I have just made my 1st Bog Garden, and it was so enjoyable that I thought I would share with you all.

I made the bog garden around the outside of the fishpond so that it is in a natural setting.


Black Plastic
large stones or rocks
coloured pebbles
bog plants

The depth of the bog garden is 14 inches.

Dig out the required size of your bog garden. I used a 3ft ruler against the spade handle to keep checking the depth.
Once you have your garden dug out, line it with the plastic. Space a few small holes in the plastic for seepage and add the gravel. Then fill in the dug out dirt, making sure it is thoroughly soaked before planting.

Add bog plants, and then place large round stones over the area. These can be grouped or scattered. Finally top with coloured stones. I bought my bag from the garden shop.
Water well.

I have made my bog garden so that when I overflow the fishpond, it drains into the bog garden.
Always keep it wet.


Be Still, My Soul