When I look up at my tall son, so human,
Yet so tender and compassionate,
I think of Mary and the agony she must have borne
When she beheld her Son, bleeding and torn,
Upon the cross of Calvary.
When she saw the cruel thorn crown on His brow;
His lifeblood flowing from His wounded side;
I wonder that her sad heart had not died
Within her at the awesome scene.
And when He said, "I thirst,"
Did she not long to hold to the lips of the One so dear,
A cup of water, cold and crystal clear?
Did she not wish that she might take His place upon the cross?
But that could never be.
Only the sinless One could die for you and me
And full atonement make.

Oh, son of mine, give Christ your heart today.
Let not earth's transient pleasures
Rob you of heaven's treasures,
And life forevermore.

By Grace Lara Waterman
Adventist Review,Feb.21,'85