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Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE #194908
07/25/22 02:36 AM
07/25/22 02:36 AM
dedication  Online Content OP
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Beyond our human vision there is a reality that has huge influence upon our lives.

Gen. 27 Jacob's eyes are opened in a dream and he saw ANGELS ascending and descending from the LORD.
Then we see in the gospels, ANGELS announce, with songs of praise, the birth of Christ in Bethlehem.
And lastly, at the end of earth's history, we see three angels flying in the midst of heaven with a very urgent message to mankind.

Revelation 12 shows us a dragon serpent, the devil and Satan on the war path against Christ and Christ's followers. Revelation 13 warns us this dragon has companions who are out to destroy our connection with our God and lead us into false worship.

Yet too often we don't understand this realm of beings contending to achieve our allegiance.

God's angels are messengers with a message they need to proclaim to the earth. But angels don't usually do the direct preaching and teaching, they work with co-operative humans, helping them to give the message!

Revelation 14 is that last message to world headed for destruction.

What is that message?
And why is there such a frightening warning?

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194909
07/25/22 08:01 PM
07/25/22 08:01 PM
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Maybe think of the three angels message of Revelation 14, this way....

Our world is on the brink of destruction - just like in the days of Noah when the flood came and destroyed them all.

Sin has run out of control, good is declared evil, and evil is declared good. Good is despised while evil is celebrated, darkness is put as light, and light is declared as darkness. Strife, immorality, fear, and violence, coupled with disease, amalgamation, disaster and emotional and physical distress is the norm.

The world is on the brink of destruction, the storm clouds are all around, the winds of strife are slipping and the four angels of Rev. 7, will soon let go of those winds completely.


And that is the message of the three angels in Revelation 14.

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel (the good news that salvation is available!) to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying --
Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgement is come, WORSHIP HIM Who created the heavens and the earth and the fountains of water.

THE GOSPEL is everlasting. The Gospel is the message of salvation in Christ ? there is no salvation anywhere else. There is life NO WHERE else. Sin is destroying the earth, and sin will be destroyed.
Mark 1:15 "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel."
Romans 1:16,17 "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

The gospel is the power of God to forgive and cleanse and lift us from sin unto His own righteousness which He works in everyone who surrenders to Him.

To understand the true meaning of the gospel is paramount to all the rest of the message. Without Christ we can do nothing! Without His forgiveness we are doomed. Without His Holy Spirit we are helpless! Without a new heart which only God can give we cannot even love Him as we ought.

TRUST IN GOD AND HIS WORD -- not in the popular seemingly spiritual movements of the world. All the world will worship at the wrong shrine. Spiritualistic Babylon, a grand mixture of confusion, coercion, violence, yet complete with appearances of piety and "common good" for all. But that path is going DOWN, it is full of traps and evil spirits and will attempt to deceive and draw into its swirling waters even the very elect. The end of that river ends up going "over the falls" into the chilling waters of death -- eternal death.

Yes, the message is URGENT!!! There is only one way to escape the destructive end time trap to which sin and evil is hurtling the world, which robs millions not only of earthly life, but eternal life.

The call is to reach out from the whirlpools engulfing the world and clasp the hand of Jesus, the Lamb of God, Who alone can pull us out, cleanse us, and cloth us with the armor of God which the devil cannot rob from us (though he will try to rob all of salvation and drag them into eternal destruction with himself).

But God's redeemed with patient endurance cling to Christ with faith and trust, walking with Him, following Him in obedience and love where ever He leads.

By HIS power they keep God's commands and are filled with the faith of Jesus.

Therein alone is hope for all who will respond.

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194916
07/27/22 03:30 PM
07/27/22 03:30 PM
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Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

Fear God
Give Him glory
Worship Him

Ps. 2:11 (The godly) serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling."

Does this sound like a contradiction? To the carnal way of thinking, probably, but in reality it is a sublime and awesome paradox that makes our worship a healthy, reverent, joyful experience. We need to be guarded against pride and self-trust, and pulling God down to our level. The experience of worship is to instill in us a deep, unshakable confidence in the awesomeness of our God. Godly fear enables us to recognize that our loving and gracious God, is not to be trifled with. He is God who made heaven and earth, the sea and everything else, including us. He is righteousness, power, and perfectly holy, as well as gracious Savior and love.

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194920
08/02/22 10:32 AM
08/02/22 10:32 AM
Daryl  Online Canadian

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Those angels with an urgent message represent His end-time people who are supposed to be proclaiming this urgent message.

