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Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169804
11/12/14 03:45 PM
11/12/14 03:45 PM
kland  Offline
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Type the square bracket "[" then the word "code" then the closing bracket "]" and what you want after that. At the end of your formatted text, type "[" then "/" and then "code" and then "]".

Like this (without the spaces)
[ code ]formated text[ /code ]

Last edited by dedication; 11/19/14 05:02 AM. Reason: to reduce the overextended width of posts
Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169805
11/12/14 03:52 PM
11/12/14 03:52 PM
kland  Offline
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Nu 10:9 And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.

Nu 31:6 And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of every tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy instruments, and the trumpets to blow in his hand.

Jer 4:19 ¶ My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.
Jer 4:20 Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment.

Trumpets are used as a sign of war, of it being too late. Why not in Revelation?

Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169811
11/13/14 02:14 AM
11/13/14 02:14 AM
Karen Y  Online Content OP
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{code}The correlation between the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Plagues apparently indicate cause and effect.
The 7 TRUMPET-----------------The 7 PLAGUE
Upon the earth ------------------Upon the earth
Upon the sea--------------------Upon the sea
Upon the fresh water------------- Upon the fresh water
Upon the heavenly bodies---------Upon the sun
The star that fell from heaven------Upon the seat of the beast
Fire,smoke,brimstone------------- Upon the three identities
Now become the kingdom of God---It is done

It becomes more clear of the evidence in their correlation if we examine all the series of the seven.

7th Plague ==>> 7th Seal ==>> 7th Church ==>> 7th Trumpet
It is done------God's judgment---lukewarm church---The kingdom is Christ's
------------- has completed------------------------------------------
Voices,thun.,---half hour of------niether cold or----temple of God opened,
earthquake,---calm before the storm---------------earthquake,great hail

The beginning and the ending of the Advent Movement are depicted in the series of the Sixth.

6th Church-------- 6th Seal------ 6th Plague-------- 6th Trumpet
Opens no one---- call upon the----upon the great----Loose the angels
can shut--------mountains, rocks-- river Euphrates---in the Euphrates

Advent Move---The Day of the LORD--The kings of the--The probation end
ment---------the great day of wrath---- East come----no more mercy

The beginning and the ending of the Papacy are depicted in the 5th of the Seven series.

5th Trumpet------5th Plague----- 5th Church-------- 5th Seal
The fallen star----The seat of the---Say alive but dead--The blood under the altar
Satan brings------beast darkened---Reformation Era----The martyrs cry out
the beast out of
the bottomless pit

The papacy originated from the fallen star. The seat of the beast portrays the Papacy which was darkened by the reason of the smoke. They desire to die but death shall flee from them. The two witnesses(the Word of God) cause them torment (Rev 11:10). The Papacy snatched the prayers of saints that depicted by the smoke(Rev 5:8). Thus, they deserve the wrath of God by the smoke (Rev 9:17,18).

The beginning and the ending of the Sun worship are depicted in the each 4th of the Sevens (Plague, Seal, Church, Trumpet).

[b]4th Plague---- ----4th Seal------ 4th Church-------- 4th Trumpet
Rev 16:8-9--------Rev 6:7-8---- Rev 2:20---------- Rev 8:12

Sun scorching-----The Dark Ages--Jezebel brought-----heavenly bodies
global warming---killed with sword,---sun worship-----darkened(troubled)

The consequence of the Sun worship brought the plague that cause the sun to scorch hot. Even though plague falls, the wicked do blaspheme the name of God which is written in the 4th commandment. The 4th of the seven series has very much relevancy.

