You have told us that if we pray, You will hear and answer us, and we thank You for this promise to us.
Father, 2 more of Your children are the victims of the adversary, he has attacked them im the hopes of overcoming them.
Father, we claim the blood of Jesus in their behalf, the blood that was spilt for their redemption and their protection.
We ask that You cover them with Your love and rebuke the adversary, send him packing.
Please help the doctors as they attempt to discover the cause of Sue losing so much weight, Jesus, You are the great physician, and You know our bodies better than we ever will, guide the hands of healing and bring this to the resolution You would have.
Father, Dan has had happen to him that which has happened to many of Your sons, he has met rejection at the hands of one of Your daughters.
Please send someone to talk to him that he will listen to.
Let him know that it isn't the end of the world. Cover him with Your love, guide him into a better understanding of life and what it is all about.
Let him know You haven't abandoned him and that You have a plan for his life.
Be with the families of these Your 2 children, give them comfort and strength in the days ahead.
Draw them ever closer to you is my prayer in Jesus name,