The following are the "Rules For Working Reported Posts":
1 - Reported Posts: Obviously inappropriate content may be removed immediately, provided a quote of the complete original content of the reported post was first quoted in the report thread.
2 - Time Limit: Not to normally exceed 14 days after the date of the post being reported.
3 - Working Reports: Reports will be worked by all members of the Admin Team, whether or not they are a moderator of that particular forum where the post was reported.
4 - Consensus: Will be determined by a majority of two before consensus is declared in which it will be determined if there was a RV and what type of action should be taken, whether a CPM (Counselling PM), a WPM (Warning PM), or an IPM (Infraction PM).
5 - Action: When consensus has been reached, the action to be taken will be done, either by one of the Moderators of that forum, or by the Global Moderator, or by the Administrator.
6 - PMs: - Will only be written to the person reported as to what type of action was taken. NOTE: No communication will be made to the person who reported the post, other than saying that the report is being worked on and any action taken, if any, will only be communicated to the person reported.
CPM (Counselling PM) = No Points.
WPM (Warning PM) = 1 Warning Point.
FSB PM (Warning PM with FSB) = 1 Warning Point.
IPM (Infraction PM) = 1 Infraction Point.
2 Warning Points will result in a one week site ban.
1 Infraction Point will result in a one month site ban.
2 Infraction Points will result in, either a two month ban, or a permanent ban.
Cooling-Off Bans and/or FSBs (Forum Specific Bans)
1[/b] - A Cooling-Off Ban can be requested, if it looks like a member is being so disruptive as to affect the tone, etc.
2 - A 14-Day-FSB-PM or a 30-Day-FSB-PM can be issued, if it is felt by consensus that a member should not be posting in any particular forum/s of Maritime. Failure to comply would result in a site-wide ban for the remainder of the period of the FSB.
Last edited by Daryl; 03/22/13 02:23 PM. Reason: Updated.