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Re: Third Angel's Message #9176
04/01/02 09:41 PM
04/01/02 09:41 PM
Charlene Van Hook  Offline
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"The hour of His judgment has come"

Maranatha--Judging the Cases of the Living-- 250
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. Rev. 3:3. At the time appointed for the judgment--the close of the 2300 days, in 1844--began the work of investigation and blotting out of sins. All who have ever taken upon themselves the name of Christ must pass its searching scrutiny. Both the living and the dead are to be judged "out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Rev. 20:12.

The Great Controversy [1888 edition]-- God's Law Immutable----PG- 435
Those who had accepted the light concerning the mediation of Christ and the perpetuity of the law of God, found that these were the truths presented in Revelation 14. The messages of this chapter constitute a threefold warning, which is to prepare the inhabitants of the earth for the Lord's second coming.

The announcement, "The hour of his Judgment is come," points to the closing work of Christ's ministration for the salvation of men. It heralds a truth which must be proclaimed until the Saviour's intercession shall cease, and he shall return to the earth to [436]to take his people to himself. The work of judgment which began in 1844, must continue until the cases of all are decided, both of the living and the dead; hence it will extend to the close of human probation.

That men may be prepared to stand in the Judgment, the message commands them to "fear God, and give glory to him," "and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." The result of an acceptance of these messages is given in the words, "Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." In order to be prepared for the Judgment, it is necessary that men should keep the law of God. That law will be the standard of character in the Judgment. The apostle Paul declares, "As many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; . . . in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ." And he says that "the doers of the law shall be justified."[1 ROM. 2:12-16.]

Faith is essential in order to the keeping of the law of God; for "without faith it is impossible to please him." And "whatsoever is not of faith is sin."[2 HEB. 11:6; ROM. 14:23.]

Re: Third Angel's Message #9177
04/02/02 04:50 AM
04/02/02 04:50 AM
Greg Goodchild  Offline
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That was just a beautiful post. God must have inspired that post. Thank you for allowing yourself to be a channel.

Now for my feeble attempt to answer your question. The first angels message is to present the gospel to all the world. A function of the gospel is to present the law that tells that we have sinned and then that same law points us to Jesus as the only power there is that can save us from ourselves. Since Jesus is the Creator we are to worship Him for His Creative power and for His ability to work out His salvation in our hearts. Another facet of the first angels message is that judgment is beginning. Judgment is the glory of God in that He saves us, He writes His laws in our hearts and our minds, and He lives out His law in our lives. When we are presented for judgment the law sees Jesus and pronounces us prepared for heaven.

The second angels message is to come out of the Babylonian lifestyle of trying to work out our salvation ourselves. Babylon states that we must have the form of godliness but not get the power from Him. Babylon says that when we take care of ourselves then we will be prepared to come to Him. The second angels says that we must come out of that lifestyle and cling to Jesus in Jerusalem just like Ruth did.

The third angels message is to avoid the mark of the beast, thus implying that we must have the seal of God. The mark of the beast is to violate the relationship with God while acting like we are surrendering ourselves to Him. One of the greatest displays of mark of the beast behavior is when the USA claims to be protestant and then speaks like the dragon. Another display of this is when Christians say that they love Jesus but they can love Him without keeping His commandments.

The seal of God is to love Him and keep His commandment. We do this by keeping His commandments through the faith of Jesus. This produces the patience the allow God to work out His plan just like He did for Abraham and Sarah. They had a child when it was physically impossible for them to have a child. When it was physically impossible for them God could say but it is possible for me. Now let me do this miracle for you by faith in me. This is the righteousness by faith event. That impure beings can be perfect in Jesus and that He will live out His perfect life in us by our resting in HIM, the true Sabbath experience.

Hope this partially answers your question.

