates to the Holy Spirit's role to the church and the
tribulation period. Most holding to the pre-trib position believe that 2
Thessalonians 2:6-7 refers to the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit
through the agency of the Church. Thus, when the church is raptured before
the tribulation, that ministry of the Holy Spirit will be removed as well.
If this interpretation is correct, then it is a strong argument for
I have been building a theological case for the pre-trib rapture. I
presented the four foundational issues: consistent literal interpretation,
premillennialism, futurism, and a distinction between God's plan for Israel
and the church. Next, I brought forth six reasons for pretribulationism:
contrasts between comings, an interval needed between comings, imminency,
nature of the tribulation, nature of the church, and finally the work of the
Holy Spirit in this article. In future installments I will present some
concluding arguments and show the practical implications that flow from
The Holy Spirit as Restrainer
Second Thessalonians 2:1-12 discusses a man of lawlessness being held back
until a later time. Interpreting the restrainer of evil (2:6) as the
indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit at work through the body of Christ
during the current age, supports the pretribulational interpretation. Since
"the lawless one" (the beast or Antichrist) cannot be revealed until the
Restrainer (the Holy Spirit) is taken away (2:7-8), the tribulation cannot
occur until the church is removed. Of all the rapture positions, only the
pre-trib position can be harmonized when we understand that the Restrainer
is referring to the Holy Spirit.
I believe the correct interpretation of this passage understands the
restrainer to refer to the Holy Spirit as He functions during the present
church age through the baptism of the Holy Spirit and indwelling of
believers. This cryptic reference to the Holy Spirit's present work explains
the unusual grammar employed in the passage. In verse six "the restrainer"
is in the neuter gender (to katéchon) while in verse seven "the restrainer"
is masculine (o katechôn). The significance of this grammar and how it
relates to the Holy Spirit and the rapture is explained by Dr. Robert Thomas
Key to the above scenario is whether the Holy Spirit is the restrainer.
After surveying various interpretations of the passage, Dr. Thomas
To one familiar with the Lord Jesus' Upper Room Discourse, as Paul
undoubtedly was, fluctuation between neuter and masculine recalls how the
Holy Spirit is spoken of. Either gender is appropriate, depending on whether
the speaker (or writer) thinks of natural agreement (masc. because of the
Spirit's personality) or grammatical (neuter because of the noun pneuma; see
John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13, 14) . . . This identification of the restrainer
with deep roots in church history . . . is most appealing. The special
presence of the Spirit as the indweller of saints will terminate abruptly at
the parousia as it began abruptly at Pentecost. Once the body of Christ has
been caught away to heaven, the Spirit's ministry will revert back to what
he did for believers during the OT period . . . . His function of
restraining evil through the body of Christ (John 16:7-11; 1 John 4:4) will
cease similarly to the way he terminated his striving in the days of Noah
(Gen. 6:3). At that point the reins will be removed from lawlessness and the
Satanically inspired rebellion will begin. It appears that to katechon
("what is holding back") was well known at Thessalonica as a title for the
Holy Spirit on whom the readers had come to depend in their personal
attempts to combat lawlessness (1 Thess. 1:6; 4:8; 5:19; 2 Thess. 2:13).1
Dr. Gerald Stanton cites six reasons why this passage should be understood
to refer to the Holy Spirit's restraining ministry through the church.
(1) By mere elimination, the Holy Spirit must be the restrainer. All other
possibilities fall short of meeting the requirements of one who is to hold
in check the forces of evil until the manifestation of Antichrist. . . .
(2) The Wicked One is a personality and his operations include the realm of
the spiritual. The restrainer must likewise be a personality and of a
spiritual order, to resist the wiles of the Devil and to hold Antichrist in
check until the time of his revealing. . . .
(3) To achieve all that is to be accomplished, the restrainer must be a
member of the Godhead. He must be stronger than the Man of Sin, and stronger
than Satan. . . .
(4) This present age is in a particular sense the "dispensation of the
Spirit," for He works in a way uncommon to other ages as an abiding Presence
within the children of God. . . .
(5) The work of the Spirit since His advent has included the restraint of
evil. The Spirit is God's righteous Agent for the age, and there are many
reasons to be grateful for His restraining hand upon this world's iniquity.
None but the Lawful One could restrain this world's iniquity. . . .
(6) It is not difficult to establish that although the Spirit was not
resident on earth during Old Testament days, whatever restraint was exerted
was by the Spirit. . . . (Isa. 59:19) . . . The wickedness of Noah's day and
the fact that life went on as usual in blindness to impending destruction is
used of the Spirit in vivid portrayal of careless and wicked men upon whom
Tribulation judgment shall fall. . . .
