The young should be controlled by firm principle, that they may rightly improve the powers which God has given them. But youth follow impulse so much and so blindly, without reference to principle, that they are constantly in danger. Since they cannot always have the guidance and protection of parents and guardians, they need to be trained to self-reliance and self-control. They must be taught to think and act from conscientious principle. {CE 34.1}

When God grants us His protection, and says of us, "Ye are labourers together with me," if you keep the way of the Lord you are safe in the midst of the greatest dangers. TDG 199.2A


The time has come when the righteous should understand that the judgments of God are to fall upon all those who transgress His law, but that those who walk humbly before Him will triumph with holy gladness, realizing constantly that they are under the assuring protection of His everlasting covenant of love. As Jehovah is holy, He requires His people to be holy, pure, undefiled; for "without holiness no man shall see the Lord." Those who worship Him in sincerity and truth will be accepted by Him. So long as God's people, in this time of peril, are sincere and upright, pure and undefiled, and trust alone in the One who is all-wise, all-merciful, and full of compassion, they walk in safe paths, and will not be turned aside. God is their defense, their front-guard and rear-ward. {ST, July 22, 1908 par. 3}

I find these statements all through her writings. With assurance like this, how can we think we need to carry a gun or kill to protect. Is not God strong enough to protect us? To me, when we carry a gun we are making a statement that God is ok for spiritual things, but when it comes to our life, I will trust my own knowledge and strength. Is this how we feel or are we willing to give all into His Hands to protect?