The first three plagues are poured upon the earth, sea, and the rivers and fountains of water which connected to the first three trumpets.{code/}

Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169814
11/13/14 02:58 AM
11/13/14 02:58 AM
Karen Y  Online Content OP
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{code}The Seventh Seal contains the Seven Trumpets in the structure of the Book of Revelation
The 7 Seals-------------------Events of the 7 seals
First seal : White horse ------conquering the world with gospel
Second seal : Red horse -----persecution
Third seal : Black horse ----- compromising
Fourth seal : Pale horse –-----Dark Ages
Fifth seal : Cry of martyrs----Reformation
---------------under the altar
Sixth seal: Heavenly signs----for Jesus' Second Coming
Seventh seal : Silence in heaven => Seven Trumpets with introductory sanctuary vision (Rev 8:2-5)
---------------------------1st Trees and grass (depict people) injured
---------------------------2nd Sea injured (ocean pollution)
---------------------------3rd Rivers injured (drinking water pollution)
---------------------------4th Heavenly catastrophes
---------------------------5th First woe
---------------------------6th Second woe
---------------------------7th Third woe

In each of the major series of “sevens”—the seals, trumpets, and bowls—we notice that there always appears to be an inserted pause between the 6th and 7th of each series. These pauses are to emphasize and amplify the importance of the messages.

The pattern of pauses between 6th and 7th seals, trumpets, and plagues


6th seal------Chap.7 (Sealing of 144,000)--------------7th seal
6th Trumpet----Chap. 10 to 11:14 (Advent Movement)------7th Trumpet
6th Plague------Chap. 16:15 (Blessed; watches/ keeps------7th Plague
his garments)
* These interludes or pauses are added by amplifying the messages.

Sixth seal => pause (Chap. 7:sealing of 144,000) => 7th seal
6th Trumpet => pause (Chap. 10 to 11:14) => 7th Trumpet
Advent Movement
6th Plague => Pause (Chap. 16:15) => 7th Plague

There is a pattern that is very striking. We have, first, six seals opened; then a pause, which is a symbolic church militant of 144,000, sealed of God in chapter seven.
In chapter eight, the seventh seal is opened, and the book as a whole is open to view. The seventh seal must be opened in order to see the seven trumpets in the structure of the book of Revelation. The silence indicates a calm before the storm.

There is again a pause portion after the first six trumpets are sounded that is chapters ten and eleven to verse fourteen; the prophecy of the Advent Movement.

In chapter fifteen and sixteen, we have the vials, or the bowls, of the wrath of God; and once more, you will notice, we have the same structure as the seals and trumpets. We have six bowls, and then a pause that is only one verse (Chap. 16:15).

Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169839
11/13/14 10:44 PM
11/13/14 10:44 PM
Karen Y  Online Content OP
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Massive deaths in prophecy

----------people faint----Luke 21:26---indicate general death

In the first to sixth trumpets;
1st---1/3 trees/green grass burnt up--Rev. 8:7---1/3 of more general deaths
2nd---1/3 sea became blood--Rev. 8:8--1/3 of some more general deaths
3rd---rivers, fountains--------Rev. 8:10--death produced in the greater scale
4th---Heavenly bodies affected--Rev. 8:12----no mention of death
5th---seek death
-----Rev. 9:6-----spiritual torments; no death
6th---1/3 of men killed by the fire, the smoke, and the brimstone
-----Rev. 9:18-20-------1/3 killed by these plague(fire,smoke,brimstone)
----The remainders are the murderers,fornictors, and thefts-- ------Rev. 9:21---------
They are the most wicked men alive prior to the great and mighty earthquake.
Rev 11:13 may indicate the most wicked(?);the seven thousand.

Earthquakes: For the saints => produce resurrection
For the wicked => produce deaths
The first resurrection =>brings life eternal
The second resurrection =>brings death of condemnation

Last edited by dedication; 11/19/14 05:18 AM. Reason: To reduce extended width of post
Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169855
11/14/14 04:20 PM
11/14/14 04:20 PM
kland  Offline
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I guess that didn't help much.

Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169897
11/16/14 12:11 PM
11/16/14 12:11 PM
Karen Y  Online Content OP
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6th trumpet---1/3 of men killed by the fire, the smoke, and the brimstone---
Rev. 9:18-20---1/3 killed by these plagues(fire,smoke,brimstone)

The third angel's message has striking parallels with this 6th trumpet of warning.

Rev 14:9-11 "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup ofhis indignation; and he shall be tormented with FIRE and BRIMSTONE in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the SMOKE of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."

