The main publicized thing in Canada concerning the whole C o v i d episode is over the court cases concerning the imprisonment of the main organizers of the truckers for Freedom Convoy protest; the legality of the federal government?s invocation of the Emergencies Act and the legality of freezing the bank accounts of people all over Canada who donated monies to the freedom convoy protest (even if it was only $50),
Jan.23,2024--The court determined the protest, two years earlier, was in no way the threat to country or people that the media was trying to make it sound like, and the Prime Minister had over reached in his responses.
There were other more logical and reasonable ways the Prime Minister SHOULD have responded to the protest.
"The government's use of the emergency act did ?not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness?justification, transparency and intelligibility?and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,? Justice Mosley wrote in his ruling.
Justice Mosley ruled that invocation of the act infringed the charter?s Section 2(b), which deals with ?freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression,? and Section 8, which deals with the ?right to be secure against unreasonable search seizure.?
But don't think the government is quietly going to admit any mismanagement on their part.
Hours after Justice Mosley?'ruling was issued, Deputy Prime Minister Chrysta Freeland said the Liberal government intends to fight the ruling.
The truth of course, is that the Freedom Convoy protested against the government's freedom destroying agenda, and in Canada there is a movement that would like to make protesting against government mandates as a criminal offense. Thanks to truckers for throwing a monkey wrench into this mad agenda and pushing to retain "freedoms for Canada".
What was the protest about;
The Freedom Convoy, a protest response to a federal mandate requiring COVID-19 vaccination for truck drivers crossing the Canada?U.S. border, resulted in an encampment of large trucks in the nation?s capital in early 2022.
The original protest action, which began in January 2022, quickly evolved into a broader, large-scale movement in opposition to pandemic mandates and restrictions, with similar demonstrations being held at several Canada-U.S. border crossings.