In light of this Scriptural parallel, it is exceedingly significant that in
the days immediately preceding the destruction of the flood, the restraining
work of the Spirit is emphasized. . . .2
Present Work of the Holy Spirit in the Church
The church began on the Day of Pentecost with a visitation of the Holy
Spirit as recorded in Acts 2. The church ends at the rapture with the
translation of living saints and the resurrection of those who have died in
Christ (1 Thess. 4:13-18). Until the rapture God is gathering out from the
Gentiles a people for His name (Acts 15:14) and combining them with the
elect remnant of Israel (Rom. 11:5) into one new body called the church
(Eph. 2:11-3:13). This great task is accomplished by a unique ministry of
the Holy Spirit only during the church age called the baptism of the Holy
Spirit. Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 12:13, "For by one Spirit were we all
[Jewish and Gentile Believers] baptized into one body, whether Jews or
Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one
Spirit." This work of the Holy Spirit is only for the church. Therefore, it
is not surprising that since the tribulation cannot start until after the
church is completed and taken to heaven in the rapture that the man of
lawlessness is restrained through the presence of the Holy Spirit on earth
indwelling church age Believers. This current work of the Holy Spirit is
unique to the church. Dr. John Walvoord explains,
We search the prophetic Scriptures in vain for any reference to baptism of
the Spirit except in regard to the church, the body of Christ (1 Cor.
12:13). While, therefore, the Spirit continues a ministry in the world in
the tribulation, there is no longer a corporate body of believers knit into
one living organism. There is rather a return to national distinctions and
fulfillment of national promises in preparation for the millennium.3
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Tribulation
Those who do not hold to pretribulationism often mischaracterize our view of
the Holy Spirit in the tribulation. They often say that we do not believe
that the Holy Spirit will be present during the tribulation. This is not
what we are saying. We do believe that the Holy Spirit will be present and
active during the tribulation. We do believe the Holy Spirit will not be
carrying out His present unique ministry related to the church since all
members of that body will be in heaven. Further, we are saying that the Holy
Spirit will be present in His transdispensational ministry of bringing the
elect of the tribulation to faith in Christ, even though they will not be
parto f the body of Christ-the church. The Holy Spirit will also aid
tribulation Believers as they live holy lives unto the Lord. The Holy Spirit
will also function to seal and protect the 144,000 Jewish witnesses for
their great evangelistic ministry as noted in Revelation 7 and 14 and the
two witnesses of Revelation 11.
Even though pretribulationists believe that many unique aspects of the
current work of the Holy Spirit will cease at the rapture, it is not correct
to say that we believe the Holy Spirit will not be present during the
tribulation. Just as the Holy Spirit will engage in some ministries during
the tribulation, relating to the 144,000 witnesses and the two witnesses,
that are not occurring during the current church age, so there will cease
certain ministries unique to the church which will enable the man of sin to
come onto the stage of history.
1 Robert L. Thomas, "2 Thessalonians," in The Expositor's Bible Commentary,
Vol. 11, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978), pp. 324-25.
2 Gerald B. Stanton, Kept From The Hour, 4th. ed., (Miami Springs, FL:
Schoettle Publishing Company, 1991), pp. 99-102.
3 John F. Walvoord, The Holy Spirit (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Co.,
1958), p. 231.
My observance, after a year of getting to know some of these people (online) is that what they say makes a lot of sense to them. For example. Eternal security. Many love John 3:16 to prove this... If we believe.. and receive "eternal" life there is no way that we could loose it if indeed it is "eternal" life. "Eternal" life is everlasting, and if you receive it... how could you loose it? In their view to question this only reveales our lack of faith.
Daryl Fawcett Wrote: There are many in more than one denomination that believe in the Secret Rapture.
Is the Secret Rapture fact or fiction, a true or a false doctrine?
Why is it that they believe in the Secret Rapture in the first place?
What texts do they use to promote such an idea?
They believe that Paul taught this doctrirne and that it consistent with all the scriptures, including Daniel, and going right on through to Revelation. They believe that Jesus Himself taught this doctrine. Mat. ch 13 + 24 etc. They use an amazing amount of texts now days to support different aspects of this idea. They also use a whole lot of supposition's to fill in the unanswered questions.
If there is a Bible truth, it is for sure that there will be at least one counterfit. Satan has had time to refine this one, and has been using it very effectively. God does have a Truth that will be proclaimed to the world, and it is a priveledge, and such a Blessing to be a part of that work.
Forever His