Re: Third Angel's Message #9178
04/02/02 07:50 PM
04/02/02 07:50 PM
Avalee  Offline
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"The churches that refused to receive the first angel's message, rejected light from Heaven. That message was sent in mercy to arouse them to see their true condition of worldliness and backsliding, and to seek a preparation to meet their Lord. God has ever required his people to remain separate from the world, that they might not be allured from their allegiance to him. He delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt because he would not have them corrupted by the idolatry with which they were there surrounded. The children of this world are the children of darkness. Their attention is not directed to the Sun of Righteousness, but is centered upon themselves and the treasures of earth. Blinded by the god of this world, they have no just perception of the glory and majesty of the true God. While they enjoy his gifts, they forget the claims of the Giver. Such have chosen to walk in darkness, and they are led by the prince of the powers of darkness. They do not love and enjoy divine things, because they do not discern their value or loveliness. They have alienated themselves from the light of God, and their understanding becomes so confused in regard to that which is right, true, and holy, that the things of the Spirit of God are foolishness to them. {4SP 230.1}

It was to separate the church of Christ from the corrupting influence of the world that the first angel's message was given. But with the multitude, even of professed Christians, the ties which bound them to earth were stronger than the attractions heavenward. They chose to listen to the voice of worldly wisdom, and turned away from the heart-searching message of truth. {4SP 231.1}

Re: Third Angel's Message #9179
04/03/02 03:14 AM
04/03/02 03:14 AM
Charlene Van Hook  Offline
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I don't see how it possible to explain the importance of the Three angels messages/righteousness by faith in a few paragraphs. Volumes have been written on the multi parts of each verse and to fully explain these parts they must be studied separately., and then, go deeper in ones own personal study.

Like as is quoted above, "the understanding of this subject is essential for salvation". Remember also, the message was given with a "loud Voice", meaning "this is important, Listen up"

And worship Him that made heaven and earth and the fountains of water"...Rev 14:7
Exo 20:11 For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

The importance of Sabbath sacredness is a vital part of the first angel's message, and all the meaning of keeping this Holy day of worshiping our Creator God. There is so much false worship in the world today and God is pointing out that there is only One true God of creation and He is the one to be worshiped.

Advent Review and Sabbath Herald--- 11-12-03
"Is not the same thing repeated in this generation? Many in our day are keeping back that which the Lord has entrusted to them for the salvation of a world unwarned, unsaved. In the Word of God an angel is represented as flying in the midst of heaven, "having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water."

The message of Revelation 14 is the message that we are to bear to the world. It is the bread of life for these last days. Millions of human beings are perishing in ignorance and iniquity. But many of those to whom God has committed the stores of life look upon these souls with indifference. Many
forget that to them has been entrusted the bread of life for those starving for salvation."

The Sabbath of this message is the fourth commandment Sabbath....Our choice, our loyalty is shown by who we choose to worship.

[April 02, 2002: Message edited by: Charlene Van Hook ]

Re: Third Angel's Message [Re: zyph] #195513
02/27/23 03:32 PM
02/27/23 03:32 PM
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bumping this thread back up even though it is about twenty years old--
Next quarter's Sabbath School Lessons are devoted to understanding the three angel's messages.
Wish all these people were here to continue the discussion, as there are many good comments.

Re: Third Angel's Message [Re: zyph] #195542
03/07/23 05:06 AM
03/07/23 05:06 AM
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"This message was to bring more prominently before the world the uplifted Saviour, the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. It presented justification through faith in the Surety; it invited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ, which is made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God. Many had lost sight of Jesus. They needed to have their eyes directed to His divine person, His merits, and His changeless love for the human family. All power is given into His hands, that He may dispense rich gifts unto men, imparting the priceless gift of His own righteousness to the helpless human agent. This is the message that God commanded to be given to the world. It is the third angel's message, which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice, and attended with the outpouring of His Spirit in a large measure." Evangelism page, 191 & Testimonies to Ministers page 91

Yes this is the spiritual truth of the message of the three angels

How do we combine that with the responsibilities of God's people that EGW also addresses?

The banner of truth and religious liberty


human government as an ordinance of divine appointment, and teach obedience to it as a sacred duty, within its legitimate sphere. But when its claims conflict with the claims of God, we must obey God rather than men. God's word must be recognized as above all human legislation.

We as a people have not accomplished the work which God has committed to us. We are not ready for the issue to which the enforcement of the Sunday law will bring us. It is our duty, as we see the signs of approaching peril, to arouse to action. Let none sit in calm expectation of the evil, comforting themselves with the belief that this work must go on because prophecy has foretold it, and that the Lord will shelter his people. We are not doing the will of God if we sit in quietude, doing nothing to preserve liberty of conscience. Fervent, effectual prayer should be ascending to heaven that this calamity may be deferred until we can accomplish the work which has so long been neglected. Let there be more earnest prayer; and then let us work in harmony with our prayers. --Testimonies for the Church 5;452