The sixth trumpet is the warning of the wrath of God, which is the sixth plague.
The four angels were loosed by the river Euphrates and the sixth vial of the wrath of God poured upon the river Euphrates. The fire, the brimstone and the smoke are the weapons aiming toward the dragon(paganism), the beast(Papacy), and the false prophet(Apostated Christian Church).

The number of the army of the horsemen (Rev 9:16) are the Lord's army that follow the white horse (Rev 19:11). Knowing the fact that there never existed that much of the number of the army in the human history, we are not to just interpret them as "many in number". Rev 19:14 told us, "And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean."

When the four angels loose their hold (Rev 7:1, 9:14), immediately-at a point of time, the army of the horsemen are in action to accomplish God's command that comes from the heavenly temple. Chirst and the armies of heaven will bring the battle of the Armageddon to a close. This is the second woe!

God's plan is that the evil destroys the evil. The drying up of the waters of Euphrates refers to the withdrawal of human support (Rev 17:16) from mystical Bablylon in connection with the sixth plague. The sixth trumpet is a foreshadow of the sixth plague.

Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169944
11/17/14 03:44 PM
11/17/14 03:44 PM
kland  Offline
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I guess I thought you were just having trouble formatting it. I'm confused by the purpose of intent of the varying numbers of dashes after various sometimes seemingly unconnected and unrelated words.

Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169986
11/19/14 05:48 AM
11/19/14 05:48 AM
dedication  Online Content
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How to use CODE

Firstly you need to use the [] brackets not the {} brackets.
Secondly to end the "CODE" be sure the / sign is in front of /code, not behind it.

Thirdly DO NOT USE ---- dash marks when using code

Place the code command in front of the items to be listed ONLY not in front of the paragraphs or sentences preceding the list.
Line up the lists without using --- dash marks or any dots etc.
Place the /code command at the end of the list (not the end of the post).

Basically it should look like this:

1st trumpet         Hail and Fire
2nd trumpet         Mountain Falls in Sea
3rd trumpet         Sea creatures die
4th trumpet         Sun and moon darkened

I placed the code word in [ ] just above the 1st trumpet
and the /code in [ ] just after the words moon darkened.
The lists were simply typed out as I wanted to see them without any dash marks.

Re: Seven Trumpets reconsidered [Re: Karen Y] #169988
11/19/14 07:57 AM
11/19/14 07:57 AM
dedication  Online Content
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THE SEALS and THE TRUMPETS run parallel

1st seal White Horse          1st trumpet Destruction Jerusalem
   Gospel goes forth                 Gospel rejected
2nd seal Red Horse            2nd trumpet Rome Falls
   Persecution by Rome 
3rd seal Black Horse          3rd trumpet star falls (apostasy 
   Compromising doctrines            1/3 waters wormwood
4th seal Pale Horse           4th trumpet darkened light 
   Deadly doctrines                  
5th seal many martyrs         5th trumpet warlike locusts
   Reformation                       distract papacy
6th seal signs in sun moon    6th trumpet army of horsemen
   stars                             the Turks kill 1/3 people

Both interludes take us to the same point in time.
Events at the end of the prophetic time lines.
SEALS interlude:                 In the sixth trumpet
The earthquake, the falling      1841 Turks lose independence
stars etc. all pointed out       alerted the Bible students 
that the time lines were         to the end of the time lines
nearing their end.
                                 Rev. 10 interlude announces
Rev. 7 depicts the placing       the end of time prophecies 
of the seal on overcomers        focuses on end of 2300 years
which takes place                the 1844 disappointment
during Christ's Most Holy        discover heavenly sanctuary
Priestly ministry.               must prophecy again

                                 Rev. 11  ending of 1260 years
                                 fruits of papal persecution
                                 papacy loses political power

7th seal silence              7th trumpet 1844 to end
  heaven empty                   Most Holy opened
  Christ coming                  ark of covenant seen
                                 judgment of living and dead
                                 Christ comes 
                                 Christ's reign begins

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