Here are articles & links about HFTH.

The Lake Union link for the public with sermons & streaming video.


Here's the link for Michigan Conference's Hope for the Homeland.

The Lake Union Conference Link

So if you want someone to contact your local Conference President to begin dialog about getting HFTH in your Conference, the Union President's office is the place to contact at that level.

L. Tores is the one to contact at higher levels, but I will have to find his link later.

By Gordon Retzer, Lake Union Conference President
I believe that now, more then ever, we have an opportunity to express our hope in Jesus, our hope in His second coming, and our hope for the heavenly homeland Jesus is preparing for us. We, as Seventh-day Adventist Christians, can share hope and truth and answers, and most importantly, we can invite people to love Jesus and be His disciples. Now, more then ever, our church can be a light in darkness.
As we begin a new year, I'm inviting you to be part of a something big. We call it Hope for the Homeland, an all-out effort to bring hope to people of our homeland—the Lake Union territory.

1. On September 13, 2002, we envision every church and company in the Lake Union beginning evangelistic meetings. September, 2002, will be the one-year anniversary of the awful attack on our homeland, and we see large churches and small churches, all with doors opened Friday night, September 13—that's more than 500 churches holding meetings. It's going to be exciting!

2. I'm convinced that now, more then ever, we should go beyond just where we have churches. We should identify 50 towns, zip codes, or sections of cities where we don't have a Seventh-day Adventist church. We should plan to hold meetings in these areas also and perhaps plant 50 churches. So we see more than 550 evangelistic meetings all beginning September 13, 2002.

3. We are praying for at least 50 lay evangelist teams who will conduct some of these meetings. Some of these lay volunteers will be youth and young adults. Even grade school children could preach. There will be a union-wide training event for all lay evangelists May 31–June 2, 2002. All the sermons, graphics, and illustrations are available on DVD. Now, more then ever, God is calling lay persons and pastors to join together to pray, preach, and teach people about Jesus.

(Ed’s note - they got over 200 lay evangelist teams from 13 yrs old to 70+ yrs old, from unemployed to blue collar, to business owner, grampa’s and grandma’s to husbands and housewives, parents and kids preteen to grown, to never done it before’s to seasoned workers. God’s calling and the converted people and backsliders are coming. I was there at Cedar Lake 2002 Campmeeting and saw them walk up on stage. I was there at Cedar Lake 2002 Campmeeting and saw them training in their meetings and workshops by the hundreds of people preparing for direct and indirect unified service, the medical missionary work & the ministry uniting with the lay persons as a giant multi focal team, dissolving the status barriers and becoming “us” and “we” instead of elite paid ministry or educated professionals and MD’s, verses untrained laity. The artificial distinctions were evaporating and they are becoming one with each other to seek and save the lost in their entire state, and follow them up and disciple them and get them ready to baptize and train them to join them in going out and doing it again and again, till Jesus says “stop it’s enough.” This is more than they hoped for, more than they planned for, but it’s not nearly as much as their going to get. )

4. During one week of this first quarter, we are inviting every church to hold revival meetings. If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now. We need revival in our own hearts. Now, more then ever, we as members should be praying and seeking God and making certain there is nothing between us and our Savior. I invite your church to set aside one week this first quarter of 2002 to gather together in prayer, praise, and study of Scripture.

5. God is calling us now, more then ever, to be active witnesses in our communities. In fact, we are bold enough to invite some members in every church to spend two Sabbath afternoons each month in outreach activities. From now until our 550 evangelistic meetings begin, members will spend two Sabbath afternoons a month visiting, praying with people, giving Bible studies. Pathfinders will pass out literature.

I know you'll respond to this vision: Hope for the Homeland.


Gordon Retzer is the Lake Union Conference president.
The link to the Union

The link to the Michigan Conference

The link to the introduction to Hope for the Homeland (HFTH)

The link to the Training Coordinators

English HFTH Training Manuel - step by step
Spanish HFTH Training Manuel - step by step