In His Love, Mercy & Grace,

Daryl smile

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194927
08/08/22 04:36 PM
08/08/22 04:36 PM
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Yes people are to give the message but they need to remember they are to work with God?s angels! As EGW wrote: ?Human agencies are called to be hand helpers, to work out the knowledge and use the facilities of heavenly angels. By uniting with these powers ..we shall benefit by there higher experience and experience? MLT 305. as we work with God?s angels surely surely we want to echo the message they bring from heaven

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194939
08/24/22 12:39 PM
08/24/22 12:39 PM
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The three angels message is God?s final warning to the world this it is an urgent message!!! First let?s consider the information given in the context of these messages. In the chapter previous revelation 13, we read about two powerful beasts who led and enforce a counterfeit worship upon the populations of the world. There is a strong warning urging rope to be wise and understand a triple six number. Then in chapter 14 we see a group of people following the Lamb with the Father?s name written on there for heads. They are sealed and singing a song of deliverance.
Then comes the message that is to be proclaimed
Fear (stand in worshipful awe and obedience) before the God of all creation
His hour of judgment which determines the eternal destiny of every person, has come
Babylon, the spiritual, world power, is not leading the world into truth, it is fallen.
Everyone who follows this fallen power and receives its mark in their foreheads (in direct contrast to having the Father?s name in their foreheads) will suffer the firery destruction that destroys all sin. They have no peace and their destruction is forever
But there is another group who with perseverance and the faith of Jesus walk steadfastly in obedience to God?s commands Even though they may die they are blessed Their reward is sure.

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194942
08/25/22 03:12 PM
08/25/22 03:12 PM
Kevin H  Online Content
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Oops: you forgot two key parts. I'll have to come back and fill in the details, but there is a special connection with the issues of the great controversy; how it answers the three lies of Lucifer/Satan about the 3 members of the trinity.

But the other point is the very key to all of this: The everlasting gospel. You are talking about the results of what the message of the gospel does, but we must always start out that is is focused on the everlasting gospel; otherwise we have only scary warnings with out the power and joy.

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194946
08/26/22 08:58 PM
08/26/22 08:58 PM
dedication  Online Content OP
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The study of the three angel's messages is broad. A summary (which my last post was) cannot explain everything. I aim to share in multiple posts
Of course the whole counterfeit trinity is trying to take the place of the true.
The dragon seeks to take God the Father's place.
The 1st beast seeks to take Christ's place. Standing in the place of Christ.
The 2nd beast with his fire falling from heaven seeks to take the Holy Spirit's place.

It is the counterfeit that seeks to supplant true worship of the three person Creator God.

Also, I agree, the foundational aspect of the gospel is extremely important! Yes, the whole thing is about the everlasting gospel!
I'm a little surprised you didn't see that in the posts above.

The counterfeits are seeking to replace the everlasting gospel with another gospel. Actually they care little what that other gospel is as long as it is not the true gospel.

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194947
08/27/22 02:01 AM
08/27/22 02:01 AM
dedication  Online Content OP
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The everlasting gospel is GOOD NEWS!
However, people don't grasp the awesome goodness and mercy of this news if they are ignorant of the bad news of their condition. As long as they think all is well enough, the "good news" is only a nice thought but not regarded as the ONLY way out of a terrible mess. But when they realize this world has been hi jacked by a deadly foe and heading into terrible destructive future, they start to appreciate the magnitude of what it took for Christ to deliver, and open a way of escape.

Yes, we can go back another chapter -- to chapter 12 where it describes the Great Controversy in a nutshell. God is sending His Son as a little human baby into the world. The dragon, satan, eagerly awaits the birth, so he can devour the child. But he fails, and Christ, after forever settling the question satan raised concerning God's love and justice, and at the cross providing the all sufficient sacrifice, thus ratifying the covenant of salvation, returns to heaven. The dragon then turns his wrath upon the woman (God's people) determined to wipe them out, but they can overcome him (satan's attacks) by the blood of the Lamb (Christ's amazing sacrifice) and the word of their testimony.

And yes, that is the good news, satan is a defeated foe, BUT it has only made him more furious and determined to take as many human beings as possible into utter destruction with him.

Thus the three angels come with the urgent warning. Not to scare us away from God, but to awaken us to flee the foe and find our refuge, strength and joy in Christ.

Re: Angels with an URGENT MESSAGE [Re: dedication] #194967
09/03/22 08:05 PM
09/03/22 08:05 PM
dedication  Online Content OP
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The first angels message proclaims the everlasting gospel in the context of God as creator and Who is beginning the hour of His judgment
. Yes, the gospel is central, but what gospel? The apostle Paul warns of people coming with ?another gospel?.Gal1:8,9. And the angels of Revelation 14. Announce that the mayor religious powers are fallen ( they do not have the true gospel. )
Then we have the third message which portrays the polarization at the end as being between those who keep the commandments of God with the faith of Jesus in contrast with those who follow the mandates of the beast and image.

These messages have been portrayed as three steps to a sold platform of truth.

From 1SG 268
I saw a company who stood well grounded and firm. They would give no countenance to those who woul unsettle the established faith of the body. ? I was shown three steps? 1,2,3. The first, second and third angels messages.
Said the angel,?woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin in these messages. The true understanding of these messages is of vital importance, the destiny of souls hangs upon the manner in which they are received
I was again brought down through these messages. And saw how dearly the people of God had purchased their experience .. Step by step God had brought them along until He had placed them upon a solid, immovable platform.

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