Personal Testimony Worksheet:

1/ My Life Before I Accepted Christ:

Share this part of your testimony with people in order to identify with them:

"I needed help; and I found it in
Jesus." (8T 321).

2/ How I Became A Christian:

Tell how it happened. Even if you were brought up in a Christian home; there was still some point at which you gave your life fully to Christ. Your testimony may revolve around a particular answer to prayer, or some victory in your life that has meant a lot; and has made Jesus real to you.

"I found the Bible to be the Voice of God to my soul." (8T 321).

3/ My Life Since I Became A Christian:

Tell how your life has changed, and something of the joy you now experience.

"In Christ the hunger of my soul has been satisfied." (8T 321).

4/ In Summary:

Of your personal testimony....Try to use just one appropriate Scripture verse, which sort of sums up your life; and will be a precious Bible promise for whomever you are giving your personal testimony to:

"So everyone may be able, through their own experience, to 'set their seal to this; that God is true.'" (Jo.3:33, ARV).

"I believe in Jesus, because He is to me a divine Savior!" (8T 321).

"The joy of the Lord will be your strength." (Neh.8:10).

Your brother in Christ

David T. Battler