From the following link, CNN has weighed into this:
I checked the net before logging on here.
Found the allegations from last year: Politicol News: most interesting is the Bible study of Revelation 17 that the Lord awoke me to this morning at 2:00 AM.
I do not expect the cardinals to replace Benedict while he is alive. I could be wrong, but if my study holds true as it has for Benedict thus far, rapid changes are ahead.
When Pope Benedict XVI resigned Monday February 11, 2013, were you expecting it or were you taken by surprise? As a faithful Student of Bible Prophecy, I posted on Twitter as the Loudcryer the faithful warning for one year that Pope Benedict would leave office by the Spring of 2013. These are all the TWEETS that I posted about Pope Benedict from Sept 2011 to Sept 2012 when I turned to other issues (note I never once said that he would die):
Follow me on Twitter & confirm the TWEETS!
Henry Hills@loudcryer
Pope Benedict XVI has but a very short time left
(3 September 2011)
#Pope Benedict XVI marks his last year with a Latin America trip
that includes a visit to #Cuba (23 March 2012)
With Benedict XVI in his last year, Who's going to be the new pope? As I read it a demon masquerading as John-Paul II will take the job! (3 April 2012)
Is Pope Benedict going to be pope in 2013? (29 April 2012)
Months ago I tweeted that pope Benedict XVI is a short timer.
Now Vatican power play is news! Y u b last 2 know? (28 May 2012)
If Pope Benedict’s 8th year is really his 7th, his time ends before May 2013 (7 July 2012)
Pope Benedict’s 8th year is really his 7th, because his ascension year was John-Paul II’s last year. Will Benedict XVI’s 7th year B his last (8 August 2012)
Pope #Benedict XVI As I read Daniel’s prophecy, 7’s number of completeness. His ascension year (zero) 2005. He might last till spring 2013? (30 September 2012)
Pope Benedict announced this morning (Monday February 11, 2013) that he is resigning as of 28 February 2013.
I'm putting my efforts into updating my book (Put-Out The Light) now, so I won't be online very much for a little while.
IMHO It is PAST time for the Virgins to wake up.