Formula for a healthy church and suggestions for new church members by Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick, used here with his permission:1. Keep your eyes on Jesus; do not begin to measure yourself by other people.
2. Realize that the church is made up of people who are still growing; don’t imagine that everyone else has arrived.
3. Get to know a variety of members in your new church family.
4. Attend the meetings of the church, all of which are intended to strengthen you.
5. Beware of anyone who’s energy seem to be invested in forming cliques and alliances, or who warns you about groups nameless or not within the congregation who are unfair or fighting for fairness.
6. The church exists to help its members grow in their experience with Jesus Christ, to instruct in present truth, and to organize for reaching out to others. While the church can assist, admonish,and encourage, most often the best source of help is to go directly to the Lord. God does not intend for His church to be distracted by personal agendas or unresolved psychological baggage people carry around with them.
7. Scripture urges us to pray for all who are in authority, and this includes the pastor. At the same time, the pastor is not to be a dictator; he is to work in harmony with the congregation for the advance of Jesus’ distinct end-time message committed to the remnant church. Most pastors will be glad to see in you an ally in helping the church be a healthier place.
8. Now that you’ve joined the church family, keep your experience healthy by maintaining your devotional life, studying daily from the Bible, reading carefully through the many Spirit of Prophecy books, and sharing your new found faith with others!
9. Neither the pastor nor the church board define truth; they are only supposed to report it. The Bible and Spirit of Prophecy writings are the measure of truth.
10. We are part of a world church and we should work in harmony with our brethren, ever seeking unity while never compromising principle.
Please feel free to add your own suggestions for a healthy church.