My foot finally came right when I went to the right podiatrist who knew exactly what I needed.

It was a very expensive lesson to learn, but I learned this: if you know in yourself the treatment is not right for you, then it isn't, and no point in allowing a professional to insist in continuing.
I wasted many months, many dollars, only to receive cronic pain.

Now I am back to hiking, discovering new trails in the making, and continuing to enjoy the hills that surround my city.
It's winter here, so the tracks can get very dicy, so I find the safe ones that allow me to continue the freedom of the hills.
When it is too wet, I use the footpaths, but hill climbing that way is not the same.
this week, I discovered cars broken into, neighbours stealing neighbours newspapers. One can't meditate the same when surrounded by those activities that bring disappointment and darkness.
For me, true freedom is to get away from all man made activities, and commune with God, undisturbed.