Not all our ministers who are giving the third angel's message, really understand what constitutes that message. The National Reform movement has been regarded by some as of so little importance that they have not thought it is necessary to give much attention to it, and have even felt that in so doing they would be giving time to questions distinct from the third angel's message. May the Lord forgive our brethren for thus interpreting the very message for this time.?Testimonies for the Church 5:715

now that the movement is right upon us, we ask, Will our people do their duty in the matter? Can we not assist in lifting the standard, and in calling to the front those who have a regard for their religious rights and privileges? The time is fast approaching when those who choose to obey God rather than man, will be made to feel the hand of oppression. Shall we then dishonor God by keeping silent while His holy commandments are trodden under foot? While the Protestant world is by her attitude making concessions to Rome, let us arouse to comprehend the situation, and view the contest before us in its true bearings. Let the watchmen now lift up their voice, and give the message which is present truth for this time. Let us show people where we are in prophetic history, and seek to arouse the spirit of true Protestantism, awakening the world to a sense of the value of the privileges of religious liberty so long enjoyed.?Testimonies for the 5:716.

From Adventist History we realize there were movements by government agencies toward enforcing Sunday laws around 1888. Those messages preached preached at the time, especially by A.T. Jones concerning righteousness by faith, also included a lot of messages about religious liberty. The third angel's message is about religious liberty AND about righteousness by faith. The two were combined. We can't sweep the rather strong emphasis of the beast, image and mark right out of the third angel's message, but some have attempted to do just that..
We need to find out how they are united.

How do we reconcile that? How can we understand the full import of the mark of the beast upon righteousness by faith?

Well -- for starters:
what is it when a government tells everyone they have to do religious duties whether the person wants to or not, they must do it to remove God's displeasure from the land?

What is it when government enforces religious duties upon people, that are even opposed to God's laws, as a means to save the earth?

Is it enforcing salvation by works?

Re: Third Angel's Message [Re: zyph] #195561
03/14/23 02:17 PM
03/14/23 02:17 PM
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The difference between the "mark" and the "seal".

Both are based on the premise that the one we give our allegiance to, we obey. Obedience is not optional on either side.

Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

The beast FORCES people to obey, whether they want to or not. It is not obedience from a transformed heart and mind. He seeks allegiance BY FORCE. If everyone can be corralled into obedience he feels in control.

God wants obedience from a transformed mind and heart that responds to His goodness, saving grace and love, that wants to give Him glory, and doesn't want to give or show any allegiance to the enemy.

Both lead to obedience.
but one is only a mark of compliance, an outward bowing to the enforced demands while the heart isn't really submitted.
the other is loving commitment of the heart and mind, sealed "to belong to HIM, totally, lovingly" and long to do His will in everything.

The seal is not ONLY the Sabbath, though the Sabbath is the sign, and very much part of the seal.
Yet a person who outwardly stops work on the Sabbath and attends worship services without his heart and mind surrendered to God, is not sealed and will in all probability switch when the pressure is applied.
To be sealed means to give our complete allegiance to our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ, which leads to a life of complete obedience.

And it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit and the righteousness of Christ accepted in our lives that this transformation can take place.

Re: Third Angel's Message [Re: zyph] #195622
04/05/23 01:43 AM
04/05/23 01:43 AM
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Volume 9 Testimonies to the church.

"In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as watchmen and light bearers. To them has been entrusted the last warning for a perishing world. On them is shining wonderful light from the word of God. They have been given a work of the most solemn import?the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels? messages. There is no other work of so great importance. They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention.

...The world is to be warned, and God's people are to be true to the trust committed to them. ...

The Holy Spirit is to animate and pervade the whole church, purifying and cementing hearts. Those who have been buried with Christ in baptism are to rise to newness of life, giving a living representation of the life of Christ. Upon us is laid a sacred charge. The commission has been given us: ?Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.?

The worshipers of God will be especially distinguished by their regard for the fourth commandment, since this is the sign of God's creative power and the witness to His claim upon man's reverence and homage. The wicked will be distinguished by their efforts to tear down the Creator's memorial and to exalt the institution of Rome. In the issue of the conflict all Christendom will be divided into two great classes, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, and those who worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark. Although church and state will unite their power to compel all, ?both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,? to receive the mark of the beast, yet the people of God will not receive it. Revelation 13:16. The prophet of Patmos beholds ?them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God and singing the song of Moses and the Lamb." (Rev. 15:2)

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