Our century has witnessed two of the greatest earthquakes ever recorded(aside from the recent one that caused tsunami in 11 countries in Asia). China,1920. killed 180,000 people. Japan, 1923 200,000 perished. The Japanese earthquake was described at the times as " The greatest single disaster since the Flood". Never before have earth`s subterranean forces wrought such wide-spread havoc as in our century. Admittedly, calamitous earthquake have occured sporadically down through the history. But in our time major earthquakes and volcanic upheavals are rocking our planet with unprecedented fury.
The facts are overwhelmingly conclusive. From 1901 to 1944-during 40 yrs- 3 earthquake(EQ) measured "Magniture 7" or over. Magniture 7 can be defined as a major EQ that causes widespread, heavy damage. Then, in just 10 yrs. (1045-1954)- 21 EQs measuring 7 or over. From then on, the number of major EQs has escalated alarmingly. For example: (1955-1984) in 30 yrs. 356 EQs of 7 or over.(1955-1964)= 87 EQs (1965-1974)=136 EQs, (1975-1984)=133 EQs. In just one year, 1980 =14EQs
1981= 13EQs, 1982= 10EQs, 1983=12EQs.1984=8EQs.
The Mexico City earthquake of SEpt. 19,1985, which claimed more than 7,000 lilves, was the worst quake in recorded North American History. Then Athens 1998, Kobe Japan, Taiwan .....and the latest was the Indonesia EQ that hit 11 countries and killed more than 225,000 lives. The impact of the EQ caused disease, famine and pestilence,fear and pollution to the affected areas.And be the worst disaster throughout the christian history. Its synchronizing and occured simultaneously!
Jesus has never asked us to believe in the nearness of His coming on the strength of one sign alone. One solitary snowflake does not make an avalanche. But when all the rapidly multiplying Signs are allowed to bear their accumulated testimony, they make an avalanche of irresistible power. So unmistakable are the Signs of Chrit`s coming that no intelligent person should fail to recognize them. They are as plain as if God were to speak in thundertones from heaven, or to write in giant, blazing letters on the skies!
Why do u think God has given US a chance to hear these tremendous tidings? so that we might "discern the signs of the times" and be ready to welcome Jesus with eagerness and joy. (Fr. the gist of Frank